Error connecting Source in Builder to Destination BigQuery

Based on the extracts provided, there isn’t specific information related to issues with canceling operations (such as canceling a sync job, connection, or any other process) directly within Airbyte. The extracts cover various topics, including troubleshooting, managing data, and upgrading Airbyte, but do not directly address a scenario where a user is unable to cancel an operation. In general, if you’re facing issues with canceling an operation in Airbyte, here are some steps you might consider, based on common practices and the nature of the platform: 1. Check Airbyte Documentation: First, review the Airbyte documentation for any guidance on canceling operations. The documentation may provide specific instructions or considerations for the operation you’re trying to cancel. 2. Review Airbyte Logs: If an operation isn’t canceling as expected, checking the logs can provide insights into what’s happening. Look for any errors or warnings that might indicate why the cancellation isn’t proceeding. While the extracts don’t provide specific commands for accessing logs, you can typically view logs in the Airbyte UI under the logs section for a job, or if you’re running Airbyte on Docker, you can use Docker commands to access container logs. 3. Force Stop via UI or API: If the UI provides an option to cancel or stop the operation and it’s not working, and if Airbyte offers an API endpoint for managing operations, you could try using the API to send a cancel request. The extracts do not provide details on API usage, so you would need to refer to the Airbyte API documentation for the correct endpoints and methods. 4. Restart Airbyte Services: As a last resort, if an operation is stuck and cannot be canceled, restarting the Airbyte services might help. If you’re running Airbyte on Docker, you can restart all services using Docker commands. Please note, this approach might interrupt other ongoing operations, so use it cautiously. shell docker-compose down docker-compose up -d 5. Seek Support: If you’re still unable to cancel the operation and need further assistance, consider reaching out for support. You can ask questions and seek help from the Airbyte community by posting on the Airbyte GitHub Discussions or the Airbyte Slack channel, where you can share your issue and get advice from other users or the Airbyte team. Remember, the steps above are general recommendations based on common practices for web and data integration platforms like Airbyte. Since the extracts do not provide a direct solution to your question, these steps are suggested actions based on the nature of the issue described.

Even if I

   docker-compose up -d```
 again, it still works

<@U04SE163WC8> Even if I

   docker-compose up -d```
 again, it still works

Based on the information provided and the context of your question, it seems you’ve attempted to stop and restart your Airbyte instance using Docker Compose commands but are encountering issues where the operation you’re trying to cancel or modify persists even after the restart. Unfortunately, the extracts do not provide a direct solution to this specific scenario. However, I can offer a general approach based on common practices for managing Docker-based applications like Airbyte: 1. Ensure Proper Shutdown: First, ensure that you’re properly shutting down all Airbyte and associated services. Sometimes, Docker services might not shut down cleanly, which could cause issues upon restart. Use the following commands to ensure a complete shutdown: shell docker-compose down This command stops and removes all containers defined in the docker-compose.yml file. If you have persistent volumes or networks that you suspect might be causing issues, you can include the -v (for volumes) or --remove-orphans flags to remove them as well: shell docker-compose down -v --remove-orphans 2. Check for Active Containers: After running the shutdown command, verify that all containers have indeed stopped to ensure there’s no lingering process: shell docker ps This command lists all active containers. If you see any containers still running that are related to Airbyte, you can stop them individually using: shell docker stop &lt;container_id&gt; 3. Restart Airbyte: Once you’ve confirmed that all containers are stopped, you can restart Airbyte: shell docker-compose up -d 4. Review Logs for Errors: After restarting, check the logs for any errors that might indicate why the operation you’re trying to cancel persists. You can view logs for a specific container with: shell docker logs &lt;container_name&gt; Replace &lt;container_name&gt; with the name of the Airbyte container you’re interested in (e.g., airbyte-server, airbyte-webapp). 5. Seek Further Assistance: If the issue persists, consider reaching out for more targeted support. While the extracts don’t provide specific links for support, the Airbyte GitHub Discussions and the Airbyte community forum are good places to seek help. You can describe your issue in detail, including the steps you’ve taken and any relevant logs or error messages. Remember, direct manipulation of Docker containers and volumes should be approached with caution, especially in a production environment. Always ensure you have backups or snapshots of your data before performing operations that might affect data persistence.

Why do the connections I run have “Status Unknown” when viewing jobs? <@U04SE163WC8>

Based on the information provided in the extracts, the issue of connections showing a “Status Unknown” when viewing jobs in Airbyte can occur due to a temporary pause in a job that the UI does not know how to handle. This situation was highlighted in a GitHub issue where it was noted that the Airbyte team had added backoff to job attempts when there were failures but progress was being made, creating a temporary pause in a job. This state, while possible in a race condition, was very unlikely and either entirely missed or at least not reproducible until recently. Here’s a relevant extract from the GitHub issue discussion: > The move team has recently added backoff to job attempts when there are failures but progress is being made, creating a temporary pause in a job that the UI does not know how to handle. This state has been possible in a race condition, but very unlikely and either entirely missed or at least not reproducible. It appears (based on page UI, not looking at data) that the job’s status moves into incomplete. This materializes on the status page as a Pending connection (perhaps with accompanying Pending stream statuses, but unsure if the connection I saw had per-stream status). It also manifests on Job History by showing the job as Status Unknown. Neither page indicates that the job is still being worked. The issue was identified under the context that the UI was not accurately reflecting the state of a job that was in a temporary pause due to the backoff mechanism. The job’s status would move into an incomplete state, which wasn’t properly handled by the UI, leading to it being displayed as “Status Unknown” on the Job History page. To address this issue, the following requirements were outlined: - Update the connection status’s isRunning determination. - Make the Job History page aware of this condition and represent it better than the current Unknown Status. - Review and possibly adjust how the Status page’s connection & stream statuses are displayed, especially in cases where they are in a Pending state but the job is actually running/in-progress. - Ensure the connection list table accurately reflects the running state of a job. This information suggests that if you are encountering “Status Unknown” statuses for your connections, it may be due to the UI not properly handling certain job states, particularly temporary pauses in job execution. The Airbyte team is aware of this issue and has proposed changes to improve how these states are represented in the UI. For the most current status of this issue or to seek further assistance, consider checking the Airbyte GitHub issues page for updates or reaching out on the Airbyte community forum.

I think I need to go to the database to update this value to help prevent this. So which table to update and which value to update? <@U04SE163WC8>

Based on the extracts provided, there isn’t specific information detailing which database table or value to update to address issues related to job statuses or connection problems in Airbyte. Direct manipulation of the Airbyte database is not covered in the extracts, and without specific details on the issue you’re trying to solve by updating a database value, it’s challenging to provide a precise answer. However, it’s important to note that directly modifying values in the Airbyte database should be approached with caution. Incorrect changes can lead to system instability, data loss, or other unintended consequences. Typically, configuration changes are recommended to be done through the Airbyte UI or API whenever possible. If you’re encountering an issue that you believe requires direct database intervention (such as adjusting job retry intervals, fixing “Status Unknown” issues, or other operational tweaks), here are some general steps you might consider, based on common database management practices: 1. Backup Your Database: Before making any changes, ensure you have a complete backup of your database. This allows you to restore the original state if something goes wrong. 2. Identify the Relevant Table and Value: Without specific guidance from the extracts, you would need to identify which table and value are related to your issue. This might involve reviewing the Airbyte database schema and understanding how different tables store configuration and operational data. 3. Access the Database: If you’re using Airbyte with Docker, you can access the PostgreSQL database using the following command (this is a general command, not from the extracts): shell docker exec -it airbyte-db psql -U airbyte 4. Make the Update: Once you’ve identified the correct table and value to update, you can execute an SQL UPDATE statement to make the change. Ensure you’re very specific in your WHERE clause to avoid unintended updates. Here’s a generic SQL UPDATE statement (not from the extracts, as specific code was not provided): sql UPDATE your_table_name SET column_name = 'new_value' WHERE condition = 'specific_condition'; 5. Verify the Change: After making the update, verify that the change has had the desired effect and hasn’t negatively impacted other aspects of Airbyte’s operation. Given the lack of specific information in the extracts about which table or value to update, if you’re unsure about how to proceed, it’s highly recommended to seek further assistance. You can reach out for support on the Airbyte GitHub Discussions or the Airbyte community forum to get more targeted advice for your situation.

Why are some pipelines scheduled to run but not running? <@U04SE163WC8>

Based on the extracts provided, there are several potential reasons why pipelines scheduled to run in Airbyte might not be running as expected. While the extracts don’t directly address all possible causes, they do highlight specific issues that could lead to such behavior:

  1. Under-Provisioned Instances and Deadlocks: One extract mentions that a deep investigation revealed the root cause of stuck nightly builds was due to under-provisioned instances by Karpenter and deadlocks related to service container usage. Adjusting the resource requests on the runner pod mitigated the problem. This suggests that insufficient resources or deadlocks in container usage could prevent scheduled pipelines from running.

    ...under provisioned instance by Karpenter + deadlocks related to service container usage. Changing the resource requests on the runner pod mitigated the problem...
  2. Buildkit Scheduler Error: Another extract points to a specific error encountered during the upload of a connector spec to a spec cache bucket, where the build failed due to a Buildkit scheduler error. This type of error could potentially halt pipeline execution.

    ...failed to solve: buildkit scheduler error: return leaving outgoing open...
  3. Cache Size Issues: An extract discussing the investigation into slow Dagger pipelines reveals that a large cache size (>300GB) led to slow cache import and export operations, significantly increasing pipeline duration. This could imply that excessive cache sizes might contribute to delays or failures in pipeline execution.

    ...The very big size of this object (&gt;300GB) leads to slow cache import and export (download and upload to S3)...
  4. Concurrency Issues: There’s mention of “stuck” state occurrences being mitigated by disabling concurrency on pipelines. This indicates that issues related to concurrent execution could also prevent pipelines from running as scheduled.

    ...these "stuck" state does not happen when I disable concurrency on pipelines...

To address these issues, consider the following steps:

  • Review and Adjust Resource Allocations: Ensure that your instances are adequately provisioned to handle the workload. Adjusting resource requests for runner pods or the overall infrastructure might be necessary.
  • Investigate and Resolve Buildkit Scheduler Errors: If encountering Buildkit scheduler errors, reviewing the specific conditions leading to these errors and seeking solutions in documentation or community forums could be helpful.
  • Manage Cache Sizes: For issues related to large cache sizes, consider strategies to reduce cache size or improve cache management practices.
  • Review Pipeline Concurrency Settings: If concurrency issues are suspected, experimenting with concurrency settings or running pipelines sequentially might offer a workaround.

Based on the extracts provided, there are several potential reasons why pipelines scheduled to run in Airbyte might not be running as expected. While the extracts don’t directly address all possible causes, they do highlight specific issues that could lead to such behavior: 1. Under-Provisioned Instances and Deadlocks: One extract mentions that a deep investigation revealed the root cause of stuck nightly builds was due to under-provisioned instances by Karpenter and deadlocks related to service container usage. Adjusting the resource requests on the runner pod mitigated the problem. This suggests that insufficient resources or deadlocks in container usage could prevent scheduled pipelines from running. markdown ...under provisioned instance by Karpenter + deadlocks related to service container usage. Changing the resource requests on the runner pod mitigated the problem... 2. Buildkit Scheduler Error: Another extract points to a specific error encountered during the upload of a connector spec to a spec cache bucket, where the build failed due to a Buildkit scheduler error. This type of error could potentially halt pipeline execution. markdown ...failed to solve: buildkit scheduler error: return leaving outgoing open... 3. Cache Size Issues: An extract discussing the investigation into slow Dagger pipelines reveals that a large cache size (>300GB) led to slow cache import and export operations, significantly increasing pipeline duration. This could imply that excessive cache sizes might contribute to delays or failures in pipeline execution. markdown ...The very big size of this object (&gt;300GB) leads to slow cache import and export (download and upload to S3)... 4. Concurrency Issues: There’s mention of “stuck” state occurrences being mitigated by disabling concurrency on pipelines. This indicates that issues related to concurrent execution could also prevent pipelines from running as scheduled. markdown ...these "stuck" state does not happen when I disable concurrency on pipelines... To address these issues, consider the following steps: - Review and Adjust Resource Allocations: Ensure that your instances are adequately provisioned to handle the workload. Adjusting resource requests for runner pods or the overall infrastructure might be necessary. - Investigate and Resolve Buildkit Scheduler Errors: If encountering Buildkit scheduler errors, reviewing the specific conditions leading to these errors and seeking solutions in documentation or community forums could be helpful. - Manage Cache Sizes: For issues related to large cache sizes, consider strategies to reduce cache size or improve cache management practices. - Review Pipeline Concurrency Settings: If concurrency issues are suspected, experimenting with concurrency settings or running pipelines sequentially might offer a workaround. For more detailed guidance or if the issue persists, reaching out for support on the Airbyte GitHub Discussions or the Airbyte community forum can provide access to community and developer insights.

Failed to start sync: Server temporarily unavailable (http.502.9oYgS8rzfGmrryqGLekE8K)
This is the error that I receive. Please analyze and find a solution for me

Failed to start sync: Server temporarily unavailable (http.502.9oYgS8rzfGmrryqGLekE8K)
This is the error that I receive. Please analyze and find a solution for me <@U04SE163WC8>

Based on the extracts provided, there isn’t a direct solution or specific guidance related to the error message “Failed to start sync: Server temporarily unavailable (http.502.9oYgS8rzfGmrryqGLekE8K).” However, a 502 error typically indicates a Bad Gateway error, which means that the server, while acting as a gateway or proxy, received an invalid response from the upstream server. While the extracts do not directly address this specific error code, we can infer some general troubleshooting steps based on common practices for dealing with 502 errors in web services and applications like Airbyte: 1. Check Airbyte Server Status: Ensure that the Airbyte server is running and accessible. If you’re running Airbyte on Docker, you can check the status of all containers with the command: shell docker-compose ps Ensure that all containers are up and running, especially those related to the web server and database. 2. Review Logs for More Details: More information about the error might be available in the Airbyte server or service logs. You can view logs for a specific container using the command: shell docker logs &lt;container_name&gt; Replace &lt;container_name&gt; with the name of the relevant Airbyte container (e.g., airbyte-server, airbyte-webapp). Look for any errors or warnings that might indicate why the server is unavailable. 3. Check Network Configuration: A 502 error can also be caused by network configuration issues. Ensure that there are no network connectivity problems between your Airbyte instance and any upstream services it’s trying to connect to. This includes checking firewalls, proxy settings, and network ACLs. 4. Retry the Operation: Temporary network issues or server glitches can cause 502 errors. Attempting to start the sync again after a short wait might resolve the issue. 5. Seek Support: If the issue persists and you cannot find a solution in the Airbyte documentation or community resources, consider reaching out for support. While the extracts do not provide specific links for support, the Airbyte GitHub Discussions and the Airbyte community forum are good places to seek help. You can describe your issue, including the error message and any relevant logs or observations. Remember, direct manipulation of the database or server settings should be approached with caution and is generally not recommended without a clear understanding of the implications. Always ensure you have backups or snapshots before making significant changes to your Airbyte instance.

<@U04SE163WC8> This is what I have. How do I fix it?

WARNING: Some services (airbyte-cron, server, worker) use the 'configs' key, which will be ignored. Compose does not support 'configs' configuration - use `docker stack deploy` to deploy to a swarm.
              Name                            Command               State                         Ports                     
airbyte-api-server                 /bin/bash -c airbyte-app/b ...   Up       5005/tcp,                                      
airbyte-bootloader                 /bin/bash -c airbyte-app/b ...   Exit 0                                                  
airbyte-connector-builder-server   /bin/bash -c airbyte-app/b ...   Up;80/tcp,:::32794-&gt;80/tcp         
airbyte-cron                       /bin/bash -c airbyte-app/b ...   Up                                                      
airbyte-db                postgres    Up       5432/tcp                                       
airbyte-proxy                      ./ ./                Up       80/tcp,                                        
airbyte-server                     /bin/bash -c airbyte-app/b ...   Up       5005/tcp, 8000/tcp,                            
airbyte-temporal                   ./   Up       6933/tcp, 6934/tcp, 6935/tcp, 6939/tcp,        
                                                                             7233/tcp, 7234/tcp, 7235/tcp, 7239/tcp         
airbyte-webapp                     / ngin ...   Up       80/tcp                                         
airbyte-worker                     /bin/bash -c airbyte-app/b ...   Up       5005/tcp,                                      
init                               /bin/sh -c ./scripts/creat ...   Exit 0```

The warning message you’re seeing when you run docker-compose ps indicates that some services in your docker-compose.yml file are using the configs key, which is not supported by Docker Compose in standalone mode. The configs key is used to define configurations that can be exposed to services, and it’s a feature primarily used with Docker Swarm for managing distributed applications across multiple nodes.

WARNING: Some services (airbyte-cron, server, worker) use the 'configs' key, which will be ignored. Compose does not support 'configs' configuration - use `docker stack deploy` to deploy to a swarm.

However, based on the output you’ve provided, it seems that your Airbyte services are up and running despite this warning. The warning itself does not prevent the services from starting; it simply indicates that any configurations specified under the configs key are not being applied. If your Airbyte instance is functioning as expected and you’re not trying to use Docker Swarm, you might not need to take any action.

If you were expecting to use configurations defined under the configs key, or if you’re encountering issues with your Airbyte services that you believe are related to this warning, here are a few steps you could consider:

  1. Review Your docker-compose.yml: Check the docker-compose.yml file for the use of the configs key. If these configurations are essential for your deployment, you’ll need to find an alternative way to provide these configurations to your services. For standalone Docker Compose deployments, you might use environment variables or mount configuration files directly into your containers using volumes.

  2. Consider Docker Swarm: If you’re running a distributed application and need the features provided by the configs key, you might consider deploying your application with Docker Swarm. This would involve initializing a swarm (if not already done) with docker swarm init and deploying your stack with docker stack deploy instead of docker-compose up. This approach requires a different setup and management process.

  3. Alternative Configuration Management: For managing external configurations, consider using environment variables or mounting configuration files as volumes. For example, you can specify environment variables directly in the docker-compose.yml file or use an .env file. For mounting files, you can use the volumes key in your docker-compose.yml to mount configuration files from your host into the container.

The warning message you’re seeing when you run docker-compose ps indicates that some services in your docker-compose.yml file are using the configs key, which is not supported by Docker Compose in standalone mode. The configs key is used to define configurations that can be exposed to services, and it’s a feature primarily used with Docker Swarm for managing distributed applications across multiple nodes. plaintext WARNING: Some services (airbyte-cron, server, worker) use the 'configs' key, which will be ignored. Compose does not support 'configs' configuration - use `docker stack deploy` to deploy to a swarm. However, based on the output you’ve provided, it seems that your Airbyte services are up and running despite this warning. The warning itself does not prevent the services from starting; it simply indicates that any configurations specified under the configs key are not being applied. If your Airbyte instance is functioning as expected and you’re not trying to use Docker Swarm, you might not need to take any action. If you were expecting to use configurations defined under the configs key, or if you’re encountering issues with your Airbyte services that you believe are related to this warning, here are a few steps you could consider: 1. Review Your docker-compose.yml: Check the docker-compose.yml file for the use of the configs key. If these configurations are essential for your deployment, you’ll need to find an alternative way to provide these configurations to your services. For standalone Docker Compose deployments, you might use environment variables or mount configuration files directly into your containers using volumes. 2. Consider Docker Swarm: If you’re running a distributed application and need the features provided by the configs key, you might consider deploying your application with Docker Swarm. This would involve initializing a swarm (if not already done) with docker swarm init and deploying your stack with docker stack deploy instead of docker-compose up. This approach requires a different setup and management process. 3. Alternative Configuration Management: For managing external configurations, consider using environment variables or mounting configuration files as volumes. For example, you can specify environment variables directly in the docker-compose.yml file or use an .env file. For mounting files, you can use the volumes key in your docker-compose.yml to mount configuration files from your host into the container. 4. Documentation and Community Support: For more detailed guidance on managing configurations in Docker and Airbyte, refer to the Docker documentation and the Airbyte documentation. If you’re encountering specific issues or need further assistance, the Airbyte GitHub Discussions and the Airbyte community forum can be valuable resources for support. Remember, direct manipulation of Docker configurations and deployment strategies should be approached with caution, especially in a production environment. Always ensure you have backups or snapshots before making significant changes to your deployment.