Source MongoDB - Failed to fetch MongoDB of DigitalOcean Managed DB Schema

Did you try to drop the collection the collection of profiling from the mongo database you are targeting?


If that does not help, it might be a different collection that is causing the issue on your end
Unfortunately the airbyte logs are not helpful in identifying the culprit

There are 2 ways to figure it out:

The hard way:
To figure it out, if you your own custom mongo setup, you can try figure out the log output of mongo ( ) and tail that log stream and filter out for $project call

tail -f /replace/with/your/path/to/mongo.log | grep '$project'

if you are using a SaaS like Atlas, you should download the full file and look into:

Ultimately you will be able to see error log and identify the culprit collection then figure out what can be done about it

The easy way:
Connect to mongodb with same credentials you are giving airbyte and run

db.runCommand( { listCollections: 1.0, authorizedCollections: true, filter: {type: 'collection'} } ).cursor.firstBatch

which is exactly the same call airbyte is doing airbytehq/airbyte/blob/436de264cbb9402cfb8d7b6b8d0cd996efc4f659/airbyte-integrations/connectors/source-mongodb-v2/src/main/java/io.airbyte.integrations.source.mongodb/ (can’t post link :frowning: )

If you are seeing a bunch of system tables (has “system.” in the name), that points out to your problem, you need to set up a user with lower access rights to the target db, a “read” user or “dbOwner”