[HIDDEN DATABASE INFO DEBUG LOGS] 2022-06-03 02:35:59 normalization > 2022-06-03 02:35:59 normalization > DBT >=1.0.0 detected; using 10K event buffer size 2022-06-03 02:35:59 normalization > 2022-06-03 02:36:02 normalization > 02:36:02 Running with dbt=1.0.0 2022-06-03 02:36:02 normalization > 02:36:02 Partial parse save file not found. Starting full parse. 2022-06-03 02:36:07 normalization > 02:36:07 [WARNING]: Configuration paths exist in your dbt_project.yml file which do not apply to any resources. 2022-06-03 02:36:07 normalization > There are 2 unused configuration paths: 2022-06-03 02:36:07 normalization > - models.airbyte_utils.generated.airbyte_views 2022-06-03 02:36:07 normalization > - models.airbyte_utils.generated.airbyte_incremental 2022-06-03 02:36:07 normalization > 2022-06-03 02:36:07 normalization > 02:36:07 Found 248 models, 0 tests, 0 snapshots, 0 analyses, 521 macros, 0 operations, 0 seed files, 62 sources, 0 exposures, 0 metrics 2022-06-03 02:36:07 normalization > 02:36:07 2022-06-03 02:36:07 normalization > 02:36:07 Encountered an error: 2022-06-03 02:36:07 normalization > Database Error 2022-06-03 02:36:07 normalization > connection to server at "", port 5432 failed: FATAL: connection requires a valid client certificate 2022-06-03 02:36:07 normalization > connection to server at "", port 5432 failed: FATAL: pg_hba.conf rejects connection for host "", user "REDACTED", database "REDACTED", SSL off 2022-06-03 02:36:07 normalization >