2022-08-20 18:52:00 INFO i.a.v.j.JsonSchemaValidator(test):71 - JSON schema validation failed. errors: $.access_token: is missing but it is required, $.refresh_token: is missing but it is required 2022-08-20 18:52:00 INFO i.a.v.j.JsonSchemaValidator(test):71 - JSON schema validation failed. errors: $.password: object found, string expected 2022-08-20 18:52:01 INFO i.a.v.j.JsonSchemaValidator(test):71 - JSON schema validation failed. errors: $.method: does not have a value in the enumeration [Standard] 2022-08-20 18:52:01 INFO i.a.w.t.TemporalAttemptExecution(get):105 - Docker volume job log path: /tmp/workspace/101/0/logs.log 2022-08-20 18:52:01 INFO i.a.w.t.TemporalAttemptExecution(get):110 - Executing worker wrapper. Airbyte version: 0.39.38-alpha 2022-08-20 18:52:01 INFO i.a.c.f.EnvVariableFeatureFlags(getEnvOrDefault):43 - Using default value for environment variable USE_STREAM_CAPABLE_STATE: 'false' 2022-08-20 18:52:01 INFO i.a.c.i.LineGobbler(voidCall):82 - Checking if airbyte/source-jira:0.2.21 exists... 2022-08-20 18:52:01 INFO i.a.c.i.LineGobbler(voidCall):82 - airbyte/source-jira:0.2.21 was found locally. 2022-08-20 18:52:01 INFO i.a.w.p.DockerProcessFactory(create):108 - Creating docker job ID: 101 2022-08-20 18:52:01 INFO i.a.w.p.DockerProcessFactory(create):163 - Preparing command: docker run --rm --init -i -w /data/101/0 --log-driver none --name source-jira-check-101-0-qnowj --network host -v airbyte_workspace:/data -v /tmp/airbyte_local:/local -e DEPLOYMENT_MODE=OSS -e USE_STREAM_CAPABLE_STATE=false -e AIRBYTE_ROLE= -e WORKER_ENVIRONMENT=DOCKER -e WORKER_JOB_ATTEMPT=0 -e WORKER_CONNECTOR_IMAGE=airbyte/source-jira:0.2.21 -e AIRBYTE_VERSION=0.39.38-alpha -e WORKER_JOB_ID=101 airbyte/source-jira:0.2.21 check --config source_config.json 2022-08-20 18:52:02 INFO i.a.w.i.DefaultAirbyteStreamFactory(internalLog):99 - Check succeeded 2022-08-20 18:52:02 INFO i.a.w.t.TemporalAttemptExecution(get):131 - Stopping cancellation check scheduling... 2022-08-20 18:52:02 INFO i.a.w.t.TemporalAttemptExecution(get):105 - Docker volume job log path: /tmp/workspace/101/0/logs.log 2022-08-20 18:52:02 INFO i.a.w.t.TemporalAttemptExecution(get):110 - Executing worker wrapper. Airbyte version: 0.39.38-alpha 2022-08-20 18:52:02 INFO i.a.c.f.EnvVariableFeatureFlags(getEnvOrDefault):43 - Using default value for environment variable USE_STREAM_CAPABLE_STATE: 'false' 2022-08-20 18:52:02 INFO i.a.c.i.LineGobbler(voidCall):82 - Checking if airbyte/destination-snowflake:0.4.33 exists... 2022-08-20 18:52:02 INFO i.a.c.i.LineGobbler(voidCall):82 - airbyte/destination-snowflake:0.4.33 was found locally. 2022-08-20 18:52:02 INFO i.a.w.p.DockerProcessFactory(create):108 - Creating docker job ID: 101 2022-08-20 18:52:02 INFO i.a.w.p.DockerProcessFactory(create):163 - Preparing command: docker run --rm --init -i -w /data/101/0 --log-driver none --name destination-snowflake-check-101-0-dcdmg --network host -v airbyte_workspace:/data -v /tmp/airbyte_local:/local -e DEPLOYMENT_MODE=OSS -e USE_STREAM_CAPABLE_STATE=false -e AIRBYTE_ROLE= -e WORKER_ENVIRONMENT=DOCKER -e WORKER_JOB_ATTEMPT=0 -e WORKER_CONNECTOR_IMAGE=airbyte/destination-snowflake:0.4.33 -e AIRBYTE_VERSION=0.39.38-alpha -e WORKER_JOB_ID=101 airbyte/destination-snowflake:0.4.33 check --config source_config.json 2022-08-20 18:52:03 ERROR i.a.c.i.LineGobbler(voidCall):82 - SLF4J: Class path contains multiple SLF4J bindings. 2022-08-20 18:52:03 ERROR i.a.c.i.LineGobbler(voidCall):82 - SLF4J: Found binding in [jar:file:/airbyte/lib/log4j-slf4j-impl-2.17.1.jar!/org/slf4j/impl/StaticLoggerBinder.class] 2022-08-20 18:52:03 ERROR i.a.c.i.LineGobbler(voidCall):82 - SLF4J: Found binding in [jar:file:/airbyte/lib/slf4j-reload4j-1.7.36.jar!/org/slf4j/impl/StaticLoggerBinder.class] 2022-08-20 18:52:03 ERROR i.a.c.i.LineGobbler(voidCall):82 - SLF4J: Found binding in [jar:file:/airbyte/lib/logback-classic-1.2.3.jar!/org/slf4j/impl/StaticLoggerBinder.class] 2022-08-20 18:52:03 ERROR i.a.c.i.LineGobbler(voidCall):82 - SLF4J: Found binding in [jar:file:/airbyte/lib/slf4j-log4j12-1.7.25.jar!/org/slf4j/impl/StaticLoggerBinder.class] 2022-08-20 18:52:03 ERROR i.a.c.i.LineGobbler(voidCall):82 - SLF4J: See http://www.slf4j.org/codes.html#multiple_bindings for an explanation. 2022-08-20 18:52:03 ERROR i.a.c.i.LineGobbler(voidCall):82 - SLF4J: Actual binding is of type [org.apache.logging.slf4j.Log4jLoggerFactory] 2022-08-20 18:52:05 INFO i.a.w.i.DefaultAirbyteStreamFactory(lambda$create$0):61 - 2022-08-20 18:52:05 INFO i.a.i.b.IntegrationCliParser(parseOptions):118 - integration args: {check=null, config=source_config.json} 2022-08-20 18:52:05 INFO i.a.w.i.DefaultAirbyteStreamFactory(lambda$create$0):61 - 2022-08-20 18:52:05 INFO i.a.i.b.IntegrationRunner(runInternal):123 - Running integration: io.airbyte.integrations.destination.snowflake.SnowflakeDestination 2022-08-20 18:52:05 INFO i.a.w.i.DefaultAirbyteStreamFactory(lambda$create$0):61 - 2022-08-20 18:52:05 INFO i.a.i.b.IntegrationRunner(runInternal):124 - Command: CHECK 2022-08-20 18:52:05 INFO i.a.w.i.DefaultAirbyteStreamFactory(lambda$create$0):61 - 2022-08-20 18:52:05 INFO i.a.i.b.IntegrationRunner(runInternal):125 - Integration config: IntegrationConfig{command=CHECK, configPath='source_config.json', catalogPath='null', statePath='null'} 2022-08-20 18:52:05 INFO i.a.w.i.DefaultAirbyteStreamFactory(lambda$create$0):61 - 2022-08-20 18:52:05 WARN c.n.s.JsonMetaSchema(newValidator):338 - Unknown keyword examples - you should define your own Meta Schema. If the keyword is irrelevant for validation, just use a NonValidationKeyword 2022-08-20 18:52:05 INFO i.a.w.i.DefaultAirbyteStreamFactory(lambda$create$0):61 - 2022-08-20 18:52:05 WARN c.n.s.JsonMetaSchema(newValidator):338 - Unknown keyword order - you should define your own Meta Schema. If the keyword is irrelevant for validation, just use a NonValidationKeyword 2022-08-20 18:52:05 INFO i.a.w.i.DefaultAirbyteStreamFactory(lambda$create$0):61 - 2022-08-20 18:52:05 WARN c.n.s.JsonMetaSchema(newValidator):338 - Unknown keyword airbyte_secret - you should define your own Meta Schema. If the keyword is irrelevant for validation, just use a NonValidationKeyword 2022-08-20 18:52:05 INFO i.a.w.i.DefaultAirbyteStreamFactory(lambda$create$0):61 - 2022-08-20 18:52:05 WARN c.n.s.JsonMetaSchema(newValidator):338 - Unknown keyword multiline - you should define your own Meta Schema. If the keyword is irrelevant for validation, just use a NonValidationKeyword 2022-08-20 18:52:05 INFO i.a.w.i.DefaultAirbyteStreamFactory(lambda$create$0):61 - 2022-08-20 18:52:05 INFO i.a.i.d.j.c.SwitchingDestination(check):55 - Using destination type: INTERNAL_STAGING 2022-08-20 18:52:06 INFO i.a.w.i.DefaultAirbyteStreamFactory(lambda$create$0):61 - 2022-08-20 18:52:06 INFO c.z.h.HikariDataSource(getConnection):110 - HikariPool-1 - Starting... 2022-08-20 18:52:08 INFO i.a.w.i.DefaultAirbyteStreamFactory(lambda$create$0):61 - 2022-08-20 18:52:08 INFO c.z.h.p.HikariPool(checkFailFast):565 - HikariPool-1 - Added connection net.snowflake.client.jdbc.SnowflakeConnectionV1@4483d35 2022-08-20 18:52:08 INFO i.a.w.i.DefaultAirbyteStreamFactory(lambda$create$0):61 - 2022-08-20 18:52:08 INFO c.z.h.HikariDataSource(getConnection):123 - HikariPool-1 - Start completed. 2022-08-20 18:52:08 INFO i.a.w.i.DefaultAirbyteStreamFactory(lambda$create$0):61 - 2022-08-20 18:52:08 INFO i.a.d.j.DefaultJdbcDatabase(lambda$unsafeQuery$1):105 - closing connection 2022-08-20 18:52:09 INFO i.a.w.i.DefaultAirbyteStreamFactory(lambda$create$0):61 - 2022-08-20 18:52:09 INFO c.z.h.HikariDataSource(close):350 - HikariPool-1 - Shutdown initiated... 2022-08-20 18:52:10 INFO i.a.w.i.DefaultAirbyteStreamFactory(lambda$create$0):61 - 2022-08-20 18:52:10 INFO c.z.h.HikariDataSource(close):352 - HikariPool-1 - Shutdown completed. 2022-08-20 18:52:10 INFO i.a.w.i.DefaultAirbyteStreamFactory(lambda$create$0):61 - 2022-08-20 18:52:10 INFO i.a.i.b.IntegrationRunner(runInternal):171 - Completed integration: io.airbyte.integrations.destination.snowflake.SnowflakeDestination 2022-08-20 18:52:11 INFO i.a.w.t.TemporalAttemptExecution(get):131 - Stopping cancellation check scheduling... 2022-08-20 18:52:11 INFO i.a.w.t.TemporalAttemptExecution(get):105 - Docker volume job log path: /tmp/workspace/101/0/logs.log 2022-08-20 18:52:11 INFO i.a.w.t.TemporalAttemptExecution(get):110 - Executing worker wrapper. Airbyte version: 0.39.38-alpha 2022-08-20 18:52:11 INFO i.a.c.f.EnvVariableFeatureFlags(getEnvOrDefault):43 - Using default value for environment variable USE_STREAM_CAPABLE_STATE: 'false' 2022-08-20 18:52:11 INFO i.a.w.g.DefaultReplicationWorker(run):116 - start sync worker. job id: 101 attempt id: 0 2022-08-20 18:52:11 INFO i.a.w.g.DefaultReplicationWorker(run):128 - configured sync modes: {null.boards=full_refresh - overwrite, null.avatars=full_refresh - overwrite, null.issue_worklogs=full_refresh - overwrite, null.project_components=full_refresh - overwrite, null.issue_custom_field_contexts=full_refresh - overwrite, null.issue_fields=full_refresh - overwrite, null.jira_settings=full_refresh - overwrite, null.sprints=full_refresh - overwrite, null.issue_watchers=full_refresh - overwrite, null.labels=full_refresh - overwrite, null.filters=full_refresh - overwrite, null.workflow_status_categories=full_refresh - overwrite, null.issue_security_schemes=full_refresh - overwrite, null.issue_type_schemes=full_refresh - overwrite, null.screen_tabs=full_refresh - overwrite, null.issue_properties=full_refresh - overwrite, null.workflow_schemes=full_refresh - overwrite, null.sprint_issues=incremental - append_dedup, null.issue_resolutions=full_refresh - overwrite, null.issue_votes=full_refresh - overwrite, null.workflow_statuses=full_refresh - overwrite, null.projects=full_refresh - overwrite, null.time_tracking=full_refresh - overwrite, null.issue_remote_links=full_refresh - overwrite, null.screen_schemes=full_refresh - overwrite, null.issue_notification_schemes=full_refresh - overwrite, null.issue_priorities=full_refresh - overwrite, null.workflows=full_refresh - overwrite, null.screen_tab_fields=full_refresh - overwrite, null.project_email=full_refresh - overwrite, null.issues=incremental - append_dedup, null.project_types=full_refresh - overwrite, null.project_permission_schemes=full_refresh - overwrite, null.epics=incremental - append_dedup, null.permission_schemes=full_refresh - overwrite, null.board_issues=incremental - append_dedup, null.groups=full_refresh - overwrite, null.permissions=full_refresh - overwrite, null.issue_field_configurations=full_refresh - overwrite, null.screens=full_refresh - overwrite, null.dashboards=full_refresh - overwrite, null.issue_link_types=full_refresh - overwrite, null.project_avatars=full_refresh - overwrite, null.issue_navigator_settings=full_refresh - overwrite, null.project_categories=full_refresh - overwrite, null.issue_type_screen_schemes=full_refresh - overwrite, null.application_roles=full_refresh - overwrite, null.filter_sharing=full_refresh - overwrite, null.users=full_refresh - overwrite, null.issue_comments=full_refresh - overwrite, null.project_versions=full_refresh - overwrite} 2022-08-20 18:52:11 INFO i.a.w.i.DefaultAirbyteDestination(start):69 - Running destination... 2022-08-20 18:52:11 INFO i.a.c.f.EnvVariableFeatureFlags(getEnvOrDefault):43 - Using default value for environment variable USE_STREAM_CAPABLE_STATE: 'false' 2022-08-20 18:52:11 INFO i.a.c.i.LineGobbler(voidCall):82 - Checking if airbyte/destination-snowflake:0.4.33 exists... 2022-08-20 18:52:11 INFO i.a.c.i.LineGobbler(voidCall):82 - airbyte/destination-snowflake:0.4.33 was found locally. 2022-08-20 18:52:11 INFO i.a.w.p.DockerProcessFactory(create):108 - Creating docker job ID: 101 2022-08-20 18:52:11 INFO i.a.w.p.DockerProcessFactory(create):163 - Preparing command: docker run --rm --init -i -w /data/101/0 --log-driver none --name destination-snowflake-write-101-0-sbtfi --network host -v airbyte_workspace:/data -v /tmp/airbyte_local:/local -e DEPLOYMENT_MODE=OSS -e USE_STREAM_CAPABLE_STATE=false -e AIRBYTE_ROLE= -e WORKER_ENVIRONMENT=DOCKER -e WORKER_JOB_ATTEMPT=0 -e WORKER_CONNECTOR_IMAGE=airbyte/destination-snowflake:0.4.33 -e AIRBYTE_VERSION=0.39.38-alpha -e WORKER_JOB_ID=101 airbyte/destination-snowflake:0.4.33 write --config destination_config.json --catalog destination_catalog.json 2022-08-20 18:52:11 INFO i.a.c.f.EnvVariableFeatureFlags(getEnvOrDefault):43 - Using default value for environment variable USE_STREAM_CAPABLE_STATE: 'false' 2022-08-20 18:52:11 INFO i.a.c.i.LineGobbler(voidCall):82 - Checking if airbyte/source-jira:0.2.21 exists... 2022-08-20 18:52:11 INFO i.a.c.i.LineGobbler(voidCall):82 - airbyte/source-jira:0.2.21 was found locally. 2022-08-20 18:52:11 INFO i.a.w.p.DockerProcessFactory(create):108 - Creating docker job ID: 101 2022-08-20 18:52:11 INFO i.a.w.p.DockerProcessFactory(create):163 - Preparing command: docker run --rm --init -i -w /data/101/0 --log-driver none --name source-jira-read-101-0-hback --network host -v airbyte_workspace:/data -v /tmp/airbyte_local:/local -e DEPLOYMENT_MODE=OSS -e USE_STREAM_CAPABLE_STATE=false -e AIRBYTE_ROLE= -e WORKER_ENVIRONMENT=DOCKER -e WORKER_JOB_ATTEMPT=0 -e WORKER_CONNECTOR_IMAGE=airbyte/source-jira:0.2.21 -e AIRBYTE_VERSION=0.39.38-alpha -e WORKER_JOB_ID=101 airbyte/source-jira:0.2.21 read --config source_config.json --catalog source_catalog.json --state input_state.json 2022-08-20 18:52:11 INFO i.a.w.g.DefaultReplicationWorker(lambda$getDestinationOutputRunnable$7):406 - Destination output thread started. 2022-08-20 18:52:11 INFO i.a.w.g.DefaultReplicationWorker(run):170 - Waiting for source and destination threads to complete. 2022-08-20 18:52:11 INFO i.a.w.g.DefaultReplicationWorker(lambda$getReplicationRunnable$6):299 - Replication thread started. 2022-08-20 18:52:13 destination > SLF4J: Class path contains multiple SLF4J bindings. 2022-08-20 18:52:13 destination > SLF4J: Found binding in [jar:file:/airbyte/lib/log4j-slf4j-impl-2.17.1.jar!/org/slf4j/impl/StaticLoggerBinder.class] 2022-08-20 18:52:13 destination > SLF4J: Found binding in [jar:file:/airbyte/lib/slf4j-reload4j-1.7.36.jar!/org/slf4j/impl/StaticLoggerBinder.class] 2022-08-20 18:52:13 destination > SLF4J: Found binding in [jar:file:/airbyte/lib/logback-classic-1.2.3.jar!/org/slf4j/impl/StaticLoggerBinder.class] 2022-08-20 18:52:13 destination > SLF4J: Found binding in [jar:file:/airbyte/lib/slf4j-log4j12-1.7.25.jar!/org/slf4j/impl/StaticLoggerBinder.class] 2022-08-20 18:52:13 destination > SLF4J: See http://www.slf4j.org/codes.html#multiple_bindings for an explanation. 2022-08-20 18:52:13 source > Starting syncing SourceJira 2022-08-20 18:52:13 source > Syncing stream: application_roles 2022-08-20 18:52:13 destination > SLF4J: Actual binding is of type [org.apache.logging.slf4j.Log4jLoggerFactory] 2022-08-20 18:52:13 source > Read 2 records from application_roles stream 2022-08-20 18:52:13 source > Finished syncing application_roles 2022-08-20 18:52:13 source > SourceJira runtimes: Syncing stream application_roles 0:00:00.142422 2022-08-20 18:52:13 source > Syncing stream: avatars 2022-08-20 18:52:13 source > Read 65 records from avatars stream 2022-08-20 18:52:13 source > Finished syncing avatars 2022-08-20 18:52:13 source > SourceJira runtimes: Syncing stream application_roles 0:00:00.142422 Syncing stream avatars 0:00:00.278244 2022-08-20 18:52:13 source > Syncing stream: boards 2022-08-20 18:52:14 source > Read 0 records from boards stream 2022-08-20 18:52:14 source > Finished syncing boards 2022-08-20 18:52:14 source > SourceJira runtimes: Syncing stream application_roles 0:00:00.142422 Syncing stream avatars 0:00:00.278244 Syncing stream boards 0:00:00.552040 2022-08-20 18:52:14 source > Syncing stream: board_issues 2022-08-20 18:52:14 source > Read 0 records from board_issues stream 2022-08-20 18:52:14 source > Finished syncing board_issues 2022-08-20 18:52:14 source > SourceJira runtimes: Syncing stream application_roles 0:00:00.142422 Syncing stream avatars 0:00:00.278244 Syncing stream board_issues 0:00:00.396679 Syncing stream boards 0:00:00.552040 2022-08-20 18:52:14 source > Syncing stream: dashboards 2022-08-20 18:52:14 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:14 INFO i.a.i.b.IntegrationCliParser(parseOptions):118 - integration args: {catalog=destination_catalog.json, write=null, config=destination_config.json} 2022-08-20 18:52:14 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:14 INFO i.a.i.b.IntegrationRunner(runInternal):123 - Running integration: io.airbyte.integrations.destination.snowflake.SnowflakeDestination 2022-08-20 18:52:14 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:14 INFO i.a.i.b.IntegrationRunner(runInternal):124 - Command: WRITE 2022-08-20 18:52:14 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:14 INFO i.a.i.b.IntegrationRunner(runInternal):125 - Integration config: IntegrationConfig{command=WRITE, configPath='destination_config.json', catalogPath='destination_catalog.json', statePath='null'} 2022-08-20 18:52:15 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:15 WARN c.n.s.JsonMetaSchema(newValidator):338 - Unknown keyword examples - you should define your own Meta Schema. If the keyword is irrelevant for validation, just use a NonValidationKeyword 2022-08-20 18:52:15 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:15 WARN c.n.s.JsonMetaSchema(newValidator):338 - Unknown keyword order - you should define your own Meta Schema. If the keyword is irrelevant for validation, just use a NonValidationKeyword 2022-08-20 18:52:15 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:15 WARN c.n.s.JsonMetaSchema(newValidator):338 - Unknown keyword airbyte_secret - you should define your own Meta Schema. If the keyword is irrelevant for validation, just use a NonValidationKeyword 2022-08-20 18:52:15 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:15 WARN c.n.s.JsonMetaSchema(newValidator):338 - Unknown keyword multiline - you should define your own Meta Schema. If the keyword is irrelevant for validation, just use a NonValidationKeyword 2022-08-20 18:52:15 source > Read 22 records from dashboards stream 2022-08-20 18:52:15 source > Finished syncing dashboards 2022-08-20 18:52:15 source > SourceJira runtimes: Syncing stream application_roles 0:00:00.142422 Syncing stream avatars 0:00:00.278244 Syncing stream board_issues 0:00:00.396679 Syncing stream boards 0:00:00.552040 Syncing stream dashboards 0:00:00.360146 2022-08-20 18:52:15 source > Syncing stream: epics 2022-08-20 18:52:15 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:15 INFO i.a.i.d.j.c.SwitchingDestination(getConsumer):65 - Using destination type: INTERNAL_STAGING 2022-08-20 18:52:15 source > Read 0 records from epics stream 2022-08-20 18:52:15 source > Finished syncing epics 2022-08-20 18:52:15 source > SourceJira runtimes: Syncing stream application_roles 0:00:00.142422 Syncing stream avatars 0:00:00.278244 Syncing stream board_issues 0:00:00.396679 Syncing stream boards 0:00:00.552040 Syncing stream dashboards 0:00:00.360146 Syncing stream epics 0:00:00.398849 2022-08-20 18:52:15 source > Syncing stream: filters 2022-08-20 18:52:15 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:15 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$toWriteConfig$0):99 - Write config: WriteConfig{streamName=application_roles, namespace=null, outputSchemaName=JIRA, tmpTableName=_airbyte_tmp_dam_application_roles, outputTableName=_airbyte_raw_application_roles, syncMode=overwrite} 2022-08-20 18:52:15 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:15 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$toWriteConfig$0):99 - Write config: WriteConfig{streamName=avatars, namespace=null, outputSchemaName=JIRA, tmpTableName=_airbyte_tmp_asw_avatars, outputTableName=_airbyte_raw_avatars, syncMode=overwrite} 2022-08-20 18:52:15 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:15 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$toWriteConfig$0):99 - Write config: WriteConfig{streamName=boards, namespace=null, outputSchemaName=JIRA, tmpTableName=_airbyte_tmp_gdn_boards, outputTableName=_airbyte_raw_boards, syncMode=overwrite} 2022-08-20 18:52:15 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:15 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$toWriteConfig$0):99 - Write config: WriteConfig{streamName=board_issues, namespace=null, outputSchemaName=JIRA, tmpTableName=_airbyte_tmp_xxa_board_issues, outputTableName=_airbyte_raw_board_issues, syncMode=append_dedup} 2022-08-20 18:52:15 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:15 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$toWriteConfig$0):99 - Write config: WriteConfig{streamName=dashboards, namespace=null, outputSchemaName=JIRA, tmpTableName=_airbyte_tmp_dis_dashboards, outputTableName=_airbyte_raw_dashboards, syncMode=overwrite} 2022-08-20 18:52:15 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:15 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$toWriteConfig$0):99 - Write config: WriteConfig{streamName=epics, namespace=null, outputSchemaName=JIRA, tmpTableName=_airbyte_tmp_zxg_epics, outputTableName=_airbyte_raw_epics, syncMode=append_dedup} 2022-08-20 18:52:15 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:15 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$toWriteConfig$0):99 - Write config: WriteConfig{streamName=filters, namespace=null, outputSchemaName=JIRA, tmpTableName=_airbyte_tmp_zwi_filters, outputTableName=_airbyte_raw_filters, syncMode=overwrite} 2022-08-20 18:52:15 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:15 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$toWriteConfig$0):99 - Write config: WriteConfig{streamName=filter_sharing, namespace=null, outputSchemaName=JIRA, tmpTableName=_airbyte_tmp_zxo_filter_sharing, outputTableName=_airbyte_raw_filter_sharing, syncMode=overwrite} 2022-08-20 18:52:15 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:15 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$toWriteConfig$0):99 - Write config: WriteConfig{streamName=groups, namespace=null, outputSchemaName=JIRA, tmpTableName=_airbyte_tmp_ali_groups, outputTableName=_airbyte_raw_groups, syncMode=overwrite} 2022-08-20 18:52:15 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:15 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$toWriteConfig$0):99 - Write config: WriteConfig{streamName=issues, namespace=null, outputSchemaName=JIRA, tmpTableName=_airbyte_tmp_qyn_issues, outputTableName=_airbyte_raw_issues, syncMode=append_dedup} 2022-08-20 18:52:15 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:15 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$toWriteConfig$0):99 - Write config: WriteConfig{streamName=issue_comments, namespace=null, outputSchemaName=JIRA, tmpTableName=_airbyte_tmp_vdb_issue_comments, outputTableName=_airbyte_raw_issue_comments, syncMode=overwrite} 2022-08-20 18:52:15 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:15 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$toWriteConfig$0):99 - Write config: WriteConfig{streamName=issue_fields, namespace=null, outputSchemaName=JIRA, tmpTableName=_airbyte_tmp_mdc_issue_fields, outputTableName=_airbyte_raw_issue_fields, syncMode=overwrite} 2022-08-20 18:52:15 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:15 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$toWriteConfig$0):99 - Write config: WriteConfig{streamName=issue_field_configurations, namespace=null, outputSchemaName=JIRA, tmpTableName=_airbyte_tmp_pjd_issue_field_configurations, outputTableName=_airbyte_raw_issue_field_configurations, syncMode=overwrite} 2022-08-20 18:52:15 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:15 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$toWriteConfig$0):99 - Write config: WriteConfig{streamName=issue_custom_field_contexts, namespace=null, outputSchemaName=JIRA, tmpTableName=_airbyte_tmp_urf_issue_custom_field_contexts, outputTableName=_airbyte_raw_issue_custom_field_contexts, syncMode=overwrite} 2022-08-20 18:52:15 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:15 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$toWriteConfig$0):99 - Write config: WriteConfig{streamName=issue_link_types, namespace=null, outputSchemaName=JIRA, tmpTableName=_airbyte_tmp_ybk_issue_link_types, outputTableName=_airbyte_raw_issue_link_types, syncMode=overwrite} 2022-08-20 18:52:15 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:15 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$toWriteConfig$0):99 - Write config: WriteConfig{streamName=issue_navigator_settings, namespace=null, outputSchemaName=JIRA, tmpTableName=_airbyte_tmp_vhn_issue_navigator_settings, outputTableName=_airbyte_raw_issue_navigator_settings, syncMode=overwrite} 2022-08-20 18:52:15 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:15 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$toWriteConfig$0):99 - Write config: WriteConfig{streamName=issue_notification_schemes, namespace=null, outputSchemaName=JIRA, tmpTableName=_airbyte_tmp_zqd_issue_notification_schemes, outputTableName=_airbyte_raw_issue_notification_schemes, syncMode=overwrite} 2022-08-20 18:52:15 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:15 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$toWriteConfig$0):99 - Write config: WriteConfig{streamName=issue_priorities, namespace=null, outputSchemaName=JIRA, tmpTableName=_airbyte_tmp_oma_issue_priorities, outputTableName=_airbyte_raw_issue_priorities, syncMode=overwrite} 2022-08-20 18:52:15 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:15 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$toWriteConfig$0):99 - Write config: WriteConfig{streamName=issue_properties, namespace=null, outputSchemaName=JIRA, tmpTableName=_airbyte_tmp_iru_issue_properties, outputTableName=_airbyte_raw_issue_properties, syncMode=overwrite} 2022-08-20 18:52:15 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:15 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$toWriteConfig$0):99 - Write config: WriteConfig{streamName=issue_remote_links, namespace=null, outputSchemaName=JIRA, tmpTableName=_airbyte_tmp_znf_issue_remote_links, outputTableName=_airbyte_raw_issue_remote_links, syncMode=overwrite} 2022-08-20 18:52:15 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:15 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$toWriteConfig$0):99 - Write config: WriteConfig{streamName=issue_resolutions, namespace=null, outputSchemaName=JIRA, tmpTableName=_airbyte_tmp_ocp_issue_resolutions, outputTableName=_airbyte_raw_issue_resolutions, syncMode=overwrite} 2022-08-20 18:52:15 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:15 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$toWriteConfig$0):99 - Write config: WriteConfig{streamName=issue_security_schemes, namespace=null, outputSchemaName=JIRA, tmpTableName=_airbyte_tmp_lqu_issue_security_schemes, outputTableName=_airbyte_raw_issue_security_schemes, syncMode=overwrite} 2022-08-20 18:52:15 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:15 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$toWriteConfig$0):99 - Write config: WriteConfig{streamName=issue_type_schemes, namespace=null, outputSchemaName=JIRA, tmpTableName=_airbyte_tmp_whl_issue_type_schemes, outputTableName=_airbyte_raw_issue_type_schemes, syncMode=overwrite} 2022-08-20 18:52:15 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:15 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$toWriteConfig$0):99 - Write config: WriteConfig{streamName=issue_type_screen_schemes, namespace=null, outputSchemaName=JIRA, tmpTableName=_airbyte_tmp_ufu_issue_type_screen_schemes, outputTableName=_airbyte_raw_issue_type_screen_schemes, syncMode=overwrite} 2022-08-20 18:52:15 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:15 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$toWriteConfig$0):99 - Write config: WriteConfig{streamName=issue_votes, namespace=null, outputSchemaName=JIRA, tmpTableName=_airbyte_tmp_nwh_issue_votes, outputTableName=_airbyte_raw_issue_votes, syncMode=overwrite} 2022-08-20 18:52:15 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:15 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$toWriteConfig$0):99 - Write config: WriteConfig{streamName=issue_watchers, namespace=null, outputSchemaName=JIRA, tmpTableName=_airbyte_tmp_ynm_issue_watchers, outputTableName=_airbyte_raw_issue_watchers, syncMode=overwrite} 2022-08-20 18:52:15 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:15 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$toWriteConfig$0):99 - Write config: WriteConfig{streamName=issue_worklogs, namespace=null, outputSchemaName=JIRA, tmpTableName=_airbyte_tmp_nny_issue_worklogs, outputTableName=_airbyte_raw_issue_worklogs, syncMode=overwrite} 2022-08-20 18:52:15 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:15 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$toWriteConfig$0):99 - Write config: WriteConfig{streamName=jira_settings, namespace=null, outputSchemaName=JIRA, tmpTableName=_airbyte_tmp_wrc_jira_settings, outputTableName=_airbyte_raw_jira_settings, syncMode=overwrite} 2022-08-20 18:52:15 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:15 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$toWriteConfig$0):99 - Write config: WriteConfig{streamName=labels, namespace=null, outputSchemaName=JIRA, tmpTableName=_airbyte_tmp_sur_labels, outputTableName=_airbyte_raw_labels, syncMode=overwrite} 2022-08-20 18:52:15 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:15 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$toWriteConfig$0):99 - Write config: WriteConfig{streamName=permissions, namespace=null, outputSchemaName=JIRA, tmpTableName=_airbyte_tmp_qsp_permissions, outputTableName=_airbyte_raw_permissions, syncMode=overwrite} 2022-08-20 18:52:15 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:15 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$toWriteConfig$0):99 - Write config: WriteConfig{streamName=permission_schemes, namespace=null, outputSchemaName=JIRA, tmpTableName=_airbyte_tmp_gsf_permission_schemes, outputTableName=_airbyte_raw_permission_schemes, syncMode=overwrite} 2022-08-20 18:52:15 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:15 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$toWriteConfig$0):99 - Write config: WriteConfig{streamName=projects, namespace=null, outputSchemaName=JIRA, tmpTableName=_airbyte_tmp_kpb_projects, outputTableName=_airbyte_raw_projects, syncMode=overwrite} 2022-08-20 18:52:15 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:15 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$toWriteConfig$0):99 - Write config: WriteConfig{streamName=project_avatars, namespace=null, outputSchemaName=JIRA, tmpTableName=_airbyte_tmp_nuk_project_avatars, outputTableName=_airbyte_raw_project_avatars, syncMode=overwrite} 2022-08-20 18:52:15 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:15 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$toWriteConfig$0):99 - Write config: WriteConfig{streamName=project_categories, namespace=null, outputSchemaName=JIRA, tmpTableName=_airbyte_tmp_yin_project_categories, outputTableName=_airbyte_raw_project_categories, syncMode=overwrite} 2022-08-20 18:52:15 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:15 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$toWriteConfig$0):99 - Write config: WriteConfig{streamName=project_components, namespace=null, outputSchemaName=JIRA, tmpTableName=_airbyte_tmp_dkm_project_components, outputTableName=_airbyte_raw_project_components, syncMode=overwrite} 2022-08-20 18:52:15 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:15 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$toWriteConfig$0):99 - Write config: WriteConfig{streamName=project_email, namespace=null, outputSchemaName=JIRA, tmpTableName=_airbyte_tmp_rur_project_email, outputTableName=_airbyte_raw_project_email, syncMode=overwrite} 2022-08-20 18:52:15 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:15 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$toWriteConfig$0):99 - Write config: WriteConfig{streamName=project_permission_schemes, namespace=null, outputSchemaName=JIRA, tmpTableName=_airbyte_tmp_hyr_project_permission_schemes, outputTableName=_airbyte_raw_project_permission_schemes, syncMode=overwrite} 2022-08-20 18:52:15 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:15 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$toWriteConfig$0):99 - Write config: WriteConfig{streamName=project_types, namespace=null, outputSchemaName=JIRA, tmpTableName=_airbyte_tmp_ymv_project_types, outputTableName=_airbyte_raw_project_types, syncMode=overwrite} 2022-08-20 18:52:15 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:15 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$toWriteConfig$0):99 - Write config: WriteConfig{streamName=project_versions, namespace=null, outputSchemaName=JIRA, tmpTableName=_airbyte_tmp_iww_project_versions, outputTableName=_airbyte_raw_project_versions, syncMode=overwrite} 2022-08-20 18:52:15 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:15 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$toWriteConfig$0):99 - Write config: WriteConfig{streamName=screens, namespace=null, outputSchemaName=JIRA, tmpTableName=_airbyte_tmp_kxp_screens, outputTableName=_airbyte_raw_screens, syncMode=overwrite} 2022-08-20 18:52:15 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:15 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$toWriteConfig$0):99 - Write config: WriteConfig{streamName=screen_tabs, namespace=null, outputSchemaName=JIRA, tmpTableName=_airbyte_tmp_bnr_screen_tabs, outputTableName=_airbyte_raw_screen_tabs, syncMode=overwrite} 2022-08-20 18:52:15 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:15 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$toWriteConfig$0):99 - Write config: WriteConfig{streamName=screen_tab_fields, namespace=null, outputSchemaName=JIRA, tmpTableName=_airbyte_tmp_ahm_screen_tab_fields, outputTableName=_airbyte_raw_screen_tab_fields, syncMode=overwrite} 2022-08-20 18:52:15 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:15 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$toWriteConfig$0):99 - Write config: WriteConfig{streamName=screen_schemes, namespace=null, outputSchemaName=JIRA, tmpTableName=_airbyte_tmp_ffx_screen_schemes, outputTableName=_airbyte_raw_screen_schemes, syncMode=overwrite} 2022-08-20 18:52:15 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:15 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$toWriteConfig$0):99 - Write config: WriteConfig{streamName=sprints, namespace=null, outputSchemaName=JIRA, tmpTableName=_airbyte_tmp_prw_sprints, outputTableName=_airbyte_raw_sprints, syncMode=overwrite} 2022-08-20 18:52:16 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:15 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$toWriteConfig$0):99 - Write config: WriteConfig{streamName=sprint_issues, namespace=null, outputSchemaName=JIRA, tmpTableName=_airbyte_tmp_sft_sprint_issues, outputTableName=_airbyte_raw_sprint_issues, syncMode=append_dedup} 2022-08-20 18:52:16 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:16 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$toWriteConfig$0):99 - Write config: WriteConfig{streamName=time_tracking, namespace=null, outputSchemaName=JIRA, tmpTableName=_airbyte_tmp_iuy_time_tracking, outputTableName=_airbyte_raw_time_tracking, syncMode=overwrite} 2022-08-20 18:52:16 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:16 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$toWriteConfig$0):99 - Write config: WriteConfig{streamName=users, namespace=null, outputSchemaName=JIRA, tmpTableName=_airbyte_tmp_lwl_users, outputTableName=_airbyte_raw_users, syncMode=overwrite} 2022-08-20 18:52:16 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:16 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$toWriteConfig$0):99 - Write config: WriteConfig{streamName=workflows, namespace=null, outputSchemaName=JIRA, tmpTableName=_airbyte_tmp_dfm_workflows, outputTableName=_airbyte_raw_workflows, syncMode=overwrite} 2022-08-20 18:52:16 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:16 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$toWriteConfig$0):99 - Write config: WriteConfig{streamName=workflow_schemes, namespace=null, outputSchemaName=JIRA, tmpTableName=_airbyte_tmp_jsh_workflow_schemes, outputTableName=_airbyte_raw_workflow_schemes, syncMode=overwrite} 2022-08-20 18:52:16 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:16 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$toWriteConfig$0):99 - Write config: WriteConfig{streamName=workflow_statuses, namespace=null, outputSchemaName=JIRA, tmpTableName=_airbyte_tmp_ouk_workflow_statuses, outputTableName=_airbyte_raw_workflow_statuses, syncMode=overwrite} 2022-08-20 18:52:16 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:16 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$toWriteConfig$0):99 - Write config: WriteConfig{streamName=workflow_status_categories, namespace=null, outputSchemaName=JIRA, tmpTableName=_airbyte_tmp_afm_workflow_status_categories, outputTableName=_airbyte_raw_workflow_status_categories, syncMode=overwrite} 2022-08-20 18:52:16 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:16 INFO i.a.i.d.b.BufferedStreamConsumer(startTracked):116 - class io.airbyte.integrations.destination.buffered_stream_consumer.BufferedStreamConsumer started. 2022-08-20 18:52:16 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:16 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onStartFunction$2):117 - Preparing tmp tables in destination started for 51 streams 2022-08-20 18:52:16 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:16 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onStartFunction$2):125 - Preparing staging area in destination started for schema JIRA stream application_roles: tmp table: _airbyte_tmp_dam_application_roles, stage: 2022/08/20/18/A70DC742-6768-4457-BA8D-3F409AC85341/ 2022-08-20 18:52:16 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:16 INFO c.z.h.HikariDataSource(getConnection):110 - HikariPool-1 - Starting... 2022-08-20 18:52:18 source > Read 184 records from filters stream 2022-08-20 18:52:18 source > Finished syncing filters 2022-08-20 18:52:18 source > SourceJira runtimes: Syncing stream application_roles 0:00:00.142422 Syncing stream avatars 0:00:00.278244 Syncing stream board_issues 0:00:00.396679 Syncing stream boards 0:00:00.552040 Syncing stream dashboards 0:00:00.360146 Syncing stream epics 0:00:00.398849 Syncing stream filters 0:00:02.290497 2022-08-20 18:52:18 source > Syncing stream: filter_sharing 2022-08-20 18:52:18 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:18 INFO c.z.h.p.HikariPool(checkFailFast):565 - HikariPool-1 - Added connection net.snowflake.client.jdbc.SnowflakeConnectionV1@3134153d 2022-08-20 18:52:18 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:18 INFO c.z.h.HikariDataSource(getConnection):123 - HikariPool-1 - Start completed. 2022-08-20 18:52:18 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:18 INFO i.a.d.j.DefaultJdbcDatabase(lambda$unsafeQuery$1):105 - closing connection 2022-08-20 18:52:19 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:19 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onStartFunction$2):136 - Preparing staging area in destination completed for schema JIRA stream application_roles 2022-08-20 18:52:19 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:19 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onStartFunction$2):125 - Preparing staging area in destination started for schema JIRA stream avatars: tmp table: _airbyte_tmp_asw_avatars, stage: 2022/08/20/18/A70DC742-6768-4457-BA8D-3F409AC85341/ 2022-08-20 18:52:19 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:19 INFO i.a.d.j.DefaultJdbcDatabase(lambda$unsafeQuery$1):105 - closing connection 2022-08-20 18:52:20 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:20 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onStartFunction$2):136 - Preparing staging area in destination completed for schema JIRA stream avatars 2022-08-20 18:52:20 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:20 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onStartFunction$2):125 - Preparing staging area in destination started for schema JIRA stream boards: tmp table: _airbyte_tmp_gdn_boards, stage: 2022/08/20/18/A70DC742-6768-4457-BA8D-3F409AC85341/ 2022-08-20 18:52:20 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:20 INFO i.a.d.j.DefaultJdbcDatabase(lambda$unsafeQuery$1):105 - closing connection 2022-08-20 18:52:20 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:20 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onStartFunction$2):136 - Preparing staging area in destination completed for schema JIRA stream boards 2022-08-20 18:52:20 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:20 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onStartFunction$2):125 - Preparing staging area in destination started for schema JIRA stream board_issues: tmp table: _airbyte_tmp_xxa_board_issues, stage: 2022/08/20/18/A70DC742-6768-4457-BA8D-3F409AC85341/ 2022-08-20 18:52:20 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:20 INFO i.a.d.j.DefaultJdbcDatabase(lambda$unsafeQuery$1):105 - closing connection 2022-08-20 18:52:21 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:21 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onStartFunction$2):136 - Preparing staging area in destination completed for schema JIRA stream board_issues 2022-08-20 18:52:21 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:21 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onStartFunction$2):125 - Preparing staging area in destination started for schema JIRA stream dashboards: tmp table: _airbyte_tmp_dis_dashboards, stage: 2022/08/20/18/A70DC742-6768-4457-BA8D-3F409AC85341/ 2022-08-20 18:52:21 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:21 INFO i.a.d.j.DefaultJdbcDatabase(lambda$unsafeQuery$1):105 - closing connection 2022-08-20 18:52:22 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:22 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onStartFunction$2):136 - Preparing staging area in destination completed for schema JIRA stream dashboards 2022-08-20 18:52:22 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:22 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onStartFunction$2):125 - Preparing staging area in destination started for schema JIRA stream epics: tmp table: _airbyte_tmp_zxg_epics, stage: 2022/08/20/18/A70DC742-6768-4457-BA8D-3F409AC85341/ 2022-08-20 18:52:22 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:22 INFO i.a.d.j.DefaultJdbcDatabase(lambda$unsafeQuery$1):105 - closing connection 2022-08-20 18:52:22 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:22 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onStartFunction$2):136 - Preparing staging area in destination completed for schema JIRA stream epics 2022-08-20 18:52:22 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:22 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onStartFunction$2):125 - Preparing staging area in destination started for schema JIRA stream filters: tmp table: _airbyte_tmp_zwi_filters, stage: 2022/08/20/18/A70DC742-6768-4457-BA8D-3F409AC85341/ 2022-08-20 18:52:22 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:22 INFO i.a.d.j.DefaultJdbcDatabase(lambda$unsafeQuery$1):105 - closing connection 2022-08-20 18:52:23 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:23 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onStartFunction$2):136 - Preparing staging area in destination completed for schema JIRA stream filters 2022-08-20 18:52:23 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:23 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onStartFunction$2):125 - Preparing staging area in destination started for schema JIRA stream filter_sharing: tmp table: _airbyte_tmp_zxo_filter_sharing, stage: 2022/08/20/18/A70DC742-6768-4457-BA8D-3F409AC85341/ 2022-08-20 18:52:23 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:23 INFO i.a.d.j.DefaultJdbcDatabase(lambda$unsafeQuery$1):105 - closing connection 2022-08-20 18:52:23 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:23 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onStartFunction$2):136 - Preparing staging area in destination completed for schema JIRA stream filter_sharing 2022-08-20 18:52:23 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:23 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onStartFunction$2):125 - Preparing staging area in destination started for schema JIRA stream groups: tmp table: _airbyte_tmp_ali_groups, stage: 2022/08/20/18/A70DC742-6768-4457-BA8D-3F409AC85341/ 2022-08-20 18:52:24 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:24 INFO i.a.d.j.DefaultJdbcDatabase(lambda$unsafeQuery$1):105 - closing connection 2022-08-20 18:52:24 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:24 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onStartFunction$2):136 - Preparing staging area in destination completed for schema JIRA stream groups 2022-08-20 18:52:24 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:24 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onStartFunction$2):125 - Preparing staging area in destination started for schema JIRA stream issues: tmp table: _airbyte_tmp_qyn_issues, stage: 2022/08/20/18/A70DC742-6768-4457-BA8D-3F409AC85341/ 2022-08-20 18:52:24 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:24 INFO i.a.d.j.DefaultJdbcDatabase(lambda$unsafeQuery$1):105 - closing connection 2022-08-20 18:52:24 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:24 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onStartFunction$2):136 - Preparing staging area in destination completed for schema JIRA stream issues 2022-08-20 18:52:24 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:24 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onStartFunction$2):125 - Preparing staging area in destination started for schema JIRA stream issue_comments: tmp table: _airbyte_tmp_vdb_issue_comments, stage: 2022/08/20/18/A70DC742-6768-4457-BA8D-3F409AC85341/ 2022-08-20 18:52:25 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:25 INFO i.a.d.j.DefaultJdbcDatabase(lambda$unsafeQuery$1):105 - closing connection 2022-08-20 18:52:25 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:25 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onStartFunction$2):136 - Preparing staging area in destination completed for schema JIRA stream issue_comments 2022-08-20 18:52:25 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:25 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onStartFunction$2):125 - Preparing staging area in destination started for schema JIRA stream issue_fields: tmp table: _airbyte_tmp_mdc_issue_fields, stage: 2022/08/20/18/A70DC742-6768-4457-BA8D-3F409AC85341/ 2022-08-20 18:52:25 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:25 INFO i.a.d.j.DefaultJdbcDatabase(lambda$unsafeQuery$1):105 - closing connection 2022-08-20 18:52:26 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:26 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onStartFunction$2):136 - Preparing staging area in destination completed for schema JIRA stream issue_fields 2022-08-20 18:52:26 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:26 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onStartFunction$2):125 - Preparing staging area in destination started for schema JIRA stream issue_field_configurations: tmp table: _airbyte_tmp_pjd_issue_field_configurations, stage: 2022/08/20/18/A70DC742-6768-4457-BA8D-3F409AC85341/ 2022-08-20 18:52:26 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:26 INFO i.a.d.j.DefaultJdbcDatabase(lambda$unsafeQuery$1):105 - closing connection 2022-08-20 18:52:26 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:26 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onStartFunction$2):136 - Preparing staging area in destination completed for schema JIRA stream issue_field_configurations 2022-08-20 18:52:26 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:26 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onStartFunction$2):125 - Preparing staging area in destination started for schema JIRA stream issue_custom_field_contexts: tmp table: _airbyte_tmp_urf_issue_custom_field_contexts, stage: 2022/08/20/18/A70DC742-6768-4457-BA8D-3F409AC85341/ 2022-08-20 18:52:26 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:26 INFO i.a.d.j.DefaultJdbcDatabase(lambda$unsafeQuery$1):105 - closing connection 2022-08-20 18:52:27 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:27 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onStartFunction$2):136 - Preparing staging area in destination completed for schema JIRA stream issue_custom_field_contexts 2022-08-20 18:52:27 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:27 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onStartFunction$2):125 - Preparing staging area in destination started for schema JIRA stream issue_link_types: tmp table: _airbyte_tmp_ybk_issue_link_types, stage: 2022/08/20/18/A70DC742-6768-4457-BA8D-3F409AC85341/ 2022-08-20 18:52:27 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:27 INFO i.a.d.j.DefaultJdbcDatabase(lambda$unsafeQuery$1):105 - closing connection 2022-08-20 18:52:27 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:27 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onStartFunction$2):136 - Preparing staging area in destination completed for schema JIRA stream issue_link_types 2022-08-20 18:52:27 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:27 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onStartFunction$2):125 - Preparing staging area in destination started for schema JIRA stream issue_navigator_settings: tmp table: _airbyte_tmp_vhn_issue_navigator_settings, stage: 2022/08/20/18/A70DC742-6768-4457-BA8D-3F409AC85341/ 2022-08-20 18:52:27 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:27 INFO i.a.d.j.DefaultJdbcDatabase(lambda$unsafeQuery$1):105 - closing connection 2022-08-20 18:52:28 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:28 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onStartFunction$2):136 - Preparing staging area in destination completed for schema JIRA stream issue_navigator_settings 2022-08-20 18:52:28 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:28 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onStartFunction$2):125 - Preparing staging area in destination started for schema JIRA stream issue_notification_schemes: tmp table: _airbyte_tmp_zqd_issue_notification_schemes, stage: 2022/08/20/18/A70DC742-6768-4457-BA8D-3F409AC85341/ 2022-08-20 18:52:28 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:28 INFO i.a.d.j.DefaultJdbcDatabase(lambda$unsafeQuery$1):105 - closing connection 2022-08-20 18:52:28 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:28 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onStartFunction$2):136 - Preparing staging area in destination completed for schema JIRA stream issue_notification_schemes 2022-08-20 18:52:28 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:28 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onStartFunction$2):125 - Preparing staging area in destination started for schema JIRA stream issue_priorities: tmp table: _airbyte_tmp_oma_issue_priorities, stage: 2022/08/20/18/A70DC742-6768-4457-BA8D-3F409AC85341/ 2022-08-20 18:52:28 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:28 INFO i.a.d.j.DefaultJdbcDatabase(lambda$unsafeQuery$1):105 - closing connection 2022-08-20 18:52:29 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:29 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onStartFunction$2):136 - Preparing staging area in destination completed for schema JIRA stream issue_priorities 2022-08-20 18:52:29 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:29 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onStartFunction$2):125 - Preparing staging area in destination started for schema JIRA stream issue_properties: tmp table: _airbyte_tmp_iru_issue_properties, stage: 2022/08/20/18/A70DC742-6768-4457-BA8D-3F409AC85341/ 2022-08-20 18:52:29 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:29 INFO i.a.d.j.DefaultJdbcDatabase(lambda$unsafeQuery$1):105 - closing connection 2022-08-20 18:52:29 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:29 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onStartFunction$2):136 - Preparing staging area in destination completed for schema JIRA stream issue_properties 2022-08-20 18:52:29 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:29 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onStartFunction$2):125 - Preparing staging area in destination started for schema JIRA stream issue_remote_links: tmp table: _airbyte_tmp_znf_issue_remote_links, stage: 2022/08/20/18/A70DC742-6768-4457-BA8D-3F409AC85341/ 2022-08-20 18:52:30 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:30 INFO i.a.d.j.DefaultJdbcDatabase(lambda$unsafeQuery$1):105 - closing connection 2022-08-20 18:52:30 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:30 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onStartFunction$2):136 - Preparing staging area in destination completed for schema JIRA stream issue_remote_links 2022-08-20 18:52:30 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:30 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onStartFunction$2):125 - Preparing staging area in destination started for schema JIRA stream issue_resolutions: tmp table: _airbyte_tmp_ocp_issue_resolutions, stage: 2022/08/20/18/A70DC742-6768-4457-BA8D-3F409AC85341/ 2022-08-20 18:52:30 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:30 INFO i.a.d.j.DefaultJdbcDatabase(lambda$unsafeQuery$1):105 - closing connection 2022-08-20 18:52:30 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:30 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onStartFunction$2):136 - Preparing staging area in destination completed for schema JIRA stream issue_resolutions 2022-08-20 18:52:30 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:30 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onStartFunction$2):125 - Preparing staging area in destination started for schema JIRA stream issue_security_schemes: tmp table: _airbyte_tmp_lqu_issue_security_schemes, stage: 2022/08/20/18/A70DC742-6768-4457-BA8D-3F409AC85341/ 2022-08-20 18:52:31 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:31 INFO i.a.d.j.DefaultJdbcDatabase(lambda$unsafeQuery$1):105 - closing connection 2022-08-20 18:52:31 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:31 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onStartFunction$2):136 - Preparing staging area in destination completed for schema JIRA stream issue_security_schemes 2022-08-20 18:52:31 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:31 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onStartFunction$2):125 - Preparing staging area in destination started for schema JIRA stream issue_type_schemes: tmp table: _airbyte_tmp_whl_issue_type_schemes, stage: 2022/08/20/18/A70DC742-6768-4457-BA8D-3F409AC85341/ 2022-08-20 18:52:31 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:31 INFO i.a.d.j.DefaultJdbcDatabase(lambda$unsafeQuery$1):105 - closing connection 2022-08-20 18:52:32 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:32 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onStartFunction$2):136 - Preparing staging area in destination completed for schema JIRA stream issue_type_schemes 2022-08-20 18:52:32 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:32 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onStartFunction$2):125 - Preparing staging area in destination started for schema JIRA stream issue_type_screen_schemes: tmp table: _airbyte_tmp_ufu_issue_type_screen_schemes, stage: 2022/08/20/18/A70DC742-6768-4457-BA8D-3F409AC85341/ 2022-08-20 18:52:32 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:32 INFO i.a.d.j.DefaultJdbcDatabase(lambda$unsafeQuery$1):105 - closing connection 2022-08-20 18:52:32 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:32 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onStartFunction$2):136 - Preparing staging area in destination completed for schema JIRA stream issue_type_screen_schemes 2022-08-20 18:52:32 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:32 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onStartFunction$2):125 - Preparing staging area in destination started for schema JIRA stream issue_votes: tmp table: _airbyte_tmp_nwh_issue_votes, stage: 2022/08/20/18/A70DC742-6768-4457-BA8D-3F409AC85341/ 2022-08-20 18:52:32 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:32 INFO i.a.d.j.DefaultJdbcDatabase(lambda$unsafeQuery$1):105 - closing connection 2022-08-20 18:52:33 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:33 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onStartFunction$2):136 - Preparing staging area in destination completed for schema JIRA stream issue_votes 2022-08-20 18:52:33 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:33 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onStartFunction$2):125 - Preparing staging area in destination started for schema JIRA stream issue_watchers: tmp table: _airbyte_tmp_ynm_issue_watchers, stage: 2022/08/20/18/A70DC742-6768-4457-BA8D-3F409AC85341/ 2022-08-20 18:52:33 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:33 INFO i.a.d.j.DefaultJdbcDatabase(lambda$unsafeQuery$1):105 - closing connection 2022-08-20 18:52:33 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:33 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onStartFunction$2):136 - Preparing staging area in destination completed for schema JIRA stream issue_watchers 2022-08-20 18:52:33 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:33 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onStartFunction$2):125 - Preparing staging area in destination started for schema JIRA stream issue_worklogs: tmp table: _airbyte_tmp_nny_issue_worklogs, stage: 2022/08/20/18/A70DC742-6768-4457-BA8D-3F409AC85341/ 2022-08-20 18:52:33 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:33 INFO i.a.d.j.DefaultJdbcDatabase(lambda$unsafeQuery$1):105 - closing connection 2022-08-20 18:52:34 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:34 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onStartFunction$2):136 - Preparing staging area in destination completed for schema JIRA stream issue_worklogs 2022-08-20 18:52:34 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:34 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onStartFunction$2):125 - Preparing staging area in destination started for schema JIRA stream jira_settings: tmp table: _airbyte_tmp_wrc_jira_settings, stage: 2022/08/20/18/A70DC742-6768-4457-BA8D-3F409AC85341/ 2022-08-20 18:52:34 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:34 INFO i.a.d.j.DefaultJdbcDatabase(lambda$unsafeQuery$1):105 - closing connection 2022-08-20 18:52:34 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:34 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onStartFunction$2):136 - Preparing staging area in destination completed for schema JIRA stream jira_settings 2022-08-20 18:52:34 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:34 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onStartFunction$2):125 - Preparing staging area in destination started for schema JIRA stream labels: tmp table: _airbyte_tmp_sur_labels, stage: 2022/08/20/18/A70DC742-6768-4457-BA8D-3F409AC85341/ 2022-08-20 18:52:34 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:34 INFO i.a.d.j.DefaultJdbcDatabase(lambda$unsafeQuery$1):105 - closing connection 2022-08-20 18:52:35 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:35 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onStartFunction$2):136 - Preparing staging area in destination completed for schema JIRA stream labels 2022-08-20 18:52:35 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:35 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onStartFunction$2):125 - Preparing staging area in destination started for schema JIRA stream permissions: tmp table: _airbyte_tmp_qsp_permissions, stage: 2022/08/20/18/A70DC742-6768-4457-BA8D-3F409AC85341/ 2022-08-20 18:52:35 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:35 INFO i.a.d.j.DefaultJdbcDatabase(lambda$unsafeQuery$1):105 - closing connection 2022-08-20 18:52:35 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:35 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onStartFunction$2):136 - Preparing staging area in destination completed for schema JIRA stream permissions 2022-08-20 18:52:35 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:35 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onStartFunction$2):125 - Preparing staging area in destination started for schema JIRA stream permission_schemes: tmp table: _airbyte_tmp_gsf_permission_schemes, stage: 2022/08/20/18/A70DC742-6768-4457-BA8D-3F409AC85341/ 2022-08-20 18:52:35 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:35 INFO i.a.d.j.DefaultJdbcDatabase(lambda$unsafeQuery$1):105 - closing connection 2022-08-20 18:52:36 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:36 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onStartFunction$2):136 - Preparing staging area in destination completed for schema JIRA stream permission_schemes 2022-08-20 18:52:36 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:36 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onStartFunction$2):125 - Preparing staging area in destination started for schema JIRA stream projects: tmp table: _airbyte_tmp_kpb_projects, stage: 2022/08/20/18/A70DC742-6768-4457-BA8D-3F409AC85341/ 2022-08-20 18:52:36 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:36 INFO i.a.d.j.DefaultJdbcDatabase(lambda$unsafeQuery$1):105 - closing connection 2022-08-20 18:52:36 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:36 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onStartFunction$2):136 - Preparing staging area in destination completed for schema JIRA stream projects 2022-08-20 18:52:36 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:36 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onStartFunction$2):125 - Preparing staging area in destination started for schema JIRA stream project_avatars: tmp table: _airbyte_tmp_nuk_project_avatars, stage: 2022/08/20/18/A70DC742-6768-4457-BA8D-3F409AC85341/ 2022-08-20 18:52:36 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:36 INFO i.a.d.j.DefaultJdbcDatabase(lambda$unsafeQuery$1):105 - closing connection 2022-08-20 18:52:37 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:37 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onStartFunction$2):136 - Preparing staging area in destination completed for schema JIRA stream project_avatars 2022-08-20 18:52:37 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:37 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onStartFunction$2):125 - Preparing staging area in destination started for schema JIRA stream project_categories: tmp table: _airbyte_tmp_yin_project_categories, stage: 2022/08/20/18/A70DC742-6768-4457-BA8D-3F409AC85341/ 2022-08-20 18:52:37 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:37 INFO i.a.d.j.DefaultJdbcDatabase(lambda$unsafeQuery$1):105 - closing connection 2022-08-20 18:52:37 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:37 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onStartFunction$2):136 - Preparing staging area in destination completed for schema JIRA stream project_categories 2022-08-20 18:52:37 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:37 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onStartFunction$2):125 - Preparing staging area in destination started for schema JIRA stream project_components: tmp table: _airbyte_tmp_dkm_project_components, stage: 2022/08/20/18/A70DC742-6768-4457-BA8D-3F409AC85341/ 2022-08-20 18:52:38 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:38 INFO i.a.d.j.DefaultJdbcDatabase(lambda$unsafeQuery$1):105 - closing connection 2022-08-20 18:52:38 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:38 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onStartFunction$2):136 - Preparing staging area in destination completed for schema JIRA stream project_components 2022-08-20 18:52:38 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:38 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onStartFunction$2):125 - Preparing staging area in destination started for schema JIRA stream project_email: tmp table: _airbyte_tmp_rur_project_email, stage: 2022/08/20/18/A70DC742-6768-4457-BA8D-3F409AC85341/ 2022-08-20 18:52:38 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:38 INFO i.a.d.j.DefaultJdbcDatabase(lambda$unsafeQuery$1):105 - closing connection 2022-08-20 18:52:38 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:38 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onStartFunction$2):136 - Preparing staging area in destination completed for schema JIRA stream project_email 2022-08-20 18:52:38 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:38 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onStartFunction$2):125 - Preparing staging area in destination started for schema JIRA stream project_permission_schemes: tmp table: _airbyte_tmp_hyr_project_permission_schemes, stage: 2022/08/20/18/A70DC742-6768-4457-BA8D-3F409AC85341/ 2022-08-20 18:52:39 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:39 INFO i.a.d.j.DefaultJdbcDatabase(lambda$unsafeQuery$1):105 - closing connection 2022-08-20 18:52:39 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:39 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onStartFunction$2):136 - Preparing staging area in destination completed for schema JIRA stream project_permission_schemes 2022-08-20 18:52:39 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:39 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onStartFunction$2):125 - Preparing staging area in destination started for schema JIRA stream project_types: tmp table: _airbyte_tmp_ymv_project_types, stage: 2022/08/20/18/A70DC742-6768-4457-BA8D-3F409AC85341/ 2022-08-20 18:52:39 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:39 INFO i.a.d.j.DefaultJdbcDatabase(lambda$unsafeQuery$1):105 - closing connection 2022-08-20 18:52:39 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:39 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onStartFunction$2):136 - Preparing staging area in destination completed for schema JIRA stream project_types 2022-08-20 18:52:39 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:39 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onStartFunction$2):125 - Preparing staging area in destination started for schema JIRA stream project_versions: tmp table: _airbyte_tmp_iww_project_versions, stage: 2022/08/20/18/A70DC742-6768-4457-BA8D-3F409AC85341/ 2022-08-20 18:52:40 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:40 INFO i.a.d.j.DefaultJdbcDatabase(lambda$unsafeQuery$1):105 - closing connection 2022-08-20 18:52:40 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:40 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onStartFunction$2):136 - Preparing staging area in destination completed for schema JIRA stream project_versions 2022-08-20 18:52:40 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:40 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onStartFunction$2):125 - Preparing staging area in destination started for schema JIRA stream screens: tmp table: _airbyte_tmp_kxp_screens, stage: 2022/08/20/18/A70DC742-6768-4457-BA8D-3F409AC85341/ 2022-08-20 18:52:40 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:40 INFO i.a.d.j.DefaultJdbcDatabase(lambda$unsafeQuery$1):105 - closing connection 2022-08-20 18:52:41 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:41 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onStartFunction$2):136 - Preparing staging area in destination completed for schema JIRA stream screens 2022-08-20 18:52:41 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:41 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onStartFunction$2):125 - Preparing staging area in destination started for schema JIRA stream screen_tabs: tmp table: _airbyte_tmp_bnr_screen_tabs, stage: 2022/08/20/18/A70DC742-6768-4457-BA8D-3F409AC85341/ 2022-08-20 18:52:41 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:41 INFO i.a.d.j.DefaultJdbcDatabase(lambda$unsafeQuery$1):105 - closing connection 2022-08-20 18:52:41 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:41 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onStartFunction$2):136 - Preparing staging area in destination completed for schema JIRA stream screen_tabs 2022-08-20 18:52:41 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:41 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onStartFunction$2):125 - Preparing staging area in destination started for schema JIRA stream screen_tab_fields: tmp table: _airbyte_tmp_ahm_screen_tab_fields, stage: 2022/08/20/18/A70DC742-6768-4457-BA8D-3F409AC85341/ 2022-08-20 18:52:41 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:41 INFO i.a.d.j.DefaultJdbcDatabase(lambda$unsafeQuery$1):105 - closing connection 2022-08-20 18:52:42 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:42 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onStartFunction$2):136 - Preparing staging area in destination completed for schema JIRA stream screen_tab_fields 2022-08-20 18:52:42 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:42 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onStartFunction$2):125 - Preparing staging area in destination started for schema JIRA stream screen_schemes: tmp table: _airbyte_tmp_ffx_screen_schemes, stage: 2022/08/20/18/A70DC742-6768-4457-BA8D-3F409AC85341/ 2022-08-20 18:52:42 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:42 INFO i.a.d.j.DefaultJdbcDatabase(lambda$unsafeQuery$1):105 - closing connection 2022-08-20 18:52:42 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:42 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onStartFunction$2):136 - Preparing staging area in destination completed for schema JIRA stream screen_schemes 2022-08-20 18:52:42 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:42 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onStartFunction$2):125 - Preparing staging area in destination started for schema JIRA stream sprints: tmp table: _airbyte_tmp_prw_sprints, stage: 2022/08/20/18/A70DC742-6768-4457-BA8D-3F409AC85341/ 2022-08-20 18:52:42 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:42 INFO i.a.d.j.DefaultJdbcDatabase(lambda$unsafeQuery$1):105 - closing connection 2022-08-20 18:52:43 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:43 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onStartFunction$2):136 - Preparing staging area in destination completed for schema JIRA stream sprints 2022-08-20 18:52:43 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:43 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onStartFunction$2):125 - Preparing staging area in destination started for schema JIRA stream sprint_issues: tmp table: _airbyte_tmp_sft_sprint_issues, stage: 2022/08/20/18/A70DC742-6768-4457-BA8D-3F409AC85341/ 2022-08-20 18:52:43 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:43 INFO i.a.d.j.DefaultJdbcDatabase(lambda$unsafeQuery$1):105 - closing connection 2022-08-20 18:52:43 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:43 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onStartFunction$2):136 - Preparing staging area in destination completed for schema JIRA stream sprint_issues 2022-08-20 18:52:43 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:43 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onStartFunction$2):125 - Preparing staging area in destination started for schema JIRA stream time_tracking: tmp table: _airbyte_tmp_iuy_time_tracking, stage: 2022/08/20/18/A70DC742-6768-4457-BA8D-3F409AC85341/ 2022-08-20 18:52:43 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:43 INFO i.a.d.j.DefaultJdbcDatabase(lambda$unsafeQuery$1):105 - closing connection 2022-08-20 18:52:44 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:44 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onStartFunction$2):136 - Preparing staging area in destination completed for schema JIRA stream time_tracking 2022-08-20 18:52:44 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:44 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onStartFunction$2):125 - Preparing staging area in destination started for schema JIRA stream users: tmp table: _airbyte_tmp_lwl_users, stage: 2022/08/20/18/A70DC742-6768-4457-BA8D-3F409AC85341/ 2022-08-20 18:52:44 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:44 INFO i.a.d.j.DefaultJdbcDatabase(lambda$unsafeQuery$1):105 - closing connection 2022-08-20 18:52:44 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:44 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onStartFunction$2):136 - Preparing staging area in destination completed for schema JIRA stream users 2022-08-20 18:52:44 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:44 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onStartFunction$2):125 - Preparing staging area in destination started for schema JIRA stream workflows: tmp table: _airbyte_tmp_dfm_workflows, stage: 2022/08/20/18/A70DC742-6768-4457-BA8D-3F409AC85341/ 2022-08-20 18:52:44 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:44 INFO i.a.d.j.DefaultJdbcDatabase(lambda$unsafeQuery$1):105 - closing connection 2022-08-20 18:52:45 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:45 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onStartFunction$2):136 - Preparing staging area in destination completed for schema JIRA stream workflows 2022-08-20 18:52:45 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:45 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onStartFunction$2):125 - Preparing staging area in destination started for schema JIRA stream workflow_schemes: tmp table: _airbyte_tmp_jsh_workflow_schemes, stage: 2022/08/20/18/A70DC742-6768-4457-BA8D-3F409AC85341/ 2022-08-20 18:52:45 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:45 INFO i.a.d.j.DefaultJdbcDatabase(lambda$unsafeQuery$1):105 - closing connection 2022-08-20 18:52:46 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:45 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onStartFunction$2):136 - Preparing staging area in destination completed for schema JIRA stream workflow_schemes 2022-08-20 18:52:46 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:46 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onStartFunction$2):125 - Preparing staging area in destination started for schema JIRA stream workflow_statuses: tmp table: _airbyte_tmp_ouk_workflow_statuses, stage: 2022/08/20/18/A70DC742-6768-4457-BA8D-3F409AC85341/ 2022-08-20 18:52:46 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:46 INFO i.a.d.j.DefaultJdbcDatabase(lambda$unsafeQuery$1):105 - closing connection 2022-08-20 18:52:46 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:46 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onStartFunction$2):136 - Preparing staging area in destination completed for schema JIRA stream workflow_statuses 2022-08-20 18:52:46 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:46 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onStartFunction$2):125 - Preparing staging area in destination started for schema JIRA stream workflow_status_categories: tmp table: _airbyte_tmp_afm_workflow_status_categories, stage: 2022/08/20/18/A70DC742-6768-4457-BA8D-3F409AC85341/ 2022-08-20 18:52:46 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:46 INFO i.a.d.j.DefaultJdbcDatabase(lambda$unsafeQuery$1):105 - closing connection 2022-08-20 18:52:47 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:47 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onStartFunction$2):136 - Preparing staging area in destination completed for schema JIRA stream workflow_status_categories 2022-08-20 18:52:47 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:47 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onStartFunction$2):139 - Preparing tmp tables in destination completed. 2022-08-20 18:52:47 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:47 INFO i.a.i.d.r.SerializedBufferingStrategy(lambda$addRecord$0):48 - Starting a new buffer for stream application_roles (current state: 0 bytes in 0 buffers) 2022-08-20 18:52:47 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:47 INFO i.a.i.d.r.SerializedBufferingStrategy(lambda$addRecord$0):48 - Starting a new buffer for stream avatars (current state: 0 bytes in 1 buffers) 2022-08-20 18:52:47 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:47 INFO i.a.i.d.r.SerializedBufferingStrategy(lambda$addRecord$0):48 - Starting a new buffer for stream dashboards (current state: 0 bytes in 2 buffers) 2022-08-20 18:52:47 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:47 INFO i.a.i.d.r.SerializedBufferingStrategy(lambda$addRecord$0):48 - Starting a new buffer for stream filters (current state: 0 bytes in 3 buffers) 2022-08-20 18:52:47 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:47 INFO i.a.i.d.r.SerializedBufferingStrategy(lambda$addRecord$0):48 - Starting a new buffer for stream filter_sharing (current state: 21 KB in 4 buffers) 2022-08-20 18:52:49 source > Read 215 records from filter_sharing stream 2022-08-20 18:52:49 source > Finished syncing filter_sharing 2022-08-20 18:52:49 source > SourceJira runtimes: Syncing stream application_roles 0:00:00.142422 Syncing stream avatars 0:00:00.278244 Syncing stream board_issues 0:00:00.396679 Syncing stream boards 0:00:00.552040 Syncing stream dashboards 0:00:00.360146 Syncing stream epics 0:00:00.398849 Syncing stream filter_sharing 0:00:31.320505 Syncing stream filters 0:00:02.290497 2022-08-20 18:52:49 source > Syncing stream: groups 2022-08-20 18:52:49 source > Read 27 records from groups stream 2022-08-20 18:52:49 source > Finished syncing groups 2022-08-20 18:52:49 source > SourceJira runtimes: Syncing stream application_roles 0:00:00.142422 Syncing stream avatars 0:00:00.278244 Syncing stream board_issues 0:00:00.396679 Syncing stream boards 0:00:00.552040 Syncing stream dashboards 0:00:00.360146 Syncing stream epics 0:00:00.398849 Syncing stream filter_sharing 0:00:31.320505 Syncing stream filters 0:00:02.290497 Syncing stream groups 0:00:00.084385 2022-08-20 18:52:49 source > Syncing stream: issues 2022-08-20 18:52:49 source > Read 0 records from issues stream 2022-08-20 18:52:49 source > Finished syncing issues 2022-08-20 18:52:49 source > SourceJira runtimes: Syncing stream application_roles 0:00:00.142422 Syncing stream avatars 0:00:00.278244 Syncing stream board_issues 0:00:00.396679 Syncing stream boards 0:00:00.552040 Syncing stream dashboards 0:00:00.360146 Syncing stream epics 0:00:00.398849 Syncing stream filter_sharing 0:00:31.320505 Syncing stream filters 0:00:02.290497 Syncing stream groups 0:00:00.084385 Syncing stream issues 0:00:00.571188 2022-08-20 18:52:49 source > Syncing stream: issue_comments 2022-08-20 18:52:50 source > Read 0 records from issue_comments stream 2022-08-20 18:52:50 source > Finished syncing issue_comments 2022-08-20 18:52:50 source > SourceJira runtimes: Syncing stream application_roles 0:00:00.142422 Syncing stream avatars 0:00:00.278244 Syncing stream board_issues 0:00:00.396679 Syncing stream boards 0:00:00.552040 Syncing stream dashboards 0:00:00.360146 Syncing stream epics 0:00:00.398849 Syncing stream filter_sharing 0:00:31.320505 Syncing stream filters 0:00:02.290497 Syncing stream groups 0:00:00.084385 Syncing stream issue_comments 0:00:00.513417 Syncing stream issues 0:00:00.571188 2022-08-20 18:52:50 source > Syncing stream: issue_fields 2022-08-20 18:52:50 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:50 INFO i.a.i.d.r.SerializedBufferingStrategy(lambda$addRecord$0):48 - Starting a new buffer for stream groups (current state: 21 KB in 5 buffers) 2022-08-20 18:52:50 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:50 INFO i.a.i.d.r.SerializedBufferingStrategy(lambda$addRecord$0):48 - Starting a new buffer for stream issue_fields (current state: 21 KB in 6 buffers) 2022-08-20 18:52:50 source > Read 152 records from issue_fields stream 2022-08-20 18:52:50 source > Finished syncing issue_fields 2022-08-20 18:52:50 source > SourceJira runtimes: Syncing stream application_roles 0:00:00.142422 Syncing stream avatars 0:00:00.278244 Syncing stream board_issues 0:00:00.396679 Syncing stream boards 0:00:00.552040 Syncing stream dashboards 0:00:00.360146 Syncing stream epics 0:00:00.398849 Syncing stream filter_sharing 0:00:31.320505 Syncing stream filters 0:00:02.290497 Syncing stream groups 0:00:00.084385 Syncing stream issue_comments 0:00:00.513417 Syncing stream issue_fields 0:00:00.146090 Syncing stream issues 0:00:00.571188 2022-08-20 18:52:50 source > Syncing stream: issue_field_configurations 2022-08-20 18:52:50 source > Read 6 records from issue_field_configurations stream 2022-08-20 18:52:50 source > Finished syncing issue_field_configurations 2022-08-20 18:52:50 source > SourceJira runtimes: Syncing stream application_roles 0:00:00.142422 Syncing stream avatars 0:00:00.278244 Syncing stream board_issues 0:00:00.396679 Syncing stream boards 0:00:00.552040 Syncing stream dashboards 0:00:00.360146 Syncing stream epics 0:00:00.398849 Syncing stream filter_sharing 0:00:31.320505 Syncing stream filters 0:00:02.290497 Syncing stream groups 0:00:00.084385 Syncing stream issue_comments 0:00:00.513417 Syncing stream issue_field_configurations 0:00:00.091490 Syncing stream issue_fields 0:00:00.146090 Syncing stream issues 0:00:00.571188 2022-08-20 18:52:50 source > Syncing stream: issue_custom_field_contexts 2022-08-20 18:52:50 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:50 INFO i.a.i.d.r.SerializedBufferingStrategy(lambda$addRecord$0):48 - Starting a new buffer for stream issue_field_configurations (current state: 21 KB in 7 buffers) 2022-08-20 18:52:54 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:54 INFO i.a.i.d.r.SerializedBufferingStrategy(lambda$addRecord$0):48 - Starting a new buffer for stream issue_custom_field_contexts (current state: 21 KB in 8 buffers) 2022-08-20 18:52:57 source > {"errorMessages":["The custom field was not found."],"errors":{}} 2022-08-20 18:52:57 source > Encountered an exception while reading stream issue_custom_field_contexts Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/airbyte_cdk/sources/abstract_source.py", line 114, in read yield from self._read_stream( File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/airbyte_cdk/sources/abstract_source.py", line 179, in _read_stream for record in record_iterator: File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/airbyte_cdk/sources/abstract_source.py", line 277, in _read_full_refresh for record in records: File "/airbyte/integration_code/source_jira/streams.py", line 468, in read_records yield from super().read_records(stream_slice={"field_id": field["id"]}, **kwargs) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/airbyte_cdk/sources/streams/http/http.py", line 421, in read_records response = self._send_request(request, request_kwargs) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/airbyte_cdk/sources/streams/http/http.py", line 339, in _send_request return backoff_handler(user_backoff_handler)(request, request_kwargs) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/backoff/_sync.py", line 105, in retry ret = target(*args, **kwargs) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/backoff/_sync.py", line 105, in retry ret = target(*args, **kwargs) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/airbyte_cdk/sources/streams/http/http.py", line 306, in _send raise exc File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/airbyte_cdk/sources/streams/http/http.py", line 303, in _send response.raise_for_status() File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/requests/models.py", line 943, in raise_for_status raise HTTPError(http_error_msg, response=self) requests.exceptions.HTTPError: 404 Client Error: Not Found for url: https://om1inc.atlassian.net/rest/api/3/field/customfield_10139/context 2022-08-20 18:52:57 source > Finished syncing issue_custom_field_contexts 2022-08-20 18:52:57 source > SourceJira runtimes: Syncing stream application_roles 0:00:00.142422 Syncing stream avatars 0:00:00.278244 Syncing stream board_issues 0:00:00.396679 Syncing stream boards 0:00:00.552040 Syncing stream dashboards 0:00:00.360146 Syncing stream epics 0:00:00.398849 Syncing stream filter_sharing 0:00:31.320505 Syncing stream filters 0:00:02.290497 Syncing stream groups 0:00:00.084385 Syncing stream issue_comments 0:00:00.513417 Syncing stream issue_custom_field_contexts 0:00:07.036025 Syncing stream issue_field_configurations 0:00:00.091490 Syncing stream issue_fields 0:00:00.146090 Syncing stream issues 0:00:00.571188 2022-08-20 18:52:57 source > 404 Client Error: Not Found for url: https://om1inc.atlassian.net/rest/api/3/field/customfield_10139/context Traceback (most recent call last): File "/airbyte/integration_code/main.py", line 13, in launch(source, sys.argv[1:]) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/airbyte_cdk/entrypoint.py", line 123, in launch for message in source_entrypoint.run(parsed_args): File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/airbyte_cdk/entrypoint.py", line 114, in run for message in generator: File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/airbyte_cdk/sources/abstract_source.py", line 128, in read raise e File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/airbyte_cdk/sources/abstract_source.py", line 114, in read yield from self._read_stream( File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/airbyte_cdk/sources/abstract_source.py", line 179, in _read_stream for record in record_iterator: File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/airbyte_cdk/sources/abstract_source.py", line 277, in _read_full_refresh for record in records: File "/airbyte/integration_code/source_jira/streams.py", line 468, in read_records yield from super().read_records(stream_slice={"field_id": field["id"]}, **kwargs) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/airbyte_cdk/sources/streams/http/http.py", line 421, in read_records response = self._send_request(request, request_kwargs) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/airbyte_cdk/sources/streams/http/http.py", line 339, in _send_request return backoff_handler(user_backoff_handler)(request, request_kwargs) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/backoff/_sync.py", line 105, in retry ret = target(*args, **kwargs) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/backoff/_sync.py", line 105, in retry ret = target(*args, **kwargs) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/airbyte_cdk/sources/streams/http/http.py", line 306, in _send raise exc File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/airbyte_cdk/sources/streams/http/http.py", line 303, in _send response.raise_for_status() File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/requests/models.py", line 943, in raise_for_status raise HTTPError(http_error_msg, response=self) requests.exceptions.HTTPError: 404 Client Error: Not Found for url: https://om1inc.atlassian.net/rest/api/3/field/customfield_10139/context 2022-08-20 18:52:57 INFO i.a.w.g.DefaultReplicationWorker(lambda$getReplicationRunnable$6):336 - Total records read: 736 (554 KB) 2022-08-20 18:52:57 WARN i.a.w.g.DefaultReplicationWorker(lambda$getReplicationRunnable$5):339 - Schema validation errors found for stream avatars. Error messages: [$.urls.16x16 is of an incorrect type. Expected it to be (^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9+-.]*:[^\s]*$)|(^//[^\s]*$), $.urls.48x48 is of an incorrect type. Expected it to be (^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9+-.]*:[^\s]*$)|(^//[^\s]*$), $.urls.32x32 is of an incorrect type. Expected it to be (^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9+-.]*:[^\s]*$)|(^//[^\s]*$), $.urls.24x24 is of an incorrect type. Expected it to be (^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9+-.]*:[^\s]*$)|(^//[^\s]*$)] 2022-08-20 18:52:57 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:57 WARN i.a.i.d.b.BufferedStreamConsumer(acceptTracked):145 - Unexpected message: TRACE 2022-08-20 18:52:57 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:57 INFO i.a.i.b.FailureTrackingAirbyteMessageConsumer(close):65 - Airbyte message consumer: succeeded. 2022-08-20 18:52:57 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:57 INFO i.a.i.d.b.BufferedStreamConsumer(close):171 - executing on success close procedure. 2022-08-20 18:52:57 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:57 INFO i.a.i.d.r.SerializedBufferingStrategy(flushAll):103 - Flushing all 9 current buffers (21 KB in total) 2022-08-20 18:52:57 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:57 INFO i.a.i.d.r.SerializedBufferingStrategy(lambda$flushAll$2):106 - Flushing buffer of stream groups (10 bytes) 2022-08-20 18:52:57 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:57 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$flushBufferFunction$3):158 - Flushing buffer for stream groups (10 bytes) to staging 2022-08-20 18:52:57 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:57 INFO i.a.i.d.r.BaseSerializedBuffer(flush):131 - Wrapping up compression and write GZIP trailer data. 2022-08-20 18:52:57 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:57 INFO i.a.i.d.r.BaseSerializedBuffer(flush):138 - Finished writing data to e3f63e49-ef2b-437b-b002-761de8e0173916208605930260220512.csv.gz (1 KB) 2022-08-20 18:52:59 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:59 INFO i.a.d.j.DefaultJdbcDatabase(lambda$unsafeQuery$1):105 - closing connection 2022-08-20 18:52:59 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:59 INFO i.a.i.d.r.FileBuffer(deleteFile):81 - Deleting tempFile data e3f63e49-ef2b-437b-b002-761de8e0173916208605930260220512.csv.gz 2022-08-20 18:52:59 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:59 INFO i.a.i.d.r.SerializedBufferingStrategy(lambda$flushAll$2):106 - Flushing buffer of stream avatars (10 bytes) 2022-08-20 18:52:59 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:59 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$flushBufferFunction$3):158 - Flushing buffer for stream avatars (10 bytes) to staging 2022-08-20 18:52:59 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:59 INFO i.a.i.d.r.BaseSerializedBuffer(flush):131 - Wrapping up compression and write GZIP trailer data. 2022-08-20 18:52:59 destination > 2022-08-20 18:52:59 INFO i.a.i.d.r.BaseSerializedBuffer(flush):138 - Finished writing data to d474be21-bb95-4734-afb6-32556147906312595044592622551022.csv.gz (3 KB) 2022-08-20 18:53:00 destination > 2022-08-20 18:53:00 INFO i.a.d.j.DefaultJdbcDatabase(lambda$unsafeQuery$1):105 - closing connection 2022-08-20 18:53:00 destination > 2022-08-20 18:53:00 INFO i.a.i.d.r.FileBuffer(deleteFile):81 - Deleting tempFile data d474be21-bb95-4734-afb6-32556147906312595044592622551022.csv.gz 2022-08-20 18:53:00 destination > 2022-08-20 18:53:00 INFO i.a.i.d.r.SerializedBufferingStrategy(lambda$flushAll$2):106 - Flushing buffer of stream application_roles (10 bytes) 2022-08-20 18:53:00 destination > 2022-08-20 18:53:00 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$flushBufferFunction$3):158 - Flushing buffer for stream application_roles (10 bytes) to staging 2022-08-20 18:53:00 destination > 2022-08-20 18:53:00 INFO i.a.i.d.r.BaseSerializedBuffer(flush):131 - Wrapping up compression and write GZIP trailer data. 2022-08-20 18:53:00 destination > 2022-08-20 18:53:00 INFO i.a.i.d.r.BaseSerializedBuffer(flush):138 - Finished writing data to 8a54c504-8d2a-4f8b-946e-b4029ea7c5b910131708838845616746.csv.gz (763 bytes) 2022-08-20 18:53:01 destination > 2022-08-20 18:53:01 INFO i.a.d.j.DefaultJdbcDatabase(lambda$unsafeQuery$1):105 - closing connection 2022-08-20 18:53:01 destination > 2022-08-20 18:53:01 INFO i.a.i.d.r.FileBuffer(deleteFile):81 - Deleting tempFile data 8a54c504-8d2a-4f8b-946e-b4029ea7c5b910131708838845616746.csv.gz 2022-08-20 18:53:01 destination > 2022-08-20 18:53:01 INFO i.a.i.d.r.SerializedBufferingStrategy(lambda$flushAll$2):106 - Flushing buffer of stream issue_fields (10 bytes) 2022-08-20 18:53:01 destination > 2022-08-20 18:53:01 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$flushBufferFunction$3):158 - Flushing buffer for stream issue_fields (10 bytes) to staging 2022-08-20 18:53:01 destination > 2022-08-20 18:53:01 INFO i.a.i.d.r.BaseSerializedBuffer(flush):131 - Wrapping up compression and write GZIP trailer data. 2022-08-20 18:53:01 destination > 2022-08-20 18:53:01 INFO i.a.i.d.r.BaseSerializedBuffer(flush):138 - Finished writing data to 2310c90a-cf91-49d5-bcae-97a8328245263781911655393444856.csv.gz (10 KB) 2022-08-20 18:53:02 destination > 2022-08-20 18:53:02 INFO i.a.d.j.DefaultJdbcDatabase(lambda$unsafeQuery$1):105 - closing connection 2022-08-20 18:53:02 destination > 2022-08-20 18:53:02 INFO i.a.i.d.r.FileBuffer(deleteFile):81 - Deleting tempFile data 2310c90a-cf91-49d5-bcae-97a8328245263781911655393444856.csv.gz 2022-08-20 18:53:02 destination > 2022-08-20 18:53:02 INFO i.a.i.d.r.SerializedBufferingStrategy(lambda$flushAll$2):106 - Flushing buffer of stream filters (21 KB) 2022-08-20 18:53:02 destination > 2022-08-20 18:53:02 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$flushBufferFunction$3):158 - Flushing buffer for stream filters (21 KB) to staging 2022-08-20 18:53:02 destination > 2022-08-20 18:53:02 INFO i.a.i.d.r.BaseSerializedBuffer(flush):131 - Wrapping up compression and write GZIP trailer data. 2022-08-20 18:53:02 destination > 2022-08-20 18:53:02 INFO i.a.i.d.r.BaseSerializedBuffer(flush):138 - Finished writing data to abdf1256-60fb-4005-a23e-d3ad823186405785517374027985641.csv.gz (25 KB) 2022-08-20 18:53:03 destination > 2022-08-20 18:53:03 INFO i.a.d.j.DefaultJdbcDatabase(lambda$unsafeQuery$1):105 - closing connection 2022-08-20 18:53:03 destination > 2022-08-20 18:53:03 INFO i.a.i.d.r.FileBuffer(deleteFile):81 - Deleting tempFile data abdf1256-60fb-4005-a23e-d3ad823186405785517374027985641.csv.gz 2022-08-20 18:53:03 destination > 2022-08-20 18:53:03 INFO i.a.i.d.r.SerializedBufferingStrategy(lambda$flushAll$2):106 - Flushing buffer of stream filter_sharing (10 bytes) 2022-08-20 18:53:03 destination > 2022-08-20 18:53:03 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$flushBufferFunction$3):158 - Flushing buffer for stream filter_sharing (10 bytes) to staging 2022-08-20 18:53:03 destination > 2022-08-20 18:53:03 INFO i.a.i.d.r.BaseSerializedBuffer(flush):131 - Wrapping up compression and write GZIP trailer data. 2022-08-20 18:53:03 destination > 2022-08-20 18:53:03 INFO i.a.i.d.r.BaseSerializedBuffer(flush):138 - Finished writing data to e710072e-5978-42d0-9a9f-66b9954f96b712215234816271706746.csv.gz (9 KB) 2022-08-20 18:53:04 destination > 2022-08-20 18:53:04 INFO i.a.d.j.DefaultJdbcDatabase(lambda$unsafeQuery$1):105 - closing connection 2022-08-20 18:53:04 destination > 2022-08-20 18:53:04 INFO i.a.i.d.r.FileBuffer(deleteFile):81 - Deleting tempFile data e710072e-5978-42d0-9a9f-66b9954f96b712215234816271706746.csv.gz 2022-08-20 18:53:04 destination > 2022-08-20 18:53:04 INFO i.a.i.d.r.SerializedBufferingStrategy(lambda$flushAll$2):106 - Flushing buffer of stream dashboards (10 bytes) 2022-08-20 18:53:04 destination > 2022-08-20 18:53:04 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$flushBufferFunction$3):158 - Flushing buffer for stream dashboards (10 bytes) to staging 2022-08-20 18:53:04 destination > 2022-08-20 18:53:04 INFO i.a.i.d.r.BaseSerializedBuffer(flush):131 - Wrapping up compression and write GZIP trailer data. 2022-08-20 18:53:04 destination > 2022-08-20 18:53:04 INFO i.a.i.d.r.BaseSerializedBuffer(flush):138 - Finished writing data to 816648d9-1600-49f6-9a0b-dd7f644bbd3015943914228176550480.csv.gz (3 KB) 2022-08-20 18:53:05 destination > 2022-08-20 18:53:05 INFO i.a.d.j.DefaultJdbcDatabase(lambda$unsafeQuery$1):105 - closing connection 2022-08-20 18:53:05 destination > 2022-08-20 18:53:05 INFO i.a.i.d.r.FileBuffer(deleteFile):81 - Deleting tempFile data 816648d9-1600-49f6-9a0b-dd7f644bbd3015943914228176550480.csv.gz 2022-08-20 18:53:05 destination > 2022-08-20 18:53:05 INFO i.a.i.d.r.SerializedBufferingStrategy(lambda$flushAll$2):106 - Flushing buffer of stream issue_custom_field_contexts (10 bytes) 2022-08-20 18:53:05 destination > 2022-08-20 18:53:05 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$flushBufferFunction$3):158 - Flushing buffer for stream issue_custom_field_contexts (10 bytes) to staging 2022-08-20 18:53:05 destination > 2022-08-20 18:53:05 INFO i.a.i.d.r.BaseSerializedBuffer(flush):131 - Wrapping up compression and write GZIP trailer data. 2022-08-20 18:53:05 destination > 2022-08-20 18:53:05 INFO i.a.i.d.r.BaseSerializedBuffer(flush):138 - Finished writing data to e525cbaa-918f-473f-b0da-92c82fe6d2e67222531952885881459.csv.gz (2 KB) 2022-08-20 18:53:07 destination > 2022-08-20 18:53:07 INFO i.a.d.j.DefaultJdbcDatabase(lambda$unsafeQuery$1):105 - closing connection 2022-08-20 18:53:07 destination > 2022-08-20 18:53:07 INFO i.a.i.d.r.FileBuffer(deleteFile):81 - Deleting tempFile data e525cbaa-918f-473f-b0da-92c82fe6d2e67222531952885881459.csv.gz 2022-08-20 18:53:07 destination > 2022-08-20 18:53:07 INFO i.a.i.d.r.SerializedBufferingStrategy(lambda$flushAll$2):106 - Flushing buffer of stream issue_field_configurations (10 bytes) 2022-08-20 18:53:07 destination > 2022-08-20 18:53:07 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$flushBufferFunction$3):158 - Flushing buffer for stream issue_field_configurations (10 bytes) to staging 2022-08-20 18:53:07 destination > 2022-08-20 18:53:07 INFO i.a.i.d.r.BaseSerializedBuffer(flush):131 - Wrapping up compression and write GZIP trailer data. 2022-08-20 18:53:07 destination > 2022-08-20 18:53:07 INFO i.a.i.d.r.BaseSerializedBuffer(flush):138 - Finished writing data to 13e50e84-a605-4a65-9b6d-cc4475bfc1184694222717179869048.csv.gz (413 bytes) 2022-08-20 18:53:07 destination > 2022-08-20 18:53:07 INFO i.a.d.j.DefaultJdbcDatabase(lambda$unsafeQuery$1):105 - closing connection 2022-08-20 18:53:07 destination > 2022-08-20 18:53:07 INFO i.a.i.d.r.FileBuffer(deleteFile):81 - Deleting tempFile data 13e50e84-a605-4a65-9b6d-cc4475bfc1184694222717179869048.csv.gz 2022-08-20 18:53:07 destination > 2022-08-20 18:53:07 INFO i.a.i.d.r.SerializedBufferingStrategy(close):127 - Closing buffer for stream groups 2022-08-20 18:53:07 destination > 2022-08-20 18:53:07 INFO i.a.i.d.r.SerializedBufferingStrategy(close):127 - Closing buffer for stream avatars 2022-08-20 18:53:07 destination > 2022-08-20 18:53:07 INFO i.a.i.d.r.SerializedBufferingStrategy(close):127 - Closing buffer for stream application_roles 2022-08-20 18:53:07 destination > 2022-08-20 18:53:07 INFO i.a.i.d.r.SerializedBufferingStrategy(close):127 - Closing buffer for stream issue_fields 2022-08-20 18:53:07 destination > 2022-08-20 18:53:07 INFO i.a.i.d.r.SerializedBufferingStrategy(close):127 - Closing buffer for stream filters 2022-08-20 18:53:07 destination > 2022-08-20 18:53:07 INFO i.a.i.d.r.SerializedBufferingStrategy(close):127 - Closing buffer for stream filter_sharing 2022-08-20 18:53:07 destination > 2022-08-20 18:53:07 INFO i.a.i.d.r.SerializedBufferingStrategy(close):127 - Closing buffer for stream dashboards 2022-08-20 18:53:07 destination > 2022-08-20 18:53:07 INFO i.a.i.d.r.SerializedBufferingStrategy(close):127 - Closing buffer for stream issue_custom_field_contexts 2022-08-20 18:53:07 destination > 2022-08-20 18:53:07 INFO i.a.i.d.r.SerializedBufferingStrategy(close):127 - Closing buffer for stream issue_field_configurations 2022-08-20 18:53:07 destination > 2022-08-20 18:53:07 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onCloseFunction$4):186 - Copying into tables in destination started for 51 streams 2022-08-20 18:53:07 destination > 2022-08-20 18:53:07 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onCloseFunction$4):195 - Copying stream application_roles of schema JIRA into tmp table _airbyte_tmp_dam_application_roles to final table _airbyte_raw_application_roles from stage path 2022/08/20/18/A70DC742-6768-4457-BA8D-3F409AC85341/ with 1 file(s) [8a54c504-8d2a-4f8b-946e-b4029ea7c5b910131708838845616746.csv.gz] 2022-08-20 18:53:08 destination > 2022-08-20 18:53:08 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onCloseFunction$4):195 - Copying stream avatars of schema JIRA into tmp table _airbyte_tmp_asw_avatars to final table _airbyte_raw_avatars from stage path 2022/08/20/18/A70DC742-6768-4457-BA8D-3F409AC85341/ with 1 file(s) [d474be21-bb95-4734-afb6-32556147906312595044592622551022.csv.gz] 2022-08-20 18:53:10 destination > 2022-08-20 18:53:10 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onCloseFunction$4):195 - Copying stream boards of schema JIRA into tmp table _airbyte_tmp_gdn_boards to final table _airbyte_raw_boards from stage path 2022/08/20/18/A70DC742-6768-4457-BA8D-3F409AC85341/ with 0 file(s) [] 2022-08-20 18:53:10 destination > 2022-08-20 18:53:10 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onCloseFunction$4):195 - Copying stream board_issues of schema JIRA into tmp table _airbyte_tmp_xxa_board_issues to final table _airbyte_raw_board_issues from stage path 2022/08/20/18/A70DC742-6768-4457-BA8D-3F409AC85341/ with 0 file(s) [] 2022-08-20 18:53:11 destination > 2022-08-20 18:53:11 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onCloseFunction$4):195 - Copying stream dashboards of schema JIRA into tmp table _airbyte_tmp_dis_dashboards to final table _airbyte_raw_dashboards from stage path 2022/08/20/18/A70DC742-6768-4457-BA8D-3F409AC85341/ with 1 file(s) [816648d9-1600-49f6-9a0b-dd7f644bbd3015943914228176550480.csv.gz] 2022-08-20 18:53:12 destination > 2022-08-20 18:53:12 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onCloseFunction$4):195 - Copying stream epics of schema JIRA into tmp table _airbyte_tmp_zxg_epics to final table _airbyte_raw_epics from stage path 2022/08/20/18/A70DC742-6768-4457-BA8D-3F409AC85341/ with 0 file(s) [] 2022-08-20 18:53:12 destination > 2022-08-20 18:53:12 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onCloseFunction$4):195 - Copying stream filters of schema JIRA into tmp table _airbyte_tmp_zwi_filters to final table _airbyte_raw_filters from stage path 2022/08/20/18/A70DC742-6768-4457-BA8D-3F409AC85341/ with 1 file(s) [abdf1256-60fb-4005-a23e-d3ad823186405785517374027985641.csv.gz] 2022-08-20 18:53:14 destination > 2022-08-20 18:53:14 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onCloseFunction$4):195 - Copying stream filter_sharing of schema JIRA into tmp table _airbyte_tmp_zxo_filter_sharing to final table _airbyte_raw_filter_sharing from stage path 2022/08/20/18/A70DC742-6768-4457-BA8D-3F409AC85341/ with 1 file(s) [e710072e-5978-42d0-9a9f-66b9954f96b712215234816271706746.csv.gz] 2022-08-20 18:53:15 destination > 2022-08-20 18:53:15 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onCloseFunction$4):195 - Copying stream groups of schema JIRA into tmp table _airbyte_tmp_ali_groups to final table _airbyte_raw_groups from stage path 2022/08/20/18/A70DC742-6768-4457-BA8D-3F409AC85341/ with 1 file(s) [e3f63e49-ef2b-437b-b002-761de8e0173916208605930260220512.csv.gz] 2022-08-20 18:53:16 destination > 2022-08-20 18:53:16 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onCloseFunction$4):195 - Copying stream issues of schema JIRA into tmp table _airbyte_tmp_qyn_issues to final table _airbyte_raw_issues from stage path 2022/08/20/18/A70DC742-6768-4457-BA8D-3F409AC85341/ with 0 file(s) [] 2022-08-20 18:53:16 destination > 2022-08-20 18:53:16 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onCloseFunction$4):195 - Copying stream issue_comments of schema JIRA into tmp table _airbyte_tmp_vdb_issue_comments to final table _airbyte_raw_issue_comments from stage path 2022/08/20/18/A70DC742-6768-4457-BA8D-3F409AC85341/ with 0 file(s) [] 2022-08-20 18:53:17 destination > 2022-08-20 18:53:17 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onCloseFunction$4):195 - Copying stream issue_fields of schema JIRA into tmp table _airbyte_tmp_mdc_issue_fields to final table _airbyte_raw_issue_fields from stage path 2022/08/20/18/A70DC742-6768-4457-BA8D-3F409AC85341/ with 1 file(s) [2310c90a-cf91-49d5-bcae-97a8328245263781911655393444856.csv.gz] 2022-08-20 18:53:18 destination > 2022-08-20 18:53:18 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onCloseFunction$4):195 - Copying stream issue_field_configurations of schema JIRA into tmp table _airbyte_tmp_pjd_issue_field_configurations to final table _airbyte_raw_issue_field_configurations from stage path 2022/08/20/18/A70DC742-6768-4457-BA8D-3F409AC85341/ with 1 file(s) [13e50e84-a605-4a65-9b6d-cc4475bfc1184694222717179869048.csv.gz] 2022-08-20 18:53:18 destination > 2022-08-20 18:53:18 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onCloseFunction$4):195 - Copying stream issue_custom_field_contexts of schema JIRA into tmp table _airbyte_tmp_urf_issue_custom_field_contexts to final table _airbyte_raw_issue_custom_field_contexts from stage path 2022/08/20/18/A70DC742-6768-4457-BA8D-3F409AC85341/ with 1 file(s) [e525cbaa-918f-473f-b0da-92c82fe6d2e67222531952885881459.csv.gz] 2022-08-20 18:53:19 destination > 2022-08-20 18:53:19 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onCloseFunction$4):195 - Copying stream issue_link_types of schema JIRA into tmp table _airbyte_tmp_ybk_issue_link_types to final table _airbyte_raw_issue_link_types from stage path 2022/08/20/18/A70DC742-6768-4457-BA8D-3F409AC85341/ with 0 file(s) [] 2022-08-20 18:53:20 destination > 2022-08-20 18:53:20 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onCloseFunction$4):195 - Copying stream issue_navigator_settings of schema JIRA into tmp table _airbyte_tmp_vhn_issue_navigator_settings to final table _airbyte_raw_issue_navigator_settings from stage path 2022/08/20/18/A70DC742-6768-4457-BA8D-3F409AC85341/ with 0 file(s) [] 2022-08-20 18:53:21 destination > 2022-08-20 18:53:21 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onCloseFunction$4):195 - Copying stream issue_notification_schemes of schema JIRA into tmp table _airbyte_tmp_zqd_issue_notification_schemes to final table _airbyte_raw_issue_notification_schemes from stage path 2022/08/20/18/A70DC742-6768-4457-BA8D-3F409AC85341/ with 0 file(s) [] 2022-08-20 18:53:21 destination > 2022-08-20 18:53:21 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onCloseFunction$4):195 - Copying stream issue_priorities of schema JIRA into tmp table _airbyte_tmp_oma_issue_priorities to final table _airbyte_raw_issue_priorities from stage path 2022/08/20/18/A70DC742-6768-4457-BA8D-3F409AC85341/ with 0 file(s) [] 2022-08-20 18:53:22 destination > 2022-08-20 18:53:22 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onCloseFunction$4):195 - Copying stream issue_properties of schema JIRA into tmp table _airbyte_tmp_iru_issue_properties to final table _airbyte_raw_issue_properties from stage path 2022/08/20/18/A70DC742-6768-4457-BA8D-3F409AC85341/ with 0 file(s) [] 2022-08-20 18:53:22 destination > 2022-08-20 18:53:22 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onCloseFunction$4):195 - Copying stream issue_remote_links of schema JIRA into tmp table _airbyte_tmp_znf_issue_remote_links to final table _airbyte_raw_issue_remote_links from stage path 2022/08/20/18/A70DC742-6768-4457-BA8D-3F409AC85341/ with 0 file(s) [] 2022-08-20 18:53:23 destination > 2022-08-20 18:53:23 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onCloseFunction$4):195 - Copying stream issue_resolutions of schema JIRA into tmp table _airbyte_tmp_ocp_issue_resolutions to final table _airbyte_raw_issue_resolutions from stage path 2022/08/20/18/A70DC742-6768-4457-BA8D-3F409AC85341/ with 0 file(s) [] 2022-08-20 18:53:24 destination > 2022-08-20 18:53:24 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onCloseFunction$4):195 - Copying stream issue_security_schemes of schema JIRA into tmp table _airbyte_tmp_lqu_issue_security_schemes to final table _airbyte_raw_issue_security_schemes from stage path 2022/08/20/18/A70DC742-6768-4457-BA8D-3F409AC85341/ with 0 file(s) [] 2022-08-20 18:53:24 destination > 2022-08-20 18:53:24 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onCloseFunction$4):195 - Copying stream issue_type_schemes of schema JIRA into tmp table _airbyte_tmp_whl_issue_type_schemes to final table _airbyte_raw_issue_type_schemes from stage path 2022/08/20/18/A70DC742-6768-4457-BA8D-3F409AC85341/ with 0 file(s) [] 2022-08-20 18:53:25 destination > 2022-08-20 18:53:25 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onCloseFunction$4):195 - Copying stream issue_type_screen_schemes of schema JIRA into tmp table _airbyte_tmp_ufu_issue_type_screen_schemes to final table _airbyte_raw_issue_type_screen_schemes from stage path 2022/08/20/18/A70DC742-6768-4457-BA8D-3F409AC85341/ with 0 file(s) [] 2022-08-20 18:53:25 destination > 2022-08-20 18:53:25 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onCloseFunction$4):195 - Copying stream issue_votes of schema JIRA into tmp table _airbyte_tmp_nwh_issue_votes to final table _airbyte_raw_issue_votes from stage path 2022/08/20/18/A70DC742-6768-4457-BA8D-3F409AC85341/ with 0 file(s) [] 2022-08-20 18:53:26 destination > 2022-08-20 18:53:26 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onCloseFunction$4):195 - Copying stream issue_watchers of schema JIRA into tmp table _airbyte_tmp_ynm_issue_watchers to final table _airbyte_raw_issue_watchers from stage path 2022/08/20/18/A70DC742-6768-4457-BA8D-3F409AC85341/ with 0 file(s) [] 2022-08-20 18:53:27 destination > 2022-08-20 18:53:27 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onCloseFunction$4):195 - Copying stream issue_worklogs of schema JIRA into tmp table _airbyte_tmp_nny_issue_worklogs to final table _airbyte_raw_issue_worklogs from stage path 2022/08/20/18/A70DC742-6768-4457-BA8D-3F409AC85341/ with 0 file(s) [] 2022-08-20 18:53:27 destination > 2022-08-20 18:53:27 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onCloseFunction$4):195 - Copying stream jira_settings of schema JIRA into tmp table _airbyte_tmp_wrc_jira_settings to final table _airbyte_raw_jira_settings from stage path 2022/08/20/18/A70DC742-6768-4457-BA8D-3F409AC85341/ with 0 file(s) [] 2022-08-20 18:53:28 destination > 2022-08-20 18:53:28 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onCloseFunction$4):195 - Copying stream labels of schema JIRA into tmp table _airbyte_tmp_sur_labels to final table _airbyte_raw_labels from stage path 2022/08/20/18/A70DC742-6768-4457-BA8D-3F409AC85341/ with 0 file(s) [] 2022-08-20 18:53:28 destination > 2022-08-20 18:53:28 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onCloseFunction$4):195 - Copying stream permissions of schema JIRA into tmp table _airbyte_tmp_qsp_permissions to final table _airbyte_raw_permissions from stage path 2022/08/20/18/A70DC742-6768-4457-BA8D-3F409AC85341/ with 0 file(s) [] 2022-08-20 18:53:29 destination > 2022-08-20 18:53:29 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onCloseFunction$4):195 - Copying stream permission_schemes of schema JIRA into tmp table _airbyte_tmp_gsf_permission_schemes to final table _airbyte_raw_permission_schemes from stage path 2022/08/20/18/A70DC742-6768-4457-BA8D-3F409AC85341/ with 0 file(s) [] 2022-08-20 18:53:30 destination > 2022-08-20 18:53:30 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onCloseFunction$4):195 - Copying stream projects of schema JIRA into tmp table _airbyte_tmp_kpb_projects to final table _airbyte_raw_projects from stage path 2022/08/20/18/A70DC742-6768-4457-BA8D-3F409AC85341/ with 0 file(s) [] 2022-08-20 18:53:30 destination > 2022-08-20 18:53:30 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onCloseFunction$4):195 - Copying stream project_avatars of schema JIRA into tmp table _airbyte_tmp_nuk_project_avatars to final table _airbyte_raw_project_avatars from stage path 2022/08/20/18/A70DC742-6768-4457-BA8D-3F409AC85341/ with 0 file(s) [] 2022-08-20 18:53:31 destination > 2022-08-20 18:53:31 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onCloseFunction$4):195 - Copying stream project_categories of schema JIRA into tmp table _airbyte_tmp_yin_project_categories to final table _airbyte_raw_project_categories from stage path 2022/08/20/18/A70DC742-6768-4457-BA8D-3F409AC85341/ with 0 file(s) [] 2022-08-20 18:53:31 destination > 2022-08-20 18:53:31 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onCloseFunction$4):195 - Copying stream project_components of schema JIRA into tmp table _airbyte_tmp_dkm_project_components to final table _airbyte_raw_project_components from stage path 2022/08/20/18/A70DC742-6768-4457-BA8D-3F409AC85341/ with 0 file(s) [] 2022-08-20 18:53:32 destination > 2022-08-20 18:53:32 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onCloseFunction$4):195 - Copying stream project_email of schema JIRA into tmp table _airbyte_tmp_rur_project_email to final table _airbyte_raw_project_email from stage path 2022/08/20/18/A70DC742-6768-4457-BA8D-3F409AC85341/ with 0 file(s) [] 2022-08-20 18:53:32 destination > 2022-08-20 18:53:32 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onCloseFunction$4):195 - Copying stream project_permission_schemes of schema JIRA into tmp table _airbyte_tmp_hyr_project_permission_schemes to final table _airbyte_raw_project_permission_schemes from stage path 2022/08/20/18/A70DC742-6768-4457-BA8D-3F409AC85341/ with 0 file(s) [] 2022-08-20 18:53:33 destination > 2022-08-20 18:53:33 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onCloseFunction$4):195 - Copying stream project_types of schema JIRA into tmp table _airbyte_tmp_ymv_project_types to final table _airbyte_raw_project_types from stage path 2022/08/20/18/A70DC742-6768-4457-BA8D-3F409AC85341/ with 0 file(s) [] 2022-08-20 18:53:33 destination > 2022-08-20 18:53:33 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onCloseFunction$4):195 - Copying stream project_versions of schema JIRA into tmp table _airbyte_tmp_iww_project_versions to final table _airbyte_raw_project_versions from stage path 2022/08/20/18/A70DC742-6768-4457-BA8D-3F409AC85341/ with 0 file(s) [] 2022-08-20 18:53:34 destination > 2022-08-20 18:53:34 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onCloseFunction$4):195 - Copying stream screens of schema JIRA into tmp table _airbyte_tmp_kxp_screens to final table _airbyte_raw_screens from stage path 2022/08/20/18/A70DC742-6768-4457-BA8D-3F409AC85341/ with 0 file(s) [] 2022-08-20 18:53:35 destination > 2022-08-20 18:53:35 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onCloseFunction$4):195 - Copying stream screen_tabs of schema JIRA into tmp table _airbyte_tmp_bnr_screen_tabs to final table _airbyte_raw_screen_tabs from stage path 2022/08/20/18/A70DC742-6768-4457-BA8D-3F409AC85341/ with 0 file(s) [] 2022-08-20 18:53:35 destination > 2022-08-20 18:53:35 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onCloseFunction$4):195 - Copying stream screen_tab_fields of schema JIRA into tmp table _airbyte_tmp_ahm_screen_tab_fields to final table _airbyte_raw_screen_tab_fields from stage path 2022/08/20/18/A70DC742-6768-4457-BA8D-3F409AC85341/ with 0 file(s) [] 2022-08-20 18:53:36 destination > 2022-08-20 18:53:36 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onCloseFunction$4):195 - Copying stream screen_schemes of schema JIRA into tmp table _airbyte_tmp_ffx_screen_schemes to final table _airbyte_raw_screen_schemes from stage path 2022/08/20/18/A70DC742-6768-4457-BA8D-3F409AC85341/ with 0 file(s) [] 2022-08-20 18:53:36 destination > 2022-08-20 18:53:36 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onCloseFunction$4):195 - Copying stream sprints of schema JIRA into tmp table _airbyte_tmp_prw_sprints to final table _airbyte_raw_sprints from stage path 2022/08/20/18/A70DC742-6768-4457-BA8D-3F409AC85341/ with 0 file(s) [] 2022-08-20 18:53:37 destination > 2022-08-20 18:53:37 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onCloseFunction$4):195 - Copying stream sprint_issues of schema JIRA into tmp table _airbyte_tmp_sft_sprint_issues to final table _airbyte_raw_sprint_issues from stage path 2022/08/20/18/A70DC742-6768-4457-BA8D-3F409AC85341/ with 0 file(s) [] 2022-08-20 18:53:38 destination > 2022-08-20 18:53:38 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onCloseFunction$4):195 - Copying stream time_tracking of schema JIRA into tmp table _airbyte_tmp_iuy_time_tracking to final table _airbyte_raw_time_tracking from stage path 2022/08/20/18/A70DC742-6768-4457-BA8D-3F409AC85341/ with 0 file(s) [] 2022-08-20 18:53:38 destination > 2022-08-20 18:53:38 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onCloseFunction$4):195 - Copying stream users of schema JIRA into tmp table _airbyte_tmp_lwl_users to final table _airbyte_raw_users from stage path 2022/08/20/18/A70DC742-6768-4457-BA8D-3F409AC85341/ with 0 file(s) [] 2022-08-20 18:53:39 destination > 2022-08-20 18:53:39 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onCloseFunction$4):195 - Copying stream workflows of schema JIRA into tmp table _airbyte_tmp_dfm_workflows to final table _airbyte_raw_workflows from stage path 2022/08/20/18/A70DC742-6768-4457-BA8D-3F409AC85341/ with 0 file(s) [] 2022-08-20 18:53:39 destination > 2022-08-20 18:53:39 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onCloseFunction$4):195 - Copying stream workflow_schemes of schema JIRA into tmp table _airbyte_tmp_jsh_workflow_schemes to final table _airbyte_raw_workflow_schemes from stage path 2022/08/20/18/A70DC742-6768-4457-BA8D-3F409AC85341/ with 0 file(s) [] 2022-08-20 18:53:40 destination > 2022-08-20 18:53:40 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onCloseFunction$4):195 - Copying stream workflow_statuses of schema JIRA into tmp table _airbyte_tmp_ouk_workflow_statuses to final table _airbyte_raw_workflow_statuses from stage path 2022/08/20/18/A70DC742-6768-4457-BA8D-3F409AC85341/ with 0 file(s) [] 2022-08-20 18:53:40 destination > 2022-08-20 18:53:40 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onCloseFunction$4):195 - Copying stream workflow_status_categories of schema JIRA into tmp table _airbyte_tmp_afm_workflow_status_categories to final table _airbyte_raw_workflow_status_categories from stage path 2022/08/20/18/A70DC742-6768-4457-BA8D-3F409AC85341/ with 0 file(s) [] 2022-08-20 18:53:41 destination > 2022-08-20 18:53:41 INFO i.a.i.d.j.SqlOperations(onDestinationCloseOperations):137 - No onDestinationCloseOperations required for this destination. 2022-08-20 18:53:41 destination > 2022-08-20 18:53:41 INFO i.a.i.d.s.StagingConsumerFactory(lambda$onCloseFunction$4):216 - Executing finalization of tables. 2022-08-20 18:53:58 ERROR i.a.w.g.DefaultReplicationWorker(run):181 - Sync worker failed. java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: io.airbyte.workers.general.DefaultReplicationWorker$SourceException: Source process exited with non-zero exit code 1 at java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture.reportGet(CompletableFuture.java:396) ~[?:?] at java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture.get(CompletableFuture.java:2073) ~[?:?] at io.airbyte.workers.general.DefaultReplicationWorker.run(DefaultReplicationWorker.java:174) ~[io.airbyte-airbyte-workers-0.39.38-alpha.jar:?] at io.airbyte.workers.general.DefaultReplicationWorker.run(DefaultReplicationWorker.java:65) ~[io.airbyte-airbyte-workers-0.39.38-alpha.jar:?] at io.airbyte.workers.temporal.TemporalAttemptExecution.lambda$getWorkerThread$2(TemporalAttemptExecution.java:155) ~[io.airbyte-airbyte-workers-0.39.38-alpha.jar:?] at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:833) [?:?] Suppressed: io.airbyte.workers.exception.WorkerException: Source process exit with code 1. This warning is normal if the job was cancelled. at io.airbyte.workers.internal.DefaultAirbyteSource.close(DefaultAirbyteSource.java:136) ~[io.airbyte-airbyte-workers-0.39.38-alpha.jar:?] at io.airbyte.workers.general.DefaultReplicationWorker.run(DefaultReplicationWorker.java:138) ~[io.airbyte-airbyte-workers-0.39.38-alpha.jar:?] at io.airbyte.workers.general.DefaultReplicationWorker.run(DefaultReplicationWorker.java:65) ~[io.airbyte-airbyte-workers-0.39.38-alpha.jar:?] at io.airbyte.workers.temporal.TemporalAttemptExecution.lambda$getWorkerThread$2(TemporalAttemptExecution.java:155) ~[io.airbyte-airbyte-workers-0.39.38-alpha.jar:?] at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:833) [?:?] Suppressed: io.airbyte.workers.exception.WorkerException: Destination process exit with code 143. This warning is normal if the job was cancelled. at io.airbyte.workers.internal.DefaultAirbyteDestination.close(DefaultAirbyteDestination.java:119) ~[io.airbyte-airbyte-workers-0.39.38-alpha.jar:?] at io.airbyte.workers.general.DefaultReplicationWorker.run(DefaultReplicationWorker.java:138) ~[io.airbyte-airbyte-workers-0.39.38-alpha.jar:?] at io.airbyte.workers.general.DefaultReplicationWorker.run(DefaultReplicationWorker.java:65) ~[io.airbyte-airbyte-workers-0.39.38-alpha.jar:?] at io.airbyte.workers.temporal.TemporalAttemptExecution.lambda$getWorkerThread$2(TemporalAttemptExecution.java:155) ~[io.airbyte-airbyte-workers-0.39.38-alpha.jar:?] at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:833) [?:?] Caused by: io.airbyte.workers.general.DefaultReplicationWorker$SourceException: Source process exited with non-zero exit code 1 at io.airbyte.workers.general.DefaultReplicationWorker.lambda$getReplicationRunnable$6(DefaultReplicationWorker.java:349) ~[io.airbyte-airbyte-workers-0.39.38-alpha.jar:?] at java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture$AsyncRun.run(CompletableFuture.java:1804) ~[?:?] at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1136) ~[?:?] at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:635) ~[?:?] ... 1 more 2022-08-20 18:53:58 INFO i.a.w.g.DefaultReplicationWorker(run):240 - sync summary: io.airbyte.config.ReplicationAttemptSummary@65b0d5af[status=failed,recordsSynced=732,bytesSynced=567501,startTime=1661021531721,endTime=1661021638136,totalStats=io.airbyte.config.SyncStats@4279a9b1[recordsEmitted=732,bytesEmitted=567501,stateMessagesEmitted=3,recordsCommitted=0],streamStats=[io.airbyte.config.StreamSyncStats@7193eec7[streamName=issue_fields,stats=io.airbyte.config.SyncStats@ca846db[recordsEmitted=152,bytesEmitted=48343,stateMessagesEmitted=,recordsCommitted=]], io.airbyte.config.StreamSyncStats@6fd6e74c[streamName=filter_sharing,stats=io.airbyte.config.SyncStats@606def26[recordsEmitted=215,bytesEmitted=90026,stateMessagesEmitted=,recordsCommitted=]], io.airbyte.config.StreamSyncStats@ee6d03a[streamName=groups,stats=io.airbyte.config.SyncStats@40b6d1a3[recordsEmitted=27,bytesEmitted=2060,stateMessagesEmitted=,recordsCommitted=]], io.airbyte.config.StreamSyncStats@1802a27e[streamName=issue_field_configurations,stats=io.airbyte.config.SyncStats@17197a87[recordsEmitted=6,bytesEmitted=929,stateMessagesEmitted=,recordsCommitted=]], io.airbyte.config.StreamSyncStats@2f460f5e[streamName=application_roles,stats=io.airbyte.config.SyncStats@590be8dc[recordsEmitted=2,bytesEmitted=3178,stateMessagesEmitted=,recordsCommitted=]], io.airbyte.config.StreamSyncStats@5497b0d1[streamName=filters,stats=io.airbyte.config.SyncStats@8063586[recordsEmitted=184,bytesEmitted=362118,stateMessagesEmitted=,recordsCommitted=]], io.airbyte.config.StreamSyncStats@17a5f727[streamName=dashboards,stats=io.airbyte.config.SyncStats@116ea007[recordsEmitted=22,bytesEmitted=29172,stateMessagesEmitted=,recordsCommitted=]], io.airbyte.config.StreamSyncStats@78968bc3[streamName=avatars,stats=io.airbyte.config.SyncStats@41053b52[recordsEmitted=65,bytesEmitted=21151,stateMessagesEmitted=,recordsCommitted=]], io.airbyte.config.StreamSyncStats@79a1f09a[streamName=issue_custom_field_contexts,stats=io.airbyte.config.SyncStats@1dab0931[recordsEmitted=59,bytesEmitted=10524,stateMessagesEmitted=,recordsCommitted=]]]] 2022-08-20 18:53:58 INFO i.a.w.g.DefaultReplicationWorker(run):267 - Source output at least one state message 2022-08-20 18:53:58 WARN i.a.w.g.DefaultReplicationWorker(run):277 - State capture: No new state, falling back on input state: io.airbyte.config.State@512f51d4[state={}] 2022-08-20 18:53:58 INFO i.a.w.t.TemporalAttemptExecution(get):131 - Stopping cancellation check scheduling... 2022-08-20 18:53:58 INFO i.a.w.t.s.ReplicationActivityImpl(lambda$replicate$3):161 - sync summary: io.airbyte.config.StandardSyncOutput@7f0f20ec[standardSyncSummary=io.airbyte.config.StandardSyncSummary@2dda1c38[status=failed,recordsSynced=732,bytesSynced=567501,startTime=1661021531721,endTime=1661021638136,totalStats=io.airbyte.config.SyncStats@4279a9b1[recordsEmitted=732,bytesEmitted=567501,stateMessagesEmitted=3,recordsCommitted=0],streamStats=[io.airbyte.config.StreamSyncStats@7193eec7[streamName=issue_fields,stats=io.airbyte.config.SyncStats@ca846db[recordsEmitted=152,bytesEmitted=48343,stateMessagesEmitted=,recordsCommitted=]], io.airbyte.config.StreamSyncStats@6fd6e74c[streamName=filter_sharing,stats=io.airbyte.config.SyncStats@606def26[recordsEmitted=215,bytesEmitted=90026,stateMessagesEmitted=,recordsCommitted=]], io.airbyte.config.StreamSyncStats@ee6d03a[streamName=groups,stats=io.airbyte.config.SyncStats@40b6d1a3[recordsEmitted=27,bytesEmitted=2060,stateMessagesEmitted=,recordsCommitted=]], io.airbyte.config.StreamSyncStats@1802a27e[streamName=issue_field_configurations,stats=io.airbyte.config.SyncStats@17197a87[recordsEmitted=6,bytesEmitted=929,stateMessagesEmitted=,recordsCommitted=]], io.airbyte.config.StreamSyncStats@2f460f5e[streamName=application_roles,stats=io.airbyte.config.SyncStats@590be8dc[recordsEmitted=2,bytesEmitted=3178,stateMessagesEmitted=,recordsCommitted=]], io.airbyte.config.StreamSyncStats@5497b0d1[streamName=filters,stats=io.airbyte.config.SyncStats@8063586[recordsEmitted=184,bytesEmitted=362118,stateMessagesEmitted=,recordsCommitted=]], io.airbyte.config.StreamSyncStats@17a5f727[streamName=dashboards,stats=io.airbyte.config.SyncStats@116ea007[recordsEmitted=22,bytesEmitted=29172,stateMessagesEmitted=,recordsCommitted=]], io.airbyte.config.StreamSyncStats@78968bc3[streamName=avatars,stats=io.airbyte.config.SyncStats@41053b52[recordsEmitted=65,bytesEmitted=21151,stateMessagesEmitted=,recordsCommitted=]], io.airbyte.config.StreamSyncStats@79a1f09a[streamName=issue_custom_field_contexts,stats=io.airbyte.config.SyncStats@1dab0931[recordsEmitted=59,bytesEmitted=10524,stateMessagesEmitted=,recordsCommitted=]]]],normalizationSummary=,state=io.airbyte.config.State@512f51d4[state={}],outputCatalog=io.airbyte.protocol.models.ConfiguredAirbyteCatalog@24ccb3b1[streams=[io.airbyte.protocol.models.ConfiguredAirbyteStream@8813a2d[stream=io.airbyte.protocol.models.AirbyteStream@e8f6391[name=application_roles,jsonSchema={"type":"object","$schema":"http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#","properties":{"key":{"type":"string","description":"The key of the application role."},"name":{"type":"string","description":"The display name of the application role."},"groups":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"string"},"description":"The groups associated with the application role.","uniqueItems":true},"defined":{"type":"boolean","description":"Deprecated."},"platform":{"type":"boolean","description":"Indicates if the application role belongs to Jira platform (`jira-core`)."},"userCount":{"type":"integer","format":"int32","description":"The number of users counting against your license."},"groupDetails":{"type":["null","array"],"items":{"type":["null","object"]},"description":"Group Details"},"defaultGroups":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"string"},"description":"The groups that are granted default access for this application role.","uniqueItems":true},"numberOfSeats":{"type":"integer","format":"int32","description":"The maximum count of users on your license."},"remainingSeats":{"type":"integer","format":"int32","description":"The count of users remaining on your license."},"hasUnlimitedSeats":{"type":"boolean"},"selectedByDefault":{"type":"boolean","description":"Determines whether this application role should be selected by default on user creation."},"userCountDescription":{"type":"string","description":"The [type of users](https://confluence.atlassian.com/x/lRW3Ng) being counted against your license."}},"description":"Details of an application role.","additionalProperties":true},supportedSyncModes=[full_refresh],sourceDefinedCursor=,defaultCursorField=[],sourceDefinedPrimaryKey=[],namespace=,additionalProperties={}],syncMode=full_refresh,cursorField=[],destinationSyncMode=overwrite,primaryKey=[],additionalProperties={}], io.airbyte.protocol.models.ConfiguredAirbyteStream@73c995a4[stream=io.airbyte.protocol.models.AirbyteStream@3259e157[name=avatars,jsonSchema={"type":"object","$schema":"http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#","properties":{"id":{"type":"string","description":"The ID of the avatar."},"urls":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"description":"The list of avatar icon URLs.","additionalProperties":{"type":"string","format":"uri","readOnly":true}},"owner":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The owner of the avatar. For a system avatar the owner is null (and nothing is returned). For non-system avatars this is the appropriate identifier, such as the ID for a project or the account ID for a user."},"fileName":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The file name of the avatar icon. Returned for system avatars."},"isSelected":{"type":"boolean","readOnly":true,"description":"Whether the avatar is used in Jira. For example, shown as a project's avatar."},"isDeletable":{"type":"boolean","readOnly":true,"description":"Whether the avatar can be deleted."},"isSystemAvatar":{"type":"boolean","readOnly":true,"description":"Whether the avatar is a system avatar."}},"description":"List of system avatars.","additionalProperties":false},supportedSyncModes=[full_refresh],sourceDefinedCursor=,defaultCursorField=[],sourceDefinedPrimaryKey=[[id]],namespace=,additionalProperties={}],syncMode=full_refresh,cursorField=[],destinationSyncMode=overwrite,primaryKey=[[id]],additionalProperties={}], io.airbyte.protocol.models.ConfiguredAirbyteStream@3388e563[stream=io.airbyte.protocol.models.AirbyteStream@46ee8b68[name=boards,jsonSchema={"type":"object","$schema":"http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#","properties":{"id":{"type":"integer"},"name":{"type":"string"},"self":{"type":"string"},"type":{"type":"string"},"projectId":{"type":"string"},"projectKey":{"type":"string"}}},supportedSyncModes=[full_refresh],sourceDefinedCursor=,defaultCursorField=[],sourceDefinedPrimaryKey=[[id]],namespace=,additionalProperties={}],syncMode=full_refresh,cursorField=[],destinationSyncMode=overwrite,primaryKey=[[id]],additionalProperties={}], io.airbyte.protocol.models.ConfiguredAirbyteStream@793552a4[stream=io.airbyte.protocol.models.AirbyteStream@49b478c[name=board_issues,jsonSchema={"type":"object","$schema":"http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#","properties":{"id":{"type":"string"},"key":{"type":"string"},"self":{"type":"string"},"expand":{"type":"string"},"fields":{"type":"object","properties":{"epic":{"type":["null","object"]},"sprint":{"type":["null","object"]},"comment":{"type":["null","array"],"items":{"type":"object"}},"flagged":{"type":["null","boolean"]},"project":{"type":["null","object"]},"updated":{"type":["null","string"],"format":"date-time"},"worklog":{"type":["null","array"],"items":{"type":"object"}},"description":{"type":["null","string"]},"timetracking":{"type":["null","object"]},"closedSprints":{"type":["null","object"]}}},"boardId":{"type":"integer"}}},supportedSyncModes=[full_refresh, incremental],sourceDefinedCursor=true,defaultCursorField=[fields, updated],sourceDefinedPrimaryKey=[[id]],namespace=,additionalProperties={}],syncMode=incremental,cursorField=[fields, updated],destinationSyncMode=append_dedup,primaryKey=[[id]],additionalProperties={}], io.airbyte.protocol.models.ConfiguredAirbyteStream@70cc1981[stream=io.airbyte.protocol.models.AirbyteStream@424b793b[name=dashboards,jsonSchema={"type":"object","$schema":"http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#","properties":{"id":{"type":"string","description":"The ID of the dashboard."},"name":{"type":"string","description":"The name of the dashboard."},"rank":{"type":"integer","format":"int32","description":"The rank of this dashboard."},"self":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of these dashboard details."},"view":{"type":"string","description":"The URL of the dashboard."},"owner":{"type":"object","properties":{"key":{"type":"string","description":"This property is deprecated in favor of `accountId` because of privacy changes. See the [migration guide](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details. \nThe key of the user."},"name":{"type":"string","description":"This property is deprecated in favor of `accountId` because of privacy changes. See the [migration guide](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details. \nThe username of the user."},"self":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the user."},"active":{"type":"boolean","description":"Whether the user is active."},"accountId":{"type":"string","maxLength":128,"description":"The account ID of the user, which uniquely identifies the user across all Atlassian products. For example, *5b10ac8d82e05b22cc7d4ef5*."},"avatarUrls":{"type":"object","properties":{"16x16":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the user's 16x16 pixel avatar."},"24x24":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the user's 24x24 pixel avatar."},"32x32":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the user's 32x32 pixel avatar."},"48x48":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the user's 48x48 pixel avatar."}},"description":"The avatars of the user."},"displayName":{"type":"string","description":"The display name of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may return an alternative value."}},"description":"The owner of the dashboard."},"popularity":{"type":"integer","format":"int64","description":"The number of users who have this dashboard as a favorite."},"description":{"type":"string"},"isFavourite":{"type":"boolean","description":"Whether the dashboard is selected as a favorite by the user."},"sharePermissions":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"object","properties":{"id":{"type":"integer","format":"int64","description":"The unique identifier of the share permission."},"role":{"type":"object","properties":{"id":{"type":"integer","format":"int64","description":"The ID of the project role."},"name":{"type":"string","description":"The name of the project role."},"self":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL the project role details."},"admin":{"type":"boolean","description":"Whether this role is the admin role for the project."},"scope":{"type":"object","properties":{"type":{"enum":["PROJECT","TEMPLATE"],"type":"string","description":"The type of scope."},"project":{"type":"object","properties":{"id":{"type":"string","description":"The ID of the project."},"key":{"type":"string","description":"The key of the project."},"name":{"type":"string","description":"The name of the project."},"self":{"type":"string","description":"The URL of the project details."},"avatarUrls":{"type":"object","properties":{"16x16":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 16x16 pixel avatar."},"24x24":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 24x24 pixel avatar."},"32x32":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 32x32 pixel avatar."},"48x48":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 48x48 pixel avatar."}},"description":"The URLs of the project's avatars."},"simplified":{"type":"boolean","description":"Whether or not the project is simplified."},"projectTypeKey":{"enum":["software","service_desk","business"],"type":"string","description":"The [project type](https://confluence.atlassian.com/x/GwiiLQ#Jiraapplicationsoverview-Productfeaturesandprojecttypes) of the project."},"projectCategory":{"type":"object","properties":{"id":{"type":"string","description":"The ID of the project category."},"name":{"type":"string","description":"The description of the project category."},"self":{"type":"string","description":"The URL of the project category."},"description":{"type":"string","description":"The name of the project category."}},"description":"The category the project belongs to."}},"description":"The project the item has scope in."}},"description":"The scope of the role. Indicated for roles associated with [next-gen projects](https://confluence.atlassian.com/x/loMyO)."},"actors":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"object","properties":{"id":{"type":"integer","format":"int64","description":"The ID of the role actor."},"name":{"type":"string","description":"This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the [deprecation notice](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details."},"type":{"enum":["atlassian-group-role-actor","atlassian-user-role-actor"],"type":"string","description":"The type of role actor."},"actorUser":{"type":"object","properties":{"accountId":{"type":"string","maxLength":128,"description":"The account ID of the user, which uniquely identifies the user across all Atlassian products. For example, *5b10ac8d82e05b22cc7d4ef5*. Returns *unknown* if the record is deleted and corrupted, for example, as the result of a server import."}}},"avatarUrl":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The avatar of the role actor."},"actorGroup":{"type":"object","properties":{"name":{"type":"string","description":"The name of the group"},"displayName":{"type":"string","description":"The display name of the group."}}},"displayName":{"type":"string","description":"The display name of the role actor. For users, depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may return an alternative value for the user's name."}}},"description":"The list of users who act in this role."},"default":{"type":"boolean","description":"Whether this role is the default role for the project"},"description":{"type":"string","description":"The description of the project role."},"translatedName":{"type":"string","description":"The translated name of the project role."},"currentUserRole":{"type":"boolean","description":"Whether the calling user is part of this role."},"roleConfigurable":{"type":"boolean","description":"Whether the roles are configurable for this project."}},"description":"The project role that the filter is shared with. \nFor a request, specify the `id` for the role. You must also specify the `project` object and `id` for the project that the role is in."},"type":{"enum":["group","project","projectRole","global","loggedin","authenticated","project-unknown"],"type":"string","description":"The type of share permission:\n\n * `group` Shared with a group. If set in a request, then specify `sharePermission.group` as well.\n * `project` Shared with a project. If set in a request, then specify `sharePermission.project` as well.\n * `projectRole` Share with a project role in a project. This value is not returned in responses. It is used in requests, where it needs to be specify with `projectId` and `projectRoleId`.\n * `global` Shared globally. If set in a request, no other `sharePermission` properties need to be specified.\n * `loggedin` Shared with all logged-in users. Note: This value is set in a request by specifying `authenticated` as the `type`.\n * `project-unknown` Shared with a project that the user does not have access to. Cannot be set in a request."},"group":{"type":"object","properties":{"name":{"type":"string","description":"The name of group."},"self":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL for these group details."}},"description":"The group that the filter is shared with. For a request, specify the `name` property for the group."},"project":{"type":"object","properties":{"id":{"type":"string","description":"The ID of the project."},"key":{"type":"string","description":"The key of the project."},"url":{"type":"string","description":"A link to information about this project, such as project documentation."},"lead":{"type":"object","properties":{"key":{"type":"string","description":"This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the [deprecation notice](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details."},"name":{"type":"string","description":"This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the [deprecation notice](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details."},"self":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the user."},"active":{"type":"boolean","description":"Whether the user is active."},"expand":{"xml":{"attribute":true},"type":"string","description":"Expand options that include additional user details in the response."},"groups":{"type":"object","properties":{"size":{"xml":{"attribute":true},"type":"integer","format":"int32"},"items":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"object","properties":{"name":{"type":"string","description":"The name of group."},"self":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL for these group details."}}}},"callback":{"type":"object"},"max-results":{"xml":{"name":"max-results","attribute":true},"type":"integer","format":"int32"},"pagingCallback":{"type":"object"}},"description":"The groups that the user belongs to."},"locale":{"type":"string","description":"The locale of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null."},"timeZone":{"type":"string","description":"The time zone specified in the user's profile. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null."},"accountId":{"type":"string","maxLength":128,"description":"The account ID of the user, which uniquely identifies the user across all Atlassian products. For example, *5b10ac8d82e05b22cc7d4ef5*. Required in requests."},"avatarUrls":{"type":"object","properties":{"16x16":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 16x16 pixel avatar."},"24x24":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 24x24 pixel avatar."},"32x32":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 32x32 pixel avatar."},"48x48":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 48x48 pixel avatar."}},"description":"The avatars of the user."},"accountType":{"enum":["atlassian","app","customer","unknown"],"type":"string","description":"The user account type. Can take the following values:\n\n * `atlassian` regular Atlassian user account\n * `app` system account used for Connect applications and OAuth to represent external systems\n * `customer` Jira Service Desk account representing an external service desk"},"displayName":{"type":"string","description":"The display name of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may return an alternative value."},"emailAddress":{"type":"string","description":"The email address of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null."},"applicationRoles":{"type":"object","properties":{"size":{"xml":{"attribute":true},"type":"integer","format":"int32"},"items":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"object","properties":{"key":{"type":"string","description":"The key of the application role."},"name":{"type":"string","description":"The display name of the application role."},"groups":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"string"},"description":"The groups associated with the application role.","uniqueItems":true},"defined":{"type":"boolean","description":"Deprecated."},"platform":{"type":"boolean","description":"Indicates if the application role belongs to Jira platform (`jira-core`)."},"userCount":{"type":"integer","format":"int32","description":"The number of users counting against your license."},"defaultGroups":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"string"},"description":"The groups that are granted default access for this application role.","uniqueItems":true},"numberOfSeats":{"type":"integer","format":"int32","description":"The maximum count of users on your license."},"remainingSeats":{"type":"integer","format":"int32","description":"The count of users remaining on your license."},"hasUnlimitedSeats":{"type":"boolean"},"selectedByDefault":{"type":"boolean","description":"Determines whether this application role should be selected by default on user creation."},"userCountDescription":{"type":"string","description":"The [type of users](https://confluence.atlassian.com/x/lRW3Ng) being counted against your license."}}}},"callback":{"type":"object"},"max-results":{"xml":{"name":"max-results","attribute":true},"type":"integer","format":"int32"},"pagingCallback":{"type":"object"}},"description":"The application roles the user is assigned to."}},"description":"The username of the project lead."},"name":{"type":"string","description":"The name of the project."},"self":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the project details."},"uuid":{"type":"string","format":"uuid","description":"Unique ID for next-gen projects."},"email":{"type":"string","description":"An email address associated with the project."},"roles":{"type":"object","description":"The name and self URL for each role defined in the project. For more information, see [Create project role](#api-rest-api-3-role-post).","additionalProperties":{"type":"string","format":"uri"}},"style":{"enum":["classic","next-gen"],"type":"string","description":"The type of the project."},"expand":{"xml":{"attribute":true},"type":"string","description":"Expand options that include additional project details in the response."},"deleted":{"type":"boolean","description":"Whether the project is marked as deleted."},"insight":{"type":"object","properties":{"totalIssueCount":{"type":"integer","format":"int64","description":"Total issue count."},"lastIssueUpdateTime":{"type":"string","format":"date-time","description":"The last issue update time."}},"description":"Insights about the project."},"archived":{"type":"boolean","description":"Whether the project is archived."},"versions":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"object","properties":{"id":{"type":"string","description":"The ID of the version."},"name":{"type":"string","description":"The unique name of the version. Required when creating a version. Optional when updating a version. The maximum length is 255 characters."},"self":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the version."},"expand":{"xml":{"attribute":true},"type":"string","description":"Use [expand](em>#expansion) to include additional information about version in the response. This parameter accepts a comma-separated list. Expand options include:\n\n * `operations` Returns the list of operations available for this version.\n * `issuesstatus` Returns the count of issues in this version for each of the status categories *to do*, *in progress*, *done*, and *unmapped*. The *unmapped* property contains a count of issues with a status other than *to do*, *in progress*, and *done*.\n\nOptional for create and update."},"overdue":{"type":"boolean","description":"Indicates that the version is overdue."},"project":{"type":"string","description":"Deprecated. Use `projectId`."},"archived":{"type":"boolean","description":"Indicates that the version is archived. Optional when creating or updating a version."},"released":{"type":"boolean","description":"Indicates that the version is released. If the version is released a request to release again is ignored. Not applicable when creating a version. Optional when updating a version."},"projectId":{"type":"integer","format":"int64","description":"The ID of the project to which this version is attached. Required when creating a version. Not applicable when updating a version."},"startDate":{"type":"string","format":"date","description":"The start date of the version. Expressed in ISO 8601 format (yyyy-mm-dd). Optional when creating or updating a version."},"operations":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"object","properties":{"id":{"type":"string"},"href":{"type":"string"},"label":{"type":"string"},"title":{"type":"string"},"weight":{"type":"integer","format":"int32"},"iconClass":{"type":"string"},"styleClass":{"type":"string"}}},"description":"If the expand option `operations` is used, returns the list of operations available for this version."},"description":{"type":"string","description":"The description of the version. Optional when creating or updating a version."},"releaseDate":{"type":"string","format":"date","description":"The release date of the version. Expressed in ISO 8601 format (yyyy-mm-dd). Optional when creating or updating a version."},"userStartDate":{"type":"string","description":"The date on which work on this version is expected to start, expressed in the instance's *Day/Month/Year Format* date format."},"userReleaseDate":{"type":"string","description":"The date on which work on this version is expected to finish, expressed in the instance's *Day/Month/Year Format* date format."},"moveUnfixedIssuesTo":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the self link to the version to which all unfixed issues are moved when a version is released. Not applicable when creating a version. Optional when updating a version."},"issuesStatusForFixVersion":{"type":"object","properties":{"done":{"type":"integer","format":"int64","description":"Count of issues with status *done*."},"toDo":{"type":"integer","format":"int64","description":"Count of issues with status *to do*."},"unmapped":{"type":"integer","format":"int64","description":"Count of issues with a status other than *to do*, *in progress*, and *done*."},"inProgress":{"type":"integer","format":"int64","description":"Count of issues with status *in progress*."}},"description":"If the expand option `issuesstatus` is used, returns the count of issues in this version for each of the status categories *to do*, *in progress*, *done*, and *unmapped*. The *unmapped* property contains a count of issues with a status other than *to do*, *in progress*, and *done*."}}},"description":"The versions defined in the project. For more information, see [Create version](#api-rest-api-3-version-post)."},"deletedBy":{"type":"object","properties":{"key":{"type":"string","description":"This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the [deprecation notice](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details."},"name":{"type":"string","description":"This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the [deprecation notice](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details."},"self":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the user."},"active":{"type":"boolean","description":"Whether the user is active."},"expand":{"xml":{"attribute":true},"type":"string","description":"Expand options that include additional user details in the response."},"groups":{"type":"object","properties":{"size":{"xml":{"attribute":true},"type":"integer","format":"int32"},"items":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"object","properties":{"name":{"type":"string","description":"The name of group."},"self":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL for these group details."}}}},"callback":{"type":"object"},"max-results":{"xml":{"name":"max-results","attribute":true},"type":"integer","format":"int32"},"pagingCallback":{"type":"object"}},"description":"The groups that the user belongs to."},"locale":{"type":"string","description":"The locale of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null."},"timeZone":{"type":"string","description":"The time zone specified in the user's profile. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null."},"accountId":{"type":"string","maxLength":128,"description":"The account ID of the user, which uniquely identifies the user across all Atlassian products. For example, *5b10ac8d82e05b22cc7d4ef5*. Required in requests."},"avatarUrls":{"type":"object","properties":{"16x16":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 16x16 pixel avatar."},"24x24":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 24x24 pixel avatar."},"32x32":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 32x32 pixel avatar."},"48x48":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 48x48 pixel avatar."}},"description":"The avatars of the user."},"accountType":{"enum":["atlassian","app","customer","unknown"],"type":"string","description":"The user account type. Can take the following values:\n\n * `atlassian` regular Atlassian user account\n * `app` system account used for Connect applications and OAuth to represent external systems\n * `customer` Jira Service Desk account representing an external service desk"},"displayName":{"type":"string","description":"The display name of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may return an alternative value."},"emailAddress":{"type":"string","description":"The email address of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null."},"applicationRoles":{"type":"object","properties":{"size":{"xml":{"attribute":true},"type":"integer","format":"int32"},"items":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"object","properties":{"key":{"type":"string","description":"The key of the application role."},"name":{"type":"string","description":"The display name of the application role."},"groups":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"string"},"description":"The groups associated with the application role.","uniqueItems":true},"defined":{"type":"boolean","description":"Deprecated."},"platform":{"type":"boolean","description":"Indicates if the application role belongs to Jira platform (`jira-core`)."},"userCount":{"type":"integer","format":"int32","description":"The number of users counting against your license."},"defaultGroups":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"string"},"description":"The groups that are granted default access for this application role.","uniqueItems":true},"numberOfSeats":{"type":"integer","format":"int32","description":"The maximum count of users on your license."},"remainingSeats":{"type":"integer","format":"int32","description":"The count of users remaining on your license."},"hasUnlimitedSeats":{"type":"boolean"},"selectedByDefault":{"type":"boolean","description":"Determines whether this application role should be selected by default on user creation."},"userCountDescription":{"type":"string","description":"The [type of users](https://confluence.atlassian.com/x/lRW3Ng) being counted against your license."}}}},"callback":{"type":"object"},"max-results":{"xml":{"name":"max-results","attribute":true},"type":"integer","format":"int32"},"pagingCallback":{"type":"object"}},"description":"The application roles the user is assigned to."}},"description":"The user who marked the project as deleted."},"favourite":{"type":"boolean","description":"Whether the project is selected as a favorite."},"isPrivate":{"type":"boolean","description":"Whether the project is private."},"archivedBy":{"type":"object","properties":{"key":{"type":"string","description":"This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the [deprecation notice](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details."},"name":{"type":"string","description":"This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the [deprecation notice](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details."},"self":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the user."},"active":{"type":"boolean","description":"Whether the user is active."},"expand":{"xml":{"attribute":true},"type":"string","description":"Expand options that include additional user details in the response."},"groups":{"type":"object","properties":{"size":{"xml":{"attribute":true},"type":"integer","format":"int32"},"items":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"object","properties":{"name":{"type":"string","description":"The name of group."},"self":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL for these group details."}}}},"callback":{"type":"object"},"max-results":{"xml":{"name":"max-results","attribute":true},"type":"integer","format":"int32"},"pagingCallback":{"type":"object"}},"description":"The groups that the user belongs to."},"locale":{"type":"string","description":"The locale of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null."},"timeZone":{"type":"string","description":"The time zone specified in the user's profile. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null."},"accountId":{"type":"string","maxLength":128,"description":"The account ID of the user, which uniquely identifies the user across all Atlassian products. For example, *5b10ac8d82e05b22cc7d4ef5*. Required in requests."},"avatarUrls":{"type":"object","properties":{"16x16":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 16x16 pixel avatar."},"24x24":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 24x24 pixel avatar."},"32x32":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 32x32 pixel avatar."},"48x48":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 48x48 pixel avatar."}},"description":"The avatars of the user."},"accountType":{"enum":["atlassian","app","customer","unknown"],"type":"string","description":"The user account type. Can take the following values:\n\n * `atlassian` regular Atlassian user account\n * `app` system account used for Connect applications and OAuth to represent external systems\n * `customer` Jira Service Desk account representing an external service desk"},"displayName":{"type":"string","description":"The display name of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may return an alternative value."},"emailAddress":{"type":"string","description":"The email address of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null."},"applicationRoles":{"type":"object","properties":{"size":{"xml":{"attribute":true},"type":"integer","format":"int32"},"items":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"object","properties":{"key":{"type":"string","description":"The key of the application role."},"name":{"type":"string","description":"The display name of the application role."},"groups":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"string"},"description":"The groups associated with the application role.","uniqueItems":true},"defined":{"type":"boolean","description":"Deprecated."},"platform":{"type":"boolean","description":"Indicates if the application role belongs to Jira platform (`jira-core`)."},"userCount":{"type":"integer","format":"int32","description":"The number of users counting against your license."},"defaultGroups":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"string"},"description":"The groups that are granted default access for this application role.","uniqueItems":true},"numberOfSeats":{"type":"integer","format":"int32","description":"The maximum count of users on your license."},"remainingSeats":{"type":"integer","format":"int32","description":"The count of users remaining on your license."},"hasUnlimitedSeats":{"type":"boolean"},"selectedByDefault":{"type":"boolean","description":"Determines whether this application role should be selected by default on user creation."},"userCountDescription":{"type":"string","description":"The [type of users](https://confluence.atlassian.com/x/lRW3Ng) being counted against your license."}}}},"callback":{"type":"object"},"max-results":{"xml":{"name":"max-results","attribute":true},"type":"integer","format":"int32"},"pagingCallback":{"type":"object"}},"description":"The application roles the user is assigned to."}},"description":"The user who archived the project."},"avatarUrls":{"type":"object","properties":{"16x16":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 16x16 pixel avatar."},"24x24":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 24x24 pixel avatar."},"32x32":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 32x32 pixel avatar."},"48x48":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 48x48 pixel avatar."}},"description":"The URLs of the project's avatars."},"components":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"object","properties":{"id":{"type":"string","description":"The unique identifier for the component."},"lead":{"type":"object","properties":{"key":{"type":"string","description":"This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the [deprecation notice](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details."},"name":{"type":"string","description":"This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the [deprecation notice](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details."},"self":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the user."},"active":{"type":"boolean","description":"Whether the user is active."},"expand":{"xml":{"attribute":true},"type":"string","description":"Expand options that include additional user details in the response."},"groups":{"type":"object","properties":{"size":{"xml":{"attribute":true},"type":"integer","format":"int32"},"items":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"object","properties":{"name":{"type":"string","description":"The name of group."},"self":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL for these group details."}}}},"callback":{"type":"object"},"max-results":{"xml":{"name":"max-results","attribute":true},"type":"integer","format":"int32"},"pagingCallback":{"type":"object"}},"description":"The groups that the user belongs to."},"locale":{"type":"string","description":"The locale of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null."},"timeZone":{"type":"string","description":"The time zone specified in the user's profile. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null."},"accountId":{"type":"string","maxLength":128,"description":"The account ID of the user, which uniquely identifies the user across all Atlassian products. For example, *5b10ac8d82e05b22cc7d4ef5*. Required in requests."},"avatarUrls":{"type":"object","properties":{"16x16":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 16x16 pixel avatar."},"24x24":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 24x24 pixel avatar."},"32x32":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 32x32 pixel avatar."},"48x48":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 48x48 pixel avatar."}},"description":"The avatars of the user."},"accountType":{"enum":["atlassian","app","customer","unknown"],"type":"string","description":"The user account type. Can take the following values:\n\n * `atlassian` regular Atlassian user account\n * `app` system account used for Connect applications and OAuth to represent external systems\n * `customer` Jira Service Desk account representing an external service desk"},"displayName":{"type":"string","description":"The display name of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may return an alternative value."},"emailAddress":{"type":"string","description":"The email address of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null."},"applicationRoles":{"type":"object","properties":{"size":{"xml":{"attribute":true},"type":"integer","format":"int32"},"items":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"object","properties":{"key":{"type":"string","description":"The key of the application role."},"name":{"type":"string","description":"The display name of the application role."},"groups":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"string"},"description":"The groups associated with the application role.","uniqueItems":true},"defined":{"type":"boolean","description":"Deprecated."},"platform":{"type":"boolean","description":"Indicates if the application role belongs to Jira platform (`jira-core`)."},"userCount":{"type":"integer","format":"int32","description":"The number of users counting against your license."},"defaultGroups":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"string"},"description":"The groups that are granted default access for this application role.","uniqueItems":true},"numberOfSeats":{"type":"integer","format":"int32","description":"The maximum count of users on your license."},"remainingSeats":{"type":"integer","format":"int32","description":"The count of users remaining on your license."},"hasUnlimitedSeats":{"type":"boolean"},"selectedByDefault":{"type":"boolean","description":"Determines whether this application role should be selected by default on user creation."},"userCountDescription":{"type":"string","description":"The [type of users](https://confluence.atlassian.com/x/lRW3Ng) being counted against your license."}}}},"callback":{"type":"object"},"max-results":{"xml":{"name":"max-results","attribute":true},"type":"integer","format":"int32"},"pagingCallback":{"type":"object"}},"description":"The application roles the user is assigned to."}},"description":"The user details for the component's lead user."},"name":{"type":"string","description":"The unique name for the component in the project. Required when creating a component. Optional when updating a component. The maximum length is 255 characters."},"self":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the component."},"project":{"type":"string","description":"The key of the project the component is assigned to. Required when creating a component. Can't be updated."},"assignee":{"type":"object","properties":{"key":{"type":"string","description":"This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the [deprecation notice](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details."},"name":{"type":"string","description":"This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the [deprecation notice](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details."},"self":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the user."},"active":{"type":"boolean","description":"Whether the user is active."},"expand":{"xml":{"attribute":true},"type":"string","description":"Expand options that include additional user details in the response."},"groups":{"type":"object","properties":{"size":{"xml":{"attribute":true},"type":"integer","format":"int32"},"items":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"object","properties":{"name":{"type":"string","description":"The name of group."},"self":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL for these group details."}}}},"callback":{"type":"object"},"max-results":{"xml":{"name":"max-results","attribute":true},"type":"integer","format":"int32"},"pagingCallback":{"type":"object"}},"description":"The groups that the user belongs to."},"locale":{"type":"string","description":"The locale of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null."},"timeZone":{"type":"string","description":"The time zone specified in the user's profile. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null."},"accountId":{"type":"string","maxLength":128,"description":"The account ID of the user, which uniquely identifies the user across all Atlassian products. For example, *5b10ac8d82e05b22cc7d4ef5*. Required in requests."},"avatarUrls":{"type":"object","properties":{"16x16":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 16x16 pixel avatar."},"24x24":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 24x24 pixel avatar."},"32x32":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 32x32 pixel avatar."},"48x48":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 48x48 pixel avatar."}},"description":"The avatars of the user."},"accountType":{"enum":["atlassian","app","customer","unknown"],"type":"string","description":"The user account type. Can take the following values:\n\n * `atlassian` regular Atlassian user account\n * `app` system account used for Connect applications and OAuth to represent external systems\n * `customer` Jira Service Desk account representing an external service desk"},"displayName":{"type":"string","description":"The display name of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may return an alternative value."},"emailAddress":{"type":"string","description":"The email address of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null."},"applicationRoles":{"type":"object","properties":{"size":{"xml":{"attribute":true},"type":"integer","format":"int32"},"items":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"object","properties":{"key":{"type":"string","description":"The key of the application role."},"name":{"type":"string","description":"The display name of the application role."},"groups":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"string"},"description":"The groups associated with the application role.","uniqueItems":true},"defined":{"type":"boolean","description":"Deprecated."},"platform":{"type":"boolean","description":"Indicates if the application role belongs to Jira platform (`jira-core`)."},"userCount":{"type":"integer","format":"int32","description":"The number of users counting against your license."},"defaultGroups":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"string"},"description":"The groups that are granted default access for this application role.","uniqueItems":true},"numberOfSeats":{"type":"integer","format":"int32","description":"The maximum count of users on your license."},"remainingSeats":{"type":"integer","format":"int32","description":"The count of users remaining on your license."},"hasUnlimitedSeats":{"type":"boolean"},"selectedByDefault":{"type":"boolean","description":"Determines whether this application role should be selected by default on user creation."},"userCountDescription":{"type":"string","description":"The [type of users](https://confluence.atlassian.com/x/lRW3Ng) being counted against your license."}}}},"callback":{"type":"object"},"max-results":{"xml":{"name":"max-results","attribute":true},"type":"integer","format":"int32"},"pagingCallback":{"type":"object"}},"description":"The application roles the user is assigned to."}},"description":"The details of the user associated with `assigneeType`, if any. See `realAssignee` for details of the user assigned to issues created with this component."},"projectId":{"type":"integer","format":"int64","description":"The ID of the project the component is assigned to."},"description":{"type":"string","description":"The description for the component. Optional when creating or updating a component."},"assigneeType":{"enum":["PROJECT_DEFAULT","COMPONENT_LEAD","PROJECT_LEAD","UNASSIGNED"],"type":"string","description":"The nominal user type used to determine the assignee for issues created with this component. See `realAssigneeType` for details on how the type of the user, and hence the user, assigned to issues is determined. Can take the following values:\n\n * `PROJECT_LEAD` the assignee to any issues created with this component is nominally the lead for the project the component is in.\n * `COMPONENT_LEAD` the assignee to any issues created with this component is nominally the lead for the component.\n * `UNASSIGNED` an assignee is not set for issues created with this component.\n * `PROJECT_DEFAULT` the assignee to any issues created with this component is nominally the default assignee for the project that the component is in.\n\nDefault value: `PROJECT_DEFAULT`. \nOptional when creating or updating a component."},"leadUserName":{"type":"string","description":"This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the [deprecation notice](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details."},"realAssignee":{"type":"object","properties":{"key":{"type":"string","description":"This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the [deprecation notice](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details."},"name":{"type":"string","description":"This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the [deprecation notice](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details."},"self":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the user."},"active":{"type":"boolean","description":"Whether the user is active."},"expand":{"xml":{"attribute":true},"type":"string","description":"Expand options that include additional user details in the response."},"groups":{"type":"object","properties":{"size":{"xml":{"attribute":true},"type":"integer","format":"int32"},"items":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"object","properties":{"name":{"type":"string","description":"The name of group."},"self":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL for these group details."}}}},"callback":{"type":"object"},"max-results":{"xml":{"name":"max-results","attribute":true},"type":"integer","format":"int32"},"pagingCallback":{"type":"object"}},"description":"The groups that the user belongs to."},"locale":{"type":"string","description":"The locale of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null."},"timeZone":{"type":"string","description":"The time zone specified in the user's profile. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null."},"accountId":{"type":"string","maxLength":128,"description":"The account ID of the user, which uniquely identifies the user across all Atlassian products. For example, *5b10ac8d82e05b22cc7d4ef5*. Required in requests."},"avatarUrls":{"type":"object","properties":{"16x16":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 16x16 pixel avatar."},"24x24":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 24x24 pixel avatar."},"32x32":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 32x32 pixel avatar."},"48x48":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 48x48 pixel avatar."}},"description":"The avatars of the user."},"accountType":{"enum":["atlassian","app","customer","unknown"],"type":"string","description":"The user account type. Can take the following values:\n\n * `atlassian` regular Atlassian user account\n * `app` system account used for Connect applications and OAuth to represent external systems\n * `customer` Jira Service Desk account representing an external service desk"},"displayName":{"type":"string","description":"The display name of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may return an alternative value."},"emailAddress":{"type":"string","description":"The email address of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null."},"applicationRoles":{"type":"object","properties":{"size":{"xml":{"attribute":true},"type":"integer","format":"int32"},"items":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"object","properties":{"key":{"type":"string","description":"The key of the application role."},"name":{"type":"string","description":"The display name of the application role."},"groups":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"string"},"description":"The groups associated with the application role.","uniqueItems":true},"defined":{"type":"boolean","description":"Deprecated."},"platform":{"type":"boolean","description":"Indicates if the application role belongs to Jira platform (`jira-core`)."},"userCount":{"type":"integer","format":"int32","description":"The number of users counting against your license."},"defaultGroups":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"string"},"description":"The groups that are granted default access for this application role.","uniqueItems":true},"numberOfSeats":{"type":"integer","format":"int32","description":"The maximum count of users on your license."},"remainingSeats":{"type":"integer","format":"int32","description":"The count of users remaining on your license."},"hasUnlimitedSeats":{"type":"boolean"},"selectedByDefault":{"type":"boolean","description":"Determines whether this application role should be selected by default on user creation."},"userCountDescription":{"type":"string","description":"The [type of users](https://confluence.atlassian.com/x/lRW3Ng) being counted against your license."}}}},"callback":{"type":"object"},"max-results":{"xml":{"name":"max-results","attribute":true},"type":"integer","format":"int32"},"pagingCallback":{"type":"object"}},"description":"The application roles the user is assigned to."}},"description":"The user assigned to issues created with this component, when `assigneeType` does not identify a valid assignee."},"leadAccountId":{"type":"string","maxLength":128,"writeOnly":true,"description":"The accountId of the component's lead user. The accountId uniquely identifies the user across all Atlassian products. For example, *5b10ac8d82e05b22cc7d4ef5*."},"realAssigneeType":{"enum":["PROJECT_DEFAULT","COMPONENT_LEAD","PROJECT_LEAD","UNASSIGNED"],"type":"string","description":"The type of the assignee that is assigned to issues created with this component, when an assignee cannot be set from the `assigneeType`. For example, `assigneeType` is set to `COMPONENT_LEAD` but no component lead is set. This property is set to one of the following values:\n\n * `PROJECT_LEAD` when `assigneeType` is `PROJECT_LEAD` and the project lead has permission to be assigned issues in the project that the component is in.\n * `COMPONENT_LEAD` when `assignee`Type is `COMPONENT_LEAD` and the component lead has permission to be assigned issues in the project that the component is in.\n * `UNASSIGNED` when `assigneeType` is `UNASSIGNED` and Jira is configured to allow unassigned issues.\n * `PROJECT_DEFAULT` when none of the preceding cases are true."},"isAssigneeTypeValid":{"type":"boolean","description":"Whether a user is associated with `assigneeType`. For example, if the `assigneeType` is set to `COMPONENT_LEAD` but the component lead is not set, then `false` is returned."}}},"description":"List of the components contained in the project."},"issueTypes":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"object","properties":{"id":{"type":"string","description":"The ID of the issue type."},"name":{"type":"string","description":"The name of the issue type."},"self":{"type":"string","description":"The URL of these issue type details."},"scope":{"type":"object","properties":{"type":{"enum":["PROJECT","TEMPLATE"],"type":"string","description":"The type of scope."},"project":{"type":"object","properties":{"id":{"type":"string","description":"The ID of the project."},"key":{"type":"string","description":"The key of the project."},"name":{"type":"string","description":"The name of the project."},"self":{"type":"string","description":"The URL of the project details."},"avatarUrls":{"type":"object","properties":{"16x16":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 16x16 pixel avatar."},"24x24":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 24x24 pixel avatar."},"32x32":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 32x32 pixel avatar."},"48x48":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 48x48 pixel avatar."}},"description":"The URLs of the project's avatars."},"simplified":{"type":"boolean","description":"Whether or not the project is simplified."},"projectTypeKey":{"enum":["software","service_desk","business"],"type":"string","description":"The [project type](https://confluence.atlassian.com/x/GwiiLQ#Jiraapplicationsoverview-Productfeaturesandprojecttypes) of the project."},"projectCategory":{"type":"object","properties":{"id":{"type":"string","description":"The ID of the project category."},"name":{"type":"string","description":"The description of the project category."},"self":{"type":"string","description":"The URL of the project category."},"description":{"type":"string","description":"The name of the project category."}},"description":"The category the project belongs to."}},"description":"The project the item has scope in."}},"description":"Details of the next-gen projects the issue type is available in."},"iconUrl":{"type":"string","description":"The URL of the issue type's avatar."},"subtask":{"type":"boolean","description":"Whether this issue type is used to create subtasks."},"avatarId":{"type":"integer","format":"int64","description":"The ID of the issue type's avatar."},"entityId":{"type":"string","format":"uuid","description":"Unique ID for next-gen projects."},"description":{"type":"string","description":"The description of the issue type."},"hierarchyLevel":{"type":"integer","format":"int32","description":"Hierarchy level of the issue type."}}},"description":"List of the issue types available in the project."},"properties":{"type":"object","description":"Map of project properties"},"simplified":{"type":"boolean","description":"Whether the project is simplified."},"deletedDate":{"type":"string","format":"date-time","description":"The date when the project was marked as deleted."},"description":{"type":"string","description":"A brief description of the project."},"permissions":{"type":"object","properties":{"canEdit":{"type":"boolean","description":"Whether the logged user can edit the project."}},"description":"User permissions on the project"},"archivedDate":{"type":"string","format":"date-time","description":"The date when the project was archived."},"assigneeType":{"enum":["PROJECT_LEAD","UNASSIGNED"],"type":"string","description":"The default assignee when creating issues for this project."},"projectTypeKey":{"enum":["software","service_desk","business"],"type":"string","description":"The [project type](https://confluence.atlassian.com/x/GwiiLQ#Jiraapplicationsoverview-Productfeaturesandprojecttypes) of the project."},"projectCategory":{"type":"object","properties":{"id":{"type":"string","description":"The ID of the project category."},"name":{"type":"string","description":"The name of the project category. Required on create, optional on update."},"self":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the project category."},"description":{"type":"string","description":"The description of the project category. Required on create, optional on update."}},"description":"The category the project belongs to."},"retentionTillDate":{"type":"string","format":"date-time","description":"The date when the project is deleted permanently."},"issueTypeHierarchy":{"type":"object","properties":{"level":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"object","properties":{"id":{"type":"integer","format":"int64"},"name":{"type":"string"},"level":{"type":"integer","format":"int32"},"aboveLevelId":{"type":"integer","format":"int64"},"belowLevelId":{"type":"integer","format":"int64"},"externalUuid":{"type":"string","format":"uuid"},"issueTypeIds":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"integer","format":"int64"}},"globalHierarchyLevel":{"enum":["SUBTASK","BASE","EPIC"],"type":"string"},"projectConfigurationId":{"type":"integer","format":"int64"}}}}},"description":"The issue type hierarchy for the project"}},"description":"The project that the filter is shared with. This is similar to the project object returned by [Get project](#api-rest-api-3-project-projectIdOrKey-get) but it contains a subset of the properties, which are: `self`, `id`, `key`, `assigneeType`, `name`, `roles`, `avatarUrls`, `projectType`, `simplified`. \nFor a request, specify the `id` for the project."}}},"description":"The details of any share permissions for the dashboard."}},"description":"Details of a dashboard.","additionalProperties":true},supportedSyncModes=[full_refresh],sourceDefinedCursor=,defaultCursorField=[],sourceDefinedPrimaryKey=[[id]],namespace=,additionalProperties={}],syncMode=full_refresh,cursorField=[],destinationSyncMode=overwrite,primaryKey=[[id]],additionalProperties={}], io.airbyte.protocol.models.ConfiguredAirbyteStream@11b8b3a4[stream=io.airbyte.protocol.models.AirbyteStream@4fc12138[name=epics,jsonSchema={"type":"object","$schema":"http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#","properties":{"id":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The ID of the epic."},"key":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The key of the epic."},"self":{"type":"string","format":"uri","readOnly":true,"description":"The URL of the epic details."},"expand":{"xml":{"attribute":true},"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"Expand options that include additional issue details in the response."},"fields":{"type":"object","properties":{"status":{"type":["string","object"],"description":"Epic status"},"summary":{"type":["string","null"],"description":"Epic summary"},"updated":{"type":["string","null"],"format":"date-time","description":"This field is not shown in schema / swagger, but exists in records and we use it as cursor fiekd."},"description":{"type":["string","null","object"],"description":"Epic description"}},"additionalProperties":{}},"projectId":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The ID of the project containing the epic."},"projectKey":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The key of the project containing the epic."}},"additionalProperties":false},supportedSyncModes=[full_refresh, incremental],sourceDefinedCursor=true,defaultCursorField=[fields, updated],sourceDefinedPrimaryKey=[[id]],namespace=,additionalProperties={}],syncMode=incremental,cursorField=[fields, updated],destinationSyncMode=append_dedup,primaryKey=[[id]],additionalProperties={}], io.airbyte.protocol.models.ConfiguredAirbyteStream@5f513950[stream=io.airbyte.protocol.models.AirbyteStream@464a0120[name=filters,jsonSchema={"type":"object","$schema":"http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#","properties":{"id":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The unique identifier for the filter."},"jql":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The JQL query for the filter. For example, *project = SSP AND issuetype = Bug*."},"name":{"type":"string","description":"The name of the filter. Must be unique."},"self":{"type":"string","format":"uri","readOnly":true,"description":"The URL of the filter."},"owner":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"properties":{"key":{"type":"string","description":"This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the [deprecation notice](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details."},"name":{"type":"string","description":"This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the [deprecation notice](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details."},"self":{"type":"string","format":"uri","readOnly":true,"description":"The URL of the user."},"active":{"type":"boolean","readOnly":true,"description":"Whether the user is active."},"expand":{"xml":{"attribute":true},"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"Expand options that include additional user details in the response."},"groups":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"properties":{"size":{"xml":{"attribute":true},"type":"integer","format":"int32"},"items":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"object","properties":{"name":{"type":"string","description":"The name of group."},"self":{"type":"string","format":"uri","readOnly":true,"description":"The URL for these group details."}}}},"callback":{"type":"object"},"max-results":{"xml":{"name":"max-results","attribute":true},"type":"integer","format":"int32"},"pagingCallback":{"type":"object"}},"description":"The groups that the user belongs to."},"locale":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The locale of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null."},"timeZone":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The time zone specified in the user's profile. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null."},"accountId":{"type":"string","maxLength":128,"description":"The account ID of the user, which uniquely identifies the user across all Atlassian products. For example, *5b10ac8d82e05b22cc7d4ef5*. Required in requests."},"avatarUrls":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"properties":{"16x16":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 16x16 pixel avatar."},"24x24":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 24x24 pixel avatar."},"32x32":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 32x32 pixel avatar."},"48x48":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 48x48 pixel avatar."}},"description":"The avatars of the user."},"accountType":{"enum":["atlassian","app","customer","unknown"],"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The user account type. Can take the following values:\n\n * `atlassian` regular Atlassian user account\n * `app` system account used for Connect applications and OAuth to represent external systems\n * `customer` Jira Service Desk account representing an external service desk"},"displayName":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The display name of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may return an alternative value."},"emailAddress":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The email address of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null."},"applicationRoles":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"properties":{"size":{"xml":{"attribute":true},"type":"integer","format":"int32"},"items":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"object","properties":{"key":{"type":"string","description":"The key of the application role."},"name":{"type":"string","description":"The display name of the application role."},"groups":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"string"},"description":"The groups associated with the application role.","uniqueItems":true},"defined":{"type":"boolean","description":"Deprecated."},"platform":{"type":"boolean","description":"Indicates if the application role belongs to Jira platform (`jira-core`)."},"userCount":{"type":"integer","format":"int32","description":"The number of users counting against your license."},"defaultGroups":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"string"},"description":"The groups that are granted default access for this application role.","uniqueItems":true},"numberOfSeats":{"type":"integer","format":"int32","description":"The maximum count of users on your license."},"remainingSeats":{"type":"integer","format":"int32","description":"The count of users remaining on your license."},"hasUnlimitedSeats":{"type":"boolean"},"selectedByDefault":{"type":"boolean","description":"Determines whether this application role should be selected by default on user creation."},"userCountDescription":{"type":"string","description":"The [type of users](https://confluence.atlassian.com/x/lRW3Ng) being counted against your license."}}}},"callback":{"type":"object"},"max-results":{"xml":{"name":"max-results","attribute":true},"type":"integer","format":"int32"},"pagingCallback":{"type":"object"}},"description":"The application roles the user is assigned to."}},"description":"The user who owns the filter. This is defaulted to the creator of the filter, however Jira administrators can change the owner of a shared filter in the admin settings."},"expand":{"type":"string"},"viewUrl":{"type":"string","format":"uri","readOnly":true,"description":"A URL to view the filter results in Jira, using the ID of the filter. For example, *https://your-domain.atlassian.net/issues/?filter=10100*."},"favourite":{"type":"boolean","readOnly":true,"description":"Whether the filter is selected as a favorite by any users, not including the filter owner."},"searchUrl":{"type":"string","format":"uri","readOnly":true,"description":"A URL to view the filter results in Jira, using the [Search for issues using JQL](#api-rest-api-3-filter-search-get) operation with the filter's JQL string to return the filter results. For example, *https://your-domain.atlassian.net/rest/api/3/search?jql=project+%3D+SSP+AND+issuetype+%3D+Bug*."},"isWritable":{"type":"boolean"},"description":{"type":"string","description":"A description of the filter."},"subscriptions":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"object","properties":{"id":{"type":"integer","format":"int64","readOnly":true,"description":"The ID of the filter subscription."},"user":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"properties":{"key":{"type":"string","description":"This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the [deprecation notice](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details."},"name":{"type":"string","description":"This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the [deprecation notice](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details."},"self":{"type":"string","format":"uri","readOnly":true,"description":"The URL of the user."},"active":{"type":"boolean","readOnly":true,"description":"Whether the user is active."},"expand":{"xml":{"attribute":true},"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"Expand options that include additional user details in the response."},"groups":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"properties":{"size":{"xml":{"attribute":true},"type":"integer","format":"int32"},"items":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"object","properties":{"name":{"type":"string","description":"The name of group."},"self":{"type":"string","format":"uri","readOnly":true,"description":"The URL for these group details."}}}},"callback":{"type":"object"},"max-results":{"xml":{"name":"max-results","attribute":true},"type":"integer","format":"int32"},"pagingCallback":{"type":"object"}},"description":"The groups that the user belongs to."},"locale":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The locale of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null."},"timeZone":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The time zone specified in the user's profile. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null."},"accountId":{"type":"string","maxLength":128,"description":"The account ID of the user, which uniquely identifies the user across all Atlassian products. For example, *5b10ac8d82e05b22cc7d4ef5*. Required in requests."},"avatarUrls":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"properties":{"16x16":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 16x16 pixel avatar."},"24x24":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 24x24 pixel avatar."},"32x32":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 32x32 pixel avatar."},"48x48":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 48x48 pixel avatar."}},"description":"The avatars of the user."},"accountType":{"enum":["atlassian","app","customer","unknown"],"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The user account type. Can take the following values:\n\n * `atlassian` regular Atlassian user account\n * `app` system account used for Connect applications and OAuth to represent external systems\n * `customer` Jira Service Desk account representing an external service desk"},"displayName":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The display name of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may return an alternative value."},"emailAddress":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The email address of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null."},"applicationRoles":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"properties":{"size":{"xml":{"attribute":true},"type":"integer","format":"int32"},"items":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"object","properties":{"key":{"type":"string","description":"The key of the application role."},"name":{"type":"string","description":"The display name of the application role."},"groups":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"string"},"description":"The groups associated with the application role.","uniqueItems":true},"defined":{"type":"boolean","description":"Deprecated."},"platform":{"type":"boolean","description":"Indicates if the application role belongs to Jira platform (`jira-core`)."},"userCount":{"type":"integer","format":"int32","description":"The number of users counting against your license."},"defaultGroups":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"string"},"description":"The groups that are granted default access for this application role.","uniqueItems":true},"numberOfSeats":{"type":"integer","format":"int32","description":"The maximum count of users on your license."},"remainingSeats":{"type":"integer","format":"int32","description":"The count of users remaining on your license."},"hasUnlimitedSeats":{"type":"boolean"},"selectedByDefault":{"type":"boolean","description":"Determines whether this application role should be selected by default on user creation."},"userCountDescription":{"type":"string","description":"The [type of users](https://confluence.atlassian.com/x/lRW3Ng) being counted against your license."}}}},"callback":{"type":"object"},"max-results":{"xml":{"name":"max-results","attribute":true},"type":"integer","format":"int32"},"pagingCallback":{"type":"object"}},"description":"The application roles the user is assigned to."}},"description":"The user subscribing to filter."},"group":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"properties":{"name":{"type":"string","description":"The name of group."},"self":{"type":"string","format":"uri","readOnly":true,"description":"The URL for these group details."}},"description":"The group subscribing to filter."}}},"readOnly":true,"description":"The users that are subscribed to the filter."},"favouritedCount":{"type":"integer","format":"int64","readOnly":true,"description":"The count of how many users have selected this filter as a favorite, including the filter owner."},"sharePermissions":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"object","properties":{"id":{"type":"integer","format":"int64","readOnly":true,"description":"The unique identifier of the share permission."},"role":{"type":"object","properties":{"id":{"type":"integer","format":"int64","readOnly":true,"description":"The ID of the project role."},"name":{"type":"string","description":"The name of the project role."},"self":{"type":"string","format":"uri","readOnly":true,"description":"The URL the project role details."},"admin":{"type":"boolean","readOnly":true,"description":"Whether this role is the admin role for the project."},"scope":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"properties":{"type":{"enum":["PROJECT","TEMPLATE"],"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The type of scope."},"project":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"properties":{"id":{"type":"string","description":"The ID of the project."},"key":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The key of the project."},"name":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The name of the project."},"self":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The URL of the project details."},"avatarUrls":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"properties":{"16x16":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 16x16 pixel avatar."},"24x24":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 24x24 pixel avatar."},"32x32":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 32x32 pixel avatar."},"48x48":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 48x48 pixel avatar."}},"description":"The URLs of the project's avatars."},"simplified":{"type":"boolean","readOnly":true,"description":"Whether or not the project is simplified."},"projectTypeKey":{"enum":["software","service_desk","business"],"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The [project type](https://confluence.atlassian.com/x/GwiiLQ#Jiraapplicationsoverview-Productfeaturesandprojecttypes) of the project."},"projectCategory":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"properties":{"id":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The ID of the project category."},"name":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The description of the project category."},"self":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The URL of the project category."},"description":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The name of the project category."}},"description":"The category the project belongs to."}},"description":"The project the item has scope in."}},"description":"The scope of the role. Indicated for roles associated with [next-gen projects](https://confluence.atlassian.com/x/loMyO)."},"actors":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"object","properties":{"id":{"type":"integer","format":"int64","readOnly":true,"description":"The ID of the role actor."},"name":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the [deprecation notice](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details."},"type":{"enum":["atlassian-group-role-actor","atlassian-user-role-actor"],"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The type of role actor."},"actorUser":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"properties":{"accountId":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"maxLength":128,"description":"The account ID of the user, which uniquely identifies the user across all Atlassian products. For example, *5b10ac8d82e05b22cc7d4ef5*. Returns *unknown* if the record is deleted and corrupted, for example, as the result of a server import."}}},"avatarUrl":{"type":"string","format":"uri","readOnly":true,"description":"The avatar of the role actor."},"actorGroup":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"properties":{"name":{"type":"string","description":"The name of the group"},"displayName":{"type":"string","description":"The display name of the group."}}},"displayName":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The display name of the role actor. For users, depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may return an alternative value for the user's name."}}},"readOnly":true,"description":"The list of users who act in this role."},"default":{"type":"boolean","readOnly":true,"description":"Whether this role is the default role for the project"},"description":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The description of the project role."},"translatedName":{"type":"string","description":"The translated name of the project role."},"currentUserRole":{"type":"boolean","description":"Whether the calling user is part of this role."},"roleConfigurable":{"type":"boolean","readOnly":true,"description":"Whether the roles are configurable for this project."}},"description":"The project role that the filter is shared with. \nFor a request, specify the `id` for the role. You must also specify the `project` object and `id` for the project that the role is in."},"type":{"enum":["group","project","projectRole","global","loggedin","authenticated","project-unknown"],"type":"string","description":"The type of share permission:\n\n * `group` Shared with a group. If set in a request, then specify `sharePermission.group` as well.\n * `project` Shared with a project. If set in a request, then specify `sharePermission.project` as well.\n * `projectRole` Share with a project role in a project. This value is not returned in responses. It is used in requests, where it needs to be specify with `projectId` and `projectRoleId`.\n * `global` Shared globally. If set in a request, no other `sharePermission` properties need to be specified.\n * `loggedin` Shared with all logged-in users. Note: This value is set in a request by specifying `authenticated` as the `type`.\n * `project-unknown` Shared with a project that the user does not have access to. Cannot be set in a request."},"group":{"type":"object","properties":{"name":{"type":"string","description":"The name of group."},"self":{"type":"string","format":"uri","readOnly":true,"description":"The URL for these group details."}},"description":"The group that the filter is shared with. For a request, specify the `name` property for the group."},"project":{"type":"object","properties":{"id":{"type":"string","description":"The ID of the project."},"key":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The key of the project."},"url":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"A link to information about this project, such as project documentation."},"lead":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"properties":{"key":{"type":"string","description":"This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the [deprecation notice](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details."},"name":{"type":"string","description":"This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the [deprecation notice](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details."},"self":{"type":"string","format":"uri","readOnly":true,"description":"The URL of the user."},"active":{"type":"boolean","readOnly":true,"description":"Whether the user is active."},"expand":{"xml":{"attribute":true},"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"Expand options that include additional user details in the response."},"groups":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"properties":{"size":{"xml":{"attribute":true},"type":"integer","format":"int32"},"items":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"object","properties":{"name":{"type":"string","description":"The name of group."},"self":{"type":"string","format":"uri","readOnly":true,"description":"The URL for these group details."}}}},"callback":{"type":"object"},"max-results":{"xml":{"name":"max-results","attribute":true},"type":"integer","format":"int32"},"pagingCallback":{"type":"object"}},"description":"The groups that the user belongs to."},"locale":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The locale of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null."},"timeZone":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The time zone specified in the user's profile. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null."},"accountId":{"type":"string","maxLength":128,"description":"The account ID of the user, which uniquely identifies the user across all Atlassian products. For example, *5b10ac8d82e05b22cc7d4ef5*. Required in requests."},"avatarUrls":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"properties":{"16x16":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 16x16 pixel avatar."},"24x24":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 24x24 pixel avatar."},"32x32":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 32x32 pixel avatar."},"48x48":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 48x48 pixel avatar."}},"description":"The avatars of the user."},"accountType":{"enum":["atlassian","app","customer","unknown"],"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The user account type. Can take the following values:\n\n * `atlassian` regular Atlassian user account\n * `app` system account used for Connect applications and OAuth to represent external systems\n * `customer` Jira Service Desk account representing an external service desk"},"displayName":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The display name of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may return an alternative value."},"emailAddress":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The email address of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null."},"applicationRoles":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"properties":{"size":{"xml":{"attribute":true},"type":"integer","format":"int32"},"items":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"object","properties":{"key":{"type":"string","description":"The key of the application role."},"name":{"type":"string","description":"The display name of the application role."},"groups":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"string"},"description":"The groups associated with the application role.","uniqueItems":true},"defined":{"type":"boolean","description":"Deprecated."},"platform":{"type":"boolean","description":"Indicates if the application role belongs to Jira platform (`jira-core`)."},"userCount":{"type":"integer","format":"int32","description":"The number of users counting against your license."},"defaultGroups":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"string"},"description":"The groups that are granted default access for this application role.","uniqueItems":true},"numberOfSeats":{"type":"integer","format":"int32","description":"The maximum count of users on your license."},"remainingSeats":{"type":"integer","format":"int32","description":"The count of users remaining on your license."},"hasUnlimitedSeats":{"type":"boolean"},"selectedByDefault":{"type":"boolean","description":"Determines whether this application role should be selected by default on user creation."},"userCountDescription":{"type":"string","description":"The [type of users](https://confluence.atlassian.com/x/lRW3Ng) being counted against your license."}}}},"callback":{"type":"object"},"max-results":{"xml":{"name":"max-results","attribute":true},"type":"integer","format":"int32"},"pagingCallback":{"type":"object"}},"description":"The application roles the user is assigned to."}},"description":"The username of the project lead."},"name":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The name of the project."},"self":{"type":"string","format":"uri","readOnly":true,"description":"The URL of the project details."},"uuid":{"type":"string","format":"uuid","readOnly":true,"description":"Unique ID for next-gen projects."},"email":{"type":"string","description":"An email address associated with the project."},"roles":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"description":"The name and self URL for each role defined in the project. For more information, see [Create project role](#api-rest-api-3-role-post).","additionalProperties":{"type":"string","format":"uri","readOnly":true}},"style":{"enum":["classic","next-gen"],"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The type of the project."},"expand":{"xml":{"attribute":true},"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"Expand options that include additional project details in the response."},"deleted":{"type":"boolean","readOnly":true,"description":"Whether the project is marked as deleted."},"insight":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"properties":{"totalIssueCount":{"type":"integer","format":"int64","readOnly":true,"description":"Total issue count."},"lastIssueUpdateTime":{"type":"string","format":"date-time","readOnly":true,"description":"The last issue update time."}},"description":"Insights about the project."},"archived":{"type":"boolean","readOnly":true,"description":"Whether the project is archived."},"versions":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"object","properties":{"id":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The ID of the version."},"name":{"type":"string","description":"The unique name of the version. Required when creating a version. Optional when updating a version. The maximum length is 255 characters."},"self":{"type":"string","format":"uri","readOnly":true,"description":"The URL of the version."},"expand":{"xml":{"attribute":true},"type":"string","description":"Use [expand](em>#expansion) to include additional information about version in the response. This parameter accepts a comma-separated list. Expand options include:\n\n * `operations` Returns the list of operations available for this version.\n * `issuesstatus` Returns the count of issues in this version for each of the status categories *to do*, *in progress*, *done*, and *unmapped*. The *unmapped* property contains a count of issues with a status other than *to do*, *in progress*, and *done*.\n\nOptional for create and update."},"overdue":{"type":"boolean","readOnly":true,"description":"Indicates that the version is overdue."},"project":{"type":"string","description":"Deprecated. Use `projectId`."},"archived":{"type":"boolean","description":"Indicates that the version is archived. Optional when creating or updating a version."},"released":{"type":"boolean","description":"Indicates that the version is released. If the version is released a request to release again is ignored. Not applicable when creating a version. Optional when updating a version."},"projectId":{"type":"integer","format":"int64","description":"The ID of the project to which this version is attached. Required when creating a version. Not applicable when updating a version."},"startDate":{"type":"string","format":"date","description":"The start date of the version. Expressed in ISO 8601 format (yyyy-mm-dd). Optional when creating or updating a version."},"operations":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"object","properties":{"id":{"type":"string"},"href":{"type":"string"},"label":{"type":"string"},"title":{"type":"string"},"weight":{"type":"integer","format":"int32"},"iconClass":{"type":"string"},"styleClass":{"type":"string"}}},"readOnly":true,"description":"If the expand option `operations` is used, returns the list of operations available for this version."},"description":{"type":"string","description":"The description of the version. Optional when creating or updating a version."},"releaseDate":{"type":"string","format":"date","description":"The release date of the version. Expressed in ISO 8601 format (yyyy-mm-dd). Optional when creating or updating a version."},"userStartDate":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The date on which work on this version is expected to start, expressed in the instance's *Day/Month/Year Format* date format."},"userReleaseDate":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The date on which work on this version is expected to finish, expressed in the instance's *Day/Month/Year Format* date format."},"moveUnfixedIssuesTo":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the self link to the version to which all unfixed issues are moved when a version is released. Not applicable when creating a version. Optional when updating a version."},"issuesStatusForFixVersion":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"properties":{"done":{"type":"integer","format":"int64","readOnly":true,"description":"Count of issues with status *done*."},"toDo":{"type":"integer","format":"int64","readOnly":true,"description":"Count of issues with status *to do*."},"unmapped":{"type":"integer","format":"int64","readOnly":true,"description":"Count of issues with a status other than *to do*, *in progress*, and *done*."},"inProgress":{"type":"integer","format":"int64","readOnly":true,"description":"Count of issues with status *in progress*."}},"description":"If the expand option `issuesstatus` is used, returns the count of issues in this version for each of the status categories *to do*, *in progress*, *done*, and *unmapped*. The *unmapped* property contains a count of issues with a status other than *to do*, *in progress*, and *done*."}}},"readOnly":true,"description":"The versions defined in the project. For more information, see [Create version](#api-rest-api-3-version-post)."},"deletedBy":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"properties":{"key":{"type":"string","description":"This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the [deprecation notice](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details."},"name":{"type":"string","description":"This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the [deprecation notice](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details."},"self":{"type":"string","format":"uri","readOnly":true,"description":"The URL of the user."},"active":{"type":"boolean","readOnly":true,"description":"Whether the user is active."},"expand":{"xml":{"attribute":true},"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"Expand options that include additional user details in the response."},"groups":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"properties":{"size":{"xml":{"attribute":true},"type":"integer","format":"int32"},"items":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"object","properties":{"name":{"type":"string","description":"The name of group."},"self":{"type":"string","format":"uri","readOnly":true,"description":"The URL for these group details."}}}},"callback":{"type":"object"},"max-results":{"xml":{"name":"max-results","attribute":true},"type":"integer","format":"int32"},"pagingCallback":{"type":"object"}},"description":"The groups that the user belongs to."},"locale":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The locale of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null."},"timeZone":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The time zone specified in the user's profile. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null."},"accountId":{"type":"string","maxLength":128,"description":"The account ID of the user, which uniquely identifies the user across all Atlassian products. For example, *5b10ac8d82e05b22cc7d4ef5*. Required in requests."},"avatarUrls":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"properties":{"16x16":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 16x16 pixel avatar."},"24x24":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 24x24 pixel avatar."},"32x32":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 32x32 pixel avatar."},"48x48":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 48x48 pixel avatar."}},"description":"The avatars of the user."},"accountType":{"enum":["atlassian","app","customer","unknown"],"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The user account type. Can take the following values:\n\n * `atlassian` regular Atlassian user account\n * `app` system account used for Connect applications and OAuth to represent external systems\n * `customer` Jira Service Desk account representing an external service desk"},"displayName":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The display name of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may return an alternative value."},"emailAddress":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The email address of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null."},"applicationRoles":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"properties":{"size":{"xml":{"attribute":true},"type":"integer","format":"int32"},"items":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"object","properties":{"key":{"type":"string","description":"The key of the application role."},"name":{"type":"string","description":"The display name of the application role."},"groups":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"string"},"description":"The groups associated with the application role.","uniqueItems":true},"defined":{"type":"boolean","description":"Deprecated."},"platform":{"type":"boolean","description":"Indicates if the application role belongs to Jira platform (`jira-core`)."},"userCount":{"type":"integer","format":"int32","description":"The number of users counting against your license."},"defaultGroups":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"string"},"description":"The groups that are granted default access for this application role.","uniqueItems":true},"numberOfSeats":{"type":"integer","format":"int32","description":"The maximum count of users on your license."},"remainingSeats":{"type":"integer","format":"int32","description":"The count of users remaining on your license."},"hasUnlimitedSeats":{"type":"boolean"},"selectedByDefault":{"type":"boolean","description":"Determines whether this application role should be selected by default on user creation."},"userCountDescription":{"type":"string","description":"The [type of users](https://confluence.atlassian.com/x/lRW3Ng) being counted against your license."}}}},"callback":{"type":"object"},"max-results":{"xml":{"name":"max-results","attribute":true},"type":"integer","format":"int32"},"pagingCallback":{"type":"object"}},"description":"The application roles the user is assigned to."}},"description":"The user who marked the project as deleted."},"favourite":{"type":"boolean","description":"Whether the project is selected as a favorite."},"isPrivate":{"type":"boolean","readOnly":true,"description":"Whether the project is private."},"archivedBy":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"properties":{"key":{"type":"string","description":"This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the [deprecation notice](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details."},"name":{"type":"string","description":"This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the [deprecation notice](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details."},"self":{"type":"string","format":"uri","readOnly":true,"description":"The URL of the user."},"active":{"type":"boolean","readOnly":true,"description":"Whether the user is active."},"expand":{"xml":{"attribute":true},"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"Expand options that include additional user details in the response."},"groups":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"properties":{"size":{"xml":{"attribute":true},"type":"integer","format":"int32"},"items":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"object","properties":{"name":{"type":"string","description":"The name of group."},"self":{"type":"string","format":"uri","readOnly":true,"description":"The URL for these group details."}}}},"callback":{"type":"object"},"max-results":{"xml":{"name":"max-results","attribute":true},"type":"integer","format":"int32"},"pagingCallback":{"type":"object"}},"description":"The groups that the user belongs to."},"locale":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The locale of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null."},"timeZone":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The time zone specified in the user's profile. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null."},"accountId":{"type":"string","maxLength":128,"description":"The account ID of the user, which uniquely identifies the user across all Atlassian products. For example, *5b10ac8d82e05b22cc7d4ef5*. Required in requests."},"avatarUrls":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"properties":{"16x16":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 16x16 pixel avatar."},"24x24":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 24x24 pixel avatar."},"32x32":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 32x32 pixel avatar."},"48x48":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 48x48 pixel avatar."}},"description":"The avatars of the user."},"accountType":{"enum":["atlassian","app","customer","unknown"],"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The user account type. Can take the following values:\n\n * `atlassian` regular Atlassian user account\n * `app` system account used for Connect applications and OAuth to represent external systems\n * `customer` Jira Service Desk account representing an external service desk"},"displayName":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The display name of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may return an alternative value."},"emailAddress":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The email address of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null."},"applicationRoles":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"properties":{"size":{"xml":{"attribute":true},"type":"integer","format":"int32"},"items":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"object","properties":{"key":{"type":"string","description":"The key of the application role."},"name":{"type":"string","description":"The display name of the application role."},"groups":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"string"},"description":"The groups associated with the application role.","uniqueItems":true},"defined":{"type":"boolean","description":"Deprecated."},"platform":{"type":"boolean","description":"Indicates if the application role belongs to Jira platform (`jira-core`)."},"userCount":{"type":"integer","format":"int32","description":"The number of users counting against your license."},"defaultGroups":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"string"},"description":"The groups that are granted default access for this application role.","uniqueItems":true},"numberOfSeats":{"type":"integer","format":"int32","description":"The maximum count of users on your license."},"remainingSeats":{"type":"integer","format":"int32","description":"The count of users remaining on your license."},"hasUnlimitedSeats":{"type":"boolean"},"selectedByDefault":{"type":"boolean","description":"Determines whether this application role should be selected by default on user creation."},"userCountDescription":{"type":"string","description":"The [type of users](https://confluence.atlassian.com/x/lRW3Ng) being counted against your license."}}}},"callback":{"type":"object"},"max-results":{"xml":{"name":"max-results","attribute":true},"type":"integer","format":"int32"},"pagingCallback":{"type":"object"}},"description":"The application roles the user is assigned to."}},"description":"The user who archived the project."},"avatarUrls":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"properties":{"16x16":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 16x16 pixel avatar."},"24x24":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 24x24 pixel avatar."},"32x32":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 32x32 pixel avatar."},"48x48":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 48x48 pixel avatar."}},"description":"The URLs of the project's avatars."},"components":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"object","properties":{"id":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The unique identifier for the component."},"lead":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"properties":{"key":{"type":"string","description":"This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the [deprecation notice](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details."},"name":{"type":"string","description":"This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the [deprecation notice](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details."},"self":{"type":"string","format":"uri","readOnly":true,"description":"The URL of the user."},"active":{"type":"boolean","readOnly":true,"description":"Whether the user is active."},"expand":{"xml":{"attribute":true},"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"Expand options that include additional user details in the response."},"groups":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"properties":{"size":{"xml":{"attribute":true},"type":"integer","format":"int32"},"items":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"object","properties":{"name":{"type":"string","description":"The name of group."},"self":{"type":"string","format":"uri","readOnly":true,"description":"The URL for these group details."}}}},"callback":{"type":"object"},"max-results":{"xml":{"name":"max-results","attribute":true},"type":"integer","format":"int32"},"pagingCallback":{"type":"object"}},"description":"The groups that the user belongs to."},"locale":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The locale of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null."},"timeZone":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The time zone specified in the user's profile. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null."},"accountId":{"type":"string","maxLength":128,"description":"The account ID of the user, which uniquely identifies the user across all Atlassian products. For example, *5b10ac8d82e05b22cc7d4ef5*. Required in requests."},"avatarUrls":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"properties":{"16x16":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 16x16 pixel avatar."},"24x24":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 24x24 pixel avatar."},"32x32":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 32x32 pixel avatar."},"48x48":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 48x48 pixel avatar."}},"description":"The avatars of the user."},"accountType":{"enum":["atlassian","app","customer","unknown"],"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The user account type. Can take the following values:\n\n * `atlassian` regular Atlassian user account\n * `app` system account used for Connect applications and OAuth to represent external systems\n * `customer` Jira Service Desk account representing an external service desk"},"displayName":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The display name of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may return an alternative value."},"emailAddress":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The email address of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null."},"applicationRoles":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"properties":{"size":{"xml":{"attribute":true},"type":"integer","format":"int32"},"items":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"object","properties":{"key":{"type":"string","description":"The key of the application role."},"name":{"type":"string","description":"The display name of the application role."},"groups":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"string"},"description":"The groups associated with the application role.","uniqueItems":true},"defined":{"type":"boolean","description":"Deprecated."},"platform":{"type":"boolean","description":"Indicates if the application role belongs to Jira platform (`jira-core`)."},"userCount":{"type":"integer","format":"int32","description":"The number of users counting against your license."},"defaultGroups":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"string"},"description":"The groups that are granted default access for this application role.","uniqueItems":true},"numberOfSeats":{"type":"integer","format":"int32","description":"The maximum count of users on your license."},"remainingSeats":{"type":"integer","format":"int32","description":"The count of users remaining on your license."},"hasUnlimitedSeats":{"type":"boolean"},"selectedByDefault":{"type":"boolean","description":"Determines whether this application role should be selected by default on user creation."},"userCountDescription":{"type":"string","description":"The [type of users](https://confluence.atlassian.com/x/lRW3Ng) being counted against your license."}}}},"callback":{"type":"object"},"max-results":{"xml":{"name":"max-results","attribute":true},"type":"integer","format":"int32"},"pagingCallback":{"type":"object"}},"description":"The application roles the user is assigned to."}},"description":"The user details for the component's lead user."},"name":{"type":"string","description":"The unique name for the component in the project. Required when creating a component. Optional when updating a component. The maximum length is 255 characters."},"self":{"type":"string","format":"uri","readOnly":true,"description":"The URL of the component."},"project":{"type":"string","description":"The key of the project the component is assigned to. Required when creating a component. Can't be updated."},"assignee":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"properties":{"key":{"type":"string","description":"This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the [deprecation notice](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details."},"name":{"type":"string","description":"This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the [deprecation notice](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details."},"self":{"type":"string","format":"uri","readOnly":true,"description":"The URL of the user."},"active":{"type":"boolean","readOnly":true,"description":"Whether the user is active."},"expand":{"xml":{"attribute":true},"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"Expand options that include additional user details in the response."},"groups":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"properties":{"size":{"xml":{"attribute":true},"type":"integer","format":"int32"},"items":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"object","properties":{"name":{"type":"string","description":"The name of group."},"self":{"type":"string","format":"uri","readOnly":true,"description":"The URL for these group details."}}}},"callback":{"type":"object"},"max-results":{"xml":{"name":"max-results","attribute":true},"type":"integer","format":"int32"},"pagingCallback":{"type":"object"}},"description":"The groups that the user belongs to."},"locale":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The locale of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null."},"timeZone":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The time zone specified in the user's profile. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null."},"accountId":{"type":"string","maxLength":128,"description":"The account ID of the user, which uniquely identifies the user across all Atlassian products. For example, *5b10ac8d82e05b22cc7d4ef5*. Required in requests."},"avatarUrls":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"properties":{"16x16":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 16x16 pixel avatar."},"24x24":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 24x24 pixel avatar."},"32x32":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 32x32 pixel avatar."},"48x48":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 48x48 pixel avatar."}},"description":"The avatars of the user."},"accountType":{"enum":["atlassian","app","customer","unknown"],"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The user account type. Can take the following values:\n\n * `atlassian` regular Atlassian user account\n * `app` system account used for Connect applications and OAuth to represent external systems\n * `customer` Jira Service Desk account representing an external service desk"},"displayName":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The display name of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may return an alternative value."},"emailAddress":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The email address of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null."},"applicationRoles":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"properties":{"size":{"xml":{"attribute":true},"type":"integer","format":"int32"},"items":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"object","properties":{"key":{"type":"string","description":"The key of the application role."},"name":{"type":"string","description":"The display name of the application role."},"groups":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"string"},"description":"The groups associated with the application role.","uniqueItems":true},"defined":{"type":"boolean","description":"Deprecated."},"platform":{"type":"boolean","description":"Indicates if the application role belongs to Jira platform (`jira-core`)."},"userCount":{"type":"integer","format":"int32","description":"The number of users counting against your license."},"defaultGroups":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"string"},"description":"The groups that are granted default access for this application role.","uniqueItems":true},"numberOfSeats":{"type":"integer","format":"int32","description":"The maximum count of users on your license."},"remainingSeats":{"type":"integer","format":"int32","description":"The count of users remaining on your license."},"hasUnlimitedSeats":{"type":"boolean"},"selectedByDefault":{"type":"boolean","description":"Determines whether this application role should be selected by default on user creation."},"userCountDescription":{"type":"string","description":"The [type of users](https://confluence.atlassian.com/x/lRW3Ng) being counted against your license."}}}},"callback":{"type":"object"},"max-results":{"xml":{"name":"max-results","attribute":true},"type":"integer","format":"int32"},"pagingCallback":{"type":"object"}},"description":"The application roles the user is assigned to."}},"description":"The details of the user associated with `assigneeType`, if any. See `realAssignee` for details of the user assigned to issues created with this component."},"projectId":{"type":"integer","format":"int64","readOnly":true,"description":"The ID of the project the component is assigned to."},"description":{"type":"string","description":"The description for the component. Optional when creating or updating a component."},"assigneeType":{"enum":["PROJECT_DEFAULT","COMPONENT_LEAD","PROJECT_LEAD","UNASSIGNED"],"type":"string","description":"The nominal user type used to determine the assignee for issues created with this component. See `realAssigneeType` for details on how the type of the user, and hence the user, assigned to issues is determined. Can take the following values:\n\n * `PROJECT_LEAD` the assignee to any issues created with this component is nominally the lead for the project the component is in.\n * `COMPONENT_LEAD` the assignee to any issues created with this component is nominally the lead for the component.\n * `UNASSIGNED` an assignee is not set for issues created with this component.\n * `PROJECT_DEFAULT` the assignee to any issues created with this component is nominally the default assignee for the project that the component is in.\n\nDefault value: `PROJECT_DEFAULT`. \nOptional when creating or updating a component."},"leadUserName":{"type":"string","description":"This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the [deprecation notice](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details."},"realAssignee":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"properties":{"key":{"type":"string","description":"This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the [deprecation notice](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details."},"name":{"type":"string","description":"This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the [deprecation notice](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details."},"self":{"type":"string","format":"uri","readOnly":true,"description":"The URL of the user."},"active":{"type":"boolean","readOnly":true,"description":"Whether the user is active."},"expand":{"xml":{"attribute":true},"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"Expand options that include additional user details in the response."},"groups":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"properties":{"size":{"xml":{"attribute":true},"type":"integer","format":"int32"},"items":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"object","properties":{"name":{"type":"string","description":"The name of group."},"self":{"type":"string","format":"uri","readOnly":true,"description":"The URL for these group details."}}}},"callback":{"type":"object"},"max-results":{"xml":{"name":"max-results","attribute":true},"type":"integer","format":"int32"},"pagingCallback":{"type":"object"}},"description":"The groups that the user belongs to."},"locale":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The locale of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null."},"timeZone":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The time zone specified in the user's profile. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null."},"accountId":{"type":"string","maxLength":128,"description":"The account ID of the user, which uniquely identifies the user across all Atlassian products. For example, *5b10ac8d82e05b22cc7d4ef5*. Required in requests."},"avatarUrls":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"properties":{"16x16":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 16x16 pixel avatar."},"24x24":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 24x24 pixel avatar."},"32x32":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 32x32 pixel avatar."},"48x48":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 48x48 pixel avatar."}},"description":"The avatars of the user."},"accountType":{"enum":["atlassian","app","customer","unknown"],"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The user account type. Can take the following values:\n\n * `atlassian` regular Atlassian user account\n * `app` system account used for Connect applications and OAuth to represent external systems\n * `customer` Jira Service Desk account representing an external service desk"},"displayName":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The display name of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may return an alternative value."},"emailAddress":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The email address of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null."},"applicationRoles":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"properties":{"size":{"xml":{"attribute":true},"type":"integer","format":"int32"},"items":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"object","properties":{"key":{"type":"string","description":"The key of the application role."},"name":{"type":"string","description":"The display name of the application role."},"groups":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"string"},"description":"The groups associated with the application role.","uniqueItems":true},"defined":{"type":"boolean","description":"Deprecated."},"platform":{"type":"boolean","description":"Indicates if the application role belongs to Jira platform (`jira-core`)."},"userCount":{"type":"integer","format":"int32","description":"The number of users counting against your license."},"defaultGroups":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"string"},"description":"The groups that are granted default access for this application role.","uniqueItems":true},"numberOfSeats":{"type":"integer","format":"int32","description":"The maximum count of users on your license."},"remainingSeats":{"type":"integer","format":"int32","description":"The count of users remaining on your license."},"hasUnlimitedSeats":{"type":"boolean"},"selectedByDefault":{"type":"boolean","description":"Determines whether this application role should be selected by default on user creation."},"userCountDescription":{"type":"string","description":"The [type of users](https://confluence.atlassian.com/x/lRW3Ng) being counted against your license."}}}},"callback":{"type":"object"},"max-results":{"xml":{"name":"max-results","attribute":true},"type":"integer","format":"int32"},"pagingCallback":{"type":"object"}},"description":"The application roles the user is assigned to."}},"description":"The user assigned to issues created with this component, when `assigneeType` does not identify a valid assignee."},"leadAccountId":{"type":"string","maxLength":128,"writeOnly":true,"description":"The accountId of the component's lead user. The accountId uniquely identifies the user across all Atlassian products. For example, *5b10ac8d82e05b22cc7d4ef5*."},"realAssigneeType":{"enum":["PROJECT_DEFAULT","COMPONENT_LEAD","PROJECT_LEAD","UNASSIGNED"],"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The type of the assignee that is assigned to issues created with this component, when an assignee cannot be set from the `assigneeType`. For example, `assigneeType` is set to `COMPONENT_LEAD` but no component lead is set. This property is set to one of the following values:\n\n * `PROJECT_LEAD` when `assigneeType` is `PROJECT_LEAD` and the project lead has permission to be assigned issues in the project that the component is in.\n * `COMPONENT_LEAD` when `assignee`Type is `COMPONENT_LEAD` and the component lead has permission to be assigned issues in the project that the component is in.\n * `UNASSIGNED` when `assigneeType` is `UNASSIGNED` and Jira is configured to allow unassigned issues.\n * `PROJECT_DEFAULT` when none of the preceding cases are true."},"isAssigneeTypeValid":{"type":"boolean","readOnly":true,"description":"Whether a user is associated with `assigneeType`. For example, if the `assigneeType` is set to `COMPONENT_LEAD` but the component lead is not set, then `false` is returned."}}},"readOnly":true,"description":"List of the components contained in the project."},"issueTypes":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"object","properties":{"id":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The ID of the issue type."},"name":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The name of the issue type."},"self":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The URL of these issue type details."},"scope":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"properties":{"type":{"enum":["PROJECT","TEMPLATE"],"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The type of scope."},"project":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"properties":{"id":{"type":"string","description":"The ID of the project."},"key":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The key of the project."},"name":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The name of the project."},"self":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The URL of the project details."},"avatarUrls":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"properties":{"16x16":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 16x16 pixel avatar."},"24x24":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 24x24 pixel avatar."},"32x32":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 32x32 pixel avatar."},"48x48":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 48x48 pixel avatar."}},"description":"The URLs of the project's avatars."},"simplified":{"type":"boolean","readOnly":true,"description":"Whether or not the project is simplified."},"projectTypeKey":{"enum":["software","service_desk","business"],"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The [project type](https://confluence.atlassian.com/x/GwiiLQ#Jiraapplicationsoverview-Productfeaturesandprojecttypes) of the project."},"projectCategory":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"properties":{"id":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The ID of the project category."},"name":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The description of the project category."},"self":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The URL of the project category."},"description":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The name of the project category."}},"description":"The category the project belongs to."}},"description":"The project the item has scope in."}},"description":"Details of the next-gen projects the issue type is available in."},"iconUrl":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The URL of the issue type's avatar."},"subtask":{"type":"boolean","readOnly":true,"description":"Whether this issue type is used to create subtasks."},"avatarId":{"type":"integer","format":"int64","readOnly":true,"description":"The ID of the issue type's avatar."},"entityId":{"type":"string","format":"uuid","readOnly":true,"description":"Unique ID for next-gen projects."},"description":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The description of the issue type."},"hierarchyLevel":{"type":"integer","format":"int32","readOnly":true,"description":"Hierarchy level of the issue type."}}},"readOnly":true,"description":"List of the issue types available in the project."},"properties":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"description":"Map of project properties","additionalProperties":{"readOnly":true}},"simplified":{"type":"boolean","readOnly":true,"description":"Whether the project is simplified."},"deletedDate":{"type":"string","format":"date-time","readOnly":true,"description":"The date when the project was marked as deleted."},"description":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"A brief description of the project."},"permissions":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"properties":{"canEdit":{"type":"boolean","readOnly":true,"description":"Whether the logged user can edit the project."}},"description":"User permissions on the project"},"archivedDate":{"type":"string","format":"date-time","readOnly":true,"description":"The date when the project was archived."},"assigneeType":{"enum":["PROJECT_LEAD","UNASSIGNED"],"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The default assignee when creating issues for this project."},"projectTypeKey":{"enum":["software","service_desk","business"],"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The [project type](https://confluence.atlassian.com/x/GwiiLQ#Jiraapplicationsoverview-Productfeaturesandprojecttypes) of the project."},"projectCategory":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"properties":{"id":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The ID of the project category."},"name":{"type":"string","description":"The name of the project category. Required on create, optional on update."},"self":{"type":"string","format":"uri","readOnly":true,"description":"The URL of the project category."},"description":{"type":"string","description":"The description of the project category. Required on create, optional on update."}},"description":"The category the project belongs to."},"retentionTillDate":{"type":"string","format":"date-time","readOnly":true,"description":"The date when the project is deleted permanently."},"issueTypeHierarchy":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"properties":{"level":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"object","properties":{"id":{"type":"integer","format":"int64"},"name":{"type":"string"},"level":{"type":"integer","format":"int32"},"aboveLevelId":{"type":"integer","format":"int64"},"belowLevelId":{"type":"integer","format":"int64"},"externalUuid":{"type":"string","format":"uuid"},"issueTypeIds":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"integer","format":"int64"}},"globalHierarchyLevel":{"enum":["SUBTASK","BASE","EPIC"],"type":"string"},"projectConfigurationId":{"type":"integer","format":"int64"}}}}},"description":"The issue type hierarchy for the project"}},"description":"The project that the filter is shared with. This is similar to the project object returned by [Get project](#api-rest-api-3-project-projectIdOrKey-get) but it contains a subset of the properties, which are: `self`, `id`, `key`, `assigneeType`, `name`, `roles`, `avatarUrls`, `projectType`, `simplified`. \nFor a request, specify the `id` for the project."}}},"description":"The groups and projects that the filter is shared with. This can be specified when updating a filter, but not when creating a filter."}},"description":"Details of a filter.","additionalProperties":false},supportedSyncModes=[full_refresh],sourceDefinedCursor=,defaultCursorField=[],sourceDefinedPrimaryKey=[[id]],namespace=,additionalProperties={}],syncMode=full_refresh,cursorField=[],destinationSyncMode=overwrite,primaryKey=[[id]],additionalProperties={}], io.airbyte.protocol.models.ConfiguredAirbyteStream@123bbfde[stream=io.airbyte.protocol.models.AirbyteStream@54b59440[name=filter_sharing,jsonSchema={"type":"object","$schema":"http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#","properties":{"id":{"type":"integer","format":"int64","readOnly":true,"description":"The unique identifier of the share permission."},"role":{"type":"object","properties":{"id":{"type":"integer","format":"int64","readOnly":true,"description":"The ID of the project role."},"name":{"type":"string","description":"The name of the project role."},"self":{"type":"string","format":"uri","readOnly":true,"description":"The URL the project role details."},"admin":{"type":"boolean","readOnly":true,"description":"Whether this role is the admin role for the project."},"scope":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"properties":{"type":{"enum":["PROJECT","TEMPLATE"],"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The type of scope."},"project":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"properties":{"id":{"type":"string","description":"The ID of the project."},"key":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The key of the project."},"name":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The name of the project."},"self":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The URL of the project details."},"avatarUrls":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"properties":{"16x16":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 16x16 pixel avatar."},"24x24":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 24x24 pixel avatar."},"32x32":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 32x32 pixel avatar."},"48x48":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 48x48 pixel avatar."}},"description":"The URLs of the project's avatars."},"simplified":{"type":"boolean","readOnly":true,"description":"Whether or not the project is simplified."},"projectTypeKey":{"enum":["software","service_desk","business"],"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The [project type](https://confluence.atlassian.com/x/GwiiLQ#Jiraapplicationsoverview-Productfeaturesandprojecttypes) of the project."},"projectCategory":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"properties":{"id":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The ID of the project category."},"name":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The description of the project category."},"self":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The URL of the project category."},"description":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The name of the project category."}},"description":"The category the project belongs to."}},"description":"The project the item has scope in."}},"description":"The scope of the role. Indicated for roles associated with [next-gen projects](https://confluence.atlassian.com/x/loMyO)."},"actors":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"object","properties":{"id":{"type":"integer","format":"int64","readOnly":true,"description":"The ID of the role actor."},"name":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the [deprecation notice](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details."},"type":{"enum":["atlassian-group-role-actor","atlassian-user-role-actor"],"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The type of role actor."},"actorUser":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"properties":{"accountId":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"maxLength":128,"description":"The account ID of the user, which uniquely identifies the user across all Atlassian products. For example, *5b10ac8d82e05b22cc7d4ef5*. Returns *unknown* if the record is deleted and corrupted, for example, as the result of a server import."}}},"avatarUrl":{"type":"string","format":"uri","readOnly":true,"description":"The avatar of the role actor."},"actorGroup":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"properties":{"name":{"type":"string","description":"The name of the group"},"displayName":{"type":"string","description":"The display name of the group."}}},"displayName":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The display name of the role actor. For users, depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may return an alternative value for the user's name."}}},"readOnly":true,"description":"The list of users who act in this role."},"default":{"type":"boolean","readOnly":true,"description":"Whether this role is the default role for the project"},"description":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The description of the project role."},"translatedName":{"type":"string","description":"The translated name of the project role."},"currentUserRole":{"type":"boolean","description":"Whether the calling user is part of this role."},"roleConfigurable":{"type":"boolean","readOnly":true,"description":"Whether the roles are configurable for this project."}},"description":"The project role that the filter is shared with. \nFor a request, specify the `id` for the role. You must also specify the `project` object and `id` for the project that the role is in."},"type":{"enum":["group","project","projectRole","global","loggedin","authenticated","project-unknown"],"type":"string","description":"The type of share permission:\n\n * `group` Shared with a group. If set in a request, then specify `sharePermission.group` as well.\n * `project` Shared with a project. If set in a request, then specify `sharePermission.project` as well.\n * `projectRole` Share with a project role in a project. This value is not returned in responses. It is used in requests, where it needs to be specify with `projectId` and `projectRoleId`.\n * `global` Shared globally. If set in a request, no other `sharePermission` properties need to be specified.\n * `loggedin` Shared with all logged-in users. Note: This value is set in a request by specifying `authenticated` as the `type`.\n * `project-unknown` Shared with a project that the user does not have access to. Cannot be set in a request."},"group":{"type":"object","properties":{"name":{"type":"string","description":"The name of group."},"self":{"type":"string","format":"uri","readOnly":true,"description":"The URL for these group details."}},"description":"The group that the filter is shared with. For a request, specify the `name` property for the group."},"project":{"type":"object","properties":{"id":{"type":"string","description":"The ID of the project."},"key":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The key of the project."},"url":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"A link to information about this project, such as project documentation."},"lead":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"properties":{"key":{"type":"string","description":"This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the [deprecation notice](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details."},"name":{"type":"string","description":"This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the [deprecation notice](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details."},"self":{"type":"string","format":"uri","readOnly":true,"description":"The URL of the user."},"active":{"type":"boolean","readOnly":true,"description":"Whether the user is active."},"expand":{"xml":{"attribute":true},"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"Expand options that include additional user details in the response."},"groups":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"properties":{"size":{"xml":{"attribute":true},"type":"integer","format":"int32"},"items":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"object","properties":{"name":{"type":"string","description":"The name of group."},"self":{"type":"string","format":"uri","readOnly":true,"description":"The URL for these group details."}}}},"callback":{"type":"object"},"max-results":{"xml":{"name":"max-results","attribute":true},"type":"integer","format":"int32"},"pagingCallback":{"type":"object"}},"description":"The groups that the user belongs to."},"locale":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The locale of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null."},"timeZone":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The time zone specified in the user's profile. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null."},"accountId":{"type":"string","maxLength":128,"description":"The account ID of the user, which uniquely identifies the user across all Atlassian products. For example, *5b10ac8d82e05b22cc7d4ef5*. Required in requests."},"avatarUrls":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"properties":{"16x16":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 16x16 pixel avatar."},"24x24":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 24x24 pixel avatar."},"32x32":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 32x32 pixel avatar."},"48x48":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 48x48 pixel avatar."}},"description":"The avatars of the user."},"accountType":{"enum":["atlassian","app","customer","unknown"],"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The user account type. Can take the following values:\n\n * `atlassian` regular Atlassian user account\n * `app` system account used for Connect applications and OAuth to represent external systems\n * `customer` Jira Service Desk account representing an external service desk"},"displayName":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The display name of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may return an alternative value."},"emailAddress":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The email address of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null."},"applicationRoles":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"properties":{"size":{"xml":{"attribute":true},"type":"integer","format":"int32"},"items":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"object","properties":{"key":{"type":"string","description":"The key of the application role."},"name":{"type":"string","description":"The display name of the application role."},"groups":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"string"},"description":"The groups associated with the application role.","uniqueItems":true},"defined":{"type":"boolean","description":"Deprecated."},"platform":{"type":"boolean","description":"Indicates if the application role belongs to Jira platform (`jira-core`)."},"userCount":{"type":"integer","format":"int32","description":"The number of users counting against your license."},"defaultGroups":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"string"},"description":"The groups that are granted default access for this application role.","uniqueItems":true},"numberOfSeats":{"type":"integer","format":"int32","description":"The maximum count of users on your license."},"remainingSeats":{"type":"integer","format":"int32","description":"The count of users remaining on your license."},"hasUnlimitedSeats":{"type":"boolean"},"selectedByDefault":{"type":"boolean","description":"Determines whether this application role should be selected by default on user creation."},"userCountDescription":{"type":"string","description":"The [type of users](https://confluence.atlassian.com/x/lRW3Ng) being counted against your license."}}}},"callback":{"type":"object"},"max-results":{"xml":{"name":"max-results","attribute":true},"type":"integer","format":"int32"},"pagingCallback":{"type":"object"}},"description":"The application roles the user is assigned to."}},"description":"The username of the project lead."},"name":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The name of the project."},"self":{"type":"string","format":"uri","readOnly":true,"description":"The URL of the project details."},"uuid":{"type":"string","format":"uuid","readOnly":true,"description":"Unique ID for next-gen projects."},"email":{"type":"string","description":"An email address associated with the project."},"roles":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"description":"The name and self URL for each role defined in the project. For more information, see [Create project role](#api-rest-api-3-role-post).","additionalProperties":{"type":"string","format":"uri","readOnly":true}},"style":{"enum":["classic","next-gen"],"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The type of the project."},"expand":{"xml":{"attribute":true},"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"Expand options that include additional project details in the response."},"deleted":{"type":"boolean","readOnly":true,"description":"Whether the project is marked as deleted."},"insight":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"properties":{"totalIssueCount":{"type":"integer","format":"int64","readOnly":true,"description":"Total issue count."},"lastIssueUpdateTime":{"type":"string","format":"date-time","readOnly":true,"description":"The last issue update time."}},"description":"Insights about the project."},"archived":{"type":"boolean","readOnly":true,"description":"Whether the project is archived."},"versions":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"object","properties":{"id":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The ID of the version."},"name":{"type":"string","description":"The unique name of the version. Required when creating a version. Optional when updating a version. The maximum length is 255 characters."},"self":{"type":"string","format":"uri","readOnly":true,"description":"The URL of the version."},"expand":{"xml":{"attribute":true},"type":"string","description":"Use [expand](em>#expansion) to include additional information about version in the response. This parameter accepts a comma-separated list. Expand options include:\n\n * `operations` Returns the list of operations available for this version.\n * `issuesstatus` Returns the count of issues in this version for each of the status categories *to do*, *in progress*, *done*, and *unmapped*. The *unmapped* property contains a count of issues with a status other than *to do*, *in progress*, and *done*.\n\nOptional for create and update."},"overdue":{"type":"boolean","readOnly":true,"description":"Indicates that the version is overdue."},"project":{"type":"string","description":"Deprecated. Use `projectId`."},"archived":{"type":"boolean","description":"Indicates that the version is archived. Optional when creating or updating a version."},"released":{"type":"boolean","description":"Indicates that the version is released. If the version is released a request to release again is ignored. Not applicable when creating a version. Optional when updating a version."},"projectId":{"type":"integer","format":"int64","description":"The ID of the project to which this version is attached. Required when creating a version. Not applicable when updating a version."},"startDate":{"type":"string","format":"date","description":"The start date of the version. Expressed in ISO 8601 format (yyyy-mm-dd). Optional when creating or updating a version."},"operations":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"object","properties":{"id":{"type":"string"},"href":{"type":"string"},"label":{"type":"string"},"title":{"type":"string"},"weight":{"type":"integer","format":"int32"},"iconClass":{"type":"string"},"styleClass":{"type":"string"}}},"readOnly":true,"description":"If the expand option `operations` is used, returns the list of operations available for this version."},"description":{"type":"string","description":"The description of the version. Optional when creating or updating a version."},"releaseDate":{"type":"string","format":"date","description":"The release date of the version. Expressed in ISO 8601 format (yyyy-mm-dd). Optional when creating or updating a version."},"userStartDate":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The date on which work on this version is expected to start, expressed in the instance's *Day/Month/Year Format* date format."},"userReleaseDate":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The date on which work on this version is expected to finish, expressed in the instance's *Day/Month/Year Format* date format."},"moveUnfixedIssuesTo":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the self link to the version to which all unfixed issues are moved when a version is released. Not applicable when creating a version. Optional when updating a version."},"issuesStatusForFixVersion":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"properties":{"done":{"type":"integer","format":"int64","readOnly":true,"description":"Count of issues with status *done*."},"toDo":{"type":"integer","format":"int64","readOnly":true,"description":"Count of issues with status *to do*."},"unmapped":{"type":"integer","format":"int64","readOnly":true,"description":"Count of issues with a status other than *to do*, *in progress*, and *done*."},"inProgress":{"type":"integer","format":"int64","readOnly":true,"description":"Count of issues with status *in progress*."}},"description":"If the expand option `issuesstatus` is used, returns the count of issues in this version for each of the status categories *to do*, *in progress*, *done*, and *unmapped*. The *unmapped* property contains a count of issues with a status other than *to do*, *in progress*, and *done*."}}},"readOnly":true,"description":"The versions defined in the project. For more information, see [Create version](#api-rest-api-3-version-post)."},"deletedBy":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"properties":{"key":{"type":"string","description":"This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the [deprecation notice](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details."},"name":{"type":"string","description":"This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the [deprecation notice](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details."},"self":{"type":"string","format":"uri","readOnly":true,"description":"The URL of the user."},"active":{"type":"boolean","readOnly":true,"description":"Whether the user is active."},"expand":{"xml":{"attribute":true},"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"Expand options that include additional user details in the response."},"groups":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"properties":{"size":{"xml":{"attribute":true},"type":"integer","format":"int32"},"items":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"object","properties":{"name":{"type":"string","description":"The name of group."},"self":{"type":"string","format":"uri","readOnly":true,"description":"The URL for these group details."}}}},"callback":{"type":"object"},"max-results":{"xml":{"name":"max-results","attribute":true},"type":"integer","format":"int32"},"pagingCallback":{"type":"object"}},"description":"The groups that the user belongs to."},"locale":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The locale of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null."},"timeZone":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The time zone specified in the user's profile. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null."},"accountId":{"type":"string","maxLength":128,"description":"The account ID of the user, which uniquely identifies the user across all Atlassian products. For example, *5b10ac8d82e05b22cc7d4ef5*. Required in requests."},"avatarUrls":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"properties":{"16x16":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 16x16 pixel avatar."},"24x24":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 24x24 pixel avatar."},"32x32":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 32x32 pixel avatar."},"48x48":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 48x48 pixel avatar."}},"description":"The avatars of the user."},"accountType":{"enum":["atlassian","app","customer","unknown"],"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The user account type. Can take the following values:\n\n * `atlassian` regular Atlassian user account\n * `app` system account used for Connect applications and OAuth to represent external systems\n * `customer` Jira Service Desk account representing an external service desk"},"displayName":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The display name of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may return an alternative value."},"emailAddress":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The email address of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null."},"applicationRoles":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"properties":{"size":{"xml":{"attribute":true},"type":"integer","format":"int32"},"items":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"object","properties":{"key":{"type":"string","description":"The key of the application role."},"name":{"type":"string","description":"The display name of the application role."},"groups":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"string"},"description":"The groups associated with the application role.","uniqueItems":true},"defined":{"type":"boolean","description":"Deprecated."},"platform":{"type":"boolean","description":"Indicates if the application role belongs to Jira platform (`jira-core`)."},"userCount":{"type":"integer","format":"int32","description":"The number of users counting against your license."},"defaultGroups":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"string"},"description":"The groups that are granted default access for this application role.","uniqueItems":true},"numberOfSeats":{"type":"integer","format":"int32","description":"The maximum count of users on your license."},"remainingSeats":{"type":"integer","format":"int32","description":"The count of users remaining on your license."},"hasUnlimitedSeats":{"type":"boolean"},"selectedByDefault":{"type":"boolean","description":"Determines whether this application role should be selected by default on user creation."},"userCountDescription":{"type":"string","description":"The [type of users](https://confluence.atlassian.com/x/lRW3Ng) being counted against your license."}}}},"callback":{"type":"object"},"max-results":{"xml":{"name":"max-results","attribute":true},"type":"integer","format":"int32"},"pagingCallback":{"type":"object"}},"description":"The application roles the user is assigned to."}},"description":"The user who marked the project as deleted."},"favourite":{"type":"boolean","description":"Whether the project is selected as a favorite."},"isPrivate":{"type":"boolean","readOnly":true,"description":"Whether the project is private."},"archivedBy":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"properties":{"key":{"type":"string","description":"This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the [deprecation notice](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details."},"name":{"type":"string","description":"This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the [deprecation notice](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details."},"self":{"type":"string","format":"uri","readOnly":true,"description":"The URL of the user."},"active":{"type":"boolean","readOnly":true,"description":"Whether the user is active."},"expand":{"xml":{"attribute":true},"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"Expand options that include additional user details in the response."},"groups":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"properties":{"size":{"xml":{"attribute":true},"type":"integer","format":"int32"},"items":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"object","properties":{"name":{"type":"string","description":"The name of group."},"self":{"type":"string","format":"uri","readOnly":true,"description":"The URL for these group details."}}}},"callback":{"type":"object"},"max-results":{"xml":{"name":"max-results","attribute":true},"type":"integer","format":"int32"},"pagingCallback":{"type":"object"}},"description":"The groups that the user belongs to."},"locale":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The locale of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null."},"timeZone":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The time zone specified in the user's profile. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null."},"accountId":{"type":"string","maxLength":128,"description":"The account ID of the user, which uniquely identifies the user across all Atlassian products. For example, *5b10ac8d82e05b22cc7d4ef5*. Required in requests."},"avatarUrls":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"properties":{"16x16":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 16x16 pixel avatar."},"24x24":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 24x24 pixel avatar."},"32x32":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 32x32 pixel avatar."},"48x48":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 48x48 pixel avatar."}},"description":"The avatars of the user."},"accountType":{"enum":["atlassian","app","customer","unknown"],"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The user account type. Can take the following values:\n\n * `atlassian` regular Atlassian user account\n * `app` system account used for Connect applications and OAuth to represent external systems\n * `customer` Jira Service Desk account representing an external service desk"},"displayName":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The display name of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may return an alternative value."},"emailAddress":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The email address of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null."},"applicationRoles":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"properties":{"size":{"xml":{"attribute":true},"type":"integer","format":"int32"},"items":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"object","properties":{"key":{"type":"string","description":"The key of the application role."},"name":{"type":"string","description":"The display name of the application role."},"groups":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"string"},"description":"The groups associated with the application role.","uniqueItems":true},"defined":{"type":"boolean","description":"Deprecated."},"platform":{"type":"boolean","description":"Indicates if the application role belongs to Jira platform (`jira-core`)."},"userCount":{"type":"integer","format":"int32","description":"The number of users counting against your license."},"defaultGroups":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"string"},"description":"The groups that are granted default access for this application role.","uniqueItems":true},"numberOfSeats":{"type":"integer","format":"int32","description":"The maximum count of users on your license."},"remainingSeats":{"type":"integer","format":"int32","description":"The count of users remaining on your license."},"hasUnlimitedSeats":{"type":"boolean"},"selectedByDefault":{"type":"boolean","description":"Determines whether this application role should be selected by default on user creation."},"userCountDescription":{"type":"string","description":"The [type of users](https://confluence.atlassian.com/x/lRW3Ng) being counted against your license."}}}},"callback":{"type":"object"},"max-results":{"xml":{"name":"max-results","attribute":true},"type":"integer","format":"int32"},"pagingCallback":{"type":"object"}},"description":"The application roles the user is assigned to."}},"description":"The user who archived the project."},"avatarUrls":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"properties":{"16x16":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 16x16 pixel avatar."},"24x24":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 24x24 pixel avatar."},"32x32":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 32x32 pixel avatar."},"48x48":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 48x48 pixel avatar."}},"description":"The URLs of the project's avatars."},"components":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"object","properties":{"id":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The unique identifier for the component."},"lead":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"properties":{"key":{"type":"string","description":"This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the [deprecation notice](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details."},"name":{"type":"string","description":"This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the [deprecation notice](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details."},"self":{"type":"string","format":"uri","readOnly":true,"description":"The URL of the user."},"active":{"type":"boolean","readOnly":true,"description":"Whether the user is active."},"expand":{"xml":{"attribute":true},"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"Expand options that include additional user details in the response."},"groups":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"properties":{"size":{"xml":{"attribute":true},"type":"integer","format":"int32"},"items":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"object","properties":{"name":{"type":"string","description":"The name of group."},"self":{"type":"string","format":"uri","readOnly":true,"description":"The URL for these group details."}}}},"callback":{"type":"object"},"max-results":{"xml":{"name":"max-results","attribute":true},"type":"integer","format":"int32"},"pagingCallback":{"type":"object"}},"description":"The groups that the user belongs to."},"locale":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The locale of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null."},"timeZone":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The time zone specified in the user's profile. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null."},"accountId":{"type":"string","maxLength":128,"description":"The account ID of the user, which uniquely identifies the user across all Atlassian products. For example, *5b10ac8d82e05b22cc7d4ef5*. Required in requests."},"avatarUrls":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"properties":{"16x16":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 16x16 pixel avatar."},"24x24":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 24x24 pixel avatar."},"32x32":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 32x32 pixel avatar."},"48x48":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 48x48 pixel avatar."}},"description":"The avatars of the user."},"accountType":{"enum":["atlassian","app","customer","unknown"],"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The user account type. Can take the following values:\n\n * `atlassian` regular Atlassian user account\n * `app` system account used for Connect applications and OAuth to represent external systems\n * `customer` Jira Service Desk account representing an external service desk"},"displayName":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The display name of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may return an alternative value."},"emailAddress":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The email address of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null."},"applicationRoles":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"properties":{"size":{"xml":{"attribute":true},"type":"integer","format":"int32"},"items":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"object","properties":{"key":{"type":"string","description":"The key of the application role."},"name":{"type":"string","description":"The display name of the application role."},"groups":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"string"},"description":"The groups associated with the application role.","uniqueItems":true},"defined":{"type":"boolean","description":"Deprecated."},"platform":{"type":"boolean","description":"Indicates if the application role belongs to Jira platform (`jira-core`)."},"userCount":{"type":"integer","format":"int32","description":"The number of users counting against your license."},"defaultGroups":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"string"},"description":"The groups that are granted default access for this application role.","uniqueItems":true},"numberOfSeats":{"type":"integer","format":"int32","description":"The maximum count of users on your license."},"remainingSeats":{"type":"integer","format":"int32","description":"The count of users remaining on your license."},"hasUnlimitedSeats":{"type":"boolean"},"selectedByDefault":{"type":"boolean","description":"Determines whether this application role should be selected by default on user creation."},"userCountDescription":{"type":"string","description":"The [type of users](https://confluence.atlassian.com/x/lRW3Ng) being counted against your license."}}}},"callback":{"type":"object"},"max-results":{"xml":{"name":"max-results","attribute":true},"type":"integer","format":"int32"},"pagingCallback":{"type":"object"}},"description":"The application roles the user is assigned to."}},"description":"The user details for the component's lead user."},"name":{"type":"string","description":"The unique name for the component in the project. Required when creating a component. Optional when updating a component. The maximum length is 255 characters."},"self":{"type":"string","format":"uri","readOnly":true,"description":"The URL of the component."},"project":{"type":"string","description":"The key of the project the component is assigned to. Required when creating a component. Can't be updated."},"assignee":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"properties":{"key":{"type":"string","description":"This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the [deprecation notice](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details."},"name":{"type":"string","description":"This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the [deprecation notice](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details."},"self":{"type":"string","format":"uri","readOnly":true,"description":"The URL of the user."},"active":{"type":"boolean","readOnly":true,"description":"Whether the user is active."},"expand":{"xml":{"attribute":true},"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"Expand options that include additional user details in the response."},"groups":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"properties":{"size":{"xml":{"attribute":true},"type":"integer","format":"int32"},"items":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"object","properties":{"name":{"type":"string","description":"The name of group."},"self":{"type":"string","format":"uri","readOnly":true,"description":"The URL for these group details."}}}},"callback":{"type":"object"},"max-results":{"xml":{"name":"max-results","attribute":true},"type":"integer","format":"int32"},"pagingCallback":{"type":"object"}},"description":"The groups that the user belongs to."},"locale":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The locale of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null."},"timeZone":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The time zone specified in the user's profile. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null."},"accountId":{"type":"string","maxLength":128,"description":"The account ID of the user, which uniquely identifies the user across all Atlassian products. For example, *5b10ac8d82e05b22cc7d4ef5*. Required in requests."},"avatarUrls":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"properties":{"16x16":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 16x16 pixel avatar."},"24x24":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 24x24 pixel avatar."},"32x32":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 32x32 pixel avatar."},"48x48":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 48x48 pixel avatar."}},"description":"The avatars of the user."},"accountType":{"enum":["atlassian","app","customer","unknown"],"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The user account type. Can take the following values:\n\n * `atlassian` regular Atlassian user account\n * `app` system account used for Connect applications and OAuth to represent external systems\n * `customer` Jira Service Desk account representing an external service desk"},"displayName":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The display name of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may return an alternative value."},"emailAddress":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The email address of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null."},"applicationRoles":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"properties":{"size":{"xml":{"attribute":true},"type":"integer","format":"int32"},"items":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"object","properties":{"key":{"type":"string","description":"The key of the application role."},"name":{"type":"string","description":"The display name of the application role."},"groups":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"string"},"description":"The groups associated with the application role.","uniqueItems":true},"defined":{"type":"boolean","description":"Deprecated."},"platform":{"type":"boolean","description":"Indicates if the application role belongs to Jira platform (`jira-core`)."},"userCount":{"type":"integer","format":"int32","description":"The number of users counting against your license."},"defaultGroups":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"string"},"description":"The groups that are granted default access for this application role.","uniqueItems":true},"numberOfSeats":{"type":"integer","format":"int32","description":"The maximum count of users on your license."},"remainingSeats":{"type":"integer","format":"int32","description":"The count of users remaining on your license."},"hasUnlimitedSeats":{"type":"boolean"},"selectedByDefault":{"type":"boolean","description":"Determines whether this application role should be selected by default on user creation."},"userCountDescription":{"type":"string","description":"The [type of users](https://confluence.atlassian.com/x/lRW3Ng) being counted against your license."}}}},"callback":{"type":"object"},"max-results":{"xml":{"name":"max-results","attribute":true},"type":"integer","format":"int32"},"pagingCallback":{"type":"object"}},"description":"The application roles the user is assigned to."}},"description":"The details of the user associated with `assigneeType`, if any. See `realAssignee` for details of the user assigned to issues created with this component."},"projectId":{"type":"integer","format":"int64","readOnly":true,"description":"The ID of the project the component is assigned to."},"description":{"type":"string","description":"The description for the component. Optional when creating or updating a component."},"assigneeType":{"enum":["PROJECT_DEFAULT","COMPONENT_LEAD","PROJECT_LEAD","UNASSIGNED"],"type":"string","description":"The nominal user type used to determine the assignee for issues created with this component. See `realAssigneeType` for details on how the type of the user, and hence the user, assigned to issues is determined. Can take the following values:\n\n * `PROJECT_LEAD` the assignee to any issues created with this component is nominally the lead for the project the component is in.\n * `COMPONENT_LEAD` the assignee to any issues created with this component is nominally the lead for the component.\n * `UNASSIGNED` an assignee is not set for issues created with this component.\n * `PROJECT_DEFAULT` the assignee to any issues created with this component is nominally the default assignee for the project that the component is in.\n\nDefault value: `PROJECT_DEFAULT`. \nOptional when creating or updating a component."},"leadUserName":{"type":"string","description":"This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the [deprecation notice](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details."},"realAssignee":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"properties":{"key":{"type":"string","description":"This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the [deprecation notice](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details."},"name":{"type":"string","description":"This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the [deprecation notice](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details."},"self":{"type":"string","format":"uri","readOnly":true,"description":"The URL of the user."},"active":{"type":"boolean","readOnly":true,"description":"Whether the user is active."},"expand":{"xml":{"attribute":true},"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"Expand options that include additional user details in the response."},"groups":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"properties":{"size":{"xml":{"attribute":true},"type":"integer","format":"int32"},"items":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"object","properties":{"name":{"type":"string","description":"The name of group."},"self":{"type":"string","format":"uri","readOnly":true,"description":"The URL for these group details."}}}},"callback":{"type":"object"},"max-results":{"xml":{"name":"max-results","attribute":true},"type":"integer","format":"int32"},"pagingCallback":{"type":"object"}},"description":"The groups that the user belongs to."},"locale":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The locale of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null."},"timeZone":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The time zone specified in the user's profile. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null."},"accountId":{"type":"string","maxLength":128,"description":"The account ID of the user, which uniquely identifies the user across all Atlassian products. For example, *5b10ac8d82e05b22cc7d4ef5*. Required in requests."},"avatarUrls":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"properties":{"16x16":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 16x16 pixel avatar."},"24x24":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 24x24 pixel avatar."},"32x32":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 32x32 pixel avatar."},"48x48":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 48x48 pixel avatar."}},"description":"The avatars of the user."},"accountType":{"enum":["atlassian","app","customer","unknown"],"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The user account type. Can take the following values:\n\n * `atlassian` regular Atlassian user account\n * `app` system account used for Connect applications and OAuth to represent external systems\n * `customer` Jira Service Desk account representing an external service desk"},"displayName":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The display name of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may return an alternative value."},"emailAddress":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The email address of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null."},"applicationRoles":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"properties":{"size":{"xml":{"attribute":true},"type":"integer","format":"int32"},"items":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"object","properties":{"key":{"type":"string","description":"The key of the application role."},"name":{"type":"string","description":"The display name of the application role."},"groups":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"string"},"description":"The groups associated with the application role.","uniqueItems":true},"defined":{"type":"boolean","description":"Deprecated."},"platform":{"type":"boolean","description":"Indicates if the application role belongs to Jira platform (`jira-core`)."},"userCount":{"type":"integer","format":"int32","description":"The number of users counting against your license."},"defaultGroups":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"string"},"description":"The groups that are granted default access for this application role.","uniqueItems":true},"numberOfSeats":{"type":"integer","format":"int32","description":"The maximum count of users on your license."},"remainingSeats":{"type":"integer","format":"int32","description":"The count of users remaining on your license."},"hasUnlimitedSeats":{"type":"boolean"},"selectedByDefault":{"type":"boolean","description":"Determines whether this application role should be selected by default on user creation."},"userCountDescription":{"type":"string","description":"The [type of users](https://confluence.atlassian.com/x/lRW3Ng) being counted against your license."}}}},"callback":{"type":"object"},"max-results":{"xml":{"name":"max-results","attribute":true},"type":"integer","format":"int32"},"pagingCallback":{"type":"object"}},"description":"The application roles the user is assigned to."}},"description":"The user assigned to issues created with this component, when `assigneeType` does not identify a valid assignee."},"leadAccountId":{"type":"string","maxLength":128,"writeOnly":true,"description":"The accountId of the component's lead user. The accountId uniquely identifies the user across all Atlassian products. For example, *5b10ac8d82e05b22cc7d4ef5*."},"realAssigneeType":{"enum":["PROJECT_DEFAULT","COMPONENT_LEAD","PROJECT_LEAD","UNASSIGNED"],"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The type of the assignee that is assigned to issues created with this component, when an assignee cannot be set from the `assigneeType`. For example, `assigneeType` is set to `COMPONENT_LEAD` but no component lead is set. This property is set to one of the following values:\n\n * `PROJECT_LEAD` when `assigneeType` is `PROJECT_LEAD` and the project lead has permission to be assigned issues in the project that the component is in.\n * `COMPONENT_LEAD` when `assignee`Type is `COMPONENT_LEAD` and the component lead has permission to be assigned issues in the project that the component is in.\n * `UNASSIGNED` when `assigneeType` is `UNASSIGNED` and Jira is configured to allow unassigned issues.\n * `PROJECT_DEFAULT` when none of the preceding cases are true."},"isAssigneeTypeValid":{"type":"boolean","readOnly":true,"description":"Whether a user is associated with `assigneeType`. For example, if the `assigneeType` is set to `COMPONENT_LEAD` but the component lead is not set, then `false` is returned."}}},"readOnly":true,"description":"List of the components contained in the project."},"issueTypes":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"object","properties":{"id":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The ID of the issue type."},"name":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The name of the issue type."},"self":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The URL of these issue type details."},"scope":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"properties":{"type":{"enum":["PROJECT","TEMPLATE"],"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The type of scope."},"project":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"properties":{"id":{"type":"string","description":"The ID of the project."},"key":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The key of the project."},"name":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The name of the project."},"self":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The URL of the project details."},"avatarUrls":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"properties":{"16x16":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 16x16 pixel avatar."},"24x24":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 24x24 pixel avatar."},"32x32":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 32x32 pixel avatar."},"48x48":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 48x48 pixel avatar."}},"description":"The URLs of the project's avatars."},"simplified":{"type":"boolean","readOnly":true,"description":"Whether or not the project is simplified."},"projectTypeKey":{"enum":["software","service_desk","business"],"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The [project type](https://confluence.atlassian.com/x/GwiiLQ#Jiraapplicationsoverview-Productfeaturesandprojecttypes) of the project."},"projectCategory":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"properties":{"id":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The ID of the project category."},"name":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The description of the project category."},"self":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The URL of the project category."},"description":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The name of the project category."}},"description":"The category the project belongs to."}},"description":"The project the item has scope in."}},"description":"Details of the next-gen projects the issue type is available in."},"iconUrl":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The URL of the issue type's avatar."},"subtask":{"type":"boolean","readOnly":true,"description":"Whether this issue type is used to create subtasks."},"avatarId":{"type":"integer","format":"int64","readOnly":true,"description":"The ID of the issue type's avatar."},"entityId":{"type":"string","format":"uuid","readOnly":true,"description":"Unique ID for next-gen projects."},"description":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The description of the issue type."},"hierarchyLevel":{"type":"integer","format":"int32","readOnly":true,"description":"Hierarchy level of the issue type."}}},"readOnly":true,"description":"List of the issue types available in the project."},"properties":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"description":"Map of project properties","additionalProperties":{"readOnly":true}},"simplified":{"type":"boolean","readOnly":true,"description":"Whether the project is simplified."},"deletedDate":{"type":"string","format":"date-time","readOnly":true,"description":"The date when the project was marked as deleted."},"description":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"A brief description of the project."},"permissions":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"properties":{"canEdit":{"type":"boolean","readOnly":true,"description":"Whether the logged user can edit the project."}},"description":"User permissions on the project"},"archivedDate":{"type":"string","format":"date-time","readOnly":true,"description":"The date when the project was archived."},"assigneeType":{"enum":["PROJECT_LEAD","UNASSIGNED"],"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The default assignee when creating issues for this project."},"projectTypeKey":{"enum":["software","service_desk","business"],"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The [project type](https://confluence.atlassian.com/x/GwiiLQ#Jiraapplicationsoverview-Productfeaturesandprojecttypes) of the project."},"projectCategory":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"properties":{"id":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The ID of the project category."},"name":{"type":"string","description":"The name of the project category. Required on create, optional on update."},"self":{"type":"string","format":"uri","readOnly":true,"description":"The URL of the project category."},"description":{"type":"string","description":"The description of the project category. Required on create, optional on update."}},"description":"The category the project belongs to."},"retentionTillDate":{"type":"string","format":"date-time","readOnly":true,"description":"The date when the project is deleted permanently."},"issueTypeHierarchy":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"properties":{"level":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"object","properties":{"id":{"type":"integer","format":"int64"},"name":{"type":"string"},"level":{"type":"integer","format":"int32"},"aboveLevelId":{"type":"integer","format":"int64"},"belowLevelId":{"type":"integer","format":"int64"},"externalUuid":{"type":"string","format":"uuid"},"issueTypeIds":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"integer","format":"int64"}},"globalHierarchyLevel":{"enum":["SUBTASK","BASE","EPIC"],"type":"string"},"projectConfigurationId":{"type":"integer","format":"int64"}}}}},"description":"The issue type hierarchy for the project"}},"description":"The project that the filter is shared with. This is similar to the project object returned by [Get project](#api-rest-api-3-project-projectIdOrKey-get) but it contains a subset of the properties, which are: `self`, `id`, `key`, `assigneeType`, `name`, `roles`, `avatarUrls`, `projectType`, `simplified`. \nFor a request, specify the `id` for the project."}},"description":"Details of a share permission for the filter.","additionalProperties":false},supportedSyncModes=[full_refresh],sourceDefinedCursor=,defaultCursorField=[],sourceDefinedPrimaryKey=[[id]],namespace=,additionalProperties={}],syncMode=full_refresh,cursorField=[],destinationSyncMode=overwrite,primaryKey=[[id]],additionalProperties={}], io.airbyte.protocol.models.ConfiguredAirbyteStream@278bc3f[stream=io.airbyte.protocol.models.AirbyteStream@142dfe51[name=groups,jsonSchema={"type":"object","$schema":"http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#","properties":{"name":{"type":["null","string"],"description":"The name of the group."},"groupId":{"type":["null","string"],"description":"The ID of the group, if available, which uniquely identifies the group across all Atlassian products. For example, *952d12c3-5b5b-4d04-bb32-44d383afc4b2*."}},"description":"The list of groups found in a search, including header text (Showing X of Y matching groups) and total of matched groups.","additionalProperties":false},supportedSyncModes=[full_refresh],sourceDefinedCursor=,defaultCursorField=[],sourceDefinedPrimaryKey=[[groupId]],namespace=,additionalProperties={}],syncMode=full_refresh,cursorField=[],destinationSyncMode=overwrite,primaryKey=[[groupId]],additionalProperties={}], io.airbyte.protocol.models.ConfiguredAirbyteStream@5b277645[stream=io.airbyte.protocol.models.AirbyteStream@23c8eef5[name=issues,jsonSchema={"type":"object","$schema":"http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#","properties":{"id":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The ID of the issue."},"key":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The key of the issue."},"self":{"type":"string","format":"uri","readOnly":true,"description":"The URL of the issue details."},"names":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"description":"The ID and name of each field present on the issue.","additionalProperties":{"type":"string","readOnly":true}},"expand":{"xml":{"attribute":true},"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"Expand options that include additional issue details in the response."},"fields":{"type":"object","properties":{"created":{"type":["string","null"],"format":"date-time","description":"This field is not shown in schema / swagger, but exists in records and we use it as cursor fiekd. Updated may be absent. Added to solve the #4341"},"updated":{"type":["string","null"],"format":"date-time","description":"This field is not shown in schema / swagger, but exists in records and we use it as cursor fiekd. Updated may be absent. Added to solve the #4341"}},"additionalProperties":{}},"schema":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"description":"The schema describing each field present on the issue."},"editmeta":{"readOnly":true,"description":"The metadata for the fields on the issue that can be amended."},"changelog":{"readOnly":true,"description":"Details of changelogs associated with the issue."},"projectId":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The ID of the project containing the issue."},"operations":{"readOnly":true,"description":"The operations that can be performed on the issue."},"projectKey":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The key of the project containing the issue."},"properties":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"description":"Details of the issue properties identified in the request.","additionalProperties":{"readOnly":true}},"transitions":{"type":"array","readOnly":true,"description":"The transitions that can be performed on the issue."},"renderedFields":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"description":"The rendered value of each field present on the issue.","additionalProperties":{"readOnly":true}},"fieldsToInclude":{"type":"object"},"versionedRepresentations":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"description":"The versions of each field on the issue.","additionalProperties":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"additionalProperties":{"readOnly":true}}}},"additionalProperties":false},supportedSyncModes=[full_refresh, incremental],sourceDefinedCursor=true,defaultCursorField=[fields, updated],sourceDefinedPrimaryKey=[[id]],namespace=,additionalProperties={}],syncMode=incremental,cursorField=[fields, updated],destinationSyncMode=append_dedup,primaryKey=[[id]],additionalProperties={}], io.airbyte.protocol.models.ConfiguredAirbyteStream@649637f7[stream=io.airbyte.protocol.models.AirbyteStream@1f328242[name=issue_comments,jsonSchema={"type":"object","$schema":"http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#","properties":{"id":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The ID of the comment."},"body":{"type":"object","description":"The comment text in [Atlassian Document Format](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/apis/document/structure/)."},"self":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The URL of the comment."},"author":{"readOnly":true,"description":"The ID of the user who created the comment."},"created":{"type":"string","format":"date-time","readOnly":true,"description":"The date and time at which the comment was created."},"updated":{"type":"string","format":"date-time","readOnly":true,"description":"The date and time at which the comment was updated last."},"jsdPublic":{"type":"boolean","readOnly":true,"description":"Whether the comment is visible in Jira Service Desk. Defaults to true when comments are created in the Jira Cloud Platform. This includes when the site doesn't use Jira Service Desk or the project isn't a Jira Service Desk project and, therefore, there is no Jira Service Desk for the issue to be visible on. To create a comment with its visibility in Jira Service Desk set to false, use the Jira Service Desk REST API [Create request comment](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/service-desk/rest/#api-rest-servicedeskapi-request-issueIdOrKey-comment-post) operation."},"properties":{"type":"array","description":"A list of comment properties. Optional on create and update."},"visibility":{"type":["object","null"],"properties":{"type":{"enum":["group","role"],"type":"string","description":"Whether visibility of this item is restricted to a group or role."},"value":{"type":"string","description":"The name of the group or role to which visibility of this item is restricted."}},"description":"The group or role to which this item is visible.","additionalProperties":true},"renderedBody":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The rendered version of the comment."},"updateAuthor":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"description":"The ID of the user who updated the comment last.","additionalProperties":true}},"description":"A comment.","additionalProperties":true},supportedSyncModes=[full_refresh],sourceDefinedCursor=,defaultCursorField=[],sourceDefinedPrimaryKey=[[id]],namespace=,additionalProperties={}],syncMode=full_refresh,cursorField=[],destinationSyncMode=overwrite,primaryKey=[[id]],additionalProperties={}], io.airbyte.protocol.models.ConfiguredAirbyteStream@7f475abf[stream=io.airbyte.protocol.models.AirbyteStream@1b9cace4[name=issue_fields,jsonSchema={"type":"object","$schema":"http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#","properties":{"id":{"type":"string","description":"The ID of the field."},"key":{"type":"string","description":"The key of the field."},"name":{"type":"string","description":"The name of the field."},"scope":{"type":["object","null"],"properties":{"type":{"enum":["PROJECT","TEMPLATE"],"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The type of scope."},"project":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"properties":{"id":{"type":"string","description":"The ID of the project."},"key":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The key of the project."},"name":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The name of the project."},"self":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The URL of the project details."},"avatarUrls":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"properties":{"16x16":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 16x16 pixel avatar."},"24x24":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 24x24 pixel avatar."},"32x32":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 32x32 pixel avatar."},"48x48":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 48x48 pixel avatar."}},"description":"The URLs of the project's avatars."},"simplified":{"type":"boolean","readOnly":true,"description":"Whether or not the project is simplified."},"projectTypeKey":{"enum":["software","service_desk","business"],"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The [project type](https://confluence.atlassian.com/x/GwiiLQ#Jiraapplicationsoverview-Productfeaturesandprojecttypes) of the project."},"projectCategory":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"properties":{"id":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The ID of the project category."},"name":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The description of the project category."},"self":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The URL of the project category."},"description":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The name of the project category."}},"description":"The category the project belongs to."}},"description":"The project the item has scope in."}},"description":"The scope of the field."},"custom":{"type":"boolean","description":"Whether the field is a custom field."},"schema":{"type":"object","properties":{"type":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The data type of the field."},"items":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"When the data type is an array, the name of the field items within the array."},"custom":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"If the field is a custom field, the URI of the field."},"system":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"If the field is a system field, the name of the field."},"customId":{"type":"integer","format":"int64","readOnly":true,"description":"If the field is a custom field, the custom ID of the field."},"configuration":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"description":"If the field is a custom field, the configuration of the field.","additionalProperties":{"readOnly":true}}},"description":"The data schema for the field."},"navigable":{"type":"boolean","description":"Whether the field can be used as a column on the issue navigator."},"orderable":{"type":"boolean","description":"Whether the content of the field can be used to order lists."},"searchable":{"type":"boolean","description":"Whether the content of the field can be searched."},"clauseNames":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"string"},"description":"The names that can be used to reference the field in an advanced search. For more information, see [Advanced searching - fields reference](https://confluence.atlassian.com/x/gwORLQ).","uniqueItems":true}},"description":"Details about a field.","additionalProperties":true},supportedSyncModes=[full_refresh],sourceDefinedCursor=,defaultCursorField=[],sourceDefinedPrimaryKey=[[id]],namespace=,additionalProperties={}],syncMode=full_refresh,cursorField=[],destinationSyncMode=overwrite,primaryKey=[[id]],additionalProperties={}], io.airbyte.protocol.models.ConfiguredAirbyteStream@4ee009ef[stream=io.airbyte.protocol.models.AirbyteStream@45cbb2e3[name=issue_field_configurations,jsonSchema={"type":"object","$schema":"http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#","properties":{"id":{"type":"integer","format":"int64","description":"The ID of the field configuration."},"name":{"type":"string","description":"The name of the field configuration."},"isDefault":{"type":"boolean","description":"Whether the field configuration is the default."},"description":{"type":"string","description":"The description of the field configuration."}},"description":"Details of a field configuration.","additionalProperties":false},supportedSyncModes=[full_refresh],sourceDefinedCursor=,defaultCursorField=[],sourceDefinedPrimaryKey=[[id]],namespace=,additionalProperties={}],syncMode=full_refresh,cursorField=[],destinationSyncMode=overwrite,primaryKey=[[id]],additionalProperties={}], io.airbyte.protocol.models.ConfiguredAirbyteStream@1c8a47[stream=io.airbyte.protocol.models.AirbyteStream@7e19fd2c[name=issue_custom_field_contexts,jsonSchema={"type":"object","$schema":"http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#","properties":{"id":{"type":"string","description":"The ID of the context."},"name":{"type":"string","description":"The name of the context."},"description":{"type":"string","description":"The description of the context."},"isAnyIssueType":{"type":"boolean","description":"Whether the context apply to all issue types."},"isGlobalContext":{"type":"boolean","description":"Whether the context is global."}},"description":"The details of a custom field context.","additionalProperties":false},supportedSyncModes=[full_refresh],sourceDefinedCursor=,defaultCursorField=[],sourceDefinedPrimaryKey=[[id]],namespace=,additionalProperties={}],syncMode=full_refresh,cursorField=[],destinationSyncMode=overwrite,primaryKey=[[id]],additionalProperties={}], io.airbyte.protocol.models.ConfiguredAirbyteStream@30f83c71[stream=io.airbyte.protocol.models.AirbyteStream@28bcdc27[name=issue_link_types,jsonSchema={"type":"object","$schema":"http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#","properties":{"id":{"type":"string","description":"The ID of the issue link type and is used as follows:\n\n * In the [ issueLink](#api-rest-api-3-issueLink-post) resource it is the type of issue link. Required on create when `name` isn't provided. Otherwise, read only.\n * In the [ issueLinkType](#api-rest-api-3-issueLinkType-post) resource it is read only."},"name":{"type":"string","description":"The name of the issue link type and is used as follows:\n\n * In the [ issueLink](#api-rest-api-3-issueLink-post) resource it is the type of issue link. Required on create when `id` isn't provided. Otherwise, read only.\n * In the [ issueLinkType](#api-rest-api-3-issueLinkType-post) resource it is required on create and optional on update. Otherwise, read only."},"self":{"type":"string","format":"uri","readOnly":true,"description":"The URL of the issue link type. Read only."},"inward":{"type":"string","description":"The description of the issue link type inward link and is used as follows:\n\n * In the [ issueLink](#api-rest-api-3-issueLink-post) resource it is read only.\n * In the [ issueLinkType](#api-rest-api-3-issueLinkType-post) resource it is required on create and optional on update. Otherwise, read only."},"outward":{"type":"string","description":"The description of the issue link type outward link and is used as follows:\n\n * In the [ issueLink](#api-rest-api-3-issueLink-post) resource it is read only.\n * In the [ issueLinkType](#api-rest-api-3-issueLinkType-post) resource it is required on create and optional on update. Otherwise, read only."}},"description":"A list of issue link type beans.","additionalProperties":false},supportedSyncModes=[full_refresh],sourceDefinedCursor=,defaultCursorField=[],sourceDefinedPrimaryKey=[[id]],namespace=,additionalProperties={}],syncMode=full_refresh,cursorField=[],destinationSyncMode=overwrite,primaryKey=[[id]],additionalProperties={}], io.airbyte.protocol.models.ConfiguredAirbyteStream@4c1635c5[stream=io.airbyte.protocol.models.AirbyteStream@7dd751f6[name=issue_navigator_settings,jsonSchema={"type":"object","$schema":"http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#","properties":{"label":{"type":"string","description":"The issue navigator column label."},"value":{"type":"string","description":"The issue navigator column value."}},"description":"Details of an issue navigator column item.","additionalProperties":false},supportedSyncModes=[full_refresh],sourceDefinedCursor=,defaultCursorField=[],sourceDefinedPrimaryKey=[],namespace=,additionalProperties={}],syncMode=full_refresh,cursorField=[],destinationSyncMode=overwrite,primaryKey=[],additionalProperties={}], io.airbyte.protocol.models.ConfiguredAirbyteStream@cbdf189[stream=io.airbyte.protocol.models.AirbyteStream@42ae49dd[name=issue_notification_schemes,jsonSchema={"type":"object","$schema":"http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#","properties":{"id":{"type":"integer","format":"int64","description":"The ID of the notification scheme."},"name":{"type":"string","description":"The name of the notification scheme."},"self":{"type":"string"},"scope":{"type":["object","null"],"properties":{"type":{"enum":["PROJECT","TEMPLATE"],"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The type of scope."},"project":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"properties":{"id":{"type":"string","description":"The ID of the project."},"key":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The key of the project."},"name":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The name of the project."},"self":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The URL of the project details."},"avatarUrls":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"properties":{"16x16":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 16x16 pixel avatar."},"24x24":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 24x24 pixel avatar."},"32x32":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 32x32 pixel avatar."},"48x48":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 48x48 pixel avatar."}},"description":"The URLs of the project's avatars."},"simplified":{"type":"boolean","readOnly":true,"description":"Whether or not the project is simplified."},"projectTypeKey":{"enum":["software","service_desk","business"],"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The [project type](https://confluence.atlassian.com/x/GwiiLQ#Jiraapplicationsoverview-Productfeaturesandprojecttypes) of the project."},"projectCategory":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"properties":{"id":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The ID of the project category."},"name":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The description of the project category."},"self":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The URL of the project category."},"description":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The name of the project category."}},"description":"The category the project belongs to."}},"description":"The project the item has scope in."}},"description":"The scope of the notification scheme."},"expand":{"type":"string","description":"Expand options that include additional notification scheme details in the response."},"description":{"type":"string","description":"The description of the notification scheme."},"notificationSchemeEvents":{"type":["array","null"],"items":{"type":"object","properties":{"event":{"type":"object","properties":{"id":{"type":"integer","format":"int64","description":"The ID of the event. The event can be a [Jira system event](https://confluence.atlassian.com/x/8YdKLg#Creatinganotificationscheme-eventsEvents) or a [custom event](https://confluence.atlassian.com/x/AIlKLg)."},"name":{"type":"string","description":"The name of the event."},"description":{"type":"string","description":"The description of the event."}}},"notifications":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"object","properties":{"id":{"type":"integer","format":"int64","description":"The ID of the notification."},"user":{"type":"object","properties":{"key":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the [deprecation notice](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details."},"name":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the [deprecation notice](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details."},"self":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The URL of the user."},"active":{"type":"boolean","readOnly":true,"description":"Whether the user is active."},"timeZone":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The time zone specified in the user's profile. Depending on the user’s privacy settings, this may be returned as null."},"accountId":{"type":"string","maxLength":128,"description":"The account ID of the user, which uniquely identifies the user across all Atlassian products. For example, *5b10ac8d82e05b22cc7d4ef5*."},"avatarUrls":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"properties":{"16x16":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 16x16 pixel avatar."},"24x24":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 24x24 pixel avatar."},"32x32":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 32x32 pixel avatar."},"48x48":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 48x48 pixel avatar."}},"description":"The avatars of the user."},"accountType":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The type of account represented by this user. This will be one of 'atlassian' (normal users), 'app' (application user) or 'customer' (Jira Service Desk customer user)"},"displayName":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The display name of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy settings, this may return an alternative value."},"emailAddress":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The email address of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy settings, this may be returned as null."}},"description":"The specified user."},"field":{"type":"object","properties":{"id":{"type":"string","description":"The ID of the field."},"key":{"type":"string","description":"The key of the field."},"name":{"type":"string","description":"The name of the field."},"scope":{"type":"object","properties":{"type":{"enum":["PROJECT","TEMPLATE"],"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The type of scope."},"project":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"properties":{"id":{"type":"string","description":"The ID of the project."},"key":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The key of the project."},"name":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The name of the project."},"self":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The URL of the project details."},"avatarUrls":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"properties":{"16x16":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 16x16 pixel avatar."},"24x24":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 24x24 pixel avatar."},"32x32":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 32x32 pixel avatar."},"48x48":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 48x48 pixel avatar."}},"description":"The URLs of the project's avatars."},"simplified":{"type":"boolean","readOnly":true,"description":"Whether or not the project is simplified."},"projectTypeKey":{"enum":["software","service_desk","business"],"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The [project type](https://confluence.atlassian.com/x/GwiiLQ#Jiraapplicationsoverview-Productfeaturesandprojecttypes) of the project."},"projectCategory":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"properties":{"id":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The ID of the project category."},"name":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The description of the project category."},"self":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The URL of the project category."},"description":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The name of the project category."}},"description":"The category the project belongs to."}},"description":"The project the item has scope in."}},"description":"The scope of the field."},"custom":{"type":"boolean","description":"Whether the field is a custom field."},"schema":{"type":"object","properties":{"type":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The data type of the field."},"items":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"When the data type is an array, the name of the field items within the array."},"custom":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"If the field is a custom field, the URI of the field."},"system":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"If the field is a system field, the name of the field."},"customId":{"type":"integer","format":"int64","readOnly":true,"description":"If the field is a custom field, the custom ID of the field."},"configuration":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"description":"If the field is a custom field, the configuration of the field.","additionalProperties":{"readOnly":true}}},"description":"The data schema for the field."},"navigable":{"type":"boolean","description":"Whether the field can be used as a column on the issue navigator."},"orderable":{"type":"boolean","description":"Whether the content of the field can be used to order lists."},"searchable":{"type":"boolean","description":"Whether the content of the field can be searched."},"clauseNames":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"string"},"description":"The names that can be used to reference the field in an advanced search. For more information, see [Advanced searching - fields reference](https://confluence.atlassian.com/x/gwORLQ).","uniqueItems":true}},"description":"The custom user or group field."},"group":{"type":"object","properties":{"name":{"type":"string","description":"The name of group."},"self":{"type":"string","format":"uri","readOnly":true,"description":"The URL for these group details."}},"description":"The specified group."},"expand":{"type":"string","description":"Expand options that include additional event notification details in the response."},"parameter":{"type":"string","description":"The value of the `notificationType`:\n\n * `User` The `parameter` is the user account ID.\n * `Group` The `parameter` is the group name.\n * `ProjectRole` The `parameter` is the project role ID.\n * `UserCustomField` The `parameter` is the ID of the custom field.\n * `GroupCustomField` The `parameter` is the ID of the custom field."},"projectRole":{"type":"object","properties":{"id":{"type":"integer","format":"int64","readOnly":true,"description":"The ID of the project role."},"name":{"type":"string","description":"The name of the project role."},"self":{"type":"string","format":"uri","readOnly":true,"description":"The URL the project role details."},"admin":{"type":"boolean","readOnly":true,"description":"Whether this role is the admin role for the project."},"scope":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"properties":{"type":{"enum":["PROJECT","TEMPLATE"],"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The type of scope."},"project":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"properties":{"id":{"type":"string","description":"The ID of the project."},"key":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The key of the project."},"name":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The name of the project."},"self":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The URL of the project details."},"avatarUrls":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"properties":{"16x16":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 16x16 pixel avatar."},"24x24":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 24x24 pixel avatar."},"32x32":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 32x32 pixel avatar."},"48x48":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 48x48 pixel avatar."}},"description":"The URLs of the project's avatars."},"simplified":{"type":"boolean","readOnly":true,"description":"Whether or not the project is simplified."},"projectTypeKey":{"enum":["software","service_desk","business"],"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The [project type](https://confluence.atlassian.com/x/GwiiLQ#Jiraapplicationsoverview-Productfeaturesandprojecttypes) of the project."},"projectCategory":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"properties":{"id":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The ID of the project category."},"name":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The description of the project category."},"self":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The URL of the project category."},"description":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The name of the project category."}},"description":"The category the project belongs to."}},"description":"The project the item has scope in."}},"description":"The scope of the role. Indicated for roles associated with [next-gen projects](https://confluence.atlassian.com/x/loMyO)."},"actors":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"object","properties":{"id":{"type":"integer","format":"int64","readOnly":true,"description":"The ID of the role actor."},"name":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the [deprecation notice](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details."},"type":{"enum":["atlassian-group-role-actor","atlassian-user-role-actor"],"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The type of role actor."},"actorUser":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"properties":{"accountId":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"maxLength":128,"description":"The account ID of the user, which uniquely identifies the user across all Atlassian products. For example, *5b10ac8d82e05b22cc7d4ef5*. Returns *unknown* if the record is deleted and corrupted, for example, as the result of a server import."}}},"avatarUrl":{"type":"string","format":"uri","readOnly":true,"description":"The avatar of the role actor."},"actorGroup":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"properties":{"name":{"type":"string","description":"The name of the group"},"displayName":{"type":"string","description":"The display name of the group."}}},"displayName":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The display name of the role actor. For users, depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may return an alternative value for the user's name."}}},"readOnly":true,"description":"The list of users who act in this role."},"default":{"type":"boolean","readOnly":true,"description":"Whether this role is the default role for the project"},"description":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The description of the project role."},"translatedName":{"type":"string","description":"The translated name of the project role."},"currentUserRole":{"type":"boolean","description":"Whether the calling user is part of this role."},"roleConfigurable":{"type":"boolean","readOnly":true,"description":"Whether the roles are configurable for this project."}},"description":"The specified project role."},"emailAddress":{"type":"string","description":"The email address."},"notificationType":{"enum":["CurrentAssignee","Reporter","CurrentUser","ProjectLead","ComponentLead","User","Group","ProjectRole","EmailAddress","AllWatchers","UserCustomField","GroupCustomField"],"type":"string","description":"Identifies the recipients of the notification."}}}}}},"description":"The notification events and associated recipients."}},"description":"Details about a notification scheme.","additionalProperties":false},supportedSyncModes=[full_refresh],sourceDefinedCursor=,defaultCursorField=[],sourceDefinedPrimaryKey=[[id]],namespace=,additionalProperties={}],syncMode=full_refresh,cursorField=[],destinationSyncMode=overwrite,primaryKey=[[id]],additionalProperties={}], io.airbyte.protocol.models.ConfiguredAirbyteStream@3febe450[stream=io.airbyte.protocol.models.AirbyteStream@78744aba[name=issue_priorities,jsonSchema={"type":"object","$schema":"http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#","properties":{"id":{"type":"string","description":"The ID of the issue priority."},"name":{"type":"string","description":"The name of the issue priority."},"self":{"type":"string","description":"The URL of the issue priority."},"iconUrl":{"type":"string","description":"The URL of the icon for the issue priority."},"description":{"type":"string","description":"The description of the issue priority."},"statusColor":{"type":"string","description":"The color used to indicate the issue priority."}},"description":"An issue priority.","additionalProperties":true},supportedSyncModes=[full_refresh],sourceDefinedCursor=,defaultCursorField=[],sourceDefinedPrimaryKey=[[id]],namespace=,additionalProperties={}],syncMode=full_refresh,cursorField=[],destinationSyncMode=overwrite,primaryKey=[[id]],additionalProperties={}], io.airbyte.protocol.models.ConfiguredAirbyteStream@1ba6cd84[stream=io.airbyte.protocol.models.AirbyteStream@2b769f8c[name=issue_properties,jsonSchema={"type":"object","$schema":"http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#","properties":{"key":{"type":"string","description":"The key of the property. Required on create and update."},"value":{"description":"The value of the property. Required on create and update."}},"description":"An entity property, for more information see [Entity properties](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/jira-entity-properties/).","additionalProperties":false},supportedSyncModes=[full_refresh],sourceDefinedCursor=,defaultCursorField=[],sourceDefinedPrimaryKey=[[key]],namespace=,additionalProperties={}],syncMode=full_refresh,cursorField=[],destinationSyncMode=overwrite,primaryKey=[[key]],additionalProperties={}], io.airbyte.protocol.models.ConfiguredAirbyteStream@4b5f27d6[stream=io.airbyte.protocol.models.AirbyteStream@11a4959d[name=issue_remote_links,jsonSchema={"type":"object","$schema":"http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#","properties":{"id":{"type":"integer","format":"int64","description":"The ID of the link."},"self":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the link."},"object":{"type":"object","properties":{"url":{"type":"string","description":"The URL of the item."},"icon":{"type":"object","properties":{"link":{"type":"string","description":"The URL of the tooltip, used only for a status icon. If not set, the status icon in Jira is not clickable."},"title":{"type":"string","description":"The title of the icon. This is used as follows:\n\n * For a status icon it is used as a tooltip on the icon. If not set, the status icon doesn't display a tooltip in Jira.\n * For the remote object icon it is used in conjunction with the application name to display a tooltip for the link's icon. The tooltip takes the format \"\\[application name\\] icon title\". Blank itemsare excluded from the tooltip title. If both items are blank, the icon tooltop displays as \"Web Link\"."},"url16x16":{"type":"string","description":"The URL of an icon that displays at 16x16 pixel in Jira."}},"description":"Details of the icon for the item. If no icon is defined, the default link icon is used in Jira."},"title":{"type":"string","description":"The title of the item."},"status":{"type":"object","properties":{"icon":{"type":"object","properties":{"link":{"type":"string","description":"The URL of the tooltip, used only for a status icon. If not set, the status icon in Jira is not clickable."},"title":{"type":"string","description":"The title of the icon. This is used as follows:\n\n * For a status icon it is used as a tooltip on the icon. If not set, the status icon doesn't display a tooltip in Jira.\n * For the remote object icon it is used in conjunction with the application name to display a tooltip for the link's icon. The tooltip takes the format \"\\[application name\\] icon title\". Blank itemsare excluded from the tooltip title. If both items are blank, the icon tooltop displays as \"Web Link\"."},"url16x16":{"type":"string","description":"The URL of an icon that displays at 16x16 pixel in Jira."}},"description":"Details of the icon representing the status. If not provided, no status icon displays in Jira."},"resolved":{"type":"boolean","description":"Whether the item is resolved. If set to \"true\", the link to the issue is displayed in a strikethrough font, otherwise the link displays in normal font."}},"description":"The status of the item."},"summary":{"type":"string","description":"The summary details of the item."}},"description":"Details of the item linked to."},"globalId":{"type":"string","description":"The global ID of the link, such as the ID of the item on the remote system."},"application":{"type":"object","properties":{"name":{"type":"string","description":"The name of the application. Used in conjunction with the (remote) object icon title to display a tooltip for the link's icon. The tooltip takes the format \"\\[application name\\] icon title\". Blank items are excluded from the tooltip title. If both items are blank, the icon tooltop displays as \"Web Link\". Grouping and sorting of links may place links without an application name last."},"type":{"type":"string","description":"The name-spaced type of the application, used by registered rendering apps."}},"description":"Details of the remote application the linked item is in."},"relationship":{"type":"string","description":"Description of the relationship between the issue and the linked item."}},"description":"Details of an issue remote link.","additionalProperties":false},supportedSyncModes=[full_refresh],sourceDefinedCursor=,defaultCursorField=[],sourceDefinedPrimaryKey=[[id]],namespace=,additionalProperties={}],syncMode=full_refresh,cursorField=[],destinationSyncMode=overwrite,primaryKey=[[id]],additionalProperties={}], io.airbyte.protocol.models.ConfiguredAirbyteStream@3cc3a0c0[stream=io.airbyte.protocol.models.AirbyteStream@2356d22b[name=issue_resolutions,jsonSchema={"type":"object","$schema":"http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#","properties":{"id":{"type":"string","description":"The ID of the issue resolution."},"name":{"type":"string","description":"The name of the issue resolution."},"self":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the issue resolution."},"description":{"type":"string","description":"The description of the issue resolution."}},"description":"Details of an issue resolution.","additionalProperties":false},supportedSyncModes=[full_refresh],sourceDefinedCursor=,defaultCursorField=[],sourceDefinedPrimaryKey=[[id]],namespace=,additionalProperties={}],syncMode=full_refresh,cursorField=[],destinationSyncMode=overwrite,primaryKey=[[id]],additionalProperties={}], 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security item."}}}},"description":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The description of the issue security scheme."},"defaultSecurityLevelId":{"type":"integer","format":"int64","readOnly":true,"description":"The ID of the default security level."}},"description":"List of security schemes.","additionalProperties":false},supportedSyncModes=[full_refresh],sourceDefinedCursor=,defaultCursorField=[],sourceDefinedPrimaryKey=[[id]],namespace=,additionalProperties={}],syncMode=full_refresh,cursorField=[],destinationSyncMode=overwrite,primaryKey=[[id]],additionalProperties={}], io.airbyte.protocol.models.ConfiguredAirbyteStream@5dc2637[stream=io.airbyte.protocol.models.AirbyteStream@108e6b2d[name=issue_type_schemes,jsonSchema={"type":"object","$schema":"http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#","properties":{"id":{"type":"string","description":"The ID of the issue type scheme."},"name":{"type":"string","description":"The name of the issue type scheme."},"isDefault":{"type":"boolean","description":"Whether the issue type scheme is the default."},"description":{"type":"string","description":"The description of the issue type scheme."},"defaultIssueTypeId":{"type":"string","description":"The ID of the default issue type of the issue type scheme."}},"description":"Details of an issue type scheme.","additionalProperties":false},supportedSyncModes=[full_refresh],sourceDefinedCursor=,defaultCursorField=[],sourceDefinedPrimaryKey=[[id]],namespace=,additionalProperties={}],syncMode=full_refresh,cursorField=[],destinationSyncMode=overwrite,primaryKey=[[id]],additionalProperties={}], io.airbyte.protocol.models.ConfiguredAirbyteStream@28b3dc1c[stream=io.airbyte.protocol.models.AirbyteStream@4e53181d[name=issue_type_screen_schemes,jsonSchema={"type":"object","$schema":"http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#","properties":{"id":{"type":"string","description":"The ID of the issue type screen scheme."},"name":{"type":"string","description":"The name of the issue type screen scheme."},"description":{"type":"string","description":"The description of the issue type screen scheme."}},"description":"Details of an issue type screen scheme.","additionalProperties":false},supportedSyncModes=[full_refresh],sourceDefinedCursor=,defaultCursorField=[],sourceDefinedPrimaryKey=[[id]],namespace=,additionalProperties={}],syncMode=full_refresh,cursorField=[],destinationSyncMode=overwrite,primaryKey=[[id]],additionalProperties={}], io.airbyte.protocol.models.ConfiguredAirbyteStream@2a5a727e[stream=io.airbyte.protocol.models.AirbyteStream@496ea31b[name=issue_votes,jsonSchema={"type":"object","$schema":"http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#","properties":{"self":{"type":"string","format":"uri","readOnly":true,"description":"The URL of these issue vote details."},"votes":{"type":"integer","format":"int64","readOnly":true,"description":"The number of votes on the issue."},"voters":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"object","properties":{"key":{"type":"string","description":"This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the [deprecation notice](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details."},"name":{"type":"string","description":"This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the [deprecation notice](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details."},"self":{"type":"string","format":"uri","readOnly":true,"description":"The URL of the user."},"active":{"type":"boolean","readOnly":true,"description":"Whether the user is active."},"expand":{"xml":{"attribute":true},"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"Expand options that include additional user details in the response."},"groups":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"properties":{"size":{"xml":{"attribute":true},"type":"integer","format":"int32"},"items":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"object","properties":{"name":{"type":"string","description":"The name of group."},"self":{"type":"string","format":"uri","readOnly":true,"description":"The URL for these group details."}}}},"callback":{"type":"object"},"max-results":{"xml":{"name":"max-results","attribute":true},"type":"integer","format":"int32"},"pagingCallback":{"type":"object"}},"description":"The groups that the user belongs to."},"locale":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The locale of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null."},"timeZone":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The time zone specified in the user's profile. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null."},"accountId":{"type":"string","maxLength":128,"description":"The account ID of the user, which uniquely identifies the user across all Atlassian products. For example, *5b10ac8d82e05b22cc7d4ef5*. Required in requests."},"avatarUrls":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"properties":{"16x16":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 16x16 pixel avatar."},"24x24":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 24x24 pixel avatar."},"32x32":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 32x32 pixel avatar."},"48x48":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 48x48 pixel avatar."}},"description":"The avatars of the user."},"accountType":{"enum":["atlassian","app","customer","unknown"],"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The user account type. Can take the following values:\n\n * `atlassian` regular Atlassian user account\n * `app` system account used for Connect applications and OAuth to represent external systems\n * `customer` Jira Service Desk account representing an external service desk"},"displayName":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The display name of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may return an alternative value."},"emailAddress":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The email address of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null."},"applicationRoles":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"properties":{"size":{"xml":{"attribute":true},"type":"integer","format":"int32"},"items":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"object","properties":{"key":{"type":"string","description":"The key of the application role."},"name":{"type":"string","description":"The display name of the application role."},"groups":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"string"},"description":"The groups associated with the application role.","uniqueItems":true},"defined":{"type":"boolean","description":"Deprecated."},"platform":{"type":"boolean","description":"Indicates if the application role belongs to Jira platform (`jira-core`)."},"userCount":{"type":"integer","format":"int32","description":"The number of users counting against your license."},"defaultGroups":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"string"},"description":"The groups that are granted default access for this application role.","uniqueItems":true},"numberOfSeats":{"type":"integer","format":"int32","description":"The maximum count of users on your license."},"remainingSeats":{"type":"integer","format":"int32","description":"The count of users remaining on your license."},"hasUnlimitedSeats":{"type":"boolean"},"selectedByDefault":{"type":"boolean","description":"Determines whether this application role should be selected by default on user creation."},"userCountDescription":{"type":"string","description":"The [type of users](https://confluence.atlassian.com/x/lRW3Ng) being counted against your license."}}}},"callback":{"type":"object"},"max-results":{"xml":{"name":"max-results","attribute":true},"type":"integer","format":"int32"},"pagingCallback":{"type":"object"}},"description":"The application roles the user is assigned to."}}},"readOnly":true,"description":"List of the users who have voted on this issue. An empty list is returned when the calling user doesn't have the *View voters and watchers* project permission."},"hasVoted":{"type":"boolean","readOnly":true,"description":"Whether the user making this request has voted on the issue."}},"description":"The details of votes on an issue.","additionalProperties":false},supportedSyncModes=[full_refresh],sourceDefinedCursor=,defaultCursorField=[],sourceDefinedPrimaryKey=[],namespace=,additionalProperties={}],syncMode=full_refresh,cursorField=[],destinationSyncMode=overwrite,primaryKey=[],additionalProperties={}], io.airbyte.protocol.models.ConfiguredAirbyteStream@7f8bd516[stream=io.airbyte.protocol.models.AirbyteStream@294eb90a[name=issue_watchers,jsonSchema={"type":"object","$schema":"http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#","properties":{"self":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The URL of these issue watcher details."},"watchers":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"object","properties":{"key":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the [deprecation notice](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details."},"name":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the [deprecation notice](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details."},"self":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The URL of the user."},"active":{"type":"boolean","readOnly":true,"description":"Whether the user is active."},"timeZone":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The time zone specified in the user's profile. Depending on the user’s privacy settings, this may be returned as null."},"accountId":{"type":"string","maxLength":128,"description":"The account ID of the user, which uniquely identifies the user across all Atlassian products. For example, *5b10ac8d82e05b22cc7d4ef5*."},"avatarUrls":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"properties":{"16x16":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 16x16 pixel avatar."},"24x24":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 24x24 pixel avatar."},"32x32":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 32x32 pixel avatar."},"48x48":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 48x48 pixel avatar."}},"description":"The avatars of the user."},"accountType":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The type of account represented by this user. This will be one of 'atlassian' (normal users), 'app' (application user) or 'customer' (Jira Service Desk customer user)"},"displayName":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The display name of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy settings, this may return an alternative value."},"emailAddress":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The email address of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy settings, this may be returned as null."}}},"readOnly":true,"description":"Details of the users watching this issue."},"isWatching":{"type":"boolean","readOnly":true,"description":"Whether the calling user is watching this issue."},"watchCount":{"type":"integer","format":"int32","readOnly":true,"description":"The number of users watching this issue."}},"description":"The details of watchers on an issue.","additionalProperties":false},supportedSyncModes=[full_refresh],sourceDefinedCursor=,defaultCursorField=[],sourceDefinedPrimaryKey=[],namespace=,additionalProperties={}],syncMode=full_refresh,cursorField=[],destinationSyncMode=overwrite,primaryKey=[],additionalProperties={}], io.airbyte.protocol.models.ConfiguredAirbyteStream@507ef7df[stream=io.airbyte.protocol.models.AirbyteStream@6cb4e0b0[name=issue_worklogs,jsonSchema={"type":"object","$schema":"http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#","properties":{"id":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The ID of the worklog record."},"self":{"type":"string","format":"uri","readOnly":true,"description":"The URL of the worklog item."},"author":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"properties":{"key":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the [deprecation notice](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details."},"name":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the [deprecation notice](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details."},"self":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The URL of the user."},"active":{"type":"boolean","readOnly":true,"description":"Whether the user is active."},"timeZone":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The time zone specified in the user's profile. Depending on the user’s privacy settings, this may be returned as null."},"accountId":{"type":"string","maxLength":128,"description":"The account ID of the user, which uniquely identifies the user across all Atlassian products. For example, *5b10ac8d82e05b22cc7d4ef5*."},"avatarUrls":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"properties":{"16x16":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 16x16 pixel avatar."},"24x24":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 24x24 pixel avatar."},"32x32":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 32x32 pixel avatar."},"48x48":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 48x48 pixel avatar."}},"description":"The avatars of the user."},"accountType":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The type of account represented by this user. This will be one of 'atlassian' (normal users), 'app' (application user) or 'customer' (Jira Service Desk customer user)"},"displayName":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The display name of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy settings, this may return an alternative value."},"emailAddress":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The email address of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy settings, this may be returned as null."}},"description":"Details of the user who created the worklog."},"comment":{"type":"object","description":"A comment about the worklog in [Atlassian Document Format](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/apis/document/structure/). Optional when creating or updating a worklog."},"created":{"type":"string","format":"date-time","readOnly":true,"description":"The datetime on which the worklog was created."},"issueId":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The ID of the issue this worklog is for."},"started":{"type":"string","format":"date-time","description":"The datetime on which the worklog effort was started. Required when creating a worklog. Optional when updating a worklog."},"updated":{"type":"string","format":"date-time","readOnly":true,"description":"The datetime on which the worklog was last updated."},"timeSpent":{"type":"string","description":"The time spent working on the issue as days (\\#d), hours (\\#h), or minutes (\\#m or \\#). Required when creating a worklog if `timeSpentSeconds` isn't provided. Optional when updating a worklog. Cannot be provided if `timeSpentSecond` is provided."},"properties":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"object","properties":{"key":{"type":"string","description":"The key of the property. Required on create and update."},"value":{"description":"The value of the property. Required on create and update."}}},"description":"Details of properties for the worklog. Optional when creating or updating a worklog."},"visibility":{"type":"object","properties":{"type":{"enum":["group","role"],"type":"string","description":"Whether visibility of this item is restricted to a group or role."},"value":{"type":"string","description":"The name of the group or role to which visibility of this item is restricted."}},"description":"Details about any restrictions in the visibility of the worklog. Optional when creating or updating a worklog."},"updateAuthor":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"properties":{"key":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the [deprecation notice](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details."},"name":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the [deprecation notice](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details."},"self":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The URL of the user."},"active":{"type":"boolean","readOnly":true,"description":"Whether the user is active."},"timeZone":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The time zone specified in the user's profile. Depending on the user’s privacy settings, this may be returned as null."},"accountId":{"type":"string","maxLength":128,"description":"The account ID of the user, which uniquely identifies the user across all Atlassian products. For example, *5b10ac8d82e05b22cc7d4ef5*."},"avatarUrls":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"properties":{"16x16":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 16x16 pixel avatar."},"24x24":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 24x24 pixel avatar."},"32x32":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 32x32 pixel avatar."},"48x48":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 48x48 pixel avatar."}},"description":"The avatars of the user."},"accountType":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The type of account represented by this user. This will be one of 'atlassian' (normal users), 'app' (application user) or 'customer' (Jira Service Desk customer user)"},"displayName":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The display name of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy settings, this may return an alternative value."},"emailAddress":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The email address of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy settings, this may be returned as null."}},"description":"Details of the user who last updated the worklog."},"timeSpentSeconds":{"type":"integer","format":"int64","description":"The time in seconds spent working on the issue. Required when creating a worklog if `timeSpent` isn't provided. Optional when updating a worklog. Cannot be provided if `timeSpent` is provided."}},"description":"Details of a worklog.","additionalProperties":true},supportedSyncModes=[full_refresh],sourceDefinedCursor=,defaultCursorField=[],sourceDefinedPrimaryKey=[],namespace=,additionalProperties={}],syncMode=full_refresh,cursorField=[],destinationSyncMode=overwrite,primaryKey=[],additionalProperties={}], io.airbyte.protocol.models.ConfiguredAirbyteStream@4db6ab55[stream=io.airbyte.protocol.models.AirbyteStream@116ccd00[name=jira_settings,jsonSchema={"type":"object","$schema":"http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#","properties":{"id":{"type":"string","description":"The ID of the application property. The ID and key are the same."},"key":{"type":"string","description":"The key of the application property. The ID and key are the same."},"desc":{"type":"string","description":"The description of the application property."},"name":{"type":"string","description":"The name of the application property."},"type":{"type":"string","description":"The data type of the application property."},"value":{"type":"string","description":"The new value."},"example":{"type":"string"},"defaultValue":{"type":"string","description":"The default value of the application property."},"allowedValues":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"string"},"description":"The allowed values, if applicable."}},"description":"Details of an application property.","additionalProperties":false},supportedSyncModes=[full_refresh],sourceDefinedCursor=,defaultCursorField=[],sourceDefinedPrimaryKey=[[id]],namespace=,additionalProperties={}],syncMode=full_refresh,cursorField=[],destinationSyncMode=overwrite,primaryKey=[[id]],additionalProperties={}], io.airbyte.protocol.models.ConfiguredAirbyteStream@368b00fd[stream=io.airbyte.protocol.models.AirbyteStream@7df1d7fc[name=labels,jsonSchema={"type":["object","null"],"properties":{"id":{"type":["string","null"]},"key":{"type":["string","null"]},"desc":{"type":["string","null"]},"name":{"type":["string","null"]},"type":{"type":["string","null"]},"value":{"type":["string","null"]}},"additionalProperties":true},supportedSyncModes=[full_refresh],sourceDefinedCursor=,defaultCursorField=[],sourceDefinedPrimaryKey=[[id]],namespace=,additionalProperties={}],syncMode=full_refresh,cursorField=[],destinationSyncMode=overwrite,primaryKey=[[id]],additionalProperties={}], io.airbyte.protocol.models.ConfiguredAirbyteStream@5e52714[stream=io.airbyte.protocol.models.AirbyteStream@7296ee65[name=permissions,jsonSchema={"type":"object","$schema":"http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#","properties":{"key":{"type":["null","string"]},"name":{"type":["null","string"]},"type":{"type":["null","string"]},"description":{"type":["null","string"]}},"description":"Details about permissions.","additionalProperties":false},supportedSyncModes=[full_refresh],sourceDefinedCursor=,defaultCursorField=[],sourceDefinedPrimaryKey=[],namespace=,additionalProperties={}],syncMode=full_refresh,cursorField=[],destinationSyncMode=overwrite,primaryKey=[],additionalProperties={}], io.airbyte.protocol.models.ConfiguredAirbyteStream@1c748422[stream=io.airbyte.protocol.models.AirbyteStream@6f49fe67[name=permission_schemes,jsonSchema={"type":"object","$schema":"http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#","properties":{"id":{"type":"integer","format":"int64","readOnly":true,"description":"The ID of the permission scheme."},"name":{"type":"string","description":"The name of the permission scheme. Must be unique."},"self":{"type":"string","format":"uri","readOnly":true,"description":"The URL of the permission scheme."},"scope":{"type":"object","properties":{"type":{"enum":["PROJECT","TEMPLATE"],"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The type of scope."},"project":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"properties":{"id":{"type":"string","description":"The ID of the project."},"key":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The key of the project."},"name":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The name of the project."},"self":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The URL of the project details."},"avatarUrls":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"properties":{"16x16":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 16x16 pixel avatar."},"24x24":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 24x24 pixel avatar."},"32x32":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 32x32 pixel avatar."},"48x48":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 48x48 pixel avatar."}},"description":"The URLs of the project's avatars."},"simplified":{"type":"boolean","readOnly":true,"description":"Whether or not the project is simplified."},"projectTypeKey":{"enum":["software","service_desk","business"],"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The [project type](https://confluence.atlassian.com/x/GwiiLQ#Jiraapplicationsoverview-Productfeaturesandprojecttypes) of the project."},"projectCategory":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"properties":{"id":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The ID of the project category."},"name":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The description of the project category."},"self":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The URL of the project category."},"description":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The name of the project category."}},"description":"The category the project belongs to."}},"description":"The project the item has scope in."}},"description":"The scope of the permission scheme."},"expand":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The expand options available for the permission scheme."},"description":{"type":"string","description":"A description for the permission scheme."},"permissions":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"object","properties":{"id":{"type":"integer","format":"int64","readOnly":true,"description":"The ID of the permission granted details."},"self":{"type":"string","format":"uri","readOnly":true,"description":"The URL of the permission granted details."},"holder":{"type":"object","properties":{"type":{"type":"string","description":"The type of permission holder."},"expand":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"Expand options that include additional permission holder details in the response."},"parameter":{"type":"string","description":"The identifier of permission holder."}},"description":"The user or group being granted the permission. It consists of a `type` and a type-dependent `parameter`. See [Holder object](#holder-object) in *Get all permission schemes* for more information."},"permission":{"type":"string","description":"The permission to grant. This permission can be one of the built-in permissions or a custom permission added by an app. See [Built-in permissions](#built-in-permissions) in *Get all permission schemes* for more information about the built-in permissions. See the [project permission](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/modules/project-permission/) and [global permission](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/modules/global-permission/) module documentation for more information about custom permissions."}}},"description":"The permission scheme to create or update. See [About permission schemes and grants](#about-permission-schemes-and-grants) for more information."}},"description":"List of all permission schemes.","additionalProperties":false},supportedSyncModes=[full_refresh],sourceDefinedCursor=,defaultCursorField=[],sourceDefinedPrimaryKey=[[id]],namespace=,additionalProperties={}],syncMode=full_refresh,cursorField=[],destinationSyncMode=overwrite,primaryKey=[[id]],additionalProperties={}], io.airbyte.protocol.models.ConfiguredAirbyteStream@43b8a91d[stream=io.airbyte.protocol.models.AirbyteStream@69882c9[name=projects,jsonSchema={"type":"object","$schema":"http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#","properties":{"id":{"type":"string","description":"The ID of the project."},"key":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The key of the project."},"url":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"A link to information about this project, such as project documentation."},"lead":{"readOnly":true,"description":"The username of the project lead."},"name":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The name of the project."},"self":{"type":"string","format":"uri","readOnly":true,"description":"The URL of the project details."},"uuid":{"type":"string","format":"uuid","readOnly":true,"description":"Unique ID for next-gen projects."},"email":{"type":"string","description":"An email address associated with the project."},"roles":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"description":"The name and self URL for each role defined in the project. For more information, see [Create project role](#api-rest-api-3-role-post).","additionalProperties":{"type":"string","format":"uri","readOnly":true}},"style":{"enum":["classic","next-gen"],"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The type of the project."},"expand":{"xml":{"attribute":true},"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"Expand options that include additional project details in the response."},"deleted":{"type":"boolean","readOnly":true,"description":"Whether the project is marked as deleted."},"insight":{"readOnly":true,"description":"Insights about the project."},"archived":{"type":"boolean","readOnly":true,"description":"Whether the project is archived."},"versions":{"type":"array","readOnly":true,"description":"The versions defined in the project. For more information, see [Create version](#api-rest-api-3-version-post)."},"deletedBy":{"readOnly":true,"description":"The user who marked the project as deleted."},"favourite":{"type":"boolean","description":"Whether the project is selected as a favorite."},"isPrivate":{"type":"boolean","readOnly":true,"description":"Whether the project is private."},"archivedBy":{"readOnly":true,"description":"The user who archived the project."},"avatarUrls":{"readOnly":true,"description":"The URLs of the project's avatars."},"components":{"type":"array","readOnly":true,"description":"List of the components contained in the project."},"issueTypes":{"type":"array","readOnly":true,"description":"List of the issue types available in the project."},"properties":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"description":"Map of project properties","additionalProperties":{"readOnly":true}},"simplified":{"type":"boolean","readOnly":true,"description":"Whether the project is simplified."},"deletedDate":{"type":"string","format":"date-time","readOnly":true,"description":"The date when the project was marked as deleted."},"description":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"A brief description of the project."},"permissions":{"readOnly":true,"description":"User permissions on the project"},"archivedDate":{"type":"string","format":"date-time","readOnly":true,"description":"The date when the project was archived."},"assigneeType":{"enum":["PROJECT_LEAD","UNASSIGNED"],"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The default assignee when creating issues for this project."},"projectTypeKey":{"enum":["software","service_desk","business"],"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The [project type](https://confluence.atlassian.com/x/GwiiLQ#Jiraapplicationsoverview-Productfeaturesandprojecttypes) of the project."},"projectCategory":{"readOnly":true,"description":"The category the project belongs to."},"retentionTillDate":{"type":"string","format":"date-time","readOnly":true,"description":"The date when the project is deleted permanently."},"issueTypeHierarchy":{"readOnly":true,"description":"The issue type hierarchy for the project"}},"description":"Details about a project.","additionalProperties":false},supportedSyncModes=[full_refresh],sourceDefinedCursor=,defaultCursorField=[],sourceDefinedPrimaryKey=[[id]],namespace=,additionalProperties={}],syncMode=full_refresh,cursorField=[],destinationSyncMode=overwrite,primaryKey=[[id]],additionalProperties={}], io.airbyte.protocol.models.ConfiguredAirbyteStream@3e7553ac[stream=io.airbyte.protocol.models.AirbyteStream@1eef28c3[name=project_avatars,jsonSchema={"type":"object","$schema":"http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#","properties":{"id":{"type":"string","description":"The ID of the avatar."},"urls":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"description":"The list of avatar icon URLs.","additionalProperties":{"type":"string","format":"uri","readOnly":true}},"owner":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The owner of the avatar. For a system avatar the owner is null (and nothing is returned). For non-system avatars this is the appropriate identifier, such as the ID for a project or the account ID for a user."},"fileName":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The file name of the avatar icon. Returned for system avatars."},"isSelected":{"type":"boolean","readOnly":true,"description":"Whether the avatar is used in Jira. For example, shown as a project's avatar."},"isDeletable":{"type":"boolean","readOnly":true,"description":"Whether the avatar can be deleted."},"isSystemAvatar":{"type":"boolean","readOnly":true,"description":"Whether the avatar is a system avatar."}},"description":"List of project avatars.","additionalProperties":false},supportedSyncModes=[full_refresh],sourceDefinedCursor=,defaultCursorField=[],sourceDefinedPrimaryKey=[[id]],namespace=,additionalProperties={}],syncMode=full_refresh,cursorField=[],destinationSyncMode=overwrite,primaryKey=[[id]],additionalProperties={}], io.airbyte.protocol.models.ConfiguredAirbyteStream@18999a42[stream=io.airbyte.protocol.models.AirbyteStream@5a55cd52[name=project_categories,jsonSchema={"type":"object","$schema":"http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#","properties":{"id":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The ID of the project category."},"name":{"type":"string","description":"The name of the project category. Required on create, optional on update."},"self":{"type":"string","format":"uri","readOnly":true,"description":"The URL of the project category."},"description":{"type":"string","description":"The description of the project category. Required on create, optional on update."}},"description":"A project category.","additionalProperties":false},supportedSyncModes=[full_refresh],sourceDefinedCursor=,defaultCursorField=[],sourceDefinedPrimaryKey=[[id]],namespace=,additionalProperties={}],syncMode=full_refresh,cursorField=[],destinationSyncMode=overwrite,primaryKey=[[id]],additionalProperties={}], io.airbyte.protocol.models.ConfiguredAirbyteStream@4e290d87[stream=io.airbyte.protocol.models.AirbyteStream@29e79db1[name=project_components,jsonSchema={"xml":{"name":"component"},"type":"object","$schema":"http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#","properties":{"id":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The unique identifier for the component."},"lead":{"type":"object","properties":{"key":{"type":"string","description":"This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the [deprecation notice](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details."},"name":{"type":"string","description":"This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the [deprecation notice](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details."},"self":{"type":"string","format":"uri","readOnly":true,"description":"The URL of the user."},"active":{"type":"boolean","readOnly":true,"description":"Whether the user is active."},"expand":{"xml":{"attribute":true},"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"Expand options that include additional user details in the response."},"groups":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"properties":{"size":{"xml":{"attribute":true},"type":"integer","format":"int32"},"items":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"object","properties":{"name":{"type":"string","description":"The name of group."},"self":{"type":"string","format":"uri","readOnly":true,"description":"The URL for these group details."}}}},"callback":{"type":"object"},"max-results":{"xml":{"name":"max-results","attribute":true},"type":"integer","format":"int32"},"pagingCallback":{"type":"object"}},"description":"The groups that the user belongs to."},"locale":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The locale of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null."},"timeZone":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The time zone specified in the user's profile. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null."},"accountId":{"type":"string","maxLength":128,"description":"The account ID of the user, which uniquely identifies the user across all Atlassian products. For example, *5b10ac8d82e05b22cc7d4ef5*. Required in requests."},"avatarUrls":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"properties":{"16x16":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 16x16 pixel avatar."},"24x24":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 24x24 pixel avatar."},"32x32":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 32x32 pixel avatar."},"48x48":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 48x48 pixel avatar."}},"description":"The avatars of the user."},"accountType":{"enum":["atlassian","app","customer","unknown"],"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The user account type. Can take the following values:\n\n * `atlassian` regular Atlassian user account\n * `app` system account used for Connect applications and OAuth to represent external systems\n * `customer` Jira Service Desk account representing an external service desk"},"displayName":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The display name of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may return an alternative value."},"emailAddress":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The email address of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null."},"applicationRoles":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"properties":{"size":{"xml":{"attribute":true},"type":"integer","format":"int32"},"items":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"object","properties":{"key":{"type":"string","description":"The key of the application role."},"name":{"type":"string","description":"The display name of the application role."},"groups":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"string"},"description":"The groups associated with the application role.","uniqueItems":true},"defined":{"type":"boolean","description":"Deprecated."},"platform":{"type":"boolean","description":"Indicates if the application role belongs to Jira platform (`jira-core`)."},"userCount":{"type":"integer","format":"int32","description":"The number of users counting against your license."},"defaultGroups":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"string"},"description":"The groups that are granted default access for this application role.","uniqueItems":true},"numberOfSeats":{"type":"integer","format":"int32","description":"The maximum count of users on your license."},"remainingSeats":{"type":"integer","format":"int32","description":"The count of users remaining on your license."},"hasUnlimitedSeats":{"type":"boolean"},"selectedByDefault":{"type":"boolean","description":"Determines whether this application role should be selected by default on user creation."},"userCountDescription":{"type":"string","description":"The [type of users](https://confluence.atlassian.com/x/lRW3Ng) being counted against your license."}}}},"callback":{"type":"object"},"max-results":{"xml":{"name":"max-results","attribute":true},"type":"integer","format":"int32"},"pagingCallback":{"type":"object"}},"description":"The application roles the user is assigned to."}},"description":"The user details for the component's lead user."},"name":{"type":"string","description":"The unique name for the component in the project. Required when creating a component. Optional when updating a component. The maximum length is 255 characters."},"self":{"type":"string","format":"uri","readOnly":true,"description":"The URL of the component."},"project":{"type":"string","description":"The key of the project the component is assigned to. Required when creating a component. Can't be updated."},"assignee":{"type":"object","properties":{"key":{"type":["string","null"],"description":"This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the [deprecation notice](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details."},"name":{"type":"string","description":"This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the [deprecation notice](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details."},"self":{"type":"string","format":"uri","readOnly":true,"description":"The URL of the user."},"active":{"type":"boolean","readOnly":true,"description":"Whether the user is active."},"expand":{"xml":{"attribute":true},"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"Expand options that include additional user details in the response."},"groups":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"properties":{"size":{"xml":{"attribute":true},"type":"integer","format":"int32"},"items":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"object","properties":{"name":{"type":"string","description":"The name of group."},"self":{"type":"string","format":"uri","readOnly":true,"description":"The URL for these group details."}}}},"callback":{"type":"object"},"max-results":{"xml":{"name":"max-results","attribute":true},"type":"integer","format":"int32"},"pagingCallback":{"type":"object"}},"description":"The groups that the user belongs to."},"locale":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The locale of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null."},"timeZone":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The time zone specified in the user's profile. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null."},"accountId":{"type":"string","maxLength":128,"description":"The account ID of the user, which uniquely identifies the user across all Atlassian products. For example, *5b10ac8d82e05b22cc7d4ef5*. Required in requests."},"avatarUrls":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"properties":{"16x16":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 16x16 pixel avatar."},"24x24":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 24x24 pixel avatar."},"32x32":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 32x32 pixel avatar."},"48x48":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 48x48 pixel avatar."}},"description":"The avatars of the user."},"accountType":{"enum":["atlassian","app","customer","unknown"],"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The user account type. Can take the following values:\n\n * `atlassian` regular Atlassian user account\n * `app` system account used for Connect applications and OAuth to represent external systems\n * `customer` Jira Service Desk account representing an external service desk"},"displayName":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The display name of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may return an alternative value."},"emailAddress":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The email address of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null."},"applicationRoles":{"type":["object","null"],"readOnly":true,"properties":{"size":{"xml":{"attribute":true},"type":"integer","format":"int32"},"items":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"object","properties":{"key":{"type":"string","description":"The key of the application role."},"name":{"type":"string","description":"The display name of the application role."},"groups":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"string"},"description":"The groups associated with the application role.","uniqueItems":true},"defined":{"type":"boolean","description":"Deprecated."},"platform":{"type":"boolean","description":"Indicates if the application role belongs to Jira platform (`jira-core`)."},"userCount":{"type":"integer","format":"int32","description":"The number of users counting against your license."},"defaultGroups":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"string"},"description":"The groups that are granted default access for this application role.","uniqueItems":true},"numberOfSeats":{"type":"integer","format":"int32","description":"The maximum count of users on your license."},"remainingSeats":{"type":"integer","format":"int32","description":"The count of users remaining on your license."},"hasUnlimitedSeats":{"type":"boolean"},"selectedByDefault":{"type":"boolean","description":"Determines whether this application role should be selected by default on user creation."},"userCountDescription":{"type":"string","description":"The [type of users](https://confluence.atlassian.com/x/lRW3Ng) being counted against your license."}}}},"callback":{"type":"object"},"max-results":{"xml":{"name":"max-results","attribute":true},"type":"integer","format":"int32"},"pagingCallback":{"type":"object"}},"description":"The application roles the user is assigned to."}},"description":"The details of the user associated with `assigneeType`, if any. See `realAssignee` for details of the user assigned to issues created with this component."},"projectId":{"type":"integer","format":"int64","readOnly":true,"description":"The ID of the project the component is assigned to."},"description":{"type":"string","description":"The description for the component. Optional when creating or updating a component."},"assigneeType":{"enum":["PROJECT_DEFAULT","COMPONENT_LEAD","PROJECT_LEAD","UNASSIGNED"],"type":"string","description":"The nominal user type used to determine the assignee for issues created with this component. See `realAssigneeType` for details on how the type of the user, and hence the user, assigned to issues is determined. Can take the following values:\n\n * `PROJECT_LEAD` the assignee to any issues created with this component is nominally the lead for the project the component is in.\n * `COMPONENT_LEAD` the assignee to any issues created with this component is nominally the lead for the component.\n * `UNASSIGNED` an assignee is not set for issues created with this component.\n * `PROJECT_DEFAULT` the assignee to any issues created with this component is nominally the default assignee for the project that the component is in.\n\nDefault value: `PROJECT_DEFAULT`. \nOptional when creating or updating a component."},"leadUserName":{"type":["string","null"],"description":"This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the [deprecation notice](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details."},"realAssignee":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"description":"The user assigned to issues created with this component, when `assigneeType` does not identify a valid assignee."},"leadAccountId":{"type":["string","null"],"maxLength":128,"writeOnly":true,"description":"The accountId of the component's lead user. The accountId uniquely identifies the user across all Atlassian products. For example, *5b10ac8d82e05b22cc7d4ef5*."},"realAssigneeType":{"enum":["PROJECT_DEFAULT","COMPONENT_LEAD","PROJECT_LEAD","UNASSIGNED"],"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The type of the assignee that is assigned to issues created with this component, when an assignee cannot be set from the `assigneeType`. For example, `assigneeType` is set to `COMPONENT_LEAD` but no component lead is set. This property is set to one of the following values:\n\n * `PROJECT_LEAD` when `assigneeType` is `PROJECT_LEAD` and the project lead has permission to be assigned issues in the project that the component is in.\n * `COMPONENT_LEAD` when `assignee`Type is `COMPONENT_LEAD` and the component lead has permission to be assigned issues in the project that the component is in.\n * `UNASSIGNED` when `assigneeType` is `UNASSIGNED` and Jira is configured to allow unassigned issues.\n * `PROJECT_DEFAULT` when none of the preceding cases are true."},"isAssigneeTypeValid":{"type":"boolean","readOnly":true,"description":"Whether a user is associated with `assigneeType`. For example, if the `assigneeType` is set to `COMPONENT_LEAD` but the component lead is not set, then `false` is returned."}},"description":"Details about a project component.","additionalProperties":true},supportedSyncModes=[full_refresh],sourceDefinedCursor=,defaultCursorField=[],sourceDefinedPrimaryKey=[[id]],namespace=,additionalProperties={}],syncMode=full_refresh,cursorField=[],destinationSyncMode=overwrite,primaryKey=[[id]],additionalProperties={}], io.airbyte.protocol.models.ConfiguredAirbyteStream@7df85945[stream=io.airbyte.protocol.models.AirbyteStream@9b334f5[name=project_email,jsonSchema={"type":"object","$schema":"http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#","properties":{"emailAddress":{"type":"string","description":"The email address."}},"description":"A project's sender email address.","additionalProperties":false},supportedSyncModes=[full_refresh],sourceDefinedCursor=,defaultCursorField=[],sourceDefinedPrimaryKey=[],namespace=,additionalProperties={}],syncMode=full_refresh,cursorField=[],destinationSyncMode=overwrite,primaryKey=[],additionalProperties={}], io.airbyte.protocol.models.ConfiguredAirbyteStream@ff04571[stream=io.airbyte.protocol.models.AirbyteStream@1aef5b2b[name=project_permission_schemes,jsonSchema={"type":"object","$schema":"http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#","properties":{"id":{"type":["null","string"],"description":"The ID of the issue level security item."},"name":{"type":["null","string"],"description":"The name of the issue level security item."},"self":{"type":["null","string"],"description":"The URL of the issue level security item."},"description":{"type":["null","string"],"description":"The description of the issue level security item."}},"description":"Details about a security scheme.","additionalProperties":false},supportedSyncModes=[full_refresh],sourceDefinedCursor=,defaultCursorField=[],sourceDefinedPrimaryKey=[[id]],namespace=,additionalProperties={}],syncMode=full_refresh,cursorField=[],destinationSyncMode=overwrite,primaryKey=[[id]],additionalProperties={}], io.airbyte.protocol.models.ConfiguredAirbyteStream@25621b42[stream=io.airbyte.protocol.models.AirbyteStream@35e68787[name=project_types,jsonSchema={"type":"object","$schema":"http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#","properties":{"key":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The key of the project type."},"icon":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The icon of the project type."},"color":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The color of the project type."},"formattedKey":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The formatted key of the project type."},"descriptionI18nKey":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The key of the project type's description."}},"description":"Details about a project type.","additionalProperties":false},supportedSyncModes=[full_refresh],sourceDefinedCursor=,defaultCursorField=[],sourceDefinedPrimaryKey=[],namespace=,additionalProperties={}],syncMode=full_refresh,cursorField=[],destinationSyncMode=overwrite,primaryKey=[],additionalProperties={}], io.airbyte.protocol.models.ConfiguredAirbyteStream@38b09787[stream=io.airbyte.protocol.models.AirbyteStream@58e6b5b9[name=project_versions,jsonSchema={"type":"object","$schema":"http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#","readOnly":true,"properties":{"id":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The ID of the version."},"name":{"type":"string","description":"The unique name of the version. Required when creating a version. Optional when updating a version. The maximum length is 255 characters."},"self":{"type":"string","format":"uri","readOnly":true,"description":"The URL of the version."},"expand":{"xml":{"attribute":true},"type":["string","null"],"description":"Use [expand](em>#expansion) to include additional information about version in the response. This parameter accepts a comma-separated list. Expand options include:\n\n * `operations` Returns the list of operations available for this version.\n * `issuesstatus` Returns the count of issues in this version for each of the status categories *to do*, *in progress*, *done*, and *unmapped*. The *unmapped* property contains a count of issues with a status other than *to do*, *in progress*, and *done*.\n\nOptional for create and update."},"overdue":{"type":"boolean","readOnly":true,"description":"Indicates that the version is overdue."},"project":{"type":"string","description":"Deprecated. Use `projectId`."},"archived":{"type":"boolean","description":"Indicates that the version is archived. Optional when creating or updating a version."},"released":{"type":"boolean","description":"Indicates that the version is released. If the version is released a request to release again is ignored. Not applicable when creating a version. Optional when updating a version."},"projectId":{"type":"integer","format":"int64","description":"The ID of the project to which this version is attached. Required when creating a version. Not applicable when updating a version."},"startDate":{"type":"string","format":"date","description":"The start date of the version. Expressed in ISO 8601 format (yyyy-mm-dd). Optional when creating or updating a version."},"operations":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"object","properties":{"id":{"type":"string"},"href":{"type":"string"},"label":{"type":"string"},"title":{"type":"string"},"weight":{"type":"integer","format":"int32"},"iconClass":{"type":"string"},"styleClass":{"type":"string"}}},"readOnly":true,"description":"If the expand option `operations` is used, returns the list of operations available for this version."},"description":{"type":"string","description":"The description of the version. Optional when creating or updating a version."},"releaseDate":{"type":"string","format":"date","description":"The release date of the version. Expressed in ISO 8601 format (yyyy-mm-dd). Optional when creating or updating a version."},"userStartDate":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The date on which work on this version is expected to start, expressed in the instance's *Day/Month/Year Format* date format."},"userReleaseDate":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The date on which work on this version is expected to finish, expressed in the instance's *Day/Month/Year Format* date format."},"moveUnfixedIssuesTo":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the self link to the version to which all unfixed issues are moved when a version is released. Not applicable when creating a version. Optional when updating a version."},"issuesStatusForFixVersion":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"properties":{"done":{"type":"integer","format":"int64","readOnly":true,"description":"Count of issues with status *done*."},"toDo":{"type":"integer","format":"int64","readOnly":true,"description":"Count of issues with status *to do*."},"unmapped":{"type":"integer","format":"int64","readOnly":true,"description":"Count of issues with a status other than *to do*, *in progress*, and *done*."},"inProgress":{"type":"integer","format":"int64","readOnly":true,"description":"Count of issues with status *in progress*."}},"description":"If the expand option `issuesstatus` is used, returns the count of issues in this version for each of the status categories *to do*, *in progress*, *done*, and *unmapped*. The *unmapped* property contains a count of issues with a status other than *to do*, *in progress*, and *done*."}}},supportedSyncModes=[full_refresh],sourceDefinedCursor=,defaultCursorField=[],sourceDefinedPrimaryKey=[[id]],namespace=,additionalProperties={}],syncMode=full_refresh,cursorField=[],destinationSyncMode=overwrite,primaryKey=[[id]],additionalProperties={}], io.airbyte.protocol.models.ConfiguredAirbyteStream@6deb1dec[stream=io.airbyte.protocol.models.AirbyteStream@6c307569[name=screens,jsonSchema={"type":"object","$schema":"http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#","properties":{"id":{"type":"integer","format":"int64","readOnly":true,"description":"The ID of the screen."},"name":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The name of the screen."},"scope":{"type":"object","properties":{"type":{"enum":["PROJECT","TEMPLATE"],"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The type of scope."},"project":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"properties":{"id":{"type":"string","description":"The ID of the project."},"key":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The key of the project."},"name":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The name of the project."},"self":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The URL of the project details."},"avatarUrls":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"properties":{"16x16":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 16x16 pixel avatar."},"24x24":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 24x24 pixel avatar."},"32x32":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 32x32 pixel avatar."},"48x48":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 48x48 pixel avatar."}},"description":"The URLs of the project's avatars."},"simplified":{"type":"boolean","readOnly":true,"description":"Whether or not the project is simplified."},"projectTypeKey":{"enum":["software","service_desk","business"],"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The [project type](https://confluence.atlassian.com/x/GwiiLQ#Jiraapplicationsoverview-Productfeaturesandprojecttypes) of the project."},"projectCategory":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"properties":{"id":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The ID of the project category."},"name":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The description of the project category."},"self":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The URL of the project category."},"description":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The name of the project category."}},"description":"The category the project belongs to."}},"description":"The project the item has scope in."}},"description":"The scope of the screen."},"description":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The description of the screen."}},"additionalProperties":true},supportedSyncModes=[full_refresh],sourceDefinedCursor=,defaultCursorField=[],sourceDefinedPrimaryKey=[[id]],namespace=,additionalProperties={}],syncMode=full_refresh,cursorField=[],destinationSyncMode=overwrite,primaryKey=[[id]],additionalProperties={}], io.airbyte.protocol.models.ConfiguredAirbyteStream@5000dbc7[stream=io.airbyte.protocol.models.AirbyteStream@3da6e703[name=screen_tabs,jsonSchema={"type":"object","$schema":"http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#","required":["name"],"properties":{"id":{"type":"integer","format":"int64","readOnly":true,"description":"The ID of the screen tab."},"name":{"type":"string","description":"The name of the screen tab. The maximum length is 255 characters."}},"description":"A screen tab.","additionalProperties":false},supportedSyncModes=[full_refresh],sourceDefinedCursor=,defaultCursorField=[],sourceDefinedPrimaryKey=[[id]],namespace=,additionalProperties={}],syncMode=full_refresh,cursorField=[],destinationSyncMode=overwrite,primaryKey=[[id]],additionalProperties={}], io.airbyte.protocol.models.ConfiguredAirbyteStream@8978926[stream=io.airbyte.protocol.models.AirbyteStream@67e33e60[name=screen_tab_fields,jsonSchema={"type":"object","$schema":"http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#","properties":{"id":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The ID of the screen tab field."},"name":{"type":"string","description":"The name of the screen tab field. Required on create and update. The maximum length is 255 characters."}},"description":"A screen tab field.","additionalProperties":false},supportedSyncModes=[full_refresh],sourceDefinedCursor=,defaultCursorField=[],sourceDefinedPrimaryKey=[[id]],namespace=,additionalProperties={}],syncMode=full_refresh,cursorField=[],destinationSyncMode=overwrite,primaryKey=[[id]],additionalProperties={}], io.airbyte.protocol.models.ConfiguredAirbyteStream@316b0fb8[stream=io.airbyte.protocol.models.AirbyteStream@3b7f6869[name=screen_schemes,jsonSchema={"type":"object","$schema":"http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#","properties":{"id":{"type":"integer","format":"int64","description":"The ID of the screen scheme."},"name":{"type":"string","description":"The name of the screen scheme."},"screens":{"type":"object","properties":{"edit":{"type":"integer","format":"int64","description":"The ID of the edit screen."},"view":{"type":"integer","format":"int64","description":"The ID of the view screen."},"create":{"type":"integer","format":"int64","description":"The ID of the create screen."},"default":{"type":"integer","format":"int64","description":"The ID of the default screen. Required when creating a screen scheme."}},"description":"The IDs of the screens for the screen types of the screen scheme."},"description":{"type":"string","description":"The description of the screen scheme."},"issueTypeScreenSchemes":{"type":"object"}},"description":"A screen scheme.","additionalProperties":false},supportedSyncModes=[full_refresh],sourceDefinedCursor=,defaultCursorField=[],sourceDefinedPrimaryKey=[[id]],namespace=,additionalProperties={}],syncMode=full_refresh,cursorField=[],destinationSyncMode=overwrite,primaryKey=[[id]],additionalProperties={}], io.airbyte.protocol.models.ConfiguredAirbyteStream@f951899[stream=io.airbyte.protocol.models.AirbyteStream@71fb2735[name=sprints,jsonSchema={"type":"object","$schema":"http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#","properties":{"id":{"type":"integer"},"goal":{"type":"string"},"name":{"type":"string"},"self":{"type":"string"},"state":{"type":"string"},"endDate":{"type":"string","format":"date-time"},"startDate":{"type":"string","format":"date-time"},"completeDate":{"type":"string","format":"date-time"},"originBoardId":{"type":"integer"}}},supportedSyncModes=[full_refresh],sourceDefinedCursor=,defaultCursorField=[],sourceDefinedPrimaryKey=[[id]],namespace=,additionalProperties={}],syncMode=full_refresh,cursorField=[],destinationSyncMode=overwrite,primaryKey=[[id]],additionalProperties={}], io.airbyte.protocol.models.ConfiguredAirbyteStream@1884e07d[stream=io.airbyte.protocol.models.AirbyteStream@58f8ef24[name=sprint_issues,jsonSchema={"type":"object","$schema":"http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#","properties":{"id":{"type":"string"},"key":{"type":"string"},"self":{"type":"string"},"expand":{"type":"string"},"fields":{"type":"object","properties":{"epic":{"type":["null","object"]},"sprint":{"type":["null","object"]},"comment":{"type":["null","array"],"items":{"type":"object"}},"flagged":{"type":["null","boolean"]},"project":{"type":["null","object"]},"updated":{"type":["null","string"],"format":"date-time"},"worklog":{"type":["null","array"],"items":{"type":"object"}},"description":{"type":["null","string"]},"timetracking":{"type":["null","object"]},"closedSprints":{"type":["null","object"]}}},"issueId":{"type":"string"},"sprintId":{"type":"integer"}}},supportedSyncModes=[full_refresh, incremental],sourceDefinedCursor=true,defaultCursorField=[fields, updated],sourceDefinedPrimaryKey=[[id]],namespace=,additionalProperties={}],syncMode=incremental,cursorField=[fields, updated],destinationSyncMode=append_dedup,primaryKey=[[id]],additionalProperties={}], io.airbyte.protocol.models.ConfiguredAirbyteStream@7f8e7572[stream=io.airbyte.protocol.models.AirbyteStream@57642739[name=time_tracking,jsonSchema={"type":"object","$schema":"http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#","required":["key"],"properties":{"key":{"type":"string","description":"The key for the time tracking provider. For example, *JIRA*."},"url":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The URL of the configuration page for the time tracking provider app. For example, */example/config/url*. This property is only returned if the `adminPageKey` property is set in the module descriptor of the time tracking provider app."},"name":{"type":"string","description":"The name of the time tracking provider. For example, *JIRA provided time tracking*."}},"description":"Details about the time tracking provider.","additionalProperties":false},supportedSyncModes=[full_refresh],sourceDefinedCursor=,defaultCursorField=[],sourceDefinedPrimaryKey=[],namespace=,additionalProperties={}],syncMode=full_refresh,cursorField=[],destinationSyncMode=overwrite,primaryKey=[],additionalProperties={}], io.airbyte.protocol.models.ConfiguredAirbyteStream@685cb2a0[stream=io.airbyte.protocol.models.AirbyteStream@77c2f140[name=users,jsonSchema={"xml":{"name":"user"},"type":"object","$schema":"http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#","properties":{"key":{"type":"string","description":"This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the [deprecation notice](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details."},"name":{"type":"string","description":"This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the [deprecation notice](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details."},"self":{"type":"string","format":"uri","readOnly":true,"description":"The URL of the user."},"active":{"type":"boolean","readOnly":true,"description":"Whether the user is active."},"expand":{"xml":{"attribute":true},"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"Expand options that include additional user details in the response."},"groups":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"properties":{"size":{"xml":{"attribute":true},"type":"integer","format":"int32"},"items":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"object","properties":{"name":{"type":"string","description":"The name of group."},"self":{"type":"string","format":"uri","readOnly":true,"description":"The URL for these group details."}}}},"callback":{"type":"object"},"max-results":{"xml":{"name":"max-results","attribute":true},"type":"integer","format":"int32"},"pagingCallback":{"type":"object"}},"description":"The groups that the user belongs to."},"locale":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The locale of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null."},"timeZone":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The time zone specified in the user's profile. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null."},"accountId":{"type":"string","maxLength":128,"description":"The account ID of the user, which uniquely identifies the user across all Atlassian products. For example, *5b10ac8d82e05b22cc7d4ef5*. Required in requests."},"avatarUrls":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"properties":{"16x16":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 16x16 pixel avatar."},"24x24":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 24x24 pixel avatar."},"32x32":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 32x32 pixel avatar."},"48x48":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 48x48 pixel avatar."}},"description":"The avatars of the user."},"accountType":{"enum":["atlassian","app","customer","unknown"],"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The user account type. Can take the following values:\n\n * `atlassian` regular Atlassian user account\n * `app` system account used for Connect applications and OAuth to represent external systems\n * `customer` Jira Service Desk account representing an external service desk"},"displayName":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The display name of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may return an alternative value."},"emailAddress":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The email address of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null."},"applicationRoles":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"properties":{"size":{"xml":{"attribute":true},"type":"integer","format":"int32"},"items":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"object","properties":{"key":{"type":"string","description":"The key of the application role."},"name":{"type":"string","description":"The display name of the application role."},"groups":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"string"},"description":"The groups associated with the application role.","uniqueItems":true},"defined":{"type":"boolean","description":"Deprecated."},"platform":{"type":"boolean","description":"Indicates if the application role belongs to Jira platform (`jira-core`)."},"userCount":{"type":"integer","format":"int32","description":"The number of users counting against your license."},"defaultGroups":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"string"},"description":"The groups that are granted default access for this application role.","uniqueItems":true},"numberOfSeats":{"type":"integer","format":"int32","description":"The maximum count of users on your license."},"remainingSeats":{"type":"integer","format":"int32","description":"The count of users remaining on your license."},"hasUnlimitedSeats":{"type":"boolean"},"selectedByDefault":{"type":"boolean","description":"Determines whether this application role should be selected by default on user creation."},"userCountDescription":{"type":"string","description":"The [type of users](https://confluence.atlassian.com/x/lRW3Ng) being counted against your license."}}}},"callback":{"type":"object"},"max-results":{"xml":{"name":"max-results","attribute":true},"type":"integer","format":"int32"},"pagingCallback":{"type":"object"}},"description":"The application roles the user is assigned to."}},"description":"A user with details as permitted by the user's Atlassian Account privacy settings. However, be aware of these exceptions:\n\n * User record deleted from Atlassian: This occurs as the result of a right to be forgotten request. In this case, `displayName` provides an indication and other parameters have default values or are blank (for example, email is blank).\n * User record corrupted: This occurs as a results of events such as a server import and can only happen to deleted users. In this case, `accountId` returns *unknown* and all other parameters have fallback values.\n * User record unavailable: This usually occurs due to an internal service outage. In this case, all parameters have fallback values.","additionalProperties":false},supportedSyncModes=[full_refresh],sourceDefinedCursor=,defaultCursorField=[],sourceDefinedPrimaryKey=[],namespace=,additionalProperties={}],syncMode=full_refresh,cursorField=[],destinationSyncMode=overwrite,primaryKey=[],additionalProperties={}], io.airbyte.protocol.models.ConfiguredAirbyteStream@7b6b3f2f[stream=io.airbyte.protocol.models.AirbyteStream@dc09294[name=workflows,jsonSchema={"type":"object","$schema":"http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#","readOnly":true,"properties":{"id":{"type":"object","properties":{"name":{"type":"string","description":"The name of the workflow."}}},"statuses":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"object","properties":{"id":{"type":"string","description":"The ID of the issue status."},"name":{"type":"string","description":"The name of the status in the workflow."},"properties":{"type":"object","properties":{"issueEditable":{"type":"boolean","description":"Whether issues are editable in this status."}}}}},"description":"The statuses of the workflow."},"description":{"type":"string","description":"The description of the workflow."},"transitions":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"object","properties":{"id":{"type":"string","description":"The ID of the transition."},"to":{"type":"string","description":"The status the transition goes to."},"from":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"string","description":"The statuses the transition can start from."},"description":"The statuses the transition can start from."},"name":{"type":"string","description":"The name of the transition."},"type":{"enum":["global","initial","directed"],"type":"string","description":"The type of the transition."},"rules":{"type":"object","properties":{"conditions":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"object","properties":{"type":{"type":"string","description":"The type of the transition rule."},"configuration":{"description":"The configuration of the transition rule. This is currently returned only for some of the rule types. Availability of this property is subject to change."}}},"description":"The workflow conditions."},"validators":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"object","properties":{"type":{"type":"string","description":"The type of the transition rule."},"configuration":{"description":"The configuration of the transition rule. This is currently returned only for some of the rule types. Availability of this property is subject to change."}}},"description":"The workflow validators."},"postFunctions":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"object","properties":{"type":{"type":"string","description":"The type of the transition rule."},"configuration":{"description":"The configuration of the transition rule. This is currently returned only for some of the rule types. Availability of this property is subject to change."}}},"description":"The workflow post functions."}}},"screen":{"type":"object","properties":{"id":{"type":"string","description":"The ID of the screen."}}},"description":{"type":"string","description":"The description of the transition."}}},"description":"The transitions of the workflow."}}},supportedSyncModes=[full_refresh],sourceDefinedCursor=,defaultCursorField=[],sourceDefinedPrimaryKey=[[id]],namespace=,additionalProperties={}],syncMode=full_refresh,cursorField=[],destinationSyncMode=overwrite,primaryKey=[[id]],additionalProperties={}], io.airbyte.protocol.models.ConfiguredAirbyteStream@84e83e[stream=io.airbyte.protocol.models.AirbyteStream@60ac419f[name=workflow_schemes,jsonSchema={"type":"object","$schema":"http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#","readOnly":true,"properties":{"id":{"type":"integer","format":"int64","readOnly":true,"description":"The ID of the workflow scheme."},"name":{"type":"string","description":"The name of the workflow scheme. The name must be unique. The maximum length is 255 characters. Required when creating a workflow scheme."},"self":{"type":"string","format":"uri","readOnly":true},"draft":{"type":"boolean","readOnly":true,"description":"Whether the workflow scheme is a draft or not."},"issueTypes":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"description":"The issue types available in Jira."},"description":{"type":"string","description":"The description of the workflow scheme."},"lastModified":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The date-time that the draft workflow scheme was last modified. A modification is a change to the issue type-project mappings only. This property does not apply to non-draft workflows."},"defaultWorkflow":{"type":"string","description":"The name of the default workflow for the workflow scheme. The default workflow has *All Unassigned Issue Types* assigned to it in Jira. If `defaultWorkflow` is not specified when creating a workflow scheme, it is set to *Jira Workflow (jira)*."},"lastModifiedUser":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"properties":{"key":{"type":"string","description":"This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the [deprecation notice](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details."},"name":{"type":"string","description":"This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the [deprecation notice](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details."},"self":{"type":"string","format":"uri","readOnly":true,"description":"The URL of the user."},"active":{"type":"boolean","readOnly":true,"description":"Whether the user is active."},"expand":{"xml":{"attribute":true},"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"Expand options that include additional user details in the response."},"groups":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"properties":{"size":{"xml":{"attribute":true},"type":"integer","format":"int32"},"items":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"object","properties":{"name":{"type":"string","description":"The name of group."},"self":{"type":"string","format":"uri","readOnly":true,"description":"The URL for these group details."}}}},"callback":{"type":"object"},"max-results":{"xml":{"name":"max-results","attribute":true},"type":"integer","format":"int32"},"pagingCallback":{"type":"object"}},"description":"The groups that the user belongs to."},"locale":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The locale of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null."},"timeZone":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The time zone specified in the user's profile. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null."},"accountId":{"type":"string","maxLength":128,"description":"The account ID of the user, which uniquely identifies the user across all Atlassian products. For example, *5b10ac8d82e05b22cc7d4ef5*. Required in requests."},"avatarUrls":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"properties":{"16x16":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 16x16 pixel avatar."},"24x24":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 24x24 pixel avatar."},"32x32":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 32x32 pixel avatar."},"48x48":{"type":"string","format":"uri","description":"The URL of the item's 48x48 pixel avatar."}},"description":"The avatars of the user."},"accountType":{"enum":["atlassian","app","customer","unknown"],"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The user account type. Can take the following values:\n\n * `atlassian` regular Atlassian user account\n * `app` system account used for Connect applications and OAuth to represent external systems\n * `customer` Jira Service Desk account representing an external service desk"},"displayName":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The display name of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may return an alternative value."},"emailAddress":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The email address of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null."},"applicationRoles":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"properties":{"size":{"xml":{"attribute":true},"type":"integer","format":"int32"},"items":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"object","properties":{"key":{"type":"string","description":"The key of the application role."},"name":{"type":"string","description":"The display name of the application role."},"groups":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"string"},"description":"The groups associated with the application role.","uniqueItems":true},"defined":{"type":"boolean","description":"Deprecated."},"platform":{"type":"boolean","description":"Indicates if the application role belongs to Jira platform (`jira-core`)."},"userCount":{"type":"integer","format":"int32","description":"The number of users counting against your license."},"defaultGroups":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"string"},"description":"The groups that are granted default access for this application role.","uniqueItems":true},"numberOfSeats":{"type":"integer","format":"int32","description":"The maximum count of users on your license."},"remainingSeats":{"type":"integer","format":"int32","description":"The count of users remaining on your license."},"hasUnlimitedSeats":{"type":"boolean"},"selectedByDefault":{"type":"boolean","description":"Determines whether this application role should be selected by default on user creation."},"userCountDescription":{"type":"string","description":"The [type of users](https://confluence.atlassian.com/x/lRW3Ng) being counted against your license."}}}},"callback":{"type":"object"},"max-results":{"xml":{"name":"max-results","attribute":true},"type":"integer","format":"int32"},"pagingCallback":{"type":"object"}},"description":"The application roles the user is assigned to."}},"description":"The user that last modified the draft workflow scheme. A modification is a change to the issue type-project mappings only. This property does not apply to non-draft workflows."},"issueTypeMappings":{"type":"object","description":"The issue type to workflow mappings, where each mapping is an issue type ID and workflow name pair. Note that an issue type can only be mapped to one workflow in a workflow scheme.","additionalProperties":{"type":"string"}},"updateDraftIfNeeded":{"type":"boolean","description":"Whether to create or update a draft workflow scheme when updating an active workflow scheme. An active workflow scheme is a workflow scheme that is used by at least one project. The following examples show how this property works:\n\n * Update an active workflow scheme with `updateDraftIfNeeded` set to `true`: If a draft workflow scheme exists, it is updated. Otherwise, a draft workflow scheme is created.\n * Update an active workflow scheme with `updateDraftIfNeeded` set to `false`: An error is returned, as active workflow schemes cannot be updated.\n * Update an inactive workflow scheme with `updateDraftIfNeeded` set to `true`: The workflow scheme is updated, as inactive workflow schemes do not require drafts to update.\n\nDefaults to `false`."},"originalDefaultWorkflow":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"For draft workflow schemes, this property is the name of the default workflow for the original workflow scheme. The default workflow has *All Unassigned Issue Types* assigned to it in Jira."},"originalIssueTypeMappings":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"description":"For draft workflow schemes, this property is the issue type to workflow mappings for the original workflow scheme, where each mapping is an issue type ID and workflow name pair. Note that an issue type can only be mapped to one workflow in a workflow scheme.","additionalProperties":{"type":"string","readOnly":true}}}},supportedSyncModes=[full_refresh],sourceDefinedCursor=,defaultCursorField=[],sourceDefinedPrimaryKey=[[id]],namespace=,additionalProperties={}],syncMode=full_refresh,cursorField=[],destinationSyncMode=overwrite,primaryKey=[[id]],additionalProperties={}], io.airbyte.protocol.models.ConfiguredAirbyteStream@429c88e2[stream=io.airbyte.protocol.models.AirbyteStream@4bc1e617[name=workflow_statuses,jsonSchema={"type":"object","$schema":"http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#","properties":{"id":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The ID of the status."},"name":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The name of the status."},"self":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The URL of the status."},"iconUrl":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The URL of the icon used to represent the status."},"description":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The description of the status."},"statusCategory":{"type":"object","readOnly":true,"properties":{"id":{"type":"integer","format":"int64","readOnly":true,"description":"The ID of the status category."},"key":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The key of the status category."},"name":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The name of the status category."},"self":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The URL of the status category."},"colorName":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The name of the color used to represent the status category."}},"description":"The category assigned to the status."}},"description":"A status.","additionalProperties":true},supportedSyncModes=[full_refresh],sourceDefinedCursor=,defaultCursorField=[],sourceDefinedPrimaryKey=[[id]],namespace=,additionalProperties={}],syncMode=full_refresh,cursorField=[],destinationSyncMode=overwrite,primaryKey=[[id]],additionalProperties={}], io.airbyte.protocol.models.ConfiguredAirbyteStream@6ca33249[stream=io.airbyte.protocol.models.AirbyteStream@6e8136fb[name=workflow_status_categories,jsonSchema={"type":"object","$schema":"http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#","properties":{"id":{"type":"integer","format":"int64","readOnly":true,"description":"The ID of the status category."},"key":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The key of the status category."},"name":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The name of the status category."},"self":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The URL of the status category."},"colorName":{"type":"string","readOnly":true,"description":"The name of the color used to represent the status category."}},"description":"A status category.","additionalProperties":true},supportedSyncModes=[full_refresh],sourceDefinedCursor=,defaultCursorField=[],sourceDefinedPrimaryKey=[[id]],namespace=,additionalProperties={}],syncMode=full_refresh,cursorField=[],destinationSyncMode=overwrite,primaryKey=[[id]],additionalProperties={}]],additionalProperties={}],failures=[io.airbyte.config.FailureReason@48fc7851[failureOrigin=source,failureType=system_error,internalMessage=404 Client Error: Not Found for url: https://om1inc.atlassian.net/rest/api/3/field/customfield_10139/context,externalMessage=Something went wrong in the connector. See the logs for more details.,metadata=io.airbyte.config.Metadata@c49ce07[additionalProperties={attemptNumber=0, jobId=101, from_trace_message=true}],stacktrace=Traceback (most recent call last): File "/airbyte/integration_code/main.py", line 13, in launch(source, sys.argv[1:]) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/airbyte_cdk/entrypoint.py", line 123, in launch for message in source_entrypoint.run(parsed_args): File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/airbyte_cdk/entrypoint.py", line 114, in run for message in generator: File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/airbyte_cdk/sources/abstract_source.py", line 128, in read raise e File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/airbyte_cdk/sources/abstract_source.py", line 114, in read yield from self._read_stream( File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/airbyte_cdk/sources/abstract_source.py", line 179, in _read_stream for record in record_iterator: File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/airbyte_cdk/sources/abstract_source.py", line 277, in _read_full_refresh for record in records: File "/airbyte/integration_code/source_jira/streams.py", line 468, in read_records yield from super().read_records(stream_slice={"field_id": field["id"]}, **kwargs) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/airbyte_cdk/sources/streams/http/http.py", line 421, in read_records response = self._send_request(request, request_kwargs) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/airbyte_cdk/sources/streams/http/http.py", line 339, in _send_request return backoff_handler(user_backoff_handler)(request, request_kwargs) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/backoff/_sync.py", line 105, in retry ret = target(*args, **kwargs) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/backoff/_sync.py", line 105, in retry ret = target(*args, **kwargs) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/airbyte_cdk/sources/streams/http/http.py", line 306, in _send raise exc File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/airbyte_cdk/sources/streams/http/http.py", line 303, in _send response.raise_for_status() File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/requests/models.py", line 943, in raise_for_status raise HTTPError(http_error_msg, response=self) requests.exceptions.HTTPError: 404 Client Error: Not Found for url: https://om1inc.atlassian.net/rest/api/3/field/customfield_10139/context ,retryable=,timestamp=1661021577709], io.airbyte.config.FailureReason@798d94bd[failureOrigin=source,failureType=,internalMessage=io.airbyte.workers.general.DefaultReplicationWorker$SourceException: Source process exited with non-zero exit code 1,externalMessage=Something went wrong within the source connector,metadata=io.airbyte.config.Metadata@1edc4399[additionalProperties={attemptNumber=0, jobId=101}],stacktrace=java.util.concurrent.CompletionException: io.airbyte.workers.general.DefaultReplicationWorker$SourceException: Source process exited with non-zero exit code 1 at java.base/java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture.encodeThrowable(CompletableFuture.java:315) at java.base/java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture.completeThrowable(CompletableFuture.java:320) at java.base/java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture$AsyncRun.run(CompletableFuture.java:1807) at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1136) at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:635) at java.base/java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:833) Caused by: io.airbyte.workers.general.DefaultReplicationWorker$SourceException: Source process exited with non-zero exit code 1 at io.airbyte.workers.general.DefaultReplicationWorker.lambda$getReplicationRunnable$6(DefaultReplicationWorker.java:349) at java.base/java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture$AsyncRun.run(CompletableFuture.java:1804) ... 3 more ,retryable=,timestamp=1661021577911], io.airbyte.config.FailureReason@35c98ee3[failureOrigin=replication,failureType=,internalMessage=java.lang.RuntimeException: java.io.UncheckedIOException: java.io.IOException: Stream closed,externalMessage=Something went wrong during replication,metadata=io.airbyte.config.Metadata@773247ab[additionalProperties={attemptNumber=0, jobId=101}],stacktrace=java.util.concurrent.CompletionException: java.lang.RuntimeException: java.io.UncheckedIOException: java.io.IOException: Stream closed at java.base/java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture.encodeThrowable(CompletableFuture.java:315) at java.base/java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture.completeThrowable(CompletableFuture.java:320) at java.base/java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture$AsyncRun.run(CompletableFuture.java:1807) at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1136) at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:635) at java.base/java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:833) Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: java.io.UncheckedIOException: java.io.IOException: Stream closed at io.airbyte.workers.general.DefaultReplicationWorker.lambda$getDestinationOutputRunnable$7(DefaultReplicationWorker.java:434) at java.base/java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture$AsyncRun.run(CompletableFuture.java:1804) ... 3 more Caused by: java.io.UncheckedIOException: java.io.IOException: Stream closed at java.base/java.io.BufferedReader$1.hasNext(BufferedReader.java:574) at java.base/java.util.Spliterators$IteratorSpliterator.tryAdvance(Spliterators.java:1855) at java.base/java.util.stream.StreamSpliterators$WrappingSpliterator.lambda$initPartialTraversalState$0(StreamSpliterators.java:292) at java.base/java.util.stream.StreamSpliterators$AbstractWrappingSpliterator.fillBuffer(StreamSpliterators.java:206) at java.base/java.util.stream.StreamSpliterators$AbstractWrappingSpliterator.doAdvance(StreamSpliterators.java:161) at java.base/java.util.stream.StreamSpliterators$WrappingSpliterator.tryAdvance(StreamSpliterators.java:298) at java.base/java.util.Spliterators$1Adapter.hasNext(Spliterators.java:681) at io.airbyte.workers.internal.DefaultAirbyteDestination.isFinished(DefaultAirbyteDestination.java:141) at io.airbyte.workers.general.DefaultReplicationWorker.lambda$getDestinationOutputRunnable$7(DefaultReplicationWorker.java:408) ... 4 more Caused by: java.io.IOException: Stream closed at java.base/java.io.BufferedInputStream.getBufIfOpen(BufferedInputStream.java:168) at java.base/java.io.BufferedInputStream.read(BufferedInputStream.java:334) at java.base/sun.nio.cs.StreamDecoder.readBytes(StreamDecoder.java:270) at java.base/sun.nio.cs.StreamDecoder.implRead(StreamDecoder.java:313) at java.base/sun.nio.cs.StreamDecoder.read(StreamDecoder.java:188) at java.base/java.io.InputStreamReader.read(InputStreamReader.java:177) at java.base/java.io.BufferedReader.fill(BufferedReader.java:162) at java.base/java.io.BufferedReader.readLine(BufferedReader.java:329) at java.base/java.io.BufferedReader.readLine(BufferedReader.java:396) at java.base/java.io.BufferedReader$1.hasNext(BufferedReader.java:571) ... 12 more ,retryable=,timestamp=1661021638131]]] 2022-08-20 18:53:58 INFO i.a.w.t.TemporalUtils(withBackgroundHeartbeat):291 - Stopping temporal heartbeating... 2022-08-20 18:53:58 INFO i.a.c.f.EnvVariableFeatureFlags(getEnvOrDefault):43 - Using default value for environment variable USE_STREAM_CAPABLE_STATE: 'false' 2022-08-20 18:53:58 INFO i.a.w.t.TemporalAttemptExecution(get):105 - Docker volume job log path: /tmp/workspace/101/0/logs.log 2022-08-20 18:53:58 INFO i.a.w.t.TemporalAttemptExecution(get):110 - Executing worker wrapper. Airbyte version: 0.39.38-alpha 2022-08-20 18:53:58 INFO i.a.w.g.DefaultNormalizationWorker(run):50 - Running normalization. 2022-08-20 18:53:58 INFO i.a.w.n.DefaultNormalizationRunner(runProcess):122 - Running with normalization version: airbyte/normalization-snowflake:0.2.9 2022-08-20 18:53:58 INFO i.a.c.i.LineGobbler(voidCall):82 - Checking if airbyte/normalization-snowflake:0.2.9 exists... 2022-08-20 18:53:58 INFO i.a.c.i.LineGobbler(voidCall):82 - airbyte/normalization-snowflake:0.2.9 was found locally. 2022-08-20 18:53:58 INFO i.a.w.p.DockerProcessFactory(create):108 - Creating docker job ID: 101 2022-08-20 18:53:58 INFO i.a.w.p.DockerProcessFactory(create):163 - Preparing command: docker run --rm --init -i -w /data/101/0/normalize --log-driver none --name normalization-snowflake-normalize-101-0-wsxpj --network host -v airbyte_workspace:/data -v /tmp/airbyte_local:/local -e DEPLOYMENT_MODE=OSS -e AIRBYTE_ROLE= -e WORKER_ENVIRONMENT=DOCKER -e AIRBYTE_VERSION=0.39.38-alpha airbyte/normalization-snowflake:0.2.9 run --integration-type snowflake --config destination_config.json --catalog destination_catalog.json 2022-08-20 18:53:59 normalization > Running: transform-config --config destination_config.json --integration-type snowflake --out /data/101/0/normalize 2022-08-20 18:53:59 normalization > Namespace(config='destination_config.json', integration_type=, out='/data/101/0/normalize') 2022-08-20 18:53:59 normalization > transform_snowflake 2022-08-20 18:53:59 normalization > Running: transform-catalog --integration-type snowflake --profile-config-dir /data/101/0/normalize --catalog destination_catalog.json --out /data/101/0/normalize/models/generated/ --json-column _airbyte_data 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > Processing destination_catalog.json... 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > Generating airbyte_ctes/JIRA/APPLICATION_ROLES_AB1.sql from application_roles 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > Generating airbyte_ctes/JIRA/APPLICATION_ROLES_AB2.sql from application_roles 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > Generating airbyte_ctes/JIRA/APPLICATION_ROLES_AB3.sql from application_roles 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > Generating airbyte_tables/JIRA/APPLICATION_ROLES.sql from application_roles 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > Generating airbyte_ctes/JIRA/AVATARS_AB1.sql from avatars 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > Generating airbyte_ctes/JIRA/AVATARS_AB2.sql from avatars 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > Generating airbyte_ctes/JIRA/AVATARS_AB3.sql from avatars 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > Generating airbyte_tables/JIRA/AVATARS.sql from avatars 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > Generating airbyte_ctes/JIRA/BOARDS_AB1.sql from boards 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > Generating airbyte_ctes/JIRA/BOARDS_AB2.sql from boards 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > Generating airbyte_ctes/JIRA/BOARDS_AB3.sql from boards 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > Generating airbyte_tables/JIRA/BOARDS.sql from boards 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > Generating airbyte_ctes/JIRA/BOARD_ISSUES_AB1.sql from board_issues 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > Generating airbyte_ctes/JIRA/BOARD_ISSUES_AB2.sql from board_issues 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > Generating airbyte_views/JIRA/BOARD_ISSUES_STG.sql from board_issues 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > {"type": "LOG", "log": {"level": "FATAL", "message": "Unsupported nested cursor field fields.updated for stream board_issues\nTraceback (most recent call last):\n File \"/usr/local/bin/transform-catalog\", line 8, in \n sys.exit(main())\n File \"/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/normalization/transform_catalog/transform.py\", line 104, in main\n TransformCatalog().run(args)\n File \"/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/normalization/transform_catalog/transform.py\", line 36, in run\n self.process_catalog()\n File \"/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/normalization/transform_catalog/transform.py\", line 64, in process_catalog\n processor.process(catalog_file=catalog_file, json_column_name=json_col, default_schema=schema)\n File \"/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/normalization/transform_catalog/catalog_processor.py\", line 76, in process\n nested_processors = stream_processor.process()\n File \"/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/normalization/transform_catalog/stream_processor.py\", line 295, in process\n self.generate_scd_type_2_model(from_table, column_names),\n File \"/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/normalization/transform_catalog/stream_processor.py\", line 709, in generate_scd_type_2_model\n cursor_field = self.get_cursor_field(column_names)\n File \"/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/normalization/transform_catalog/stream_processor.py\", line 995, in get_cursor_field\n raise ValueError(f\"Unsupported nested cursor field {'.'.join(self.cursor_field)} for stream {self.stream_name}\")\nValueError: Unsupported nested cursor field fields.updated for stream board_issues"}} 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > {"type": "TRACE", "trace": {"type": "ERROR", "emitted_at": 1661021640650.333, "error": {"message": "Something went wrong in the connector. See the logs for more details.", "internal_message": "Unsupported nested cursor field fields.updated for stream board_issues", "stack_trace": "Traceback (most recent call last):\n File \"/usr/local/bin/transform-catalog\", line 8, in \n sys.exit(main())\n File \"/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/normalization/transform_catalog/transform.py\", line 104, in main\n TransformCatalog().run(args)\n File \"/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/normalization/transform_catalog/transform.py\", line 36, in run\n self.process_catalog()\n File \"/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/normalization/transform_catalog/transform.py\", line 64, in process_catalog\n processor.process(catalog_file=catalog_file, json_column_name=json_col, default_schema=schema)\n File \"/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/normalization/transform_catalog/catalog_processor.py\", line 76, in process\n nested_processors = stream_processor.process()\n File \"/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/normalization/transform_catalog/stream_processor.py\", line 295, in process\n self.generate_scd_type_2_model(from_table, column_names),\n File \"/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/normalization/transform_catalog/stream_processor.py\", line 709, in generate_scd_type_2_model\n cursor_field = self.get_cursor_field(column_names)\n File \"/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/normalization/transform_catalog/stream_processor.py\", line 995, in get_cursor_field\n raise ValueError(f\"Unsupported nested cursor field {'.'.join(self.cursor_field)} for stream {self.stream_name}\")\nValueError: Unsupported nested cursor field fields.updated for stream board_issues\n", "failure_type": "system_error"}}} 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > Showing destination_catalog.json to diagnose/debug errors (1): 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "streams": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "stream": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "name": "application_roles", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "json_schema": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "key": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The key of the application role." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The display name of the application role." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "groups": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The groups associated with the application role.", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "uniqueItems": true 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "defined": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "Deprecated." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "platform": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "Indicates if the application role belongs to Jira platform (`jira-core`)." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "userCount": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "int32", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The number of users counting against your license." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "groupDetails": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "null", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "array" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "null", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "object" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "Group Details" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "defaultGroups": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The groups that are granted default access for this application role.", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "uniqueItems": true 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "numberOfSeats": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "int32", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The maximum count of users on your license." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "remainingSeats": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "int32", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The count of users remaining on your license." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "hasUnlimitedSeats": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "boolean" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "selectedByDefault": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "Determines whether this application role should be selected by default on user creation." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "userCountDescription": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The [type of users](https://confluence.atlassian.com/x/lRW3Ng) being counted against your license." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "Details of an application role.", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "additionalProperties": true 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "supported_sync_modes": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "full_refresh" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "default_cursor_field": [], 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "source_defined_primary_key": [] 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "sync_mode": "full_refresh", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "cursor_field": [], 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "destination_sync_mode": "overwrite", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "primary_key": [] 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "stream": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "name": "avatars", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "json_schema": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "id": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The ID of the avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "urls": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The list of avatar icon URLs.", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "additionalProperties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "readOnly": true 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "owner": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The owner of the avatar. For a system avatar the owner is null (and nothing is returned). For non-system avatars this is the appropriate identifier, such as the ID for a project or the account ID for a user." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "fileName": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The file name of the avatar icon. Returned for system avatars." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "isSelected": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "Whether the avatar is used in Jira. For example, shown as a project's avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "isDeletable": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "Whether the avatar can be deleted." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "isSystemAvatar": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "Whether the avatar is a system avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "List of system avatars.", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "additionalProperties": false 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "supported_sync_modes": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "full_refresh" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "default_cursor_field": [], 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "source_defined_primary_key": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > [ 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "id" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "sync_mode": "full_refresh", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "cursor_field": [], 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "destination_sync_mode": "overwrite", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "primary_key": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > [ 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "id" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "stream": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "name": "boards", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "json_schema": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "id": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "integer" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "self": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "projectId": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "projectKey": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "supported_sync_modes": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "full_refresh" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "default_cursor_field": [], 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "source_defined_primary_key": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > [ 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "id" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "sync_mode": "full_refresh", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "cursor_field": [], 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "destination_sync_mode": "overwrite", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "primary_key": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > [ 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "id" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "stream": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "name": "board_issues", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "json_schema": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "id": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "key": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "self": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "expand": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "fields": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "epic": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "null", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "object" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "sprint": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "null", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "object" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "comment": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "null", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "array" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "object" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "flagged": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "null", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "boolean" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "project": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "null", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "object" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "updated": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "null", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "string" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "date-time" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "worklog": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "null", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "array" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "object" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "null", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "string" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "timetracking": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "null", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "object" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "closedSprints": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "null", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "object" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "boardId": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "integer" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "supported_sync_modes": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "full_refresh", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "incremental" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "source_defined_cursor": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "default_cursor_field": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "fields", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "updated" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "source_defined_primary_key": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > [ 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "id" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "sync_mode": "incremental", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "cursor_field": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "fields", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "updated" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "destination_sync_mode": "append_dedup", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "primary_key": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > [ 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "id" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "stream": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "name": "dashboards", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "json_schema": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "id": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The ID of the dashboard." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The name of the dashboard." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "rank": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "int32", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The rank of this dashboard." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "self": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The URL of these dashboard details." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "view": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The URL of the dashboard." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "owner": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "key": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "This property is deprecated in favor of `accountId` because of privacy changes. See the [migration guide](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details. \nThe key of the user." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "This property is deprecated in favor of `accountId` because of privacy changes. See the [migration guide](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details. \nThe username of the user." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "self": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The URL of the user." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "active": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "Whether the user is active." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "accountId": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "maxLength": 128, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The account ID of the user, which uniquely identifies the user across all Atlassian products. For example, *5b10ac8d82e05b22cc7d4ef5*." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "avatarUrls": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "16x16": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The URL of the user's 16x16 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "24x24": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The URL of the user's 24x24 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "32x32": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The URL of the user's 32x32 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "48x48": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The URL of the user's 48x48 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The avatars of the user." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "displayName": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The display name of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may return an alternative value." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The owner of the dashboard." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "popularity": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "int64", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The number of users who have this dashboard as a favorite." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "isFavourite": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "Whether the dashboard is selected as a favorite by the user." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "sharePermissions": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "id": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "int64", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The unique identifier of the share permission." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "role": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "id": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "int64", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The ID of the project role." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The name of the project role." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "self": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The URL the project role details." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "admin": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "Whether this role is the admin role for the project." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "scope": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "enum": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "PROJECT", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "TEMPLATE" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The type of scope." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "project": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "id": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The ID of the project." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "key": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The key of the project." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The name of the project." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "self": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The URL of the project details." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "avatarUrls": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "16x16": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 16x16 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "24x24": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 24x24 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "32x32": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 32x32 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "48x48": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 48x48 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The URLs of the project's avatars." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "simplified": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "Whether or not the project is simplified." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "projectTypeKey": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "enum": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "software", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "service_desk", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "business" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The [project type](https://confluence.atlassian.com/x/GwiiLQ#Jiraapplicationsoverview-Productfeaturesandprojecttypes) of the project." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "projectCategory": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "id": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The ID of the project category." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The description of the project category." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "self": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The URL of the project category." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The name of the project category." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The category the project belongs to." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The project the item has scope in." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The scope of the role. Indicated for roles associated with [next-gen projects](https://confluence.atlassian.com/x/loMyO)." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "actors": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "id": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "int64", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The ID of the role actor." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the [deprecation notice](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "enum": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "atlassian-group-role-actor", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "atlassian-user-role-actor" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The type of role actor." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "actorUser": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "accountId": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "maxLength": 128, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The account ID of the user, which uniquely identifies the user across all Atlassian products. For example, *5b10ac8d82e05b22cc7d4ef5*. Returns *unknown* if the record is deleted and corrupted, for example, as the result of a server import." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "avatarUrl": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The avatar of the role actor." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "actorGroup": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The name of the group" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "displayName": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The display name of the group." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "displayName": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The display name of the role actor. For users, depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may return an alternative value for the user's name." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The list of users who act in this role." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "default": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "Whether this role is the default role for the project" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The description of the project role." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "translatedName": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The translated name of the project role." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "currentUserRole": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "Whether the calling user is part of this role." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "roleConfigurable": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "Whether the roles are configurable for this project." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The project role that the filter is shared with. \nFor a request, specify the `id` for the role. You must also specify the `project` object and `id` for the project that the role is in." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "enum": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "group", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "project", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "projectRole", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "global", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "loggedin", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "authenticated", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "project-unknown" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The type of share permission:\n\n * `group` Shared with a group. If set in a request, then specify `sharePermission.group` as well.\n * `project` Shared with a project. If set in a request, then specify `sharePermission.project` as well.\n * `projectRole` Share with a project role in a project. This value is not returned in responses. It is used in requests, where it needs to be specify with `projectId` and `projectRoleId`.\n * `global` Shared globally. If set in a request, no other `sharePermission` properties need to be specified.\n * `loggedin` Shared with all logged-in users. Note: This value is set in a request by specifying `authenticated` as the `type`.\n * `project-unknown` Shared with a project that the user does not have access to. Cannot be set in a request." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "group": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The name of group." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "self": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The URL for these group details." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The group that the filter is shared with. For a request, specify the `name` property for the group." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "project": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "id": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The ID of the project." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "key": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The key of the project." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "url": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "A link to information about this project, such as project documentation." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "lead": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "key": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the [deprecation notice](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the [deprecation notice](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "self": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The URL of the user." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "active": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "Whether the user is active." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "expand": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "attribute": true 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "Expand options that include additional user details in the response." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "groups": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "size": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "attribute": true 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "int32" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The name of group." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "self": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The URL for these group details." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "callback": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "object" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "max-results": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "name": "max-results", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "attribute": true 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "int32" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "pagingCallback": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "object" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The groups that the user belongs to." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "locale": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The locale of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "timeZone": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The time zone specified in the user's profile. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "accountId": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "maxLength": 128, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The account ID of the user, which uniquely identifies the user across all Atlassian products. For example, *5b10ac8d82e05b22cc7d4ef5*. Required in requests." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "avatarUrls": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "16x16": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 16x16 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "24x24": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 24x24 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "32x32": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 32x32 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "48x48": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 48x48 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The avatars of the user." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "accountType": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "enum": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "atlassian", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "app", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "customer", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "unknown" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The user account type. Can take the following values:\n\n * `atlassian` regular Atlassian user account\n * `app` system account used for Connect applications and OAuth to represent external systems\n * `customer` Jira Service Desk account representing an external service desk" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "displayName": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The display name of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may return an alternative value." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "emailAddress": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The email address of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "applicationRoles": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "size": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "attribute": true 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "int32" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "key": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The key of the application role." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The display name of the application role." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "groups": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The groups associated with the application role.", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "uniqueItems": true 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "defined": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "Deprecated." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "platform": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "Indicates if the application role belongs to Jira platform (`jira-core`)." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "userCount": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "int32", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The number of users counting against your license." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "defaultGroups": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The groups that are granted default access for this application role.", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "uniqueItems": true 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "numberOfSeats": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "int32", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The maximum count of users on your license." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "remainingSeats": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "int32", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The count of users remaining on your license." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "hasUnlimitedSeats": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "boolean" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "selectedByDefault": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "Determines whether this application role should be selected by default on user creation." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "userCountDescription": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The [type of users](https://confluence.atlassian.com/x/lRW3Ng) being counted against your license." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "callback": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "object" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "max-results": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "name": "max-results", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "attribute": true 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "int32" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "pagingCallback": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "object" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The application roles the user is assigned to." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The username of the project lead." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The name of the project." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "self": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The URL of the project details." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "uuid": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "uuid", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "Unique ID for next-gen projects." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "email": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "An email address associated with the project." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "roles": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The name and self URL for each role defined in the project. For more information, see [Create project role](#api-rest-api-3-role-post).", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "additionalProperties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "uri" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "style": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "enum": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "classic", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "next-gen" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The type of the project." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "expand": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "attribute": true 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "Expand options that include additional project details in the response." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "deleted": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "Whether the project is marked as deleted." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "insight": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "totalIssueCount": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "int64", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "Total issue count." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "lastIssueUpdateTime": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "date-time", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The last issue update time." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "Insights about the project." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "archived": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "Whether the project is archived." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "versions": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "id": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The ID of the version." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The unique name of the version. Required when creating a version. Optional when updating a version. The maximum length is 255 characters." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "self": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The URL of the version." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "expand": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "attribute": true 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "Use [expand](em>#expansion) to include additional information about version in the response. This parameter accepts a comma-separated list. Expand options include:\n\n * `operations` Returns the list of operations available for this version.\n * `issuesstatus` Returns the count of issues in this version for each of the status categories *to do*, *in progress*, *done*, and *unmapped*. The *unmapped* property contains a count of issues with a status other than *to do*, *in progress*, and *done*.\n\nOptional for create and update." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "overdue": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "Indicates that the version is overdue." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "project": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "Deprecated. Use `projectId`." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "archived": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "Indicates that the version is archived. Optional when creating or updating a version." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "released": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "Indicates that the version is released. If the version is released a request to release again is ignored. Not applicable when creating a version. Optional when updating a version." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "projectId": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "int64", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The ID of the project to which this version is attached. Required when creating a version. Not applicable when updating a version." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "startDate": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "date", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The start date of the version. Expressed in ISO 8601 format (yyyy-mm-dd). Optional when creating or updating a version." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "operations": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "id": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "href": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "label": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "title": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "weight": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "int32" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "iconClass": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "styleClass": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "If the expand option `operations` is used, returns the list of operations available for this version." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The description of the version. Optional when creating or updating a version." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "releaseDate": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "date", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The release date of the version. Expressed in ISO 8601 format (yyyy-mm-dd). Optional when creating or updating a version." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "userStartDate": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The date on which work on this version is expected to start, expressed in the instance's *Day/Month/Year Format* date format." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "userReleaseDate": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The date on which work on this version is expected to finish, expressed in the instance's *Day/Month/Year Format* date format." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "moveUnfixedIssuesTo": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The URL of the self link to the version to which all unfixed issues are moved when a version is released. Not applicable when creating a version. Optional when updating a version." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "issuesStatusForFixVersion": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "done": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "int64", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "Count of issues with status *done*." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "toDo": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "int64", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "Count of issues with status *to do*." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "unmapped": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "int64", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "Count of issues with a status other than *to do*, *in progress*, and *done*." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "inProgress": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "int64", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "Count of issues with status *in progress*." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "If the expand option `issuesstatus` is used, returns the count of issues in this version for each of the status categories *to do*, *in progress*, *done*, and *unmapped*. The *unmapped* property contains a count of issues with a status other than *to do*, *in progress*, and *done*." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The versions defined in the project. For more information, see [Create version](#api-rest-api-3-version-post)." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "deletedBy": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "key": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the [deprecation notice](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the [deprecation notice](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "self": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The URL of the user." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "active": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "Whether the user is active." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "expand": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "attribute": true 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "Expand options that include additional user details in the response." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "groups": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "size": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "attribute": true 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "int32" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The name of group." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "self": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The URL for these group details." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "callback": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "object" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "max-results": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "name": "max-results", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "attribute": true 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "int32" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "pagingCallback": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "object" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The groups that the user belongs to." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "locale": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The locale of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "timeZone": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The time zone specified in the user's profile. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "accountId": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "maxLength": 128, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The account ID of the user, which uniquely identifies the user across all Atlassian products. For example, *5b10ac8d82e05b22cc7d4ef5*. Required in requests." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "avatarUrls": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "16x16": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 16x16 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "24x24": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 24x24 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "32x32": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 32x32 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "48x48": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 48x48 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The avatars of the user." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "accountType": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "enum": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "atlassian", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "app", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "customer", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "unknown" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The user account type. Can take the following values:\n\n * `atlassian` regular Atlassian user account\n * `app` system account used for Connect applications and OAuth to represent external systems\n * `customer` Jira Service Desk account representing an external service desk" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "displayName": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The display name of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may return an alternative value." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "emailAddress": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The email address of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "applicationRoles": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "size": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "attribute": true 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "int32" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "key": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The key of the application role." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The display name of the application role." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "groups": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The groups associated with the application role.", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "uniqueItems": true 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "defined": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "Deprecated." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "platform": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "Indicates if the application role belongs to Jira platform (`jira-core`)." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "userCount": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "int32", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The number of users counting against your license." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "defaultGroups": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The groups that are granted default access for this application role.", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "uniqueItems": true 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "numberOfSeats": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "int32", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The maximum count of users on your license." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "remainingSeats": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "int32", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The count of users remaining on your license." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "hasUnlimitedSeats": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "boolean" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "selectedByDefault": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "Determines whether this application role should be selected by default on user creation." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "userCountDescription": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The [type of users](https://confluence.atlassian.com/x/lRW3Ng) being counted against your license." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "callback": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "object" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "max-results": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "name": "max-results", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "attribute": true 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "int32" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "pagingCallback": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "object" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The application roles the user is assigned to." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The user who marked the project as deleted." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "favourite": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "Whether the project is selected as a favorite." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "isPrivate": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "Whether the project is private." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "archivedBy": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "key": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the [deprecation notice](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the [deprecation notice](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "self": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The URL of the user." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "active": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "Whether the user is active." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "expand": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "attribute": true 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "Expand options that include additional user details in the response." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "groups": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "size": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "attribute": true 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "int32" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The name of group." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "self": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The URL for these group details." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "callback": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "object" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "max-results": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "name": "max-results", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "attribute": true 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "int32" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "pagingCallback": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "object" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The groups that the user belongs to." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "locale": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The locale of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "timeZone": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The time zone specified in the user's profile. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "accountId": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "maxLength": 128, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The account ID of the user, which uniquely identifies the user across all Atlassian products. For example, *5b10ac8d82e05b22cc7d4ef5*. Required in requests." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "avatarUrls": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "16x16": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 16x16 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "24x24": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 24x24 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "32x32": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 32x32 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "48x48": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 48x48 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The avatars of the user." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "accountType": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "enum": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "atlassian", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "app", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "customer", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "unknown" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The user account type. Can take the following values:\n\n * `atlassian` regular Atlassian user account\n * `app` system account used for Connect applications and OAuth to represent external systems\n * `customer` Jira Service Desk account representing an external service desk" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "displayName": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The display name of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may return an alternative value." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "emailAddress": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The email address of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "applicationRoles": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "size": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "attribute": true 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "int32" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "key": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The key of the application role." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The display name of the application role." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "groups": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The groups associated with the application role.", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "uniqueItems": true 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "defined": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "Deprecated." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "platform": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "Indicates if the application role belongs to Jira platform (`jira-core`)." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "userCount": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "int32", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The number of users counting against your license." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "defaultGroups": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The groups that are granted default access for this application role.", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "uniqueItems": true 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "numberOfSeats": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "int32", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The maximum count of users on your license." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "remainingSeats": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "int32", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The count of users remaining on your license." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "hasUnlimitedSeats": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "boolean" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "selectedByDefault": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "Determines whether this application role should be selected by default on user creation." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "userCountDescription": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The [type of users](https://confluence.atlassian.com/x/lRW3Ng) being counted against your license." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "callback": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "object" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "max-results": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "name": "max-results", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "attribute": true 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "int32" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "pagingCallback": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "object" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The application roles the user is assigned to." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The user who archived the project." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "avatarUrls": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "16x16": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 16x16 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "24x24": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 24x24 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "32x32": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 32x32 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "48x48": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 48x48 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The URLs of the project's avatars." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "components": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "id": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The unique identifier for the component." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "lead": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "key": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the [deprecation notice](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the [deprecation notice](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "self": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The URL of the user." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "active": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "Whether the user is active." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "expand": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "attribute": true 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "Expand options that include additional user details in the response." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "groups": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "size": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "attribute": true 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "int32" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The name of group." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "self": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The URL for these group details." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "callback": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "object" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "max-results": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "name": "max-results", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "attribute": true 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "int32" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "pagingCallback": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "object" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The groups that the user belongs to." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "locale": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The locale of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "timeZone": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The time zone specified in the user's profile. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "accountId": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "maxLength": 128, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The account ID of the user, which uniquely identifies the user across all Atlassian products. For example, *5b10ac8d82e05b22cc7d4ef5*. Required in requests." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "avatarUrls": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "16x16": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 16x16 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "24x24": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 24x24 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "32x32": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 32x32 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "48x48": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 48x48 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The avatars of the user." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "accountType": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "enum": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "atlassian", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "app", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "customer", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "unknown" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The user account type. Can take the following values:\n\n * `atlassian` regular Atlassian user account\n * `app` system account used for Connect applications and OAuth to represent external systems\n * `customer` Jira Service Desk account representing an external service desk" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "displayName": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The display name of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may return an alternative value." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "emailAddress": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The email address of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "applicationRoles": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "size": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "attribute": true 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "int32" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "key": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The key of the application role." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The display name of the application role." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "groups": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The groups associated with the application role.", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "uniqueItems": true 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "defined": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "Deprecated." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "platform": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "Indicates if the application role belongs to Jira platform (`jira-core`)." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "userCount": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "int32", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The number of users counting against your license." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "defaultGroups": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The groups that are granted default access for this application role.", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "uniqueItems": true 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "numberOfSeats": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "int32", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The maximum count of users on your license." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "remainingSeats": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "int32", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The count of users remaining on your license." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "hasUnlimitedSeats": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "boolean" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "selectedByDefault": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "Determines whether this application role should be selected by default on user creation." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "userCountDescription": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The [type of users](https://confluence.atlassian.com/x/lRW3Ng) being counted against your license." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "callback": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "object" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "max-results": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "name": "max-results", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "attribute": true 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "int32" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "pagingCallback": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "object" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The application roles the user is assigned to." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The user details for the component's lead user." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The unique name for the component in the project. Required when creating a component. Optional when updating a component. The maximum length is 255 characters." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "self": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The URL of the component." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "project": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The key of the project the component is assigned to. Required when creating a component. Can't be updated." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "assignee": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "key": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the [deprecation notice](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the [deprecation notice](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "self": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The URL of the user." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "active": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "Whether the user is active." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "expand": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "attribute": true 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "Expand options that include additional user details in the response." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "groups": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "size": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "attribute": true 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "int32" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The name of group." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "self": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The URL for these group details." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "callback": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "object" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "max-results": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "name": "max-results", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "attribute": true 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "int32" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "pagingCallback": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "object" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The groups that the user belongs to." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "locale": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The locale of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "timeZone": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The time zone specified in the user's profile. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "accountId": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "maxLength": 128, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The account ID of the user, which uniquely identifies the user across all Atlassian products. For example, *5b10ac8d82e05b22cc7d4ef5*. Required in requests." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "avatarUrls": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "16x16": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 16x16 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "24x24": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 24x24 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "32x32": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 32x32 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "48x48": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 48x48 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The avatars of the user." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "accountType": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "enum": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "atlassian", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "app", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "customer", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "unknown" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The user account type. Can take the following values:\n\n * `atlassian` regular Atlassian user account\n * `app` system account used for Connect applications and OAuth to represent external systems\n * `customer` Jira Service Desk account representing an external service desk" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "displayName": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The display name of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may return an alternative value." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "emailAddress": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The email address of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "applicationRoles": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "size": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "attribute": true 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "int32" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "key": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The key of the application role." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The display name of the application role." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "groups": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The groups associated with the application role.", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "uniqueItems": true 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "defined": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "Deprecated." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "platform": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "Indicates if the application role belongs to Jira platform (`jira-core`)." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "userCount": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "int32", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The number of users counting against your license." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "defaultGroups": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The groups that are granted default access for this application role.", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "uniqueItems": true 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "numberOfSeats": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "int32", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The maximum count of users on your license." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "remainingSeats": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "int32", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The count of users remaining on your license." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "hasUnlimitedSeats": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "boolean" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "selectedByDefault": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "Determines whether this application role should be selected by default on user creation." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "userCountDescription": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The [type of users](https://confluence.atlassian.com/x/lRW3Ng) being counted against your license." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "callback": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "object" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "max-results": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "name": "max-results", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "attribute": true 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "int32" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "pagingCallback": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "object" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The application roles the user is assigned to." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The details of the user associated with `assigneeType`, if any. See `realAssignee` for details of the user assigned to issues created with this component." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "projectId": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "int64", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The ID of the project the component is assigned to." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The description for the component. Optional when creating or updating a component." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "assigneeType": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "enum": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "PROJECT_DEFAULT", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "COMPONENT_LEAD", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "PROJECT_LEAD", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "UNASSIGNED" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The nominal user type used to determine the assignee for issues created with this component. See `realAssigneeType` for details on how the type of the user, and hence the user, assigned to issues is determined. Can take the following values:\n\n * `PROJECT_LEAD` the assignee to any issues created with this component is nominally the lead for the project the component is in.\n * `COMPONENT_LEAD` the assignee to any issues created with this component is nominally the lead for the component.\n * `UNASSIGNED` an assignee is not set for issues created with this component.\n * `PROJECT_DEFAULT` the assignee to any issues created with this component is nominally the default assignee for the project that the component is in.\n\nDefault value: `PROJECT_DEFAULT`. \nOptional when creating or updating a component." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "leadUserName": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the [deprecation notice](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "realAssignee": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "key": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the [deprecation notice](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the [deprecation notice](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "self": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The URL of the user." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "active": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "Whether the user is active." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "expand": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "attribute": true 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "Expand options that include additional user details in the response." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "groups": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "size": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "attribute": true 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "int32" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The name of group." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "self": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The URL for these group details." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "callback": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "object" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "max-results": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "name": "max-results", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "attribute": true 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "int32" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "pagingCallback": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "object" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The groups that the user belongs to." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "locale": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The locale of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "timeZone": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The time zone specified in the user's profile. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "accountId": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "maxLength": 128, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The account ID of the user, which uniquely identifies the user across all Atlassian products. For example, *5b10ac8d82e05b22cc7d4ef5*. Required in requests." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "avatarUrls": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "16x16": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 16x16 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "24x24": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 24x24 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "32x32": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 32x32 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "48x48": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 48x48 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The avatars of the user." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "accountType": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "enum": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "atlassian", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "app", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "customer", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "unknown" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The user account type. Can take the following values:\n\n * `atlassian` regular Atlassian user account\n * `app` system account used for Connect applications and OAuth to represent external systems\n * `customer` Jira Service Desk account representing an external service desk" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "displayName": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The display name of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may return an alternative value." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "emailAddress": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The email address of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "applicationRoles": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "size": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "attribute": true 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "int32" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "key": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The key of the application role." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The display name of the application role." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "groups": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The groups associated with the application role.", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "uniqueItems": true 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "defined": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "Deprecated." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "platform": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "Indicates if the application role belongs to Jira platform (`jira-core`)." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "userCount": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "int32", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The number of users counting against your license." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "defaultGroups": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The groups that are granted default access for this application role.", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "uniqueItems": true 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "numberOfSeats": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "int32", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The maximum count of users on your license." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "remainingSeats": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "int32", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The count of users remaining on your license." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "hasUnlimitedSeats": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "boolean" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "selectedByDefault": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "Determines whether this application role should be selected by default on user creation." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "userCountDescription": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The [type of users](https://confluence.atlassian.com/x/lRW3Ng) being counted against your license." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "callback": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "object" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "max-results": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "name": "max-results", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "attribute": true 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "int32" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "pagingCallback": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "object" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The application roles the user is assigned to." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The user assigned to issues created with this component, when `assigneeType` does not identify a valid assignee." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "leadAccountId": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "maxLength": 128, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "writeOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The accountId of the component's lead user. The accountId uniquely identifies the user across all Atlassian products. For example, *5b10ac8d82e05b22cc7d4ef5*." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "realAssigneeType": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "enum": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "PROJECT_DEFAULT", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "COMPONENT_LEAD", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "PROJECT_LEAD", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "UNASSIGNED" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The type of the assignee that is assigned to issues created with this component, when an assignee cannot be set from the `assigneeType`. For example, `assigneeType` is set to `COMPONENT_LEAD` but no component lead is set. This property is set to one of the following values:\n\n * `PROJECT_LEAD` when `assigneeType` is `PROJECT_LEAD` and the project lead has permission to be assigned issues in the project that the component is in.\n * `COMPONENT_LEAD` when `assignee`Type is `COMPONENT_LEAD` and the component lead has permission to be assigned issues in the project that the component is in.\n * `UNASSIGNED` when `assigneeType` is `UNASSIGNED` and Jira is configured to allow unassigned issues.\n * `PROJECT_DEFAULT` when none of the preceding cases are true." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "isAssigneeTypeValid": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "Whether a user is associated with `assigneeType`. For example, if the `assigneeType` is set to `COMPONENT_LEAD` but the component lead is not set, then `false` is returned." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "List of the components contained in the project." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "issueTypes": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "id": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The ID of the issue type." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The name of the issue type." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "self": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The URL of these issue type details." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "scope": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "enum": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "PROJECT", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "TEMPLATE" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The type of scope." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "project": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "id": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The ID of the project." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "key": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The key of the project." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The name of the project." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "self": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The URL of the project details." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "avatarUrls": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "16x16": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 16x16 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "24x24": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 24x24 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "32x32": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 32x32 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "48x48": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 48x48 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The URLs of the project's avatars." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "simplified": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "Whether or not the project is simplified." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "projectTypeKey": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "enum": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "software", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "service_desk", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "business" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The [project type](https://confluence.atlassian.com/x/GwiiLQ#Jiraapplicationsoverview-Productfeaturesandprojecttypes) of the project." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "projectCategory": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "id": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The ID of the project category." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The description of the project category." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "self": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The URL of the project category." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The name of the project category." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The category the project belongs to." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The project the item has scope in." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "Details of the next-gen projects the issue type is available in." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "iconUrl": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The URL of the issue type's avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "subtask": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "Whether this issue type is used to create subtasks." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "avatarId": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "int64", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The ID of the issue type's avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "entityId": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "uuid", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "Unique ID for next-gen projects." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The description of the issue type." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "hierarchyLevel": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "int32", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "Hierarchy level of the issue type." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "List of the issue types available in the project." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "Map of project properties" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "simplified": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "Whether the project is simplified." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "deletedDate": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "date-time", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The date when the project was marked as deleted." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "A brief description of the project." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "permissions": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "canEdit": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "Whether the logged user can edit the project." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "User permissions on the project" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "archivedDate": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "date-time", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The date when the project was archived." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "assigneeType": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "enum": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "PROJECT_LEAD", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "UNASSIGNED" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The default assignee when creating issues for this project." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "projectTypeKey": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "enum": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "software", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "service_desk", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "business" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The [project type](https://confluence.atlassian.com/x/GwiiLQ#Jiraapplicationsoverview-Productfeaturesandprojecttypes) of the project." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "projectCategory": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "id": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The ID of the project category." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The name of the project category. Required on create, optional on update." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "self": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The URL of the project category." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The description of the project category. Required on create, optional on update." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The category the project belongs to." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "retentionTillDate": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "date-time", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The date when the project is deleted permanently." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "issueTypeHierarchy": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "level": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "id": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "int64" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "level": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "int32" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "aboveLevelId": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "int64" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "belowLevelId": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "int64" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "externalUuid": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "uuid" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "issueTypeIds": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "int64" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "globalHierarchyLevel": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "enum": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "SUBTASK", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "BASE", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "EPIC" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "projectConfigurationId": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "int64" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The issue type hierarchy for the project" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The project that the filter is shared with. This is similar to the project object returned by [Get project](#api-rest-api-3-project-projectIdOrKey-get) but it contains a subset of the properties, which are: `self`, `id`, `key`, `assigneeType`, `name`, `roles`, `avatarUrls`, `projectType`, `simplified`. \nFor a request, specify the `id` for the project." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The details of any share permissions for the dashboard." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "Details of a dashboard.", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "additionalProperties": true 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "supported_sync_modes": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "full_refresh" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "default_cursor_field": [], 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "source_defined_primary_key": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > [ 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "id" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "sync_mode": "full_refresh", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "cursor_field": [], 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "destination_sync_mode": "overwrite", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "primary_key": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > [ 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "id" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "stream": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "name": "epics", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "json_schema": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "id": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The ID of the epic." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "key": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The key of the epic." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "self": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The URL of the epic details." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "expand": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "attribute": true 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "Expand options that include additional issue details in the response." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "fields": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "status": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "object" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "Epic status" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "summary": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "null" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "Epic summary" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "updated": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "null" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "date-time", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "This field is not shown in schema / swagger, but exists in records and we use it as cursor fiekd." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "null", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "object" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "Epic description" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "additionalProperties": {} 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "projectId": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The ID of the project containing the epic." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "projectKey": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The key of the project containing the epic." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "additionalProperties": false 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "supported_sync_modes": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "full_refresh", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "incremental" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "source_defined_cursor": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "default_cursor_field": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "fields", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "updated" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "source_defined_primary_key": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > [ 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "id" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "sync_mode": "incremental", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "cursor_field": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "fields", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "updated" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "destination_sync_mode": "append_dedup", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "primary_key": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > [ 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "id" 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "stream": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "name": "filters", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "json_schema": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "id": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The unique identifier for the filter." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "jql": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The JQL query for the filter. For example, *project = SSP AND issuetype = Bug*." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The name of the filter. Must be unique." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "self": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The URL of the filter." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "owner": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "key": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the [deprecation notice](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the [deprecation notice](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "self": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "The URL of the user." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "active": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "Whether the user is active." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "expand": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "attribute": true 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "description": "Expand options that include additional user details in the response." 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "groups": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "size": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > "attribute": true 2022-08-20 18:54:00 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The name of group." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "self": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL for these group details." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "callback": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "max-results": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": "max-results", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "attribute": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "pagingCallback": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The groups that the user belongs to." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "locale": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The locale of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "timeZone": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The time zone specified in the user's profile. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "accountId": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "maxLength": 128, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The account ID of the user, which uniquely identifies the user across all Atlassian products. For example, *5b10ac8d82e05b22cc7d4ef5*. Required in requests." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "avatarUrls": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "16x16": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 16x16 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "24x24": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 24x24 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "32x32": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 32x32 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "48x48": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 48x48 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The avatars of the user." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "accountType": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "enum": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "atlassian", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "app", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "customer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "unknown" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The user account type. Can take the following values:\n\n * `atlassian` regular Atlassian user account\n * `app` system account used for Connect applications and OAuth to represent external systems\n * `customer` Jira Service Desk account representing an external service desk" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "displayName": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The display name of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may return an alternative value." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "emailAddress": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The email address of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "applicationRoles": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "size": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "attribute": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "key": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The key of the application role." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The display name of the application role." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "groups": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The groups associated with the application role.", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "uniqueItems": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "defined": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Deprecated." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "platform": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Indicates if the application role belongs to Jira platform (`jira-core`)." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "userCount": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The number of users counting against your license." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "defaultGroups": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The groups that are granted default access for this application role.", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "uniqueItems": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "numberOfSeats": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The maximum count of users on your license." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "remainingSeats": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The count of users remaining on your license." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "hasUnlimitedSeats": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "selectedByDefault": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Determines whether this application role should be selected by default on user creation." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "userCountDescription": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The [type of users](https://confluence.atlassian.com/x/lRW3Ng) being counted against your license." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "callback": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "max-results": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": "max-results", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "attribute": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "pagingCallback": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The application roles the user is assigned to." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The user who owns the filter. This is defaulted to the creator of the filter, however Jira administrators can change the owner of a shared filter in the admin settings." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "expand": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "viewUrl": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "A URL to view the filter results in Jira, using the ID of the filter. For example, *https://your-domain.atlassian.net/issues/?filter=10100*." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "favourite": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Whether the filter is selected as a favorite by any users, not including the filter owner." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "searchUrl": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "A URL to view the filter results in Jira, using the [Search for issues using JQL](#api-rest-api-3-filter-search-get) operation with the filter's JQL string to return the filter results. For example, *https://your-domain.atlassian.net/rest/api/3/search?jql=project+%3D+SSP+AND+issuetype+%3D+Bug*." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "isWritable": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "A description of the filter." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "subscriptions": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int64", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The ID of the filter subscription." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "user": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "key": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the [deprecation notice](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the [deprecation notice](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "self": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the user." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "active": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Whether the user is active." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "expand": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "attribute": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Expand options that include additional user details in the response." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "groups": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "size": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "attribute": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The name of group." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "self": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL for these group details." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "callback": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "max-results": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": "max-results", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "attribute": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "pagingCallback": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The groups that the user belongs to." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "locale": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The locale of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "timeZone": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The time zone specified in the user's profile. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "accountId": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "maxLength": 128, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The account ID of the user, which uniquely identifies the user across all Atlassian products. For example, *5b10ac8d82e05b22cc7d4ef5*. Required in requests." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "avatarUrls": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "16x16": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 16x16 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "24x24": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 24x24 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "32x32": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 32x32 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "48x48": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 48x48 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The avatars of the user." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "accountType": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "enum": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "atlassian", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "app", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "customer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "unknown" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The user account type. Can take the following values:\n\n * `atlassian` regular Atlassian user account\n * `app` system account used for Connect applications and OAuth to represent external systems\n * `customer` Jira Service Desk account representing an external service desk" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "displayName": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The display name of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may return an alternative value." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "emailAddress": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The email address of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "applicationRoles": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "size": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "attribute": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "key": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The key of the application role." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The display name of the application role." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "groups": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The groups associated with the application role.", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "uniqueItems": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "defined": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Deprecated." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "platform": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Indicates if the application role belongs to Jira platform (`jira-core`)." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "userCount": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The number of users counting against your license." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "defaultGroups": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The groups that are granted default access for this application role.", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "uniqueItems": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "numberOfSeats": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The maximum count of users on your license." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "remainingSeats": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The count of users remaining on your license." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "hasUnlimitedSeats": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "selectedByDefault": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Determines whether this application role should be selected by default on user creation." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "userCountDescription": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The [type of users](https://confluence.atlassian.com/x/lRW3Ng) being counted against your license." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "callback": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "max-results": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": "max-results", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "attribute": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "pagingCallback": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The application roles the user is assigned to." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The user subscribing to filter." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "group": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The name of group." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "self": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL for these group details." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The group subscribing to filter." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The users that are subscribed to the filter." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "favouritedCount": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int64", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The count of how many users have selected this filter as a favorite, including the filter owner." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "sharePermissions": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int64", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The unique identifier of the share permission." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "role": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int64", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The ID of the project role." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The name of the project role." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "self": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL the project role details." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "admin": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Whether this role is the admin role for the project." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "scope": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "enum": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "PROJECT", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "TEMPLATE" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The type of scope." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "project": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The ID of the project." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "key": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The key of the project." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The name of the project." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "self": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the project details." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "avatarUrls": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "16x16": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 16x16 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "24x24": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 24x24 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "32x32": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 32x32 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "48x48": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 48x48 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URLs of the project's avatars." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "simplified": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Whether or not the project is simplified." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "projectTypeKey": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "enum": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "software", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "service_desk", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "business" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The [project type](https://confluence.atlassian.com/x/GwiiLQ#Jiraapplicationsoverview-Productfeaturesandprojecttypes) of the project." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "projectCategory": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The ID of the project category." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The description of the project category." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "self": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the project category." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The name of the project category." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The category the project belongs to." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The project the item has scope in." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The scope of the role. Indicated for roles associated with [next-gen projects](https://confluence.atlassian.com/x/loMyO)." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "actors": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int64", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The ID of the role actor." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the [deprecation notice](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "enum": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "atlassian-group-role-actor", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "atlassian-user-role-actor" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The type of role actor." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "actorUser": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "accountId": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "maxLength": 128, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The account ID of the user, which uniquely identifies the user across all Atlassian products. For example, *5b10ac8d82e05b22cc7d4ef5*. Returns *unknown* if the record is deleted and corrupted, for example, as the result of a server import." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "avatarUrl": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The avatar of the role actor." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "actorGroup": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The name of the group" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "displayName": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The display name of the group." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "displayName": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The display name of the role actor. For users, depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may return an alternative value for the user's name." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The list of users who act in this role." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "default": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Whether this role is the default role for the project" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The description of the project role." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "translatedName": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The translated name of the project role." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "currentUserRole": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Whether the calling user is part of this role." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "roleConfigurable": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Whether the roles are configurable for this project." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The project role that the filter is shared with. \nFor a request, specify the `id` for the role. You must also specify the `project` object and `id` for the project that the role is in." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "enum": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "group", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "project", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "projectRole", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "global", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "loggedin", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "authenticated", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "project-unknown" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The type of share permission:\n\n * `group` Shared with a group. If set in a request, then specify `sharePermission.group` as well.\n * `project` Shared with a project. If set in a request, then specify `sharePermission.project` as well.\n * `projectRole` Share with a project role in a project. This value is not returned in responses. It is used in requests, where it needs to be specify with `projectId` and `projectRoleId`.\n * `global` Shared globally. If set in a request, no other `sharePermission` properties need to be specified.\n * `loggedin` Shared with all logged-in users. Note: This value is set in a request by specifying `authenticated` as the `type`.\n * `project-unknown` Shared with a project that the user does not have access to. Cannot be set in a request." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "group": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The name of group." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "self": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL for these group details." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The group that the filter is shared with. For a request, specify the `name` property for the group." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "project": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The ID of the project." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "key": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The key of the project." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "url": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "A link to information about this project, such as project documentation." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "lead": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "key": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the [deprecation notice](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the [deprecation notice](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "self": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the user." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "active": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Whether the user is active." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "expand": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "attribute": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Expand options that include additional user details in the response." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "groups": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "size": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "attribute": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The name of group." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "self": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL for these group details." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "callback": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "max-results": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": "max-results", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "attribute": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "pagingCallback": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The groups that the user belongs to." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "locale": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The locale of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "timeZone": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The time zone specified in the user's profile. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "accountId": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "maxLength": 128, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The account ID of the user, which uniquely identifies the user across all Atlassian products. For example, *5b10ac8d82e05b22cc7d4ef5*. Required in requests." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "avatarUrls": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "16x16": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 16x16 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "24x24": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 24x24 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "32x32": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 32x32 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "48x48": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 48x48 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The avatars of the user." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "accountType": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "enum": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "atlassian", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "app", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "customer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "unknown" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The user account type. Can take the following values:\n\n * `atlassian` regular Atlassian user account\n * `app` system account used for Connect applications and OAuth to represent external systems\n * `customer` Jira Service Desk account representing an external service desk" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "displayName": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The display name of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may return an alternative value." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "emailAddress": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The email address of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "applicationRoles": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "size": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "attribute": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "key": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The key of the application role." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The display name of the application role." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "groups": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The groups associated with the application role.", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "uniqueItems": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "defined": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Deprecated." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "platform": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Indicates if the application role belongs to Jira platform (`jira-core`)." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "userCount": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The number of users counting against your license." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "defaultGroups": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The groups that are granted default access for this application role.", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "uniqueItems": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "numberOfSeats": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The maximum count of users on your license." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "remainingSeats": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The count of users remaining on your license." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "hasUnlimitedSeats": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "selectedByDefault": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Determines whether this application role should be selected by default on user creation." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "userCountDescription": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The [type of users](https://confluence.atlassian.com/x/lRW3Ng) being counted against your license." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "callback": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "max-results": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": "max-results", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "attribute": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "pagingCallback": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The application roles the user is assigned to." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The username of the project lead." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The name of the project." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "self": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the project details." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "uuid": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uuid", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Unique ID for next-gen projects." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "email": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "An email address associated with the project." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "roles": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The name and self URL for each role defined in the project. For more information, see [Create project role](#api-rest-api-3-role-post).", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "additionalProperties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "style": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "enum": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "classic", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "next-gen" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The type of the project." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "expand": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "attribute": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Expand options that include additional project details in the response." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "deleted": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Whether the project is marked as deleted." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "insight": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "totalIssueCount": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int64", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Total issue count." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "lastIssueUpdateTime": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "date-time", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The last issue update time." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Insights about the project." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "archived": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Whether the project is archived." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "versions": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The ID of the version." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The unique name of the version. Required when creating a version. Optional when updating a version. The maximum length is 255 characters." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "self": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the version." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "expand": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "attribute": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Use [expand](em>#expansion) to include additional information about version in the response. This parameter accepts a comma-separated list. Expand options include:\n\n * `operations` Returns the list of operations available for this version.\n * `issuesstatus` Returns the count of issues in this version for each of the status categories *to do*, *in progress*, *done*, and *unmapped*. The *unmapped* property contains a count of issues with a status other than *to do*, *in progress*, and *done*.\n\nOptional for create and update." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "overdue": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Indicates that the version is overdue." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "project": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Deprecated. Use `projectId`." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "archived": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Indicates that the version is archived. Optional when creating or updating a version." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "released": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Indicates that the version is released. If the version is released a request to release again is ignored. Not applicable when creating a version. Optional when updating a version." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "projectId": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int64", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The ID of the project to which this version is attached. Required when creating a version. Not applicable when updating a version." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "startDate": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "date", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The start date of the version. Expressed in ISO 8601 format (yyyy-mm-dd). Optional when creating or updating a version." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "operations": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "href": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "label": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "title": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "weight": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "iconClass": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "styleClass": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "If the expand option `operations` is used, returns the list of operations available for this version." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The description of the version. Optional when creating or updating a version." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "releaseDate": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "date", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The release date of the version. Expressed in ISO 8601 format (yyyy-mm-dd). Optional when creating or updating a version." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "userStartDate": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The date on which work on this version is expected to start, expressed in the instance's *Day/Month/Year Format* date format." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "userReleaseDate": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The date on which work on this version is expected to finish, expressed in the instance's *Day/Month/Year Format* date format." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "moveUnfixedIssuesTo": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the self link to the version to which all unfixed issues are moved when a version is released. Not applicable when creating a version. Optional when updating a version." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "issuesStatusForFixVersion": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "done": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int64", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Count of issues with status *done*." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "toDo": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int64", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Count of issues with status *to do*." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "unmapped": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int64", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Count of issues with a status other than *to do*, *in progress*, and *done*." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "inProgress": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int64", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Count of issues with status *in progress*." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "If the expand option `issuesstatus` is used, returns the count of issues in this version for each of the status categories *to do*, *in progress*, *done*, and *unmapped*. The *unmapped* property contains a count of issues with a status other than *to do*, *in progress*, and *done*." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The versions defined in the project. For more information, see [Create version](#api-rest-api-3-version-post)." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "deletedBy": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "key": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the [deprecation notice](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the [deprecation notice](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "self": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the user." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "active": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Whether the user is active." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "expand": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "attribute": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Expand options that include additional user details in the response." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "groups": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "size": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "attribute": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The name of group." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "self": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL for these group details." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "callback": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "max-results": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": "max-results", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "attribute": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "pagingCallback": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The groups that the user belongs to." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "locale": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The locale of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "timeZone": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The time zone specified in the user's profile. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "accountId": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "maxLength": 128, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The account ID of the user, which uniquely identifies the user across all Atlassian products. For example, *5b10ac8d82e05b22cc7d4ef5*. Required in requests." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "avatarUrls": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "16x16": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 16x16 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "24x24": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 24x24 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "32x32": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 32x32 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "48x48": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 48x48 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The avatars of the user." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "accountType": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "enum": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "atlassian", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "app", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "customer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "unknown" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The user account type. Can take the following values:\n\n * `atlassian` regular Atlassian user account\n * `app` system account used for Connect applications and OAuth to represent external systems\n * `customer` Jira Service Desk account representing an external service desk" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "displayName": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The display name of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may return an alternative value." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "emailAddress": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The email address of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "applicationRoles": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "size": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "attribute": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "key": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The key of the application role." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The display name of the application role." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "groups": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The groups associated with the application role.", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "uniqueItems": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "defined": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Deprecated." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "platform": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Indicates if the application role belongs to Jira platform (`jira-core`)." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "userCount": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The number of users counting against your license." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "defaultGroups": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The groups that are granted default access for this application role.", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "uniqueItems": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "numberOfSeats": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The maximum count of users on your license." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "remainingSeats": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The count of users remaining on your license." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "hasUnlimitedSeats": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "selectedByDefault": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Determines whether this application role should be selected by default on user creation." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "userCountDescription": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The [type of users](https://confluence.atlassian.com/x/lRW3Ng) being counted against your license." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "callback": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "max-results": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": "max-results", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "attribute": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "pagingCallback": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The application roles the user is assigned to." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The user who marked the project as deleted." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "favourite": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Whether the project is selected as a favorite." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "isPrivate": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Whether the project is private." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "archivedBy": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "key": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the [deprecation notice](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the [deprecation notice](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "self": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the user." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "active": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Whether the user is active." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "expand": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "attribute": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Expand options that include additional user details in the response." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "groups": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "size": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "attribute": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The name of group." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "self": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL for these group details." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "callback": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "max-results": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": "max-results", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "attribute": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "pagingCallback": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The groups that the user belongs to." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "locale": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The locale of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "timeZone": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The time zone specified in the user's profile. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "accountId": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "maxLength": 128, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The account ID of the user, which uniquely identifies the user across all Atlassian products. For example, *5b10ac8d82e05b22cc7d4ef5*. Required in requests." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "avatarUrls": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "16x16": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 16x16 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "24x24": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 24x24 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "32x32": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 32x32 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "48x48": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 48x48 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The avatars of the user." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "accountType": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "enum": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "atlassian", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "app", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "customer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "unknown" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The user account type. Can take the following values:\n\n * `atlassian` regular Atlassian user account\n * `app` system account used for Connect applications and OAuth to represent external systems\n * `customer` Jira Service Desk account representing an external service desk" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "displayName": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The display name of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may return an alternative value." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "emailAddress": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The email address of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "applicationRoles": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "size": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "attribute": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "key": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The key of the application role." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The display name of the application role." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "groups": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The groups associated with the application role.", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "uniqueItems": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "defined": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Deprecated." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "platform": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Indicates if the application role belongs to Jira platform (`jira-core`)." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "userCount": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The number of users counting against your license." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "defaultGroups": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The groups that are granted default access for this application role.", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "uniqueItems": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "numberOfSeats": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The maximum count of users on your license." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "remainingSeats": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The count of users remaining on your license." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "hasUnlimitedSeats": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "selectedByDefault": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Determines whether this application role should be selected by default on user creation." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "userCountDescription": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The [type of users](https://confluence.atlassian.com/x/lRW3Ng) being counted against your license." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "callback": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "max-results": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": "max-results", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "attribute": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "pagingCallback": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The application roles the user is assigned to." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The user who archived the project." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "avatarUrls": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "16x16": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 16x16 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "24x24": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 24x24 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "32x32": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 32x32 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "48x48": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 48x48 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URLs of the project's avatars." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "components": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The unique identifier for the component." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "lead": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "key": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the [deprecation notice](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the [deprecation notice](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "self": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the user." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "active": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Whether the user is active." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "expand": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "attribute": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Expand options that include additional user details in the response." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "groups": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "size": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "attribute": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The name of group." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "self": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL for these group details." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "callback": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "max-results": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": "max-results", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "attribute": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "pagingCallback": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The groups that the user belongs to." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "locale": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The locale of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "timeZone": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The time zone specified in the user's profile. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "accountId": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "maxLength": 128, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The account ID of the user, which uniquely identifies the user across all Atlassian products. For example, *5b10ac8d82e05b22cc7d4ef5*. Required in requests." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "avatarUrls": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "16x16": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 16x16 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "24x24": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 24x24 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "32x32": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 32x32 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "48x48": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 48x48 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The avatars of the user." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "accountType": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "enum": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "atlassian", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "app", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "customer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "unknown" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The user account type. Can take the following values:\n\n * `atlassian` regular Atlassian user account\n * `app` system account used for Connect applications and OAuth to represent external systems\n * `customer` Jira Service Desk account representing an external service desk" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "displayName": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The display name of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may return an alternative value." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "emailAddress": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The email address of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "applicationRoles": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "size": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "attribute": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "key": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The key of the application role." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The display name of the application role." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "groups": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The groups associated with the application role.", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "uniqueItems": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "defined": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Deprecated." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "platform": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Indicates if the application role belongs to Jira platform (`jira-core`)." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "userCount": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The number of users counting against your license." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "defaultGroups": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The groups that are granted default access for this application role.", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "uniqueItems": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "numberOfSeats": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The maximum count of users on your license." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "remainingSeats": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The count of users remaining on your license." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "hasUnlimitedSeats": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "selectedByDefault": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Determines whether this application role should be selected by default on user creation." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "userCountDescription": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The [type of users](https://confluence.atlassian.com/x/lRW3Ng) being counted against your license." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "callback": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "max-results": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": "max-results", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "attribute": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "pagingCallback": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The application roles the user is assigned to." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The user details for the component's lead user." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The unique name for the component in the project. Required when creating a component. Optional when updating a component. The maximum length is 255 characters." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "self": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the component." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "project": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The key of the project the component is assigned to. Required when creating a component. Can't be updated." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "assignee": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "key": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the [deprecation notice](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the [deprecation notice](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "self": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the user." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "active": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Whether the user is active." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "expand": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "attribute": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Expand options that include additional user details in the response." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "groups": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "size": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "attribute": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The name of group." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "self": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL for these group details." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "callback": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "max-results": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": "max-results", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "attribute": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "pagingCallback": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The groups that the user belongs to." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "locale": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The locale of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "timeZone": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The time zone specified in the user's profile. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "accountId": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "maxLength": 128, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The account ID of the user, which uniquely identifies the user across all Atlassian products. For example, *5b10ac8d82e05b22cc7d4ef5*. Required in requests." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "avatarUrls": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "16x16": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 16x16 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "24x24": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 24x24 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "32x32": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 32x32 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "48x48": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 48x48 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The avatars of the user." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "accountType": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "enum": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "atlassian", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "app", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "customer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "unknown" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The user account type. Can take the following values:\n\n * `atlassian` regular Atlassian user account\n * `app` system account used for Connect applications and OAuth to represent external systems\n * `customer` Jira Service Desk account representing an external service desk" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "displayName": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The display name of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may return an alternative value." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "emailAddress": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The email address of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "applicationRoles": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "size": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "attribute": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "key": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The key of the application role." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The display name of the application role." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "groups": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The groups associated with the application role.", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "uniqueItems": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "defined": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Deprecated." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "platform": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Indicates if the application role belongs to Jira platform (`jira-core`)." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "userCount": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The number of users counting against your license." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "defaultGroups": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The groups that are granted default access for this application role.", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "uniqueItems": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "numberOfSeats": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The maximum count of users on your license." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "remainingSeats": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The count of users remaining on your license." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "hasUnlimitedSeats": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "selectedByDefault": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Determines whether this application role should be selected by default on user creation." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "userCountDescription": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The [type of users](https://confluence.atlassian.com/x/lRW3Ng) being counted against your license." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "callback": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "max-results": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": "max-results", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "attribute": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "pagingCallback": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The application roles the user is assigned to." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The details of the user associated with `assigneeType`, if any. See `realAssignee` for details of the user assigned to issues created with this component." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "projectId": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int64", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The ID of the project the component is assigned to." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The description for the component. Optional when creating or updating a component." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "assigneeType": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "enum": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "PROJECT_DEFAULT", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "COMPONENT_LEAD", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "PROJECT_LEAD", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "UNASSIGNED" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The nominal user type used to determine the assignee for issues created with this component. See `realAssigneeType` for details on how the type of the user, and hence the user, assigned to issues is determined. Can take the following values:\n\n * `PROJECT_LEAD` the assignee to any issues created with this component is nominally the lead for the project the component is in.\n * `COMPONENT_LEAD` the assignee to any issues created with this component is nominally the lead for the component.\n * `UNASSIGNED` an assignee is not set for issues created with this component.\n * `PROJECT_DEFAULT` the assignee to any issues created with this component is nominally the default assignee for the project that the component is in.\n\nDefault value: `PROJECT_DEFAULT`. \nOptional when creating or updating a component." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "leadUserName": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the [deprecation notice](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "realAssignee": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "key": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the [deprecation notice](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the [deprecation notice](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "self": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the user." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "active": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Whether the user is active." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "expand": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "attribute": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Expand options that include additional user details in the response." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "groups": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "size": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "attribute": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The name of group." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "self": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL for these group details." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "callback": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "max-results": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": "max-results", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "attribute": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "pagingCallback": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The groups that the user belongs to." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "locale": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The locale of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "timeZone": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The time zone specified in the user's profile. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "accountId": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "maxLength": 128, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The account ID of the user, which uniquely identifies the user across all Atlassian products. For example, *5b10ac8d82e05b22cc7d4ef5*. Required in requests." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "avatarUrls": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "16x16": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 16x16 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "24x24": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 24x24 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "32x32": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 32x32 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "48x48": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 48x48 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The avatars of the user." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "accountType": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "enum": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "atlassian", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "app", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "customer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "unknown" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The user account type. Can take the following values:\n\n * `atlassian` regular Atlassian user account\n * `app` system account used for Connect applications and OAuth to represent external systems\n * `customer` Jira Service Desk account representing an external service desk" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "displayName": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The display name of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may return an alternative value." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "emailAddress": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The email address of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "applicationRoles": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "size": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "attribute": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "key": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The key of the application role." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The display name of the application role." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "groups": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The groups associated with the application role.", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "uniqueItems": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "defined": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Deprecated." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "platform": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Indicates if the application role belongs to Jira platform (`jira-core`)." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "userCount": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The number of users counting against your license." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "defaultGroups": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The groups that are granted default access for this application role.", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "uniqueItems": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "numberOfSeats": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The maximum count of users on your license." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "remainingSeats": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The count of users remaining on your license." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "hasUnlimitedSeats": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "selectedByDefault": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Determines whether this application role should be selected by default on user creation." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "userCountDescription": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The [type of users](https://confluence.atlassian.com/x/lRW3Ng) being counted against your license." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "callback": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "max-results": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": "max-results", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "attribute": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "pagingCallback": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The application roles the user is assigned to." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The user assigned to issues created with this component, when `assigneeType` does not identify a valid assignee." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "leadAccountId": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "maxLength": 128, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "writeOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The accountId of the component's lead user. The accountId uniquely identifies the user across all Atlassian products. For example, *5b10ac8d82e05b22cc7d4ef5*." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "realAssigneeType": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "enum": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "PROJECT_DEFAULT", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "COMPONENT_LEAD", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "PROJECT_LEAD", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "UNASSIGNED" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The type of the assignee that is assigned to issues created with this component, when an assignee cannot be set from the `assigneeType`. For example, `assigneeType` is set to `COMPONENT_LEAD` but no component lead is set. This property is set to one of the following values:\n\n * `PROJECT_LEAD` when `assigneeType` is `PROJECT_LEAD` and the project lead has permission to be assigned issues in the project that the component is in.\n * `COMPONENT_LEAD` when `assignee`Type is `COMPONENT_LEAD` and the component lead has permission to be assigned issues in the project that the component is in.\n * `UNASSIGNED` when `assigneeType` is `UNASSIGNED` and Jira is configured to allow unassigned issues.\n * `PROJECT_DEFAULT` when none of the preceding cases are true." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "isAssigneeTypeValid": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Whether a user is associated with `assigneeType`. For example, if the `assigneeType` is set to `COMPONENT_LEAD` but the component lead is not set, then `false` is returned." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "List of the components contained in the project." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "issueTypes": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The ID of the issue type." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The name of the issue type." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "self": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of these issue type details." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "scope": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "enum": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "PROJECT", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "TEMPLATE" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The type of scope." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "project": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The ID of the project." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "key": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The key of the project." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The name of the project." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "self": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the project details." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "avatarUrls": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "16x16": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 16x16 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "24x24": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 24x24 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "32x32": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 32x32 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "48x48": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 48x48 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URLs of the project's avatars." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "simplified": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Whether or not the project is simplified." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "projectTypeKey": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "enum": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "software", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "service_desk", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "business" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The [project type](https://confluence.atlassian.com/x/GwiiLQ#Jiraapplicationsoverview-Productfeaturesandprojecttypes) of the project." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "projectCategory": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The ID of the project category." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The description of the project category." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "self": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the project category." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The name of the project category." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The category the project belongs to." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The project the item has scope in." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Details of the next-gen projects the issue type is available in." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "iconUrl": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the issue type's avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "subtask": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Whether this issue type is used to create subtasks." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "avatarId": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int64", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The ID of the issue type's avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "entityId": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uuid", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Unique ID for next-gen projects." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The description of the issue type." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "hierarchyLevel": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Hierarchy level of the issue type." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "List of the issue types available in the project." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Map of project properties", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "additionalProperties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "simplified": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Whether the project is simplified." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "deletedDate": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "date-time", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The date when the project was marked as deleted." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "A brief description of the project." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "permissions": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "canEdit": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Whether the logged user can edit the project." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "User permissions on the project" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "archivedDate": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "date-time", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The date when the project was archived." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "assigneeType": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "enum": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "PROJECT_LEAD", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "UNASSIGNED" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The default assignee when creating issues for this project." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "projectTypeKey": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "enum": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "software", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "service_desk", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "business" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The [project type](https://confluence.atlassian.com/x/GwiiLQ#Jiraapplicationsoverview-Productfeaturesandprojecttypes) of the project." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "projectCategory": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The ID of the project category." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The name of the project category. Required on create, optional on update." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "self": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the project category." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The description of the project category. Required on create, optional on update." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The category the project belongs to." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "retentionTillDate": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "date-time", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The date when the project is deleted permanently." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "issueTypeHierarchy": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "level": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int64" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "level": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "aboveLevelId": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int64" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "belowLevelId": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int64" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "externalUuid": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uuid" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "issueTypeIds": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int64" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "globalHierarchyLevel": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "enum": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "SUBTASK", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "BASE", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "EPIC" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "projectConfigurationId": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int64" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The issue type hierarchy for the project" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The project that the filter is shared with. This is similar to the project object returned by [Get project](#api-rest-api-3-project-projectIdOrKey-get) but it contains a subset of the properties, which are: `self`, `id`, `key`, `assigneeType`, `name`, `roles`, `avatarUrls`, `projectType`, `simplified`. \nFor a request, specify the `id` for the project." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The groups and projects that the filter is shared with. This can be specified when updating a filter, but not when creating a filter." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Details of a filter.", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "additionalProperties": false 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "supported_sync_modes": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "full_refresh" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "default_cursor_field": [], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "source_defined_primary_key": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "sync_mode": "full_refresh", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "cursor_field": [], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "destination_sync_mode": "overwrite", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "primary_key": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "stream": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": "filter_sharing", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "json_schema": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int64", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The unique identifier of the share permission." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "role": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int64", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The ID of the project role." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The name of the project role." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "self": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL the project role details." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "admin": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Whether this role is the admin role for the project." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "scope": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "enum": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "PROJECT", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "TEMPLATE" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The type of scope." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "project": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The ID of the project." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "key": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The key of the project." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The name of the project." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "self": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the project details." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "avatarUrls": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "16x16": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 16x16 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "24x24": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 24x24 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "32x32": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 32x32 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "48x48": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 48x48 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URLs of the project's avatars." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "simplified": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Whether or not the project is simplified." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "projectTypeKey": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "enum": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "software", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "service_desk", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "business" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The [project type](https://confluence.atlassian.com/x/GwiiLQ#Jiraapplicationsoverview-Productfeaturesandprojecttypes) of the project." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "projectCategory": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The ID of the project category." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The description of the project category." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "self": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the project category." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The name of the project category." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The category the project belongs to." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The project the item has scope in." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The scope of the role. Indicated for roles associated with [next-gen projects](https://confluence.atlassian.com/x/loMyO)." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "actors": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int64", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The ID of the role actor." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the [deprecation notice](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "enum": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "atlassian-group-role-actor", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "atlassian-user-role-actor" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The type of role actor." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "actorUser": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "accountId": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "maxLength": 128, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The account ID of the user, which uniquely identifies the user across all Atlassian products. For example, *5b10ac8d82e05b22cc7d4ef5*. Returns *unknown* if the record is deleted and corrupted, for example, as the result of a server import." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "avatarUrl": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The avatar of the role actor." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "actorGroup": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The name of the group" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "displayName": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The display name of the group." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "displayName": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The display name of the role actor. For users, depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may return an alternative value for the user's name." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The list of users who act in this role." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "default": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Whether this role is the default role for the project" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The description of the project role." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "translatedName": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The translated name of the project role." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "currentUserRole": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Whether the calling user is part of this role." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "roleConfigurable": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Whether the roles are configurable for this project." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The project role that the filter is shared with. \nFor a request, specify the `id` for the role. You must also specify the `project` object and `id` for the project that the role is in." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "enum": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "group", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "project", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "projectRole", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "global", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "loggedin", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "authenticated", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "project-unknown" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The type of share permission:\n\n * `group` Shared with a group. If set in a request, then specify `sharePermission.group` as well.\n * `project` Shared with a project. If set in a request, then specify `sharePermission.project` as well.\n * `projectRole` Share with a project role in a project. This value is not returned in responses. It is used in requests, where it needs to be specify with `projectId` and `projectRoleId`.\n * `global` Shared globally. If set in a request, no other `sharePermission` properties need to be specified.\n * `loggedin` Shared with all logged-in users. Note: This value is set in a request by specifying `authenticated` as the `type`.\n * `project-unknown` Shared with a project that the user does not have access to. Cannot be set in a request." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "group": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The name of group." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "self": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL for these group details." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The group that the filter is shared with. For a request, specify the `name` property for the group." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "project": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The ID of the project." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "key": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The key of the project." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "url": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "A link to information about this project, such as project documentation." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "lead": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "key": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the [deprecation notice](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the [deprecation notice](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "self": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the user." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "active": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Whether the user is active." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "expand": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "attribute": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Expand options that include additional user details in the response." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "groups": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "size": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "attribute": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The name of group." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "self": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL for these group details." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "callback": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "max-results": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": "max-results", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "attribute": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "pagingCallback": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The groups that the user belongs to." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "locale": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The locale of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "timeZone": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The time zone specified in the user's profile. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "accountId": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "maxLength": 128, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The account ID of the user, which uniquely identifies the user across all Atlassian products. For example, *5b10ac8d82e05b22cc7d4ef5*. Required in requests." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "avatarUrls": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "16x16": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 16x16 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "24x24": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 24x24 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "32x32": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 32x32 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "48x48": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 48x48 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The avatars of the user." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "accountType": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "enum": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "atlassian", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "app", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "customer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "unknown" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The user account type. Can take the following values:\n\n * `atlassian` regular Atlassian user account\n * `app` system account used for Connect applications and OAuth to represent external systems\n * `customer` Jira Service Desk account representing an external service desk" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "displayName": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The display name of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may return an alternative value." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "emailAddress": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The email address of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "applicationRoles": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "size": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "attribute": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "key": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The key of the application role." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The display name of the application role." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "groups": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The groups associated with the application role.", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "uniqueItems": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "defined": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Deprecated." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "platform": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Indicates if the application role belongs to Jira platform (`jira-core`)." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "userCount": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The number of users counting against your license." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "defaultGroups": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The groups that are granted default access for this application role.", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "uniqueItems": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "numberOfSeats": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The maximum count of users on your license." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "remainingSeats": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The count of users remaining on your license." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "hasUnlimitedSeats": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "selectedByDefault": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Determines whether this application role should be selected by default on user creation." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "userCountDescription": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The [type of users](https://confluence.atlassian.com/x/lRW3Ng) being counted against your license." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "callback": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "max-results": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": "max-results", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "attribute": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "pagingCallback": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The application roles the user is assigned to." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The username of the project lead." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The name of the project." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "self": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the project details." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "uuid": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uuid", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Unique ID for next-gen projects." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "email": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "An email address associated with the project." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "roles": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The name and self URL for each role defined in the project. For more information, see [Create project role](#api-rest-api-3-role-post).", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "additionalProperties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "style": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "enum": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "classic", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "next-gen" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The type of the project." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "expand": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "attribute": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Expand options that include additional project details in the response." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "deleted": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Whether the project is marked as deleted." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "insight": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "totalIssueCount": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int64", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Total issue count." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "lastIssueUpdateTime": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "date-time", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The last issue update time." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Insights about the project." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "archived": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Whether the project is archived." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "versions": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The ID of the version." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The unique name of the version. Required when creating a version. Optional when updating a version. The maximum length is 255 characters." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "self": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the version." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "expand": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "attribute": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Use [expand](em>#expansion) to include additional information about version in the response. This parameter accepts a comma-separated list. Expand options include:\n\n * `operations` Returns the list of operations available for this version.\n * `issuesstatus` Returns the count of issues in this version for each of the status categories *to do*, *in progress*, *done*, and *unmapped*. The *unmapped* property contains a count of issues with a status other than *to do*, *in progress*, and *done*.\n\nOptional for create and update." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "overdue": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Indicates that the version is overdue." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "project": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Deprecated. Use `projectId`." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "archived": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Indicates that the version is archived. Optional when creating or updating a version." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "released": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Indicates that the version is released. If the version is released a request to release again is ignored. Not applicable when creating a version. Optional when updating a version." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "projectId": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int64", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The ID of the project to which this version is attached. Required when creating a version. Not applicable when updating a version." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "startDate": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "date", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The start date of the version. Expressed in ISO 8601 format (yyyy-mm-dd). Optional when creating or updating a version." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "operations": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "href": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "label": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "title": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "weight": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "iconClass": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "styleClass": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "If the expand option `operations` is used, returns the list of operations available for this version." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The description of the version. Optional when creating or updating a version." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "releaseDate": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "date", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The release date of the version. Expressed in ISO 8601 format (yyyy-mm-dd). Optional when creating or updating a version." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "userStartDate": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The date on which work on this version is expected to start, expressed in the instance's *Day/Month/Year Format* date format." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "userReleaseDate": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The date on which work on this version is expected to finish, expressed in the instance's *Day/Month/Year Format* date format." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "moveUnfixedIssuesTo": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the self link to the version to which all unfixed issues are moved when a version is released. Not applicable when creating a version. Optional when updating a version." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "issuesStatusForFixVersion": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "done": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int64", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Count of issues with status *done*." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "toDo": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int64", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Count of issues with status *to do*." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "unmapped": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int64", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Count of issues with a status other than *to do*, *in progress*, and *done*." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "inProgress": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int64", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Count of issues with status *in progress*." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "If the expand option `issuesstatus` is used, returns the count of issues in this version for each of the status categories *to do*, *in progress*, *done*, and *unmapped*. The *unmapped* property contains a count of issues with a status other than *to do*, *in progress*, and *done*." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The versions defined in the project. For more information, see [Create version](#api-rest-api-3-version-post)." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "deletedBy": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "key": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the [deprecation notice](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the [deprecation notice](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "self": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the user." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "active": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Whether the user is active." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "expand": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "attribute": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Expand options that include additional user details in the response." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "groups": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "size": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "attribute": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The name of group." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "self": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL for these group details." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "callback": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "max-results": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": "max-results", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "attribute": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "pagingCallback": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The groups that the user belongs to." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "locale": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The locale of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "timeZone": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The time zone specified in the user's profile. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "accountId": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "maxLength": 128, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The account ID of the user, which uniquely identifies the user across all Atlassian products. For example, *5b10ac8d82e05b22cc7d4ef5*. Required in requests." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "avatarUrls": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "16x16": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 16x16 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "24x24": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 24x24 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "32x32": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 32x32 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "48x48": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 48x48 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The avatars of the user." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "accountType": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "enum": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "atlassian", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "app", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "customer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "unknown" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The user account type. Can take the following values:\n\n * `atlassian` regular Atlassian user account\n * `app` system account used for Connect applications and OAuth to represent external systems\n * `customer` Jira Service Desk account representing an external service desk" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "displayName": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The display name of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may return an alternative value." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "emailAddress": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The email address of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "applicationRoles": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "size": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "attribute": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "key": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The key of the application role." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The display name of the application role." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "groups": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The groups associated with the application role.", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "uniqueItems": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "defined": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Deprecated." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "platform": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Indicates if the application role belongs to Jira platform (`jira-core`)." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "userCount": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The number of users counting against your license." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "defaultGroups": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The groups that are granted default access for this application role.", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "uniqueItems": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "numberOfSeats": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The maximum count of users on your license." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "remainingSeats": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The count of users remaining on your license." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "hasUnlimitedSeats": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "selectedByDefault": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Determines whether this application role should be selected by default on user creation." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "userCountDescription": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The [type of users](https://confluence.atlassian.com/x/lRW3Ng) being counted against your license." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "callback": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "max-results": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": "max-results", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "attribute": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "pagingCallback": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The application roles the user is assigned to." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The user who marked the project as deleted." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "favourite": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Whether the project is selected as a favorite." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "isPrivate": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Whether the project is private." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "archivedBy": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "key": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the [deprecation notice](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the [deprecation notice](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "self": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the user." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "active": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Whether the user is active." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "expand": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "attribute": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Expand options that include additional user details in the response." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "groups": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "size": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "attribute": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The name of group." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "self": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL for these group details." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "callback": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "max-results": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": "max-results", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "attribute": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "pagingCallback": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The groups that the user belongs to." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "locale": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The locale of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "timeZone": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The time zone specified in the user's profile. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "accountId": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "maxLength": 128, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The account ID of the user, which uniquely identifies the user across all Atlassian products. For example, *5b10ac8d82e05b22cc7d4ef5*. Required in requests." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "avatarUrls": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "16x16": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 16x16 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "24x24": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 24x24 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "32x32": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 32x32 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "48x48": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 48x48 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The avatars of the user." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "accountType": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "enum": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "atlassian", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "app", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "customer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "unknown" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The user account type. Can take the following values:\n\n * `atlassian` regular Atlassian user account\n * `app` system account used for Connect applications and OAuth to represent external systems\n * `customer` Jira Service Desk account representing an external service desk" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "displayName": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The display name of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may return an alternative value." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "emailAddress": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The email address of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "applicationRoles": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "size": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "attribute": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "key": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The key of the application role." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The display name of the application role." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "groups": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The groups associated with the application role.", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "uniqueItems": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "defined": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Deprecated." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "platform": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Indicates if the application role belongs to Jira platform (`jira-core`)." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "userCount": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The number of users counting against your license." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "defaultGroups": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The groups that are granted default access for this application role.", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "uniqueItems": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "numberOfSeats": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The maximum count of users on your license." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "remainingSeats": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The count of users remaining on your license." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "hasUnlimitedSeats": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "selectedByDefault": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Determines whether this application role should be selected by default on user creation." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "userCountDescription": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The [type of users](https://confluence.atlassian.com/x/lRW3Ng) being counted against your license." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "callback": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "max-results": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": "max-results", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "attribute": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "pagingCallback": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The application roles the user is assigned to." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The user who archived the project." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "avatarUrls": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "16x16": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 16x16 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "24x24": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 24x24 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "32x32": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 32x32 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "48x48": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 48x48 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URLs of the project's avatars." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "components": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The unique identifier for the component." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "lead": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "key": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the [deprecation notice](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the [deprecation notice](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "self": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the user." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "active": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Whether the user is active." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "expand": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "attribute": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Expand options that include additional user details in the response." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "groups": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "size": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "attribute": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The name of group." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "self": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL for these group details." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "callback": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "max-results": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": "max-results", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "attribute": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "pagingCallback": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The groups that the user belongs to." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "locale": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The locale of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "timeZone": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The time zone specified in the user's profile. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "accountId": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "maxLength": 128, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The account ID of the user, which uniquely identifies the user across all Atlassian products. For example, *5b10ac8d82e05b22cc7d4ef5*. Required in requests." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "avatarUrls": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "16x16": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 16x16 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "24x24": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 24x24 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "32x32": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 32x32 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "48x48": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 48x48 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The avatars of the user." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "accountType": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "enum": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "atlassian", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "app", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "customer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "unknown" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The user account type. Can take the following values:\n\n * `atlassian` regular Atlassian user account\n * `app` system account used for Connect applications and OAuth to represent external systems\n * `customer` Jira Service Desk account representing an external service desk" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "displayName": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The display name of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may return an alternative value." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "emailAddress": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The email address of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "applicationRoles": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "size": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "attribute": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "key": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The key of the application role." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The display name of the application role." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "groups": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The groups associated with the application role.", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "uniqueItems": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "defined": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Deprecated." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "platform": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Indicates if the application role belongs to Jira platform (`jira-core`)." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "userCount": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The number of users counting against your license." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "defaultGroups": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The groups that are granted default access for this application role.", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "uniqueItems": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "numberOfSeats": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The maximum count of users on your license." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "remainingSeats": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The count of users remaining on your license." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "hasUnlimitedSeats": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "selectedByDefault": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Determines whether this application role should be selected by default on user creation." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "userCountDescription": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The [type of users](https://confluence.atlassian.com/x/lRW3Ng) being counted against your license." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "callback": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "max-results": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": "max-results", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "attribute": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "pagingCallback": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The application roles the user is assigned to." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The user details for the component's lead user." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The unique name for the component in the project. Required when creating a component. Optional when updating a component. The maximum length is 255 characters." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "self": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the component." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "project": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The key of the project the component is assigned to. Required when creating a component. Can't be updated." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "assignee": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "key": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the [deprecation notice](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the [deprecation notice](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "self": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the user." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "active": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Whether the user is active." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "expand": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "attribute": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Expand options that include additional user details in the response." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "groups": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "size": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "attribute": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The name of group." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "self": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL for these group details." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "callback": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "max-results": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": "max-results", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "attribute": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "pagingCallback": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The groups that the user belongs to." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "locale": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The locale of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "timeZone": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The time zone specified in the user's profile. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "accountId": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "maxLength": 128, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The account ID of the user, which uniquely identifies the user across all Atlassian products. For example, *5b10ac8d82e05b22cc7d4ef5*. Required in requests." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "avatarUrls": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "16x16": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 16x16 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "24x24": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 24x24 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "32x32": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 32x32 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "48x48": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 48x48 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The avatars of the user." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "accountType": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "enum": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "atlassian", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "app", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "customer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "unknown" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The user account type. Can take the following values:\n\n * `atlassian` regular Atlassian user account\n * `app` system account used for Connect applications and OAuth to represent external systems\n * `customer` Jira Service Desk account representing an external service desk" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "displayName": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The display name of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may return an alternative value." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "emailAddress": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The email address of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "applicationRoles": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "size": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "attribute": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "key": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The key of the application role." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The display name of the application role." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "groups": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The groups associated with the application role.", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "uniqueItems": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "defined": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Deprecated." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "platform": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Indicates if the application role belongs to Jira platform (`jira-core`)." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "userCount": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The number of users counting against your license." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "defaultGroups": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The groups that are granted default access for this application role.", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "uniqueItems": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "numberOfSeats": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The maximum count of users on your license." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "remainingSeats": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The count of users remaining on your license." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "hasUnlimitedSeats": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "selectedByDefault": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Determines whether this application role should be selected by default on user creation." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "userCountDescription": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The [type of users](https://confluence.atlassian.com/x/lRW3Ng) being counted against your license." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "callback": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "max-results": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": "max-results", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "attribute": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "pagingCallback": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The application roles the user is assigned to." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The details of the user associated with `assigneeType`, if any. See `realAssignee` for details of the user assigned to issues created with this component." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "projectId": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int64", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The ID of the project the component is assigned to." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The description for the component. Optional when creating or updating a component." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "assigneeType": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "enum": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "PROJECT_DEFAULT", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "COMPONENT_LEAD", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "PROJECT_LEAD", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "UNASSIGNED" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The nominal user type used to determine the assignee for issues created with this component. See `realAssigneeType` for details on how the type of the user, and hence the user, assigned to issues is determined. Can take the following values:\n\n * `PROJECT_LEAD` the assignee to any issues created with this component is nominally the lead for the project the component is in.\n * `COMPONENT_LEAD` the assignee to any issues created with this component is nominally the lead for the component.\n * `UNASSIGNED` an assignee is not set for issues created with this component.\n * `PROJECT_DEFAULT` the assignee to any issues created with this component is nominally the default assignee for the project that the component is in.\n\nDefault value: `PROJECT_DEFAULT`. \nOptional when creating or updating a component." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "leadUserName": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the [deprecation notice](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "realAssignee": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "key": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the [deprecation notice](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the [deprecation notice](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "self": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the user." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "active": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Whether the user is active." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "expand": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "attribute": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Expand options that include additional user details in the response." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "groups": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "size": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "attribute": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The name of group." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "self": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL for these group details." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "callback": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "max-results": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": "max-results", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "attribute": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "pagingCallback": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The groups that the user belongs to." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "locale": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The locale of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "timeZone": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The time zone specified in the user's profile. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "accountId": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "maxLength": 128, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The account ID of the user, which uniquely identifies the user across all Atlassian products. For example, *5b10ac8d82e05b22cc7d4ef5*. Required in requests." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "avatarUrls": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "16x16": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 16x16 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "24x24": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 24x24 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "32x32": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 32x32 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "48x48": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 48x48 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The avatars of the user." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "accountType": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "enum": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "atlassian", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "app", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "customer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "unknown" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The user account type. Can take the following values:\n\n * `atlassian` regular Atlassian user account\n * `app` system account used for Connect applications and OAuth to represent external systems\n * `customer` Jira Service Desk account representing an external service desk" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "displayName": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The display name of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may return an alternative value." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "emailAddress": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The email address of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "applicationRoles": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "size": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "attribute": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "key": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The key of the application role." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The display name of the application role." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "groups": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The groups associated with the application role.", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "uniqueItems": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "defined": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Deprecated." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "platform": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Indicates if the application role belongs to Jira platform (`jira-core`)." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "userCount": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The number of users counting against your license." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "defaultGroups": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The groups that are granted default access for this application role.", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "uniqueItems": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "numberOfSeats": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The maximum count of users on your license." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "remainingSeats": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The count of users remaining on your license." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "hasUnlimitedSeats": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "selectedByDefault": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Determines whether this application role should be selected by default on user creation." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "userCountDescription": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The [type of users](https://confluence.atlassian.com/x/lRW3Ng) being counted against your license." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "callback": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "max-results": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": "max-results", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "attribute": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "pagingCallback": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The application roles the user is assigned to." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The user assigned to issues created with this component, when `assigneeType` does not identify a valid assignee." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "leadAccountId": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "maxLength": 128, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "writeOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The accountId of the component's lead user. The accountId uniquely identifies the user across all Atlassian products. For example, *5b10ac8d82e05b22cc7d4ef5*." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "realAssigneeType": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "enum": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "PROJECT_DEFAULT", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "COMPONENT_LEAD", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "PROJECT_LEAD", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "UNASSIGNED" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The type of the assignee that is assigned to issues created with this component, when an assignee cannot be set from the `assigneeType`. For example, `assigneeType` is set to `COMPONENT_LEAD` but no component lead is set. This property is set to one of the following values:\n\n * `PROJECT_LEAD` when `assigneeType` is `PROJECT_LEAD` and the project lead has permission to be assigned issues in the project that the component is in.\n * `COMPONENT_LEAD` when `assignee`Type is `COMPONENT_LEAD` and the component lead has permission to be assigned issues in the project that the component is in.\n * `UNASSIGNED` when `assigneeType` is `UNASSIGNED` and Jira is configured to allow unassigned issues.\n * `PROJECT_DEFAULT` when none of the preceding cases are true." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "isAssigneeTypeValid": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Whether a user is associated with `assigneeType`. For example, if the `assigneeType` is set to `COMPONENT_LEAD` but the component lead is not set, then `false` is returned." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "List of the components contained in the project." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "issueTypes": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The ID of the issue type." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The name of the issue type." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "self": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of these issue type details." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "scope": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "enum": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "PROJECT", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "TEMPLATE" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The type of scope." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "project": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The ID of the project." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "key": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The key of the project." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The name of the project." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "self": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the project details." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "avatarUrls": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "16x16": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 16x16 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "24x24": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 24x24 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "32x32": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 32x32 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "48x48": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 48x48 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URLs of the project's avatars." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "simplified": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Whether or not the project is simplified." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "projectTypeKey": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "enum": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "software", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "service_desk", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "business" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The [project type](https://confluence.atlassian.com/x/GwiiLQ#Jiraapplicationsoverview-Productfeaturesandprojecttypes) of the project." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "projectCategory": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The ID of the project category." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The description of the project category." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "self": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the project category." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The name of the project category." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The category the project belongs to." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The project the item has scope in." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Details of the next-gen projects the issue type is available in." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "iconUrl": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the issue type's avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "subtask": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Whether this issue type is used to create subtasks." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "avatarId": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int64", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The ID of the issue type's avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "entityId": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uuid", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Unique ID for next-gen projects." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The description of the issue type." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "hierarchyLevel": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Hierarchy level of the issue type." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "List of the issue types available in the project." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Map of project properties", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "additionalProperties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "simplified": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Whether the project is simplified." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "deletedDate": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "date-time", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The date when the project was marked as deleted." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "A brief description of the project." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "permissions": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "canEdit": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Whether the logged user can edit the project." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "User permissions on the project" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "archivedDate": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "date-time", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The date when the project was archived." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "assigneeType": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "enum": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "PROJECT_LEAD", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "UNASSIGNED" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The default assignee when creating issues for this project." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "projectTypeKey": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "enum": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "software", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "service_desk", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "business" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The [project type](https://confluence.atlassian.com/x/GwiiLQ#Jiraapplicationsoverview-Productfeaturesandprojecttypes) of the project." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "projectCategory": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The ID of the project category." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The name of the project category. Required on create, optional on update." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "self": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the project category." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The description of the project category. Required on create, optional on update." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The category the project belongs to." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "retentionTillDate": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "date-time", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The date when the project is deleted permanently." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "issueTypeHierarchy": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "level": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int64" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "level": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "aboveLevelId": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int64" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "belowLevelId": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int64" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "externalUuid": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uuid" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "issueTypeIds": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int64" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "globalHierarchyLevel": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "enum": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "SUBTASK", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "BASE", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "EPIC" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "projectConfigurationId": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int64" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The issue type hierarchy for the project" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The project that the filter is shared with. This is similar to the project object returned by [Get project](#api-rest-api-3-project-projectIdOrKey-get) but it contains a subset of the properties, which are: `self`, `id`, `key`, `assigneeType`, `name`, `roles`, `avatarUrls`, `projectType`, `simplified`. \nFor a request, specify the `id` for the project." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Details of a share permission for the filter.", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "additionalProperties": false 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "supported_sync_modes": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "full_refresh" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "default_cursor_field": [], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "source_defined_primary_key": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "sync_mode": "full_refresh", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "cursor_field": [], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "destination_sync_mode": "overwrite", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "primary_key": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "stream": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": "groups", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "json_schema": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "null", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "string" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The name of the group." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "groupId": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "null", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "string" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The ID of the group, if available, which uniquely identifies the group across all Atlassian products. For example, *952d12c3-5b5b-4d04-bb32-44d383afc4b2*." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The list of groups found in a search, including header text (Showing X of Y matching groups) and total of matched groups.", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "additionalProperties": false 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "supported_sync_modes": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "full_refresh" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "default_cursor_field": [], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "source_defined_primary_key": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "groupId" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "sync_mode": "full_refresh", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "cursor_field": [], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "destination_sync_mode": "overwrite", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "primary_key": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "groupId" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "stream": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": "issues", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "json_schema": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The ID of the issue." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "key": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The key of the issue." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "self": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the issue details." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "names": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The ID and name of each field present on the issue.", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "additionalProperties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "expand": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "attribute": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Expand options that include additional issue details in the response." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "fields": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "created": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "null" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "date-time", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "This field is not shown in schema / swagger, but exists in records and we use it as cursor fiekd. Updated may be absent. Added to solve the #4341" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "updated": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "null" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "date-time", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "This field is not shown in schema / swagger, but exists in records and we use it as cursor fiekd. Updated may be absent. Added to solve the #4341" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "additionalProperties": {} 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "schema": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The schema describing each field present on the issue." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "editmeta": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The metadata for the fields on the issue that can be amended." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "changelog": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Details of changelogs associated with the issue." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "projectId": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The ID of the project containing the issue." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "operations": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The operations that can be performed on the issue." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "projectKey": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The key of the project containing the issue." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Details of the issue properties identified in the request.", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "additionalProperties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "transitions": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The transitions that can be performed on the issue." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "renderedFields": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The rendered value of each field present on the issue.", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "additionalProperties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "fieldsToInclude": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "versionedRepresentations": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The versions of each field on the issue.", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "additionalProperties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "additionalProperties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "additionalProperties": false 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "supported_sync_modes": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "full_refresh", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "incremental" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "source_defined_cursor": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "default_cursor_field": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "fields", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "updated" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "source_defined_primary_key": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "sync_mode": "incremental", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "cursor_field": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "fields", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "updated" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "destination_sync_mode": "append_dedup", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "primary_key": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "stream": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": "issue_comments", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "json_schema": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The ID of the comment." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "body": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The comment text in [Atlassian Document Format](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/apis/document/structure/)." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "self": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the comment." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "author": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The ID of the user who created the comment." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "created": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "date-time", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The date and time at which the comment was created." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "updated": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "date-time", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The date and time at which the comment was updated last." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "jsdPublic": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Whether the comment is visible in Jira Service Desk. Defaults to true when comments are created in the Jira Cloud Platform. This includes when the site doesn't use Jira Service Desk or the project isn't a Jira Service Desk project and, therefore, there is no Jira Service Desk for the issue to be visible on. To create a comment with its visibility in Jira Service Desk set to false, use the Jira Service Desk REST API [Create request comment](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/service-desk/rest/#api-rest-servicedeskapi-request-issueIdOrKey-comment-post) operation." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "A list of comment properties. Optional on create and update." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "visibility": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "null" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "enum": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "group", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "role" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Whether visibility of this item is restricted to a group or role." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "value": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The name of the group or role to which visibility of this item is restricted." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The group or role to which this item is visible.", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "additionalProperties": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "renderedBody": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The rendered version of the comment." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "updateAuthor": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The ID of the user who updated the comment last.", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "additionalProperties": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "A comment.", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "additionalProperties": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "supported_sync_modes": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "full_refresh" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "default_cursor_field": [], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "source_defined_primary_key": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "sync_mode": "full_refresh", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "cursor_field": [], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "destination_sync_mode": "overwrite", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "primary_key": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "stream": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": "issue_fields", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "json_schema": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The ID of the field." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "key": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The key of the field." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The name of the field." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "scope": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "null" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "enum": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "PROJECT", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "TEMPLATE" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The type of scope." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "project": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The ID of the project." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "key": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The key of the project." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The name of the project." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "self": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the project details." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "avatarUrls": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "16x16": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 16x16 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "24x24": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 24x24 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "32x32": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 32x32 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "48x48": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 48x48 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URLs of the project's avatars." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "simplified": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Whether or not the project is simplified." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "projectTypeKey": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "enum": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "software", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "service_desk", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "business" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The [project type](https://confluence.atlassian.com/x/GwiiLQ#Jiraapplicationsoverview-Productfeaturesandprojecttypes) of the project." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "projectCategory": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The ID of the project category." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The description of the project category." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "self": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the project category." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The name of the project category." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The category the project belongs to." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The project the item has scope in." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The scope of the field." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "custom": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Whether the field is a custom field." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "schema": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The data type of the field." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "When the data type is an array, the name of the field items within the array." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "custom": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "If the field is a custom field, the URI of the field." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "system": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "If the field is a system field, the name of the field." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "customId": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int64", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "If the field is a custom field, the custom ID of the field." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "configuration": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "If the field is a custom field, the configuration of the field.", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "additionalProperties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The data schema for the field." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "navigable": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Whether the field can be used as a column on the issue navigator." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "orderable": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Whether the content of the field can be used to order lists." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "searchable": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Whether the content of the field can be searched." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "clauseNames": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The names that can be used to reference the field in an advanced search. For more information, see [Advanced searching - fields reference](https://confluence.atlassian.com/x/gwORLQ).", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "uniqueItems": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Details about a field.", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "additionalProperties": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "supported_sync_modes": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "full_refresh" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "default_cursor_field": [], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "source_defined_primary_key": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "sync_mode": "full_refresh", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "cursor_field": [], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "destination_sync_mode": "overwrite", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "primary_key": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "stream": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": "issue_field_configurations", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "json_schema": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int64", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The ID of the field configuration." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The name of the field configuration." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "isDefault": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Whether the field configuration is the default." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The description of the field configuration." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Details of a field configuration.", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "additionalProperties": false 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "supported_sync_modes": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "full_refresh" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "default_cursor_field": [], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "source_defined_primary_key": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "sync_mode": "full_refresh", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "cursor_field": [], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "destination_sync_mode": "overwrite", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "primary_key": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "stream": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": "issue_custom_field_contexts", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "json_schema": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The ID of the context." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The name of the context." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The description of the context." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "isAnyIssueType": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Whether the context apply to all issue types." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "isGlobalContext": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Whether the context is global." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The details of a custom field context.", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "additionalProperties": false 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "supported_sync_modes": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "full_refresh" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "default_cursor_field": [], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "source_defined_primary_key": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "sync_mode": "full_refresh", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "cursor_field": [], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "destination_sync_mode": "overwrite", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "primary_key": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "stream": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": "issue_link_types", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "json_schema": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The ID of the issue link type and is used as follows:\n\n * In the [ issueLink](#api-rest-api-3-issueLink-post) resource it is the type of issue link. Required on create when `name` isn't provided. Otherwise, read only.\n * In the [ issueLinkType](#api-rest-api-3-issueLinkType-post) resource it is read only." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The name of the issue link type and is used as follows:\n\n * In the [ issueLink](#api-rest-api-3-issueLink-post) resource it is the type of issue link. Required on create when `id` isn't provided. Otherwise, read only.\n * In the [ issueLinkType](#api-rest-api-3-issueLinkType-post) resource it is required on create and optional on update. Otherwise, read only." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "self": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the issue link type. Read only." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "inward": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The description of the issue link type inward link and is used as follows:\n\n * In the [ issueLink](#api-rest-api-3-issueLink-post) resource it is read only.\n * In the [ issueLinkType](#api-rest-api-3-issueLinkType-post) resource it is required on create and optional on update. Otherwise, read only." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "outward": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The description of the issue link type outward link and is used as follows:\n\n * In the [ issueLink](#api-rest-api-3-issueLink-post) resource it is read only.\n * In the [ issueLinkType](#api-rest-api-3-issueLinkType-post) resource it is required on create and optional on update. Otherwise, read only." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "A list of issue link type beans.", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "additionalProperties": false 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "supported_sync_modes": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "full_refresh" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "default_cursor_field": [], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "source_defined_primary_key": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "sync_mode": "full_refresh", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "cursor_field": [], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "destination_sync_mode": "overwrite", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "primary_key": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "stream": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": "issue_navigator_settings", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "json_schema": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "label": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The issue navigator column label." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "value": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The issue navigator column value." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Details of an issue navigator column item.", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "additionalProperties": false 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "supported_sync_modes": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "full_refresh" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "default_cursor_field": [], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "source_defined_primary_key": [] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "sync_mode": "full_refresh", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "cursor_field": [], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "destination_sync_mode": "overwrite", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "primary_key": [] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "stream": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": "issue_notification_schemes", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "json_schema": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int64", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The ID of the notification scheme." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The name of the notification scheme." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "self": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "scope": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "null" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "enum": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "PROJECT", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "TEMPLATE" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The type of scope." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "project": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The ID of the project." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "key": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The key of the project." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The name of the project." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "self": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the project details." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "avatarUrls": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "16x16": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 16x16 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "24x24": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 24x24 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "32x32": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 32x32 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "48x48": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 48x48 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URLs of the project's avatars." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "simplified": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Whether or not the project is simplified." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "projectTypeKey": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "enum": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "software", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "service_desk", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "business" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The [project type](https://confluence.atlassian.com/x/GwiiLQ#Jiraapplicationsoverview-Productfeaturesandprojecttypes) of the project." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "projectCategory": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The ID of the project category." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The description of the project category." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "self": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the project category." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The name of the project category." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The category the project belongs to." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The project the item has scope in." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The scope of the notification scheme." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "expand": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Expand options that include additional notification scheme details in the response." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The description of the notification scheme." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "notificationSchemeEvents": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "null" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "event": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int64", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The ID of the event. The event can be a [Jira system event](https://confluence.atlassian.com/x/8YdKLg#Creatinganotificationscheme-eventsEvents) or a [custom event](https://confluence.atlassian.com/x/AIlKLg)." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The name of the event." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The description of the event." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "notifications": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int64", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The ID of the notification." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "user": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "key": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the [deprecation notice](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the [deprecation notice](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "self": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the user." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "active": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Whether the user is active." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "timeZone": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The time zone specified in the user's profile. Depending on the user’s privacy settings, this may be returned as null." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "accountId": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "maxLength": 128, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The account ID of the user, which uniquely identifies the user across all Atlassian products. For example, *5b10ac8d82e05b22cc7d4ef5*." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "avatarUrls": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "16x16": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 16x16 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "24x24": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 24x24 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "32x32": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 32x32 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "48x48": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 48x48 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The avatars of the user." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "accountType": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The type of account represented by this user. This will be one of 'atlassian' (normal users), 'app' (application user) or 'customer' (Jira Service Desk customer user)" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "displayName": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The display name of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy settings, this may return an alternative value." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "emailAddress": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The email address of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy settings, this may be returned as null." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The specified user." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "field": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The ID of the field." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "key": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The key of the field." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The name of the field." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "scope": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "enum": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "PROJECT", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "TEMPLATE" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The type of scope." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "project": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The ID of the project." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "key": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The key of the project." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The name of the project." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "self": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the project details." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "avatarUrls": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "16x16": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 16x16 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "24x24": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 24x24 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "32x32": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 32x32 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "48x48": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 48x48 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URLs of the project's avatars." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "simplified": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Whether or not the project is simplified." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "projectTypeKey": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "enum": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "software", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "service_desk", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "business" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The [project type](https://confluence.atlassian.com/x/GwiiLQ#Jiraapplicationsoverview-Productfeaturesandprojecttypes) of the project." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "projectCategory": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The ID of the project category." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The description of the project category." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "self": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the project category." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The name of the project category." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The category the project belongs to." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The project the item has scope in." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The scope of the field." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "custom": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Whether the field is a custom field." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "schema": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The data type of the field." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "When the data type is an array, the name of the field items within the array." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "custom": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "If the field is a custom field, the URI of the field." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "system": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "If the field is a system field, the name of the field." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "customId": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int64", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "If the field is a custom field, the custom ID of the field." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "configuration": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "If the field is a custom field, the configuration of the field.", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "additionalProperties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The data schema for the field." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "navigable": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Whether the field can be used as a column on the issue navigator." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "orderable": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Whether the content of the field can be used to order lists." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "searchable": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Whether the content of the field can be searched." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "clauseNames": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The names that can be used to reference the field in an advanced search. For more information, see [Advanced searching - fields reference](https://confluence.atlassian.com/x/gwORLQ).", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "uniqueItems": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The custom user or group field." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "group": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The name of group." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "self": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL for these group details." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The specified group." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "expand": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Expand options that include additional event notification details in the response." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "parameter": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The value of the `notificationType`:\n\n * `User` The `parameter` is the user account ID.\n * `Group` The `parameter` is the group name.\n * `ProjectRole` The `parameter` is the project role ID.\n * `UserCustomField` The `parameter` is the ID of the custom field.\n * `GroupCustomField` The `parameter` is the ID of the custom field." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "projectRole": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int64", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The ID of the project role." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The name of the project role." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "self": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL the project role details." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "admin": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Whether this role is the admin role for the project." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "scope": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "enum": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "PROJECT", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "TEMPLATE" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The type of scope." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "project": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The ID of the project." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "key": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The key of the project." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The name of the project." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "self": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the project details." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "avatarUrls": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "16x16": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 16x16 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "24x24": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 24x24 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "32x32": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 32x32 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "48x48": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 48x48 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URLs of the project's avatars." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "simplified": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Whether or not the project is simplified." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "projectTypeKey": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "enum": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "software", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "service_desk", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "business" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The [project type](https://confluence.atlassian.com/x/GwiiLQ#Jiraapplicationsoverview-Productfeaturesandprojecttypes) of the project." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "projectCategory": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The ID of the project category." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The description of the project category." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "self": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the project category." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The name of the project category." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The category the project belongs to." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The project the item has scope in." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The scope of the role. Indicated for roles associated with [next-gen projects](https://confluence.atlassian.com/x/loMyO)." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "actors": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int64", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The ID of the role actor." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the [deprecation notice](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "enum": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "atlassian-group-role-actor", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "atlassian-user-role-actor" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The type of role actor." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "actorUser": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "accountId": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "maxLength": 128, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The account ID of the user, which uniquely identifies the user across all Atlassian products. For example, *5b10ac8d82e05b22cc7d4ef5*. Returns *unknown* if the record is deleted and corrupted, for example, as the result of a server import." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "avatarUrl": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The avatar of the role actor." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "actorGroup": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The name of the group" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "displayName": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The display name of the group." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "displayName": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The display name of the role actor. For users, depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may return an alternative value for the user's name." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The list of users who act in this role." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "default": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Whether this role is the default role for the project" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The description of the project role." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "translatedName": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The translated name of the project role." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "currentUserRole": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Whether the calling user is part of this role." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "roleConfigurable": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Whether the roles are configurable for this project." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The specified project role." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "emailAddress": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The email address." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "notificationType": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "enum": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "CurrentAssignee", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "Reporter", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "CurrentUser", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "ProjectLead", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "ComponentLead", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "User", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "Group", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "ProjectRole", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "EmailAddress", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "AllWatchers", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "UserCustomField", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "GroupCustomField" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Identifies the recipients of the notification." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The notification events and associated recipients." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Details about a notification scheme.", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "additionalProperties": false 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "supported_sync_modes": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "full_refresh" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "default_cursor_field": [], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "source_defined_primary_key": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "sync_mode": "full_refresh", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "cursor_field": [], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "destination_sync_mode": "overwrite", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "primary_key": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "stream": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": "issue_priorities", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "json_schema": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The ID of the issue priority." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The name of the issue priority." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "self": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the issue priority." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "iconUrl": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the icon for the issue priority." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The description of the issue priority." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "statusColor": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The color used to indicate the issue priority." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "An issue priority.", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "additionalProperties": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "supported_sync_modes": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "full_refresh" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "default_cursor_field": [], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "source_defined_primary_key": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "sync_mode": "full_refresh", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "cursor_field": [], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "destination_sync_mode": "overwrite", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "primary_key": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "stream": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": "issue_properties", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "json_schema": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "key": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The key of the property. Required on create and update." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "value": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The value of the property. Required on create and update." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "An entity property, for more information see [Entity properties](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/jira-entity-properties/).", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "additionalProperties": false 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "supported_sync_modes": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "full_refresh" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "default_cursor_field": [], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "source_defined_primary_key": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "key" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "sync_mode": "full_refresh", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "cursor_field": [], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "destination_sync_mode": "overwrite", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "primary_key": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "key" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "stream": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": "issue_remote_links", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "json_schema": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int64", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The ID of the link." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "self": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the link." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "object": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "url": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "icon": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "link": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the tooltip, used only for a status icon. If not set, the status icon in Jira is not clickable." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "title": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The title of the icon. This is used as follows:\n\n * For a status icon it is used as a tooltip on the icon. If not set, the status icon doesn't display a tooltip in Jira.\n * For the remote object icon it is used in conjunction with the application name to display a tooltip for the link's icon. The tooltip takes the format \"\\[application name\\] icon title\". Blank itemsare excluded from the tooltip title. If both items are blank, the icon tooltop displays as \"Web Link\"." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "url16x16": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of an icon that displays at 16x16 pixel in Jira." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Details of the icon for the item. If no icon is defined, the default link icon is used in Jira." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "title": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The title of the item." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "status": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "icon": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "link": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the tooltip, used only for a status icon. If not set, the status icon in Jira is not clickable." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "title": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The title of the icon. This is used as follows:\n\n * For a status icon it is used as a tooltip on the icon. If not set, the status icon doesn't display a tooltip in Jira.\n * For the remote object icon it is used in conjunction with the application name to display a tooltip for the link's icon. The tooltip takes the format \"\\[application name\\] icon title\". Blank itemsare excluded from the tooltip title. If both items are blank, the icon tooltop displays as \"Web Link\"." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "url16x16": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of an icon that displays at 16x16 pixel in Jira." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Details of the icon representing the status. If not provided, no status icon displays in Jira." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "resolved": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Whether the item is resolved. If set to \"true\", the link to the issue is displayed in a strikethrough font, otherwise the link displays in normal font." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The status of the item." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "summary": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The summary details of the item." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Details of the item linked to." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "globalId": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The global ID of the link, such as the ID of the item on the remote system." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "application": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The name of the application. Used in conjunction with the (remote) object icon title to display a tooltip for the link's icon. The tooltip takes the format \"\\[application name\\] icon title\". Blank items are excluded from the tooltip title. If both items are blank, the icon tooltop displays as \"Web Link\". Grouping and sorting of links may place links without an application name last." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The name-spaced type of the application, used by registered rendering apps." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Details of the remote application the linked item is in." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "relationship": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Description of the relationship between the issue and the linked item." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Details of an issue remote link.", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "additionalProperties": false 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "supported_sync_modes": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "full_refresh" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "default_cursor_field": [], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "source_defined_primary_key": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "sync_mode": "full_refresh", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "cursor_field": [], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "destination_sync_mode": "overwrite", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "primary_key": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "stream": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": "issue_resolutions", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "json_schema": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The ID of the issue resolution." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The name of the issue resolution." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "self": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the issue resolution." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The description of the issue resolution." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Details of an issue resolution.", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "additionalProperties": false 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "supported_sync_modes": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "full_refresh" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "default_cursor_field": [], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "source_defined_primary_key": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "sync_mode": "full_refresh", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "cursor_field": [], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "destination_sync_mode": "overwrite", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "primary_key": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "stream": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": "issue_security_schemes", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "json_schema": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int64", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The ID of the issue security scheme." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The name of the issue security scheme." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "self": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the issue security scheme." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "levels": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The ID of the issue level security item." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The name of the issue level security item." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "self": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the issue level security item." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The description of the issue level security item." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The description of the issue security scheme." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "defaultSecurityLevelId": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int64", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The ID of the default security level." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "List of security schemes.", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "additionalProperties": false 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "supported_sync_modes": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "full_refresh" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "default_cursor_field": [], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "source_defined_primary_key": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "sync_mode": "full_refresh", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "cursor_field": [], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "destination_sync_mode": "overwrite", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "primary_key": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "stream": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": "issue_type_schemes", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "json_schema": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The ID of the issue type scheme." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The name of the issue type scheme." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "isDefault": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Whether the issue type scheme is the default." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The description of the issue type scheme." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "defaultIssueTypeId": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The ID of the default issue type of the issue type scheme." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Details of an issue type scheme.", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "additionalProperties": false 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "supported_sync_modes": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "full_refresh" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "default_cursor_field": [], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "source_defined_primary_key": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "sync_mode": "full_refresh", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "cursor_field": [], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "destination_sync_mode": "overwrite", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "primary_key": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "stream": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": "issue_type_screen_schemes", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "json_schema": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The ID of the issue type screen scheme." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The name of the issue type screen scheme." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The description of the issue type screen scheme." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Details of an issue type screen scheme.", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "additionalProperties": false 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "supported_sync_modes": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "full_refresh" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "default_cursor_field": [], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "source_defined_primary_key": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "sync_mode": "full_refresh", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "cursor_field": [], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "destination_sync_mode": "overwrite", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "primary_key": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "stream": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": "issue_votes", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "json_schema": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "self": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of these issue vote details." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "votes": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int64", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The number of votes on the issue." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "voters": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "key": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the [deprecation notice](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the [deprecation notice](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "self": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the user." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "active": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Whether the user is active." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "expand": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "attribute": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Expand options that include additional user details in the response." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "groups": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "size": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "attribute": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The name of group." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "self": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL for these group details." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "callback": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "max-results": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": "max-results", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "attribute": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "pagingCallback": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The groups that the user belongs to." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "locale": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The locale of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "timeZone": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The time zone specified in the user's profile. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "accountId": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "maxLength": 128, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The account ID of the user, which uniquely identifies the user across all Atlassian products. For example, *5b10ac8d82e05b22cc7d4ef5*. Required in requests." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "avatarUrls": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "16x16": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 16x16 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "24x24": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 24x24 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "32x32": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 32x32 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "48x48": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 48x48 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The avatars of the user." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "accountType": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "enum": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "atlassian", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "app", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "customer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "unknown" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The user account type. Can take the following values:\n\n * `atlassian` regular Atlassian user account\n * `app` system account used for Connect applications and OAuth to represent external systems\n * `customer` Jira Service Desk account representing an external service desk" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "displayName": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The display name of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may return an alternative value." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "emailAddress": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The email address of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "applicationRoles": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "size": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "attribute": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "key": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The key of the application role." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The display name of the application role." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "groups": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The groups associated with the application role.", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "uniqueItems": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "defined": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Deprecated." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "platform": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Indicates if the application role belongs to Jira platform (`jira-core`)." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "userCount": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The number of users counting against your license." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "defaultGroups": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The groups that are granted default access for this application role.", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "uniqueItems": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "numberOfSeats": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The maximum count of users on your license." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "remainingSeats": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The count of users remaining on your license." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "hasUnlimitedSeats": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "selectedByDefault": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Determines whether this application role should be selected by default on user creation." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "userCountDescription": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The [type of users](https://confluence.atlassian.com/x/lRW3Ng) being counted against your license." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "callback": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "max-results": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": "max-results", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "attribute": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "pagingCallback": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The application roles the user is assigned to." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "List of the users who have voted on this issue. An empty list is returned when the calling user doesn't have the *View voters and watchers* project permission." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "hasVoted": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Whether the user making this request has voted on the issue." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The details of votes on an issue.", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "additionalProperties": false 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "supported_sync_modes": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "full_refresh" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "default_cursor_field": [], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "source_defined_primary_key": [] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "sync_mode": "full_refresh", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "cursor_field": [], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "destination_sync_mode": "overwrite", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "primary_key": [] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "stream": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": "issue_watchers", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "json_schema": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "self": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of these issue watcher details." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "watchers": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "key": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the [deprecation notice](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the [deprecation notice](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "self": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the user." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "active": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Whether the user is active." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "timeZone": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The time zone specified in the user's profile. Depending on the user’s privacy settings, this may be returned as null." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "accountId": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "maxLength": 128, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The account ID of the user, which uniquely identifies the user across all Atlassian products. For example, *5b10ac8d82e05b22cc7d4ef5*." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "avatarUrls": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "16x16": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 16x16 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "24x24": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 24x24 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "32x32": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 32x32 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "48x48": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 48x48 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The avatars of the user." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "accountType": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The type of account represented by this user. This will be one of 'atlassian' (normal users), 'app' (application user) or 'customer' (Jira Service Desk customer user)" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "displayName": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The display name of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy settings, this may return an alternative value." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "emailAddress": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The email address of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy settings, this may be returned as null." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Details of the users watching this issue." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "isWatching": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Whether the calling user is watching this issue." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "watchCount": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The number of users watching this issue." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The details of watchers on an issue.", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "additionalProperties": false 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "supported_sync_modes": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "full_refresh" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "default_cursor_field": [], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "source_defined_primary_key": [] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "sync_mode": "full_refresh", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "cursor_field": [], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "destination_sync_mode": "overwrite", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "primary_key": [] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "stream": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": "issue_worklogs", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "json_schema": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The ID of the worklog record." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "self": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the worklog item." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "author": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "key": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the [deprecation notice](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the [deprecation notice](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "self": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the user." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "active": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Whether the user is active." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "timeZone": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The time zone specified in the user's profile. Depending on the user’s privacy settings, this may be returned as null." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "accountId": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "maxLength": 128, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The account ID of the user, which uniquely identifies the user across all Atlassian products. For example, *5b10ac8d82e05b22cc7d4ef5*." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "avatarUrls": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "16x16": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 16x16 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "24x24": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 24x24 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "32x32": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 32x32 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "48x48": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 48x48 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The avatars of the user." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "accountType": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The type of account represented by this user. This will be one of 'atlassian' (normal users), 'app' (application user) or 'customer' (Jira Service Desk customer user)" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "displayName": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The display name of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy settings, this may return an alternative value." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "emailAddress": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The email address of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy settings, this may be returned as null." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Details of the user who created the worklog." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "comment": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "A comment about the worklog in [Atlassian Document Format](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/apis/document/structure/). Optional when creating or updating a worklog." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "created": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "date-time", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The datetime on which the worklog was created." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "issueId": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The ID of the issue this worklog is for." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "started": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "date-time", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The datetime on which the worklog effort was started. Required when creating a worklog. Optional when updating a worklog." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "updated": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "date-time", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The datetime on which the worklog was last updated." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "timeSpent": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The time spent working on the issue as days (\\#d), hours (\\#h), or minutes (\\#m or \\#). Required when creating a worklog if `timeSpentSeconds` isn't provided. Optional when updating a worklog. Cannot be provided if `timeSpentSecond` is provided." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "key": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The key of the property. Required on create and update." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "value": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The value of the property. Required on create and update." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Details of properties for the worklog. Optional when creating or updating a worklog." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "visibility": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "enum": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "group", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "role" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Whether visibility of this item is restricted to a group or role." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "value": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The name of the group or role to which visibility of this item is restricted." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Details about any restrictions in the visibility of the worklog. Optional when creating or updating a worklog." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "updateAuthor": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "key": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the [deprecation notice](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the [deprecation notice](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "self": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the user." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "active": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Whether the user is active." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "timeZone": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The time zone specified in the user's profile. Depending on the user’s privacy settings, this may be returned as null." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "accountId": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "maxLength": 128, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The account ID of the user, which uniquely identifies the user across all Atlassian products. For example, *5b10ac8d82e05b22cc7d4ef5*." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "avatarUrls": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "16x16": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 16x16 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "24x24": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 24x24 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "32x32": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 32x32 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "48x48": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 48x48 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The avatars of the user." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "accountType": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The type of account represented by this user. This will be one of 'atlassian' (normal users), 'app' (application user) or 'customer' (Jira Service Desk customer user)" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "displayName": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The display name of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy settings, this may return an alternative value." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "emailAddress": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The email address of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy settings, this may be returned as null." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Details of the user who last updated the worklog." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "timeSpentSeconds": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int64", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The time in seconds spent working on the issue. Required when creating a worklog if `timeSpent` isn't provided. Optional when updating a worklog. Cannot be provided if `timeSpent` is provided." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Details of a worklog.", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "additionalProperties": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "supported_sync_modes": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "full_refresh" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "default_cursor_field": [], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "source_defined_primary_key": [] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "sync_mode": "full_refresh", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "cursor_field": [], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "destination_sync_mode": "overwrite", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "primary_key": [] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "stream": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": "jira_settings", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "json_schema": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The ID of the application property. The ID and key are the same." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "key": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The key of the application property. The ID and key are the same." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "desc": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The description of the application property." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The name of the application property." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The data type of the application property." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "value": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The new value." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "example": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "defaultValue": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The default value of the application property." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "allowedValues": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The allowed values, if applicable." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Details of an application property.", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "additionalProperties": false 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "supported_sync_modes": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "full_refresh" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "default_cursor_field": [], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "source_defined_primary_key": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "sync_mode": "full_refresh", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "cursor_field": [], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "destination_sync_mode": "overwrite", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "primary_key": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "stream": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": "labels", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "json_schema": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "null" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "null" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "key": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "null" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "desc": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "null" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "null" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "null" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "value": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "null" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "additionalProperties": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "supported_sync_modes": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "full_refresh" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "default_cursor_field": [], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "source_defined_primary_key": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "sync_mode": "full_refresh", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "cursor_field": [], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "destination_sync_mode": "overwrite", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "primary_key": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "stream": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": "permissions", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "json_schema": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "key": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "null", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "string" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "null", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "string" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "null", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "string" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "null", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "string" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Details about permissions.", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "additionalProperties": false 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "supported_sync_modes": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "full_refresh" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "default_cursor_field": [], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "source_defined_primary_key": [] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "sync_mode": "full_refresh", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "cursor_field": [], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "destination_sync_mode": "overwrite", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "primary_key": [] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "stream": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": "permission_schemes", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "json_schema": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int64", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The ID of the permission scheme." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The name of the permission scheme. Must be unique." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "self": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the permission scheme." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "scope": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "enum": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "PROJECT", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "TEMPLATE" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The type of scope." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "project": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The ID of the project." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "key": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The key of the project." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The name of the project." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "self": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the project details." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "avatarUrls": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "16x16": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 16x16 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "24x24": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 24x24 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "32x32": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 32x32 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "48x48": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 48x48 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URLs of the project's avatars." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "simplified": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Whether or not the project is simplified." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "projectTypeKey": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "enum": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "software", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "service_desk", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "business" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The [project type](https://confluence.atlassian.com/x/GwiiLQ#Jiraapplicationsoverview-Productfeaturesandprojecttypes) of the project." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "projectCategory": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The ID of the project category." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The description of the project category." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "self": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the project category." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The name of the project category." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The category the project belongs to." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The project the item has scope in." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The scope of the permission scheme." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "expand": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The expand options available for the permission scheme." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "A description for the permission scheme." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "permissions": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int64", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The ID of the permission granted details." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "self": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the permission granted details." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "holder": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The type of permission holder." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "expand": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Expand options that include additional permission holder details in the response." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "parameter": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The identifier of permission holder." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The user or group being granted the permission. It consists of a `type` and a type-dependent `parameter`. See [Holder object](#holder-object) in *Get all permission schemes* for more information." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "permission": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The permission to grant. This permission can be one of the built-in permissions or a custom permission added by an app. See [Built-in permissions](#built-in-permissions) in *Get all permission schemes* for more information about the built-in permissions. See the [project permission](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/modules/project-permission/) and [global permission](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/modules/global-permission/) module documentation for more information about custom permissions." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The permission scheme to create or update. See [About permission schemes and grants](#about-permission-schemes-and-grants) for more information." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "List of all permission schemes.", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "additionalProperties": false 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "supported_sync_modes": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "full_refresh" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "default_cursor_field": [], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "source_defined_primary_key": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "sync_mode": "full_refresh", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "cursor_field": [], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "destination_sync_mode": "overwrite", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "primary_key": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "stream": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": "projects", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "json_schema": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The ID of the project." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "key": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The key of the project." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "url": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "A link to information about this project, such as project documentation." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "lead": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The username of the project lead." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The name of the project." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "self": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the project details." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "uuid": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uuid", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Unique ID for next-gen projects." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "email": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "An email address associated with the project." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "roles": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The name and self URL for each role defined in the project. For more information, see [Create project role](#api-rest-api-3-role-post).", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "additionalProperties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "style": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "enum": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "classic", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "next-gen" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The type of the project." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "expand": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "attribute": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Expand options that include additional project details in the response." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "deleted": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Whether the project is marked as deleted." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "insight": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Insights about the project." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "archived": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Whether the project is archived." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "versions": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The versions defined in the project. For more information, see [Create version](#api-rest-api-3-version-post)." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "deletedBy": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The user who marked the project as deleted." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "favourite": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Whether the project is selected as a favorite." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "isPrivate": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Whether the project is private." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "archivedBy": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The user who archived the project." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "avatarUrls": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URLs of the project's avatars." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "components": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "List of the components contained in the project." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "issueTypes": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "List of the issue types available in the project." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Map of project properties", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "additionalProperties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "simplified": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Whether the project is simplified." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "deletedDate": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "date-time", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The date when the project was marked as deleted." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "A brief description of the project." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "permissions": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "User permissions on the project" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "archivedDate": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "date-time", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The date when the project was archived." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "assigneeType": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "enum": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "PROJECT_LEAD", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "UNASSIGNED" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The default assignee when creating issues for this project." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "projectTypeKey": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "enum": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "software", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "service_desk", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "business" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The [project type](https://confluence.atlassian.com/x/GwiiLQ#Jiraapplicationsoverview-Productfeaturesandprojecttypes) of the project." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "projectCategory": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The category the project belongs to." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "retentionTillDate": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "date-time", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The date when the project is deleted permanently." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "issueTypeHierarchy": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The issue type hierarchy for the project" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Details about a project.", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "additionalProperties": false 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "supported_sync_modes": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "full_refresh" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "default_cursor_field": [], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "source_defined_primary_key": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "sync_mode": "full_refresh", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "cursor_field": [], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "destination_sync_mode": "overwrite", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "primary_key": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "stream": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": "project_avatars", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "json_schema": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The ID of the avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "urls": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The list of avatar icon URLs.", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "additionalProperties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "owner": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The owner of the avatar. For a system avatar the owner is null (and nothing is returned). For non-system avatars this is the appropriate identifier, such as the ID for a project or the account ID for a user." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "fileName": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The file name of the avatar icon. Returned for system avatars." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "isSelected": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Whether the avatar is used in Jira. For example, shown as a project's avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "isDeletable": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Whether the avatar can be deleted." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "isSystemAvatar": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Whether the avatar is a system avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "List of project avatars.", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "additionalProperties": false 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "supported_sync_modes": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "full_refresh" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "default_cursor_field": [], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "source_defined_primary_key": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "sync_mode": "full_refresh", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "cursor_field": [], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "destination_sync_mode": "overwrite", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "primary_key": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "stream": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": "project_categories", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "json_schema": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The ID of the project category." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The name of the project category. Required on create, optional on update." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "self": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the project category." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The description of the project category. Required on create, optional on update." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "A project category.", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "additionalProperties": false 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "supported_sync_modes": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "full_refresh" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "default_cursor_field": [], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "source_defined_primary_key": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "sync_mode": "full_refresh", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "cursor_field": [], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "destination_sync_mode": "overwrite", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "primary_key": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "stream": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": "project_components", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "json_schema": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": "component" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The unique identifier for the component." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "lead": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "key": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the [deprecation notice](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the [deprecation notice](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "self": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the user." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "active": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Whether the user is active." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "expand": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "attribute": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Expand options that include additional user details in the response." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "groups": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "size": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "attribute": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The name of group." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "self": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL for these group details." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "callback": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "max-results": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": "max-results", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "attribute": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "pagingCallback": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The groups that the user belongs to." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "locale": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The locale of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "timeZone": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The time zone specified in the user's profile. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "accountId": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "maxLength": 128, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The account ID of the user, which uniquely identifies the user across all Atlassian products. For example, *5b10ac8d82e05b22cc7d4ef5*. Required in requests." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "avatarUrls": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "16x16": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 16x16 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "24x24": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 24x24 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "32x32": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 32x32 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "48x48": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 48x48 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The avatars of the user." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "accountType": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "enum": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "atlassian", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "app", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "customer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "unknown" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The user account type. Can take the following values:\n\n * `atlassian` regular Atlassian user account\n * `app` system account used for Connect applications and OAuth to represent external systems\n * `customer` Jira Service Desk account representing an external service desk" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "displayName": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The display name of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may return an alternative value." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "emailAddress": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The email address of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "applicationRoles": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "size": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "attribute": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "key": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The key of the application role." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The display name of the application role." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "groups": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The groups associated with the application role.", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "uniqueItems": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "defined": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Deprecated." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "platform": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Indicates if the application role belongs to Jira platform (`jira-core`)." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "userCount": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The number of users counting against your license." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "defaultGroups": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The groups that are granted default access for this application role.", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "uniqueItems": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "numberOfSeats": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The maximum count of users on your license." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "remainingSeats": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The count of users remaining on your license." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "hasUnlimitedSeats": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "selectedByDefault": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Determines whether this application role should be selected by default on user creation." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "userCountDescription": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The [type of users](https://confluence.atlassian.com/x/lRW3Ng) being counted against your license." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "callback": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "max-results": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": "max-results", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "attribute": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "pagingCallback": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The application roles the user is assigned to." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The user details for the component's lead user." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The unique name for the component in the project. Required when creating a component. Optional when updating a component. The maximum length is 255 characters." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "self": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the component." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "project": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The key of the project the component is assigned to. Required when creating a component. Can't be updated." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "assignee": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "key": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "null" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the [deprecation notice](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the [deprecation notice](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "self": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the user." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "active": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Whether the user is active." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "expand": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "attribute": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Expand options that include additional user details in the response." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "groups": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "size": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "attribute": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 INFO i.a.w.t.TemporalAttemptExecution(lambda$getWorkerThread$2):158 - Completing future exceptionally... io.airbyte.workers.exception.WorkerException: Normalization Failed. at io.airbyte.workers.general.DefaultNormalizationWorker.run(DefaultNormalizationWorker.java:64) ~[io.airbyte-airbyte-workers-0.39.38-alpha.jar:?] at io.airbyte.workers.general.DefaultNormalizationWorker.run(DefaultNormalizationWorker.java:21) ~[io.airbyte-airbyte-workers-0.39.38-alpha.jar:?] at io.airbyte.workers.temporal.TemporalAttemptExecution.lambda$getWorkerThread$2(TemporalAttemptExecution.java:155) ~[io.airbyte-airbyte-workers-0.39.38-alpha.jar:?] at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:833) [?:?] Caused by: io.airbyte.workers.exception.WorkerException: Normalization Failed. at io.airbyte.workers.general.DefaultNormalizationWorker.run(DefaultNormalizationWorker.java:61) ~[io.airbyte-airbyte-workers-0.39.38-alpha.jar:?] ... 3 more Suppressed: io.airbyte.workers.exception.WorkerException: Normalization process wasn't successful at io.airbyte.workers.normalization.DefaultNormalizationRunner.close(DefaultNormalizationRunner.java:162) ~[io.airbyte-airbyte-workers-0.39.38-alpha.jar:?] at io.airbyte.workers.general.DefaultNormalizationWorker.run(DefaultNormalizationWorker.java:49) ~[io.airbyte-airbyte-workers-0.39.38-alpha.jar:?] at io.airbyte.workers.general.DefaultNormalizationWorker.run(DefaultNormalizationWorker.java:21) ~[io.airbyte-airbyte-workers-0.39.38-alpha.jar:?] at io.airbyte.workers.temporal.TemporalAttemptExecution.lambda$getWorkerThread$2(TemporalAttemptExecution.java:155) ~[io.airbyte-airbyte-workers-0.39.38-alpha.jar:?] at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:833) [?:?] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The name of group." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "self": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL for these group details." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "callback": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "max-results": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": "max-results", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "attribute": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "pagingCallback": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The groups that the user belongs to." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "locale": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The locale of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "timeZone": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The time zone specified in the user's profile. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "accountId": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "maxLength": 128, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The account ID of the user, which uniquely identifies the user across all Atlassian products. For example, *5b10ac8d82e05b22cc7d4ef5*. Required in requests." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "avatarUrls": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "16x16": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 16x16 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "24x24": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 24x24 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "32x32": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 32x32 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "48x48": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 48x48 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The avatars of the user." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "accountType": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "enum": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "atlassian", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "app", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 INFO i.a.w.t.TemporalAttemptExecution(get):131 - Stopping cancellation check scheduling... 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "customer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "unknown" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 INFO i.a.w.t.TemporalUtils(withBackgroundHeartbeat):291 - Stopping temporal heartbeating... 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The user account type. Can take the following values:\n\n * `atlassian` regular Atlassian user account\n * `app` system account used for Connect applications and OAuth to represent external systems\n * `customer` Jira Service Desk account representing an external service desk" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 WARN i.t.i.a.POJOActivityTaskHandler(activityFailureToResult):307 - Activity failure. ActivityId=a302aa7f-6b2c-3cf8-8b05-a5ce0804c3c6, activityType=Normalize, attempt=1 java.lang.RuntimeException: io.temporal.serviceclient.CheckedExceptionWrapper: java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: io.airbyte.workers.exception.WorkerException: Normalization Failed. at io.airbyte.workers.temporal.TemporalUtils.withBackgroundHeartbeat(TemporalUtils.java:289) ~[io.airbyte-airbyte-workers-0.39.38-alpha.jar:?] at io.airbyte.workers.temporal.sync.NormalizationActivityImpl.normalize(NormalizationActivityImpl.java:75) ~[io.airbyte-airbyte-workers-0.39.38-alpha.jar:?] at jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) ~[?:?] at jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:77) ~[?:?] at jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43) ~[?:?] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:568) ~[?:?] at io.temporal.internal.activity.POJOActivityTaskHandler$POJOActivityInboundCallsInterceptor.execute(POJOActivityTaskHandler.java:214) ~[temporal-sdk-1.8.1.jar:?] at io.temporal.internal.activity.POJOActivityTaskHandler$POJOActivityImplementation.execute(POJOActivityTaskHandler.java:180) ~[temporal-sdk-1.8.1.jar:?] at io.temporal.internal.activity.POJOActivityTaskHandler.handle(POJOActivityTaskHandler.java:120) ~[temporal-sdk-1.8.1.jar:?] at io.temporal.internal.worker.ActivityWorker$TaskHandlerImpl.handle(ActivityWorker.java:204) ~[temporal-sdk-1.8.1.jar:?] at io.temporal.internal.worker.ActivityWorker$TaskHandlerImpl.handle(ActivityWorker.java:164) ~[temporal-sdk-1.8.1.jar:?] at io.temporal.internal.worker.PollTaskExecutor.lambda$process$0(PollTaskExecutor.java:93) ~[temporal-sdk-1.8.1.jar:?] at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1136) [?:?] at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:635) [?:?] at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:833) [?:?] Caused by: io.temporal.serviceclient.CheckedExceptionWrapper: java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: io.airbyte.workers.exception.WorkerException: Normalization Failed. at io.temporal.serviceclient.CheckedExceptionWrapper.wrap(CheckedExceptionWrapper.java:56) ~[temporal-serviceclient-1.8.1.jar:?] at io.temporal.internal.sync.WorkflowInternal.wrap(WorkflowInternal.java:448) ~[temporal-sdk-1.8.1.jar:?] at io.temporal.activity.Activity.wrap(Activity.java:51) ~[temporal-sdk-1.8.1.jar:?] at io.airbyte.workers.temporal.TemporalAttemptExecution.get(TemporalAttemptExecution.java:135) ~[io.airbyte-airbyte-workers-0.39.38-alpha.jar:?] at io.airbyte.workers.temporal.sync.NormalizationActivityImpl.lambda$normalize$3(NormalizationActivityImpl.java:103) ~[io.airbyte-airbyte-workers-0.39.38-alpha.jar:?] at io.airbyte.workers.temporal.TemporalUtils.withBackgroundHeartbeat(TemporalUtils.java:284) ~[io.airbyte-airbyte-workers-0.39.38-alpha.jar:?] ... 14 more Caused by: java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: io.airbyte.workers.exception.WorkerException: Normalization Failed. at java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture.reportGet(CompletableFuture.java:396) ~[?:?] at java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture.get(CompletableFuture.java:2073) ~[?:?] at io.airbyte.workers.temporal.TemporalAttemptExecution.get(TemporalAttemptExecution.java:129) ~[io.airbyte-airbyte-workers-0.39.38-alpha.jar:?] at io.airbyte.workers.temporal.sync.NormalizationActivityImpl.lambda$normalize$3(NormalizationActivityImpl.java:103) ~[io.airbyte-airbyte-workers-0.39.38-alpha.jar:?] at io.airbyte.workers.temporal.TemporalUtils.withBackgroundHeartbeat(TemporalUtils.java:284) ~[io.airbyte-airbyte-workers-0.39.38-alpha.jar:?] ... 14 more Caused by: io.airbyte.workers.exception.WorkerException: Normalization Failed. at io.airbyte.workers.general.DefaultNormalizationWorker.run(DefaultNormalizationWorker.java:64) ~[io.airbyte-airbyte-workers-0.39.38-alpha.jar:?] at io.airbyte.workers.general.DefaultNormalizationWorker.run(DefaultNormalizationWorker.java:21) ~[io.airbyte-airbyte-workers-0.39.38-alpha.jar:?] at io.airbyte.workers.temporal.TemporalAttemptExecution.lambda$getWorkerThread$2(TemporalAttemptExecution.java:155) ~[io.airbyte-airbyte-workers-0.39.38-alpha.jar:?] ... 1 more Caused by: io.airbyte.workers.exception.WorkerException: Normalization Failed. at io.airbyte.workers.general.DefaultNormalizationWorker.run(DefaultNormalizationWorker.java:61) ~[io.airbyte-airbyte-workers-0.39.38-alpha.jar:?] at io.airbyte.workers.general.DefaultNormalizationWorker.run(DefaultNormalizationWorker.java:21) ~[io.airbyte-airbyte-workers-0.39.38-alpha.jar:?] at io.airbyte.workers.temporal.TemporalAttemptExecution.lambda$getWorkerThread$2(TemporalAttemptExecution.java:155) ~[io.airbyte-airbyte-workers-0.39.38-alpha.jar:?] ... 1 more Suppressed: io.airbyte.workers.exception.WorkerException: Normalization process wasn't successful at io.airbyte.workers.normalization.DefaultNormalizationRunner.close(DefaultNormalizationRunner.java:162) ~[io.airbyte-airbyte-workers-0.39.38-alpha.jar:?] at io.airbyte.workers.general.DefaultNormalizationWorker.run(DefaultNormalizationWorker.java:49) ~[io.airbyte-airbyte-workers-0.39.38-alpha.jar:?] at io.airbyte.workers.general.DefaultNormalizationWorker.run(DefaultNormalizationWorker.java:21) ~[io.airbyte-airbyte-workers-0.39.38-alpha.jar:?] at io.airbyte.workers.temporal.TemporalAttemptExecution.lambda$getWorkerThread$2(TemporalAttemptExecution.java:155) ~[io.airbyte-airbyte-workers-0.39.38-alpha.jar:?] at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:833) [?:?] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "displayName": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The display name of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may return an alternative value." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "emailAddress": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The email address of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "applicationRoles": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "null" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "size": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "attribute": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "key": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The key of the application role." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The display name of the application role." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "groups": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The groups associated with the application role.", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "uniqueItems": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "defined": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Deprecated." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "platform": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Indicates if the application role belongs to Jira platform (`jira-core`)." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "userCount": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The number of users counting against your license." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "defaultGroups": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The groups that are granted default access for this application role.", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "uniqueItems": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "numberOfSeats": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The maximum count of users on your license." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "remainingSeats": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The count of users remaining on your license." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "hasUnlimitedSeats": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "selectedByDefault": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Determines whether this application role should be selected by default on user creation." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "userCountDescription": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The [type of users](https://confluence.atlassian.com/x/lRW3Ng) being counted against your license." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "callback": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "max-results": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": "max-results", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "attribute": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "pagingCallback": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The application roles the user is assigned to." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The details of the user associated with `assigneeType`, if any. See `realAssignee` for details of the user assigned to issues created with this component." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "projectId": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int64", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The ID of the project the component is assigned to." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The description for the component. Optional when creating or updating a component." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "assigneeType": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "enum": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "PROJECT_DEFAULT", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "COMPONENT_LEAD", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "PROJECT_LEAD", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "UNASSIGNED" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The nominal user type used to determine the assignee for issues created with this component. See `realAssigneeType` for details on how the type of the user, and hence the user, assigned to issues is determined. Can take the following values:\n\n * `PROJECT_LEAD` the assignee to any issues created with this component is nominally the lead for the project the component is in.\n * `COMPONENT_LEAD` the assignee to any issues created with this component is nominally the lead for the component.\n * `UNASSIGNED` an assignee is not set for issues created with this component.\n * `PROJECT_DEFAULT` the assignee to any issues created with this component is nominally the default assignee for the project that the component is in.\n\nDefault value: `PROJECT_DEFAULT`. \nOptional when creating or updating a component." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "leadUserName": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "null" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the [deprecation notice](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "realAssignee": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The user assigned to issues created with this component, when `assigneeType` does not identify a valid assignee." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "leadAccountId": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "null" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "maxLength": 128, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "writeOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The accountId of the component's lead user. The accountId uniquely identifies the user across all Atlassian products. For example, *5b10ac8d82e05b22cc7d4ef5*." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "realAssigneeType": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "enum": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "PROJECT_DEFAULT", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "COMPONENT_LEAD", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "PROJECT_LEAD", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "UNASSIGNED" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The type of the assignee that is assigned to issues created with this component, when an assignee cannot be set from the `assigneeType`. For example, `assigneeType` is set to `COMPONENT_LEAD` but no component lead is set. This property is set to one of the following values:\n\n * `PROJECT_LEAD` when `assigneeType` is `PROJECT_LEAD` and the project lead has permission to be assigned issues in the project that the component is in.\n * `COMPONENT_LEAD` when `assignee`Type is `COMPONENT_LEAD` and the component lead has permission to be assigned issues in the project that the component is in.\n * `UNASSIGNED` when `assigneeType` is `UNASSIGNED` and Jira is configured to allow unassigned issues.\n * `PROJECT_DEFAULT` when none of the preceding cases are true." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "isAssigneeTypeValid": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Whether a user is associated with `assigneeType`. For example, if the `assigneeType` is set to `COMPONENT_LEAD` but the component lead is not set, then `false` is returned." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Details about a project component.", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "additionalProperties": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "supported_sync_modes": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "full_refresh" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "default_cursor_field": [], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "source_defined_primary_key": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "sync_mode": "full_refresh", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "cursor_field": [], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "destination_sync_mode": "overwrite", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "primary_key": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "stream": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": "project_email", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "json_schema": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "emailAddress": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The email address." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "A project's sender email address.", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "additionalProperties": false 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "supported_sync_modes": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "full_refresh" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "default_cursor_field": [], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "source_defined_primary_key": [] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "sync_mode": "full_refresh", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "cursor_field": [], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "destination_sync_mode": "overwrite", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "primary_key": [] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "stream": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": "project_permission_schemes", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "json_schema": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "null", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "string" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The ID of the issue level security item." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "null", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "string" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The name of the issue level security item." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "self": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "null", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "string" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the issue level security item." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "null", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "string" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The description of the issue level security item." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Details about a security scheme.", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "additionalProperties": false 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "supported_sync_modes": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "full_refresh" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "default_cursor_field": [], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "source_defined_primary_key": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "sync_mode": "full_refresh", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "cursor_field": [], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "destination_sync_mode": "overwrite", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "primary_key": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "stream": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": "project_types", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "json_schema": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "key": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The key of the project type." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "icon": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The icon of the project type." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "color": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The color of the project type." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "formattedKey": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The formatted key of the project type." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "descriptionI18nKey": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The key of the project type's description." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Details about a project type.", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "additionalProperties": false 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "supported_sync_modes": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "full_refresh" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "default_cursor_field": [], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "source_defined_primary_key": [] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "sync_mode": "full_refresh", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "cursor_field": [], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "destination_sync_mode": "overwrite", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "primary_key": [] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "stream": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": "project_versions", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "json_schema": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The ID of the version." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The unique name of the version. Required when creating a version. Optional when updating a version. The maximum length is 255 characters." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "self": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the version." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "expand": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "attribute": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "null" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Use [expand](em>#expansion) to include additional information about version in the response. This parameter accepts a comma-separated list. Expand options include:\n\n * `operations` Returns the list of operations available for this version.\n * `issuesstatus` Returns the count of issues in this version for each of the status categories *to do*, *in progress*, *done*, and *unmapped*. The *unmapped* property contains a count of issues with a status other than *to do*, *in progress*, and *done*.\n\nOptional for create and update." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "overdue": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Indicates that the version is overdue." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "project": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Deprecated. Use `projectId`." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "archived": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Indicates that the version is archived. Optional when creating or updating a version." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "released": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Indicates that the version is released. If the version is released a request to release again is ignored. Not applicable when creating a version. Optional when updating a version." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "projectId": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int64", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The ID of the project to which this version is attached. Required when creating a version. Not applicable when updating a version." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "startDate": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "date", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The start date of the version. Expressed in ISO 8601 format (yyyy-mm-dd). Optional when creating or updating a version." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "operations": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "href": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "label": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "title": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "weight": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "iconClass": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "styleClass": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "If the expand option `operations` is used, returns the list of operations available for this version." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The description of the version. Optional when creating or updating a version." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "releaseDate": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "date", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The release date of the version. Expressed in ISO 8601 format (yyyy-mm-dd). Optional when creating or updating a version." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "userStartDate": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The date on which work on this version is expected to start, expressed in the instance's *Day/Month/Year Format* date format." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "userReleaseDate": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The date on which work on this version is expected to finish, expressed in the instance's *Day/Month/Year Format* date format." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "moveUnfixedIssuesTo": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the self link to the version to which all unfixed issues are moved when a version is released. Not applicable when creating a version. Optional when updating a version." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "issuesStatusForFixVersion": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "done": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int64", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Count of issues with status *done*." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "toDo": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int64", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Count of issues with status *to do*." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "unmapped": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int64", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Count of issues with a status other than *to do*, *in progress*, and *done*." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "inProgress": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int64", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Count of issues with status *in progress*." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "If the expand option `issuesstatus` is used, returns the count of issues in this version for each of the status categories *to do*, *in progress*, *done*, and *unmapped*. The *unmapped* property contains a count of issues with a status other than *to do*, *in progress*, and *done*." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "supported_sync_modes": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "full_refresh" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "default_cursor_field": [], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "source_defined_primary_key": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "sync_mode": "full_refresh", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "cursor_field": [], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "destination_sync_mode": "overwrite", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "primary_key": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "stream": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": "screens", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "json_schema": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int64", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The ID of the screen." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The name of the screen." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "scope": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "enum": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "PROJECT", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "TEMPLATE" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The type of scope." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "project": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The ID of the project." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "key": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The key of the project." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The name of the project." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "self": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the project details." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "avatarUrls": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "16x16": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 16x16 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "24x24": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 24x24 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "32x32": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 32x32 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "48x48": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 48x48 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URLs of the project's avatars." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "simplified": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Whether or not the project is simplified." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "projectTypeKey": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "enum": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "software", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "service_desk", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "business" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The [project type](https://confluence.atlassian.com/x/GwiiLQ#Jiraapplicationsoverview-Productfeaturesandprojecttypes) of the project." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "projectCategory": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The ID of the project category." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The description of the project category." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "self": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the project category." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The name of the project category." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The category the project belongs to." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The project the item has scope in." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The scope of the screen." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The description of the screen." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "additionalProperties": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "supported_sync_modes": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "full_refresh" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "default_cursor_field": [], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "source_defined_primary_key": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "sync_mode": "full_refresh", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "cursor_field": [], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "destination_sync_mode": "overwrite", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "primary_key": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "stream": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": "screen_tabs", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "json_schema": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "required": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int64", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The ID of the screen tab." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The name of the screen tab. The maximum length is 255 characters." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "A screen tab.", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "additionalProperties": false 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "supported_sync_modes": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "full_refresh" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "default_cursor_field": [], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "source_defined_primary_key": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "sync_mode": "full_refresh", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "cursor_field": [], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "destination_sync_mode": "overwrite", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "primary_key": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "stream": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": "screen_tab_fields", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "json_schema": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The ID of the screen tab field." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The name of the screen tab field. Required on create and update. The maximum length is 255 characters." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "A screen tab field.", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "additionalProperties": false 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "supported_sync_modes": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "full_refresh" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "default_cursor_field": [], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "source_defined_primary_key": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "sync_mode": "full_refresh", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "cursor_field": [], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "destination_sync_mode": "overwrite", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "primary_key": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "stream": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": "screen_schemes", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "json_schema": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int64", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The ID of the screen scheme." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The name of the screen scheme." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "screens": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "edit": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int64", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The ID of the edit screen." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "view": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int64", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The ID of the view screen." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "create": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int64", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The ID of the create screen." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "default": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int64", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The ID of the default screen. Required when creating a screen scheme." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The IDs of the screens for the screen types of the screen scheme." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The description of the screen scheme." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "issueTypeScreenSchemes": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "A screen scheme.", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "additionalProperties": false 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "supported_sync_modes": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "full_refresh" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "default_cursor_field": [], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "source_defined_primary_key": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "sync_mode": "full_refresh", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "cursor_field": [], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "destination_sync_mode": "overwrite", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "primary_key": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "stream": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": "sprints", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "json_schema": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "goal": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "self": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "state": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "endDate": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "date-time" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "startDate": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "date-time" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "completeDate": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "date-time" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "originBoardId": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "supported_sync_modes": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "full_refresh" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "default_cursor_field": [], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "source_defined_primary_key": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "sync_mode": "full_refresh", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "cursor_field": [], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "destination_sync_mode": "overwrite", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "primary_key": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "stream": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": "sprint_issues", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "json_schema": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "key": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "self": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "expand": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "fields": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "epic": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "null", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "object" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "sprint": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "null", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "object" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "comment": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "null", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "array" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "flagged": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "null", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "boolean" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "project": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "null", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "object" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "updated": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "null", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "string" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "date-time" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "worklog": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "null", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "array" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "null", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "string" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "timetracking": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "null", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "object" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "closedSprints": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "null", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "object" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "issueId": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "sprintId": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "supported_sync_modes": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "full_refresh", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "incremental" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "source_defined_cursor": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "default_cursor_field": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "fields", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "updated" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "source_defined_primary_key": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "sync_mode": "incremental", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "cursor_field": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "fields", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "updated" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "destination_sync_mode": "append_dedup", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "primary_key": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "stream": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": "time_tracking", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "json_schema": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "required": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "key" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "key": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The key for the time tracking provider. For example, *JIRA*." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "url": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the configuration page for the time tracking provider app. For example, */example/config/url*. This property is only returned if the `adminPageKey` property is set in the module descriptor of the time tracking provider app." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The name of the time tracking provider. For example, *JIRA provided time tracking*." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Details about the time tracking provider.", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "additionalProperties": false 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "supported_sync_modes": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "full_refresh" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "default_cursor_field": [], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "source_defined_primary_key": [] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "sync_mode": "full_refresh", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "cursor_field": [], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "destination_sync_mode": "overwrite", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "primary_key": [] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "stream": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": "users", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "json_schema": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": "user" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "key": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the [deprecation notice](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the [deprecation notice](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "self": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the user." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "active": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Whether the user is active." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "expand": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "attribute": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Expand options that include additional user details in the response." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "groups": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "size": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "attribute": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The name of group." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "self": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL for these group details." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "callback": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "max-results": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": "max-results", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "attribute": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "pagingCallback": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The groups that the user belongs to." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "locale": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The locale of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "timeZone": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The time zone specified in the user's profile. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "accountId": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "maxLength": 128, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The account ID of the user, which uniquely identifies the user across all Atlassian products. For example, *5b10ac8d82e05b22cc7d4ef5*. Required in requests." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "avatarUrls": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "16x16": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 16x16 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "24x24": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 24x24 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "32x32": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 32x32 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "48x48": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 48x48 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The avatars of the user." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "accountType": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "enum": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "atlassian", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "app", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "customer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "unknown" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The user account type. Can take the following values:\n\n * `atlassian` regular Atlassian user account\n * `app` system account used for Connect applications and OAuth to represent external systems\n * `customer` Jira Service Desk account representing an external service desk" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "displayName": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The display name of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may return an alternative value." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "emailAddress": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The email address of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "applicationRoles": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "size": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "attribute": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "key": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The key of the application role." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The display name of the application role." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "groups": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The groups associated with the application role.", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "uniqueItems": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "defined": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Deprecated." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "platform": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Indicates if the application role belongs to Jira platform (`jira-core`)." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "userCount": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The number of users counting against your license." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "defaultGroups": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The groups that are granted default access for this application role.", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "uniqueItems": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "numberOfSeats": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The maximum count of users on your license." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "remainingSeats": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The count of users remaining on your license." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "hasUnlimitedSeats": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "selectedByDefault": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Determines whether this application role should be selected by default on user creation." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "userCountDescription": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The [type of users](https://confluence.atlassian.com/x/lRW3Ng) being counted against your license." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "callback": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "max-results": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": "max-results", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "attribute": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "pagingCallback": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The application roles the user is assigned to." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "A user with details as permitted by the user's Atlassian Account privacy settings. However, be aware of these exceptions:\n\n * User record deleted from Atlassian: This occurs as the result of a right to be forgotten request. In this case, `displayName` provides an indication and other parameters have default values or are blank (for example, email is blank).\n * User record corrupted: This occurs as a results of events such as a server import and can only happen to deleted users. In this case, `accountId` returns *unknown* and all other parameters have fallback values.\n * User record unavailable: This usually occurs due to an internal service outage. In this case, all parameters have fallback values.", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "additionalProperties": false 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "supported_sync_modes": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "full_refresh" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "default_cursor_field": [], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "source_defined_primary_key": [] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "sync_mode": "full_refresh", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "cursor_field": [], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "destination_sync_mode": "overwrite", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "primary_key": [] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "stream": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": "workflows", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "json_schema": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The name of the workflow." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "statuses": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The ID of the issue status." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The name of the status in the workflow." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "issueEditable": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Whether issues are editable in this status." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The statuses of the workflow." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The description of the workflow." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "transitions": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The ID of the transition." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "to": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The status the transition goes to." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "from": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The statuses the transition can start from." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The statuses the transition can start from." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The name of the transition." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "enum": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "global", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "initial", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "directed" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The type of the transition." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "rules": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "conditions": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The type of the transition rule." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "configuration": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The configuration of the transition rule. This is currently returned only for some of the rule types. Availability of this property is subject to change." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The workflow conditions." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "validators": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The type of the transition rule." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "configuration": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The configuration of the transition rule. This is currently returned only for some of the rule types. Availability of this property is subject to change." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The workflow validators." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "postFunctions": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The type of the transition rule." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "configuration": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The configuration of the transition rule. This is currently returned only for some of the rule types. Availability of this property is subject to change." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The workflow post functions." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "screen": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The ID of the screen." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The description of the transition." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The transitions of the workflow." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "supported_sync_modes": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "full_refresh" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "default_cursor_field": [], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "source_defined_primary_key": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "sync_mode": "full_refresh", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "cursor_field": [], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "destination_sync_mode": "overwrite", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "primary_key": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "stream": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": "workflow_schemes", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "json_schema": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int64", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The ID of the workflow scheme." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The name of the workflow scheme. The name must be unique. The maximum length is 255 characters. Required when creating a workflow scheme." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "self": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "draft": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Whether the workflow scheme is a draft or not." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "issueTypes": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The issue types available in Jira." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The description of the workflow scheme." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "lastModified": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The date-time that the draft workflow scheme was last modified. A modification is a change to the issue type-project mappings only. This property does not apply to non-draft workflows." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "defaultWorkflow": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The name of the default workflow for the workflow scheme. The default workflow has *All Unassigned Issue Types* assigned to it in Jira. If `defaultWorkflow` is not specified when creating a workflow scheme, it is set to *Jira Workflow (jira)*." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "lastModifiedUser": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "key": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the [deprecation notice](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the [deprecation notice](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/) for details." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "self": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the user." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "active": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Whether the user is active." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "expand": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "attribute": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Expand options that include additional user details in the response." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "groups": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "size": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "attribute": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The name of group." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "self": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL for these group details." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "callback": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "max-results": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": "max-results", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "attribute": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "pagingCallback": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The groups that the user belongs to." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "locale": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The locale of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "timeZone": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The time zone specified in the user's profile. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "accountId": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "maxLength": 128, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The account ID of the user, which uniquely identifies the user across all Atlassian products. For example, *5b10ac8d82e05b22cc7d4ef5*. Required in requests." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "avatarUrls": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "16x16": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 16x16 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "24x24": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 24x24 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "32x32": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 32x32 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "48x48": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "uri", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the item's 48x48 pixel avatar." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The avatars of the user." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "accountType": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "enum": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "atlassian", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "app", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "customer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "unknown" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The user account type. Can take the following values:\n\n * `atlassian` regular Atlassian user account\n * `app` system account used for Connect applications and OAuth to represent external systems\n * `customer` Jira Service Desk account representing an external service desk" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "displayName": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The display name of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may return an alternative value." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "emailAddress": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The email address of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "applicationRoles": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "size": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "attribute": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "key": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The key of the application role." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The display name of the application role." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "groups": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The groups associated with the application role.", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "uniqueItems": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "defined": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Deprecated." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "platform": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Indicates if the application role belongs to Jira platform (`jira-core`)." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "userCount": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The number of users counting against your license." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "defaultGroups": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "array", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "items": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The groups that are granted default access for this application role.", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "uniqueItems": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "numberOfSeats": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The maximum count of users on your license." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "remainingSeats": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The count of users remaining on your license." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "hasUnlimitedSeats": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "selectedByDefault": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Determines whether this application role should be selected by default on user creation." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "userCountDescription": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The [type of users](https://confluence.atlassian.com/x/lRW3Ng) being counted against your license." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "callback": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "max-results": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "xml": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": "max-results", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "attribute": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int32" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "pagingCallback": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The application roles the user is assigned to." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The user that last modified the draft workflow scheme. A modification is a change to the issue type-project mappings only. This property does not apply to non-draft workflows." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "issueTypeMappings": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The issue type to workflow mappings, where each mapping is an issue type ID and workflow name pair. Note that an issue type can only be mapped to one workflow in a workflow scheme.", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "additionalProperties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "updateDraftIfNeeded": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "boolean", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "Whether to create or update a draft workflow scheme when updating an active workflow scheme. An active workflow scheme is a workflow scheme that is used by at least one project. The following examples show how this property works:\n\n * Update an active workflow scheme with `updateDraftIfNeeded` set to `true`: If a draft workflow scheme exists, it is updated. Otherwise, a draft workflow scheme is created.\n * Update an active workflow scheme with `updateDraftIfNeeded` set to `false`: An error is returned, as active workflow schemes cannot be updated.\n * Update an inactive workflow scheme with `updateDraftIfNeeded` set to `true`: The workflow scheme is updated, as inactive workflow schemes do not require drafts to update.\n\nDefaults to `false`." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "originalDefaultWorkflow": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "For draft workflow schemes, this property is the name of the default workflow for the original workflow scheme. The default workflow has *All Unassigned Issue Types* assigned to it in Jira." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "originalIssueTypeMappings": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "For draft workflow schemes, this property is the issue type to workflow mappings for the original workflow scheme, where each mapping is an issue type ID and workflow name pair. Note that an issue type can only be mapped to one workflow in a workflow scheme.", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "additionalProperties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "supported_sync_modes": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "full_refresh" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "default_cursor_field": [], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "source_defined_primary_key": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "sync_mode": "full_refresh", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "cursor_field": [], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "destination_sync_mode": "overwrite", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "primary_key": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "stream": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": "workflow_statuses", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "json_schema": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The ID of the status." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The name of the status." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "self": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the status." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "iconUrl": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the icon used to represent the status." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The description of the status." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "statusCategory": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int64", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The ID of the status category." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "key": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The key of the status category." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The name of the status category." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "self": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the status category." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "colorName": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The name of the color used to represent the status category." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The category assigned to the status." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "A status.", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "additionalProperties": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "supported_sync_modes": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "full_refresh" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "default_cursor_field": [], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "source_defined_primary_key": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "sync_mode": "full_refresh", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "cursor_field": [], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "destination_sync_mode": "overwrite", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "primary_key": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "stream": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": "workflow_status_categories", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "json_schema": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "object", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "properties": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "integer", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "format": "int64", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The ID of the status category." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "key": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The key of the status category." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "name": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The name of the status category." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "self": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The URL of the status category." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "colorName": { 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "type": "string", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "readOnly": true, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "The name of the color used to represent the status category." 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "description": "A status category.", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "additionalProperties": true 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "supported_sync_modes": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "full_refresh" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "default_cursor_field": [], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "source_defined_primary_key": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }, 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "sync_mode": "full_refresh", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "cursor_field": [], 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "destination_sync_mode": "overwrite", 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "primary_key": [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > [ 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > "id" 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > } 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > ] 2022-08-20 18:54:01 normalization > }