- Is this your first time deploying Airbyte?: Yes
- OS Version / Instance: debian 10
- Memory / Disk: 7,50Gb / 30 Tb
- Deployment: Docker
- Airbyte Version: 40.0.17
- Source name/version: bigquery
- Destination name/version: mysql (googlecloud sql)
- Step: during sync
- Description:
Hi, I have followed up this tutorial Deploy Airbyte on GCP (Compute Engine) | Airbyte Documentation to deploy airbyte on a compute engine on gcp.
I first started with a test setup (debian 10, 30 giga, e2-medium). I have successfuly created source, destination and connection to load data from bigquery to a mysql instance running on googlecloud SQL and i was able to load a small table with no issue. but during the sync of a bigger one, the airbyte ui instance became unreachable “oops something went wrong unknown issue” and few moment later “504 bad gateway timeout”. I can’t reach the instance by ssh either.
I don’t receive memory or disk space utilization since my instane is not reachable…
I have update my config to have a production setup (n1-standard-2 instance) but i have the same issue.
do you have any ideas about my issue ?