Error connecting to ClickHouse server with Airbyte destination configuration


The user is facing an error while trying to configure a destination in Airbyte with ClickHouse server. The error message indicates a connection timeout issue.


Hello Team,
I try to to the thing with ClickHouse server on local.
The server is running at localhost:9000 and localhost:8123 is retuning OK.
After that i follow the documentation on the website to create airbyte_user.
But when i try to configure a destination with the following schema :

Port 8123
DB Name db_mutualisee
User airbyte_user
SSH Tunnel Method No Tunnel```
I receive this Error :
```Could not connect with provided configuration. java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: HikariPool-1 - Connection is not available, request timed out after 60007ms (total=0, active=0, idle=0, waiting=0)```
What should i do ?



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["clickhouse-server", "airbyte-destination", "connection-error", "configuration", "java-sql-transient-connection-exception"]

Airbyte installed by abctl?

I cannot do that anymore ?

Airbyte is inside Docker container (abctl creates kind cluster Kubernetes on Docker), so different things are in different networks

Instead of localhost /, check host.docker.internal

Ok thanks i try this technic then

Seem to work thanks !