When trying to create a substream in a custom connector in Airbyte and passing the ID from the parent stream, an error is encountered indicating that the page token has expired.
Hi Team,
I am trying to buid the no-code custom connector in airbyte I have successfully created the parent stream and applied pagination as well below is the screenshot for parent stream.
Parent stream:
After this I needed to create the substream and pass the id which is the result from the parent stream to the substream. but there I am getting the below error:
Request to <,clientType,prospectId,listEmailId&nextPageToken=eyJvcmRlckJ5IjoiIiwiZmlsdGVycyI6W10sImxpbWl0IjoyMDAsInJlc3VtZVZhbHVlIjp7ImlkIjo0ODc3MTk4N30sInBhZ2UiOjEsInJlY0NvdW50IjoyMDAsImV4cGlyZVRpbWUiOiIyMDI0LTA4LTEzVDEwOjU2OjEyLTA3OjAwIiwiZGVsZXRlZCI6bnVsbH0=> failed with status code 400 and error message Page token has expired. - Traceback (most recent call last):
note: First two snapshots are from the parent stream, 3,4,5 screenshots are from the second stream.
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