Error running abctl local install in Airbyte OSS


Error message indicates a failure to verify the database connection while running abctl local install in Airbyte OSS.


Hello, I am testing Airbyte OSS for the first time but when running abctl local install as specified in the <|quickstart tutorial> I am getting the following error:

  INFO    No existing cluster found, cluster 'airbyte-abctl' will be created                                                                                   
 SUCCESS  Port 7999 appears to be available                                                                                                                    
 SUCCESS  Cluster 'airbyte-abctl' created                                                                                                                      
  INFO    Namespace 'airbyte-abctl' created                                                                                                                    
  INFO    Persistent volume 'airbyte-minio-pv' created                                                                                                         
  INFO    Persistent volume 'airbyte-volume-db' created                                                                                                        
  INFO    Persistent volume claim 'airbyte-minio-pv-claim-airbyte-minio-0' created                                                                             
  INFO    Persistent volume claim 'airbyte-volume-db-airbyte-db-0' created                                                                                     
  INFO    Starting Helm Chart installation of 'airbyte/airbyte' (version: 0.551.0)                                                                             
  ERROR   airbyte-bootloader: i.a.d.c.DatabaseAvailabilityCheck(lambda$isDatabaseConnected$1):78 - Failed to verify database connection.                       
  ERROR   airbyte-bootloader: org.jooq.exception.DataAccessException: Error getting connection from data source HikariDataSource (HikariPool-1)                
  ERROR   airbyte-bootloader: Caused by: java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: HikariPool-1 - Connection is not available, request timed out after 30007ms (total=0, active=0, idle=0, waiting=0)
  ERROR   airbyte-bootloader: Caused by: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: FATAL: database "db-airbyte" does not exist ```
Any help would be highly appreciated :slightly_smiling_face:



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["error", "abctl-local-install", "database-connection", "airbyte-oss"]

Are you on mac?

If so, there’s an issue with Docker Desktop for Mac 4.34.0. You can downgrade to 4.33 or you can switch the file sharing implementation to grpc fuse

Hello <@U07FH2Y34A1> thanks for your reply. I am indeed running on Mac. Unfortunately, I have tried both options (downgrading Docker to 4.33 and switching the file sharing implementation to grpc fuse) but both didn’t work. I am still running into the same issue.
Do you have any other ideas?

I’m also having the same issue on m2 mac. I downgraded Docker Desktop to 4.33 and changed the mount system to gRPC FUSE as recommended in this|issue but still no luck.

Ah, bummer. Sorry to hear that.

Well, to get things working, you could probably go into the db container and manually create the database. Something like this:
docker exec -it airbyte-abctl-control-plane kubectl -n airbyte-abctl exec -it airbyte-db-0 -- psql --user airbyte --dbname postgres --command='create database "db-airbyte"'

We’ll work on finding a better way to get the database created during setup

Thank you <@U07FH2Y34A1>. Manually creating the database worked for me.