Error starting source with abctl using mongo to bigquery connection


Error message ‘Unable to start the source’ encountered while using abctl with mongo to bigquery connection


Hello everyone, can help me with this error "internalMessage" : "Unable to start the source" "stacktrace" : "io.airbyte.workers.exception.WorkerException: Unable to start the source\n\ , I’m using abctl, the connection is mongo -> bigquery

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["error", "start-source", "abctl", "mongo", "bigquery"]

abctl uses kind cluster ( under the hood
If you want to debug, here’s an instruction

install kubectl ( and kubectx + kubens (
install also k9s (

then execute commands:

KUBECONFIG=~/.airbyte/abctl/abctl.kubeconfig kubectl config view --flatten > ~/.kube/config
kubectx kind-airbyte-abctl
kubens airbyte-abctl```
with `k9s` you can check details about pods and logs

maybe there is a problem with memory? or any other issues that pod cannot be scheduled?

<@U05JENRCF7C> I have installed all but the context is not settled?

<@U05JENRCF7C> ready to use k9s

how long do you have this Pending state for destination-bigquery-…?

it’s funny bigquery pod is up but mongo pod is down now:

<@U05JENRCF7C> yes the vm is 6core with 16G of Ram and 1tb of disk

Are you running other connections <@U06SFCM101Z>?

<@U01MMSDJGC9> no, it’s the only one

<@U01MMSDJGC9> if a connector run the other fail (source or dest)

Let’s continue the discussion in the other thread:

d shortcut opens view with kubectl describe pod ... content
maybe there will be some info why pod cannot start in time

do you have enough disk space and memory?