Error using Airbyte Cloud - 'Non Error object thrown'


The user is facing an error ‘Non Error object thrown’ while trying to use Airbyte Cloud. The error details include a stack trace and a link to the full story for more information.


<@U04SE163WC8> Unable to use Airbyte Cloud due to the following error: ‘Non Error object thrown’. For more details, refer to the stack trace provided in the error log and the full story link

  "url": "<>",
  "airbyteVersion": "build-bdf05e777e-19728-master-cloud",
  "errorType": "Error",
  "errorConstructor": "pUe",
  "error": {
    "cause": {}
  "stacktrace": "Error: Non Error object thrown\n    at getDerivedStateFromError (<>)\n    at n.payload (<>)\n    at X1 (<>)\n    at s8 (<>)\n    at AB (<>)\n    at TB (<>)\n    at ete (<>)\n    at ib (<>)\n    at v8 (<>)\n    at Wu (<>)",
  "userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",
  "fullStory": "<>",
  "featureFlags": {}



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["airbyte-cloud", "error", "non-error-object-thrown", "stack-trace", "full-story"]

There were some issues around this time with Airbyte Cloud that have since been resolved. Are you able to access the Cloud UI now?

Now I am able to access Airbyte Cloud.