Issue with using secrets.yaml and values.yaml in Airbyte installation


The user is facing an error when trying to install Airbyte locally using secrets.yaml and values.yaml files. The error message indicates a problem with patching the deployment in the Helm chart.


I have successfully installed Airbyte using abctl with the --low-resource-mode option.
The issue arises when I try to use secrets.yaml and values.yaml.
Attached are the formats for each file :
secrets.yaml :

kind: Secret
  name: airbyte-config-secrets
type: Opaque
  # AWS S3 Secrets
  s3-access-key-id: SOME_ACCESS_KEY_ID
  s3-secret-access-key: SOME_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
  ## database-host: ## e.g. database.internal
  ## database-port: ## e.g. 5432
  ## database-name: ## e.g. airbyte
  ## database-user: ## e.g. airbyte
  database-password: "some-password"```
`values.yaml` :
  enabled: false

    type: "S3"
    storageSecretName: airbyte-config-secrets # Name of your Kubernetes secret.
    bucket: ## S3 bucket names that you've created. We recommend storing the following all in one bucket.
      log: some.bucket
      state: some.bucket
      workloadOutput: some.bucket
      region: "ap-southeast-1"
      authenticationType: credentials ## Use "credentials" or "instanceProfile"
    # -- Secret name where database credentials are stored
    secretName: "airbyte-config-secrets" # e.g. "airbyte-config-secrets"

    # -- The database host
    host: "some-host"
    # -- The key within `secretName` where host is stored
    #hostSecretKey: "" # e.g. "database-host"

    # -- The database port
    port: "5432"
    # -- The key within `secretName` where port is stored
    #portSecretKey: "" # e.g. "database-port"

    # -- The database name
    database: "some-db"
    # -- The key within `secretName` where the database name is stored
    #databaseSecretKey: "" # e.g. "database-name"

    # -- The database user
    user: "some-user" # -- The key within `secretName` where the user is stored
    #userSecretKey: "" # e.g. "database-user"

    # -- The key within `secretName` where password is stored
    passwordSecretKey: "database-password" # e.g."database-password"

    - name: AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID
          name: "airbyte-config-secrets"
          key: "s3-access-key-id"
          name: "airbyte-config-secrets"
          key: "s3-secret-access-key"
          name: "airbyte-config-secrets"
          key: "s3-access-key-id"
          name: "airbyte-config-secrets"
          key: "s3-secret-access-key"
      value: "bucket-log"
      value: "ap-southeast-1"```
The error that appears when running `abctl local install --values values.yaml --low-resource-mode` is:
```ERROR   Failed to install airbyte/airbyte Helm Chart                                                                                                                                                      
  ERROR   Unable to install Airbyte locally                                                                                                                                                                 
  ERROR   unable to install airbyte chart: unable to install helm: cannot patch "airbyte-abctl-server" with kind Deployment: The order in patch list: XXXXXXX doesn't match $setElementOrder list:```
Thank you.



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["airbyte", "installation", "secrets.yaml", "values.yaml", "error", "helm chart", "local install"]

The --secret is singular, we are working on making better error messages for issues like that.

Hi <@U07C8CCC68Y>, Thank you for the clarification. Does this mean we can still set values.yaml in --low-resource mode?

yeah your command would look something like: abctl local install --values values.yaml --secret secrets.yaml --low-resource-mode

I’m still facing the same error message with the command abctl local install --values values.yaml --secret secrets.yaml --low-resource-mode .

  enabled: false

    # -- Secret name where database credentials are stored
    secretName: "airbyte-config-secrets" # e.g. "airbyte-config-secrets"

    # -- The database host
    host: "<|>"
    # -- The key within `secretName` where host is stored
    #hostSecretKey: "" # e.g. "database-host"

    # -- The database port
    port: "5432"
    # -- The key within `secretName` where port is stored
    #portSecretKey: "" # e.g. "database-port"

    # -- The database name
    database: "airbyte_db"
    # -- The key within `secretName` where the database name is stored
    #databaseSecretKey: "" # e.g. "database-name"

    # -- The database user
    user: "postgres" # -- The key within `secretName` where the user is stored
    #userSecretKey: "" # e.g. "database-user"

    # -- The key within `secretName` where password is stored
    passwordSecretKey: "database-password" # e.g."database-password"```
is there any mistake on `values.yaml`?;cid=C021JANJ6TY

i’m following this tutorial Configuring an External Database with abctl (|youtube.com|)

I’ve checked using kubectl get pods -n airbyte-abctl temporal error:

airbyte-abctl-airbyte-bootloader                          0/1     Completed          0             5m59s
airbyte-abctl-connector-builder-server-7b9c86f854-szmph   1/1     Running            0             5m20s
airbyte-abctl-cron-6bcfc88565-v7dvs                       1/1     Running            0             5m20s
airbyte-abctl-pod-sweeper-pod-sweeper-86f7554668-26dqg    1/1     Running            0             5m20s
airbyte-abctl-server-7c78b6dcdc-5q25c                     0/1     Running            3 (59s ago)   5m20s
airbyte-abctl-temporal-5d74ffdf47-k5np9                   0/1     CrashLoopBackOff   5 (34s ago)   5m20s
airbyte-abctl-webapp-7675dcf766-499cv                     1/1     Running            0             5m20s
airbyte-abctl-worker-6654c8d8cb-9tp9q                     1/1     Running            0             5m20s
airbyte-abctl-workload-api-server-f9fc75d75-6k8hs         1/1     Running            0             5m20s
airbyte-abctl-workload-launcher-795f797898-w7jd2          0/1     Running            0             5m20s
airbyte-minio-0                                           1/1     Running            0             5m59s```
error message:
```[Fx] Error returned: received non-nil error from function "<|>".ServerOptionsProvider
sql schema version compatibility check failed: unable to read DB schema version keyspace/database: temporal_visibility error: pq: relation "schema_version" does not exist
[Fx] ERROR		Failed to initialize custom logger: could not build arguments for function "<|>".(*module).constructCustomLogger.func2
failed to build fxevent.Logger:
could not build arguments for function "<|>".init.func8
failed to build log.Logger:
received non-nil error from function "<|>".ServerOptionsProvider
sql schema version compatibility check failed: unable to read DB schema version keyspace/database: temporal_visibility error: pq: relation "schema_version" does not exist
Unable to create server. Error: could not build arguments for function "<|>".(*module).constructCustomLogger.func2 (/go/pkg/mod/ failed to build fxevent.Logger: could not build arguments for function "<|>".init.func8 (/home/builder/temporal/temporal/fx.go:1029): failed to build log.Logger: received non-nil error from function "<|>".ServerOptionsProvider (/home/builder/temporal/temporal/fx.go:180): sql schema version compatibility check failed: unable to read DB schema version keyspace/database: temporal_visibility error: pq: relation "schema_version" does not exist.```

Are you using an external dabatase? What version of Postgres are you using? This error means temporal couldn’t create the right schemas in your target database.

<@U01MMSDJGC9> I’m using postgres 16.

Ohh I’ll try using postgres 13. Sorry my mistake.

Postgres 15 is currently our target, but 16 should work as well.

tested with 13 and 15 seems not working as well.
currently test force_ssl is 0 and adding this on values.yaml

      value: "true"
      value: "true"
    - name: SQL_TLS_ENABLED
      value: "true"
      value: "true"```

checked on kubectl logs also in temporal

<@U0759B9026S> the database is <postgresql - RDS while connection error: no pg_hba.conf entry for host - Stack Overflow a file>. Can you confirm you have it configured properly? Maybe Postgres 13 this was automtically created and not anymore in Postgres 15.

Hi <@U07C8CCC68Y>,
is it possible for Temporal DB to use a JDBC URL in the values.yaml? I installed it using external database on PostgreSQL 15.5 and encountered the following error in temporal: Caused by: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: FATAL: no pg_hba.conf entry for host "{our EC2's IP address}", user "xxx", database "xxx", no encryption. This error not occur in PostgreSQL 13.16.