Hi Airbyte team!
A few conceptual questions basically, I’m trying to send data from N sources to the same destination, in the same namespace and tables (all of my sources have the same format, it’s just the data inside that’s different, and I’m trying to gather everything in the same place).
This is what I understand, but I kinda need guidance…
- Overwrite can’t work, because if I use it, the last sync will erase all the previous ones, so instead of having data from my N sources I’ll only have one.
- Incremental, with a “created_at” cursor field might not work either, right? Because all of my sources will use the same cursor field in the destination, but if I have source A with data at t=1 and 3, and then source B with data at t=2, if A syncs before B I’ll lose B’s data?
- Incremental, with a “id” cursor field might work though?
Would gladly take any input you might have on this one (otherwise I’ll do copies to N destinations and just use dbt to merge everything together, but I’d rather avoid it to keep my database as clean and simple as possible)