Salesforce Airbyte Check failed

Hi I have been working with configuring airbyte/source-salesforce with Jitsu. and for some reason Airbyte connection check is failing. I am passing this configuration to airbyte-salesforce image

Config:map[config:map[auth_type:Client client_id:****** client_secret:****** is_sandbox:%!s(bool=false) refresh_token:<refresh_token> start_date:2022-07-31 streams_criteria:] docker_image:source-salesforce image_version:1.0.15 stream_table_name_prefix:8xeqp32ri8oht8xnsb5kiz.salesforce_]

auth_type is set to Client
client_id is set to random string
client_secret is set to random string
refresh_token is added from salesforce

In return I’m getting this error

  • Is this your first time deploying Airbyte?: No
  • OS Version / Instance: Ubuntu, Windows or MacOS… are some example remove it with yours
  • Memory / Disk: you can use something like 4Gb / 1 Tb
  • Deployment: Are you using Docker or Kubernetes deployment?
  • Airbyte Version: What version are you using now?
  • Source name/version: source-salesforce
  • Destination name/version:
  • Step: The issue is happening during sync, creating the connection or a new source?
  • Description: Remove this with the description of your problem.

Why client_id and client_secret and refresh_token all three are required parameters??

Because all values (client_id , client_secret and refresh_token) are needed to create the connection to Salesforce server.
Check code here:

Please don’t post your credentials in public forums. Also use the template given in the correct way to become easier to people read your problem, just paste code and questions is quite hard.