Setting default value for fields in transformations when no records are returned


Exploring how to define default values for fields in transformations when no records are returned.


how to set default value for fields in transformations in case there are no records returned <@U04SE163WC8>

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["set-default-value", "fields-transformations", "no-records", "default-value"]

I’m sorry, but the information extracts provided do not contain specific instructions or details on how to set default values for fields in transformations in case there are no records returned. However, it’s worth noting that in Airbyte, fields can be added or removed from records by adding Transformations to a stream’s definition as per the documentation. The schema for RecordTransformation is as follows: RecordTransformation: type: object anyOf: - "$ref": "#/definitions/AddFields" - "$ref": "#/definitions/RemoveFields" For more specific instructions or details, I would recommend checking the official Airbyte documentation or reaching out to the Airbyte community for further assistance.

how to set default value in case there are no records returned <@U04SE163WC8>

A message from|

Based on the provided extracts, there isn’t specific information on setting a default value in case there are no records returned in Airbyte. However, it’s important to note that in Airbyte, all fields are treated as nullable by default. This means that if a source cannot guarantee that all fields are present on all records, these fields should not be listed as required fields. This is mentioned in the documentation. For more specific instructions or details, I would recommend checking the official Airbyte documentation or reaching out to the Airbyte community for further assistance.

how to use if else in connector builder <@U04SE163WC8>

I’m sorry, but the information extracts provided do not contain specific instructions or details on how to use if-else conditions in the Connector Builder in Airbyte. The Connector Builder in Airbyte is a tool that provides an intuitive UI on top of the low-code YAML format and is used to build connectors for syncs within the same workspace directly from within the UI. It’s primarily used to integrate with a JSON-based HTTP API as a source of records, especially when the API doesn’t exist yet as a connector in the connector catalog and is suitable for the connector builder as per the compatibility guide. The high-level flow for using the connector builder involves accessing the connector builder in the Airbyte web app, using it to iterate on your low-code connector, publishing the connector to the local workspace, configuring a Source based on the released connector, and using the Source in a connection to sync data (source). For more specific instructions or details on using if-else conditions in the Connector Builder, I would recommend checking the official Airbyte documentation or reaching out to the Airbyte community for further assistance.

does Airbyte allow jinja statements? <@U04SE163WC8>

Yes, Airbyte does allow the use of Jinja statements. String values can be evaluated as Jinja2 templates in Airbyte. The engine will evaluate the content passed within {{...}}, interpolating the keys from context-specific arguments. For example, some_object.inner_object.key will evaluate to “Hello airbyte” at runtime if defined as follows: yaml some_object: $parameters: name: "airbyte" inner_object: key: "Hello {{ }}" Both dot notation and bracket notations (with single quotes ( ')) are interchangeable. This means that both these string templates will evaluate to the same string: 1. "{{ }}" 2. "{{ parameters['name'] }}" In addition to passing additional values through the $parameters argument, macros can be called from within the string interpolation. For example, "{{ max(2, 3) }}" will evaluate to 3. However, it’s important to note that the use of certain Jinja methods can pose potential risks. For instance, using the range method can use a lot of CPU and should be avoided. Also, certain strings can cause the process to crash, so it’s recommended to use a sandbox environment when working with Jinja templates in Airbyte. For more information, you can refer to the Airbyte documentation on string interpolation and the Jinja documentation.

how to use jinja if else in connector builder <@U04SE163WC8>

In the Airbyte Connector Builder, you can use Jinja expressions for custom parameter injection. This can be useful when the API has special requirements that can’t be handled by the “Inject Parameter / Parent Key Value into outgoing HTTP Request” option in the Parameterized Requests and Parent Stream components. For example, if you need to apply some conditional logic, you can use Jinja’s if-else statements. Here’s a basic example of how you might use an if-else statement in Jinja: jinja {{ 'value_if_true' if condition else 'value_if_false' }} In the context of the Connector Builder, you would replace 'value_if_true', 'value_if_false', and condition with the relevant values or variables for your use case. You can use these expressions to freely configure query parameters, headers, and properties of the JSON body. You can also use available variables as part of the URL path. For more information, you can refer to the Airbyte documentation on custom parameter injection and the Jinja documentation.

how to use jinja to check number of records in connector builder <@U04SE163WC8>

Based on the provided extracts, there isn’t specific information on how to use Jinja to check the number of records in the Connector Builder in Airbyte. However, in the context of pagination, you can use Jinja placeholders to specify the “stop condition” for requesting more pages. For example, if your API includes a boolean more_results property in the response to indicate if there are more items to be retrieved, the stop condition should be {{ response.more_results is false }}. This essentially checks if there are more records to be retrieved (source). For more specific instructions or details on using Jinja to check the number of records in the Connector Builder, I would recommend checking the official Airbyte documentation or reaching out to the Airbyte community for further assistance.

get number of records by jinja in connector builder <@U04SE163WC8>

I’m sorry, but the information extracts provided do not contain specific instructions or details on how to use Jinja to get the number of records in the Connector Builder in Airbyte. However, in the context of pagination, you can use Jinja placeholders to specify the “stop condition” for requesting more pages. For example, if your API includes a boolean more_results property in the response to indicate if there are more items to be retrieved, the stop condition should be {{ response.more_results is false }}. This essentially checks if there are more records to be retrieved (source). For more specific instructions or details on using Jinja to get the number of records in the Connector Builder, I would recommend checking the official Airbyte documentation or reaching out to the Airbyte community for further assistance.

{{ format_datetime(now_utc(), ‘%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S’) if “update_time” not in record[‘data’] else format_datetime(record[‘data’][‘update_time’], ‘%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S’) }} <@U04SE163WC8>

The Jinja statement you provided is checking if the key “update_time” is present in the record['data'] dictionary. If “update_time” is not present, it will return the current UTC time formatted as a string in the format ‘YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS’. If “update_time” is present, it will return the value of “update_time” formatted as a string in the same format. Here’s a breakdown of the statement: - format_datetime(now_utc(), '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'): This part of the statement gets the current UTC time and formats it as a string in the format ‘YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS’. - "update_time" not in record['data']: This part of the statement checks if the key “update_time” is not present in the record['data'] dictionary. - format_datetime(record['data']['update_time'], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'): This part of the statement gets the value of “update_time” from the record['data'] dictionary and formats it as a string in the format ‘YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS’. So, if “update_time” is not present in record['data'], the current UTC time will be returned. If “update_time” is present in record['data'], the value of “update_time” will be returned. Please note that this is a general explanation of the Jinja statement you provided. The actual behavior might vary depending on the context in which this statement is used in the Airbyte Connector Builder. For more information, you can refer to the Jinja documentation.

No format in ['%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'] matching {{ format_datetime(now_utc(), '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') if "update_time" not in record['data'] else format_datetime(record['data']['update_time'], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') }}

The error message you’re seeing suggests that the date format you’re trying to use in the format_datetime function doesn’t match the actual format of the date you’re trying to format. The Jinja statement you’re using is trying to format a date to the ‘YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS’ format. If the date you’re trying to format doesn’t match this format, you’ll see an error. Here’s a breakdown of your Jinja statement: jinja {{ format_datetime(now_utc(), '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') if "update_time" not in record['data'] else format_datetime(record['data']['update_time'], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') }} This statement is checking if the “update_time” key is present in the record['data'] dictionary. If “update_time” is not present, it gets the current UTC time and formats it as a string in the ‘YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS’ format. If “update_time” is present, it gets the value of “update_time” from the record['data'] dictionary and tries to format it as a string in the ‘YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS’ format. If the “update_time” value in your record['data'] dictionary is not a valid date or if it’s not in a format that can be parsed to a date, you’ll see an error. You need to ensure that the “update_time” value is a valid date and that it’s in a format that can be parsed to a date. For more information on date formatting in Jinja, you can refer to the Jinja documentation.

{{ config[‘updated_from’] if “update_time” not in record[‘data’] else record[‘data’][‘update_time’] }} <@U04SE163WC8>