Setting up connector with Python CDK to use config file instead of user inputs


The user is asking how to configure a connector using Python CDK to utilize a config file for input instead of manual user inputs.


Hi all, How can I set up my connector using Python CDK to use a config file as input instead of user inputs?

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["setting-up", "connector", "python-cdk", "config-file", "user-inputs"]

To set up your connector using Python CDK to use a config file as input, you can follow these steps: 1. Define your connector inputs in a Python file. For example, you can create a new file called at the same level. This file will handle input validation for you. Here’s an example of how you can define a list of valid inputs: python """ includes a list of all known pokemon for config validation in """ POKEMON_LIST = [ "bulbasaur", "charizard", "wartortle", "pikachu", "crobat", ] 2. Test your inputs by creating a JSON config file and running your main Python script with the check command and the --config flag. Here’s an example of how you can do this: bash echo '{"pokemon_name": "pikachu"}' &gt; sample_files/config.json echo '{"pokemon_name": "chikapu"}' &gt; sample_files/invalid_config.json python check --config sample_files/config.json python check --config sample_files/invalid_config.json 3. In your main Python script, you can use the check_connection method to validate the inputs from the config file. Here’s an example of how you can do this: python class SourcePythonHttpExample(AbstractSource): def check_connection(self, logger, config) -&gt; Tuple[bool, any]: <|>("Checking Pokemon API connection...") input_pokemon = config["pokemon_name"] if input_pokemon not in pokemon_list.POKEMON_LIST: result = f"Input Pokemon {input_pokemon} is invalid. Please check your spelling and input a valid Pokemon." <|>(f"PokeAPI connection failed: {result}") return False, result else: <|>(f"PokeAPI connection success: {input_pokemon} is a valid Pokemon") return True, None For more details, you can refer to the Python CDK Speedrun: Creating a Source tutorial.

<@U04SE163WC8> How do I pass a json file as a user input in the UI?

To pass a JSON file as a user input in the Airbyte UI, you need to set up a source connection with the file. Here are the steps: 1. Go to the Airbyte UI and navigate to the Connections section. Click on new connection to set up a new source. 2. Provide a name for the source, and select Source Type as File and then Local Filesystem under provider. 3. The input file needed by Airbyte needs to be located at the following physical local machine mount path /tmp/airbyte_local/ which Airbyte mounts to /local. For example, if you have a JSON file called linkedin.json in a subdirectory called linkedin under that physical mount path, the effective logical URL that you can use in Airbyte is /local/linkedin/linkedin.json. 4. Once the file source is properly configured, the connection can be tested. Please note that for Airbyte Cloud users, locally stored files cannot be used as a source in Airbyte Cloud. For more details, you can refer to the Airbyte documentation and this tutorial.

<@U04SE163WC8> How do you use a ListPartitionRouter for a source using Python CDK

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I’m sorry, but the information extracts provided do not contain any details or instructions on how to use a ListPartitionRouter for a source using Python CDK in Airbyte. I recommend checking the official Airbyte documentation or the Python CDK documentation for more detailed information.