Source: Airbyte read record limitation

Currently I’m trying to develop Admobs API: link here
And when I pull record, the response Json contains more than 100k row (1 row = 1 record)

{'footer': {'matchingRowCount': '151342'}}]"}}

However, when come to read_record, airbyte can read only 100k row

{"type": "LOG", "log": {"level": "INFO", "message": "Read 100000 records from network_report stream"}}

So I have question:

  • Does airbyte have default read record limitation? If it does, how can I change it?

In case airbyte doesn’t have any default, any guess for the problem might be?

Hi Phuc, I am not currently aware of a limitation, but I’m looking into this further. Will get back to you soon!

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