Source Retently - JSONDecodeError ‘Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)’)

  • Is this your first time deploying Airbyte?: No
  • OS Version / Instance: Ubuntu
  • Memory / Disk: 16Gb
  • Deployment: Docker
  • Airbyte Version: 0.39.29
  • Source name/version: Retently
  • Destination name/version: Snowflake
  • Step: creating a new source
  • Description: When setting up the source I get an error
    Connection tests failed
    “JSONDecodeError(‘Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)’)”

I know it is an alpha source but setting up the connector should normally work? I get the same error whether I connect with oauth or api key. Both work when I access the api with Postman for example

Hey Konrad,

Thanks for the post. Could you upgrade Airbyte to the latest? I just tried setting up a Retently source with a newly generated API key and the setup process is successful on my end. Let me know if it works.

Hi, ok thanks for looking into it. I’ll try that as well.

Interestingly after upgrading I get the same error as before? I’m on version 0.40.18.
Retently version 0.1.2 but running it locally I found that if I change the auth stream to customers it works. Perhaps when companies are not set up at the source it returns an error - not sure. Although from postman I just get an empty response but no error.

Thanks for looking into this Konrad, would you be able to post an issue related to this on Github if you’re still experiencing the setup failing?

It’s curious why the set up was successful with our company’s sandbox credentials.