Sync shows succeeded after 0 records emitted

  • Is this your first time deploying Airbyte?: No
  • OS Version / Instance: Centos 7
  • Memory / Disk: 16 GB
  • Deployment: Docker
  • Airbyte Version: latest
  • Source name/version: Postgres Latest
  • Destination name/version: BigQuery Latest
  • Step: The issue is happening during sync.
  • Description: Sometimes 0 records are emitted from the source but still the sync shows as succeeded. Because of sync showing succeeded the connection also doesn’t retries the sync. I am sharing the logs where I found the issue.
2022-05-16 21:23:02 source > 2022-05-16 21:23:02 INFO i.a.i.s.r.AbstractDbSource(check):74 - Exception while checking connection: 
2022-05-16 21:23:02 source > java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: HikariPool-1 - Connection is not available, request timed out after 30001ms.
2022-05-16 21:23:02 source > 	at com.zaxxer.hikari.pool.HikariPool.createTimeoutException( ~[HikariCP-5.0.1.jar:?]
2022-05-16 21:23:02 source > 	at com.zaxxer.hikari.pool.HikariPool.getConnection( ~[HikariCP-5.0.1.jar:?]
2022-05-16 21:23:02 source > 	at com.zaxxer.hikari.pool.HikariPool.getConnection( ~[HikariCP-5.0.1.jar:?]
2022-05-16 21:23:02 source > 	at com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource.getConnection( ~[HikariCP-5.0.1.jar:?]
2022-05-16 21:23:02 source > 	at io.airbyte.db.jdbc.DefaultJdbcDatabase.getMetaData( ~[io.airbyte.airbyte-db-lib-0.38.3-alpha.jar:?]
2022-05-16 21:23:02 source > 	at io.airbyte.integrations.source.jdbc.AbstractJdbcSource.createDatabase( ~[io.airbyte.airbyte-integrations.connectors-source-jdbc-0.38.3-alpha.jar:?]
2022-05-16 21:23:02 source > 	at io.airbyte.integrations.source.jdbc.AbstractJdbcSource.createDatabase( ~[io.airbyte.airbyte-integrations.connectors-source-jdbc-0.38.3-alpha.jar:?]
2022-05-16 21:23:02 source > 	at io.airbyte.integrations.source.relationaldb.AbstractDbSource.createDatabaseInternal( ~[io.airbyte.airbyte-integrations.connectors-source-relational-db-0.38.3-alpha.jar:?]
2022-05-16 21:23:02 source > 	at io.airbyte.integrations.source.relationaldb.AbstractDbSource.check( [io.airbyte.airbyte-integrations.connectors-source-relational-db-0.38.3-alpha.jar:?]
2022-05-16 21:23:02 source > 	at [io.airbyte.airbyte-integrations.connectors-source-postgres-0.38.3-alpha.jar:?]
2022-05-16 21:23:02 source > 	at [io.airbyte.airbyte-integrations.connectors-source-custom-postgres-0.38.3-alpha.jar:?]
2022-05-16 21:23:02 source > 	at [io.airbyte.airbyte-integrations.bases-base-java-0.38.3-alpha.jar:?]
2022-05-16 21:23:02 source > 	at io.airbyte.integrations.base.IntegrationRunner.runInternal( [io.airbyte.airbyte-integrations.bases-base-java-0.38.3-alpha.jar:?]
2022-05-16 21:23:02 source > 	at [io.airbyte.airbyte-integrations.bases-base-java-0.38.3-alpha.jar:?]
2022-05-16 21:23:08 source > 	at io.airbyte.integrations.source.postgres.CustomPostgresSource.main( [io.airbyte.airbyte-integrations.connectors-source-custom-postgres-0.38.3-alpha.jar:?]
2022-05-16 21:23:08 source > 2022-05-16 21:23:08 INFO c.z.h.HikariDataSource(close):350 - HikariPool-1 - Shutdown initiated...

Also the postgres source that I am using is a custom one that I created by using CDK. This custom source just is a child class that inherits the postgres source given by airbyte and overrides some method. I am sharing the overridden methods below:

  public AirbyteCatalog discover(final JsonNode config) throws Exception {
    final AirbyteCatalog catalog =;
    List<AirbyteStream> streams = catalog.getStreams();
    for (AirbyteStream s : streams) {
      final ObjectNode jsonSchema = (ObjectNode) s.getJsonSchema();
      final ObjectNode properties = (ObjectNode) jsonSchema.get("properties");
      final JsonNode stringType = Jsons.jsonNode(ImmutableMap.of("type", "string"));
      properties.set("sourceID", stringType);
    return catalog;
  public AutoCloseableIterator<AirbyteMessage> read(final JsonNode config,
                                                    final ConfiguredAirbyteCatalog catalog,
                                                    final JsonNode state)
      throws Exception {
    List<AirbyteMessage> list = AutoCloseableIterators.toListAndClose(, catalog, state));
    for (AirbyteMessage message : list) {
      JsonNode node = message.getRecord().getData();
      ((ObjectNode)node).put("sourceID", config.get("sourceID").asText());
    final Stream<AirbyteMessage> stream =;
    return AutoCloseableIterators.fromStream(stream);

Hey can you share the complete logs of the sync

@harshith Sorry but I don’t think I am allowed to share the full logs as it contains table_names. But I checked the logs there were two places where there was errors. One I already shared and the other is:

2022-05-16 21:23:32 source > 2022-05-16 21:23:32 WARN c.z.h.p.HikariPool(shutdown):218 - Timed-out waiting for add connection executor to shutdown
2022-05-16 21:23:32 source > 2022-05-16 21:23:32 INFO c.z.h.HikariDataSource(close):352 - HikariPool-1 - Shutdown completed.
2022-05-16 21:23:32 source > 2022-05-16 21:23:32 ERROR i.a.i.b.s.SshWrappedSource(read):56 - Exception occurred while getting the delegate read iterator, closing SSH tunnel
2022-05-16 21:23:32 source > java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable establish a connection: Could not connect with provided configuration. Error: HikariPool-1 - Connection is not available, request timed out after 30001ms.
2022-05-16 21:23:32 source > 	at ~[io.airbyte.airbyte-integrations.connectors-source-postgres-0.38.3-alpha.jar:?]
2022-05-16 21:23:32 source > 	at ~[io.airbyte.airbyte-integrations.connectors-source-custom-postgres-0.38.3-alpha.jar:?]
2022-05-16 21:23:32 source > 	at [io.airbyte.airbyte-integrations.bases-base-java-0.38.3-alpha.jar:?]
2022-05-16 21:23:32 source > 	at io.airbyte.integrations.base.IntegrationRunner.runInternal( [io.airbyte.airbyte-integrations.bases-base-java-0.38.3-alpha.jar:?]
2022-05-16 21:23:32 source > 	at [io.airbyte.airbyte-integrations.bases-base-java-0.38.3-alpha.jar:?]
2022-05-16 21:23:32 source > 	at io.airbyte.integrations.source.postgres.CustomPostgresSource.main( [io.airbyte.airbyte-integrations.connectors-source-custom-postgres-0.38.3-alpha.jar:?]
2022-05-16 21:23:32 source > 2022-05-16 21:23:32 ERROR i.a.i.b.AirbyteExceptionHandler(uncaughtException):26 - Something went wrong in the connector. See the logs for more details.
2022-05-16 21:23:32 source > java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable establish a connection: Could not connect with provided configuration. Error: HikariPool-1 - Connection is not available, request timed out after 30001ms.
2022-05-16 21:23:32 source > 	at ~[io.airbyte.airbyte-integrations.connectors-source-postgres-0.38.3-alpha.jar:?]
2022-05-16 21:23:32 source > 	at ~[io.airbyte.airbyte-integrations.connectors-source-custom-postgres-0.38.3-alpha.jar:?]
2022-05-16 21:23:32 source > 	at ~[io.airbyte.airbyte-integrations.bases-base-java-0.38.3-alpha.jar:?]
2022-05-16 21:23:32 source > 	at io.airbyte.integrations.base.IntegrationRunner.runInternal( ~[io.airbyte.airbyte-integrations.bases-base-java-0.38.3-alpha.jar:?]
2022-05-16 21:23:32 source > 	at ~[io.airbyte.airbyte-integrations.bases-base-java-0.38.3-alpha.jar:?]
2022-05-16 21:23:32 source > 	at io.airbyte.integrations.source.postgres.CustomPostgresSource.main( ~[io.airbyte.airbyte-integrations.connectors-source-custom-postgres-0.38.3-alpha.jar:?]

Other than these the logs contains creating and deleting tmp tables, pushing data to bigquery table, and normalizations.

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