Trouble opening Airbyte in browser after setting up GCP SSH tunneling


User is facing issues opening Airbyte in the browser after setting up GCP SSH tunneling. They are not receiving any feedback and localhost:8000 is not opening.


Hi all!
I’m trying to set UP GCP. This is all okay, but when trying to connect with the following command, I get no feedback and localhost:8000 doesn’t open. Does someone have any idea why?

gcloud --project=$PROJECT_ID beta compute ssh $INSTANCE_NAME -- -L 8000:localhost:8000 -N -f
SSH tunneling into the VM is no problem, but opening Airbyte in browser is.

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["gcp", "ssh-tunneling", "localhost", "airbyte", "browser"]

What steps did you follow? Are you able to run docker ps in the instance?