Trouble triggering Airflow DAG due to connection issue on port 8000


Airflow DAG triggering issue due to connection problem on port 8000, attempts to change host to host.docker.internal resulting in 404 Not Found error.


hello community ,i’m having trouble when i trigger dag on airflow , it keep saying that i can’t connect to the port 8000
HTTPConnectionPool(host='localhost', port=8000): Max retries exceeded with url: /api/v1/connections/sync (Caused by NewConnectionError('<urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x7f3028e17920>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 111] Connection refused')) Tenacity will retry to execute the operation
i even try to change the host to host.docker.internal but getting 404 Not Found

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["airflow", "dag", "connection-issue", "port-8000", "host.docker.internal", "404-not-found"]

check these

tl;dr; wait for fix in Airflow to support changes in API paths for Airbyte OSS

So that’s why, thanks for answering my question

Hi <@U05JENRCF7C>, I have the same issue. Did you manage to solve it?

I also have Airbyte and Airflow running with the latest version in Docker containers. This may be helpful for you: I handle changing the endpoint from /api/v1 to /api/public/v1 by setting the api_version attribute in the DAG, but I am still facing a 404 response from Airbyte.

After a few tests, it seems that the Airbyte server doesn’t handle a request from Docker to Docker the same way it does from the host machine to Docker.

Additionally, I suggest you make sure both Docker containers are in the same network; take a look at the screenshots.