Amazon Seller Partner: Add replication_end_date in connector config

While exploring amazon seller partner source, we had a use case to sync orders data for more than 1 year.

Most of the SP APIs support a parameter to provide end date, e.g “dataEndTime”, “LastUpdatedBefore”, etc.

We can add a config parameter to take optional replication_end_date and implement it with different API calls in Airbyte connector. This will help in batching the reports and creating automated sync jobs for different date-time range.

I have started testing the POC in my local env.
If you find it useful, will create a PR to merge upstream.

Hello @Ganpat Agarwal please submit the PR in the public repo to be reviewed by the team.

Here is the PR: 🎉 Source Amazon Seller Partner: add replication end date to connector config by ganpatagarwal · Pull Request #13048 · airbytehq/airbyte · GitHub

Thanks Ganpat for the contribution, soon team will review and merge it!

Kindly review this PR: 🎉 Source Amazon Seller Partner: add replication end date to config by ganpatagarwal · Pull Request #13059 · airbytehq/airbyte · GitHub

I closed the previous one due to self created mess by using rebase.

Thanks !!

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