Database sync fails in normalization step with `no database selected`

  • Is this your first time deploying Airbyte: Yes
  • OS Version / Instance: GCP
  • Deployment: GKE 1.20.15-gke.1000
  • Airbyte Version: 0.35.35-alpha
  • Source name/version: Microsoft SQL Server (MSSQL) 0.3.17
  • Destination name/version: MySQL 0.1.18
  • Step: On sync - normalization
  • Description: I’m currently facing No database selected issues during normalization when syncing from SQL Server to MySQL.

Things I’ve tried:

  • Full refresh | Overwrite completely (13GB)
  • Full refresh | Overwrite in combination with Incremental | Append on some tables (13GB)
  • Full refresh | Overwrite completely on a smaller dataset (3GB)
  • Creating new Connections by reusing Source and Destinations

I have attached the stripped failed log. failed-attempt-log.txt (428.3 KB)

Can anyone help me to fix this issue?

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Hello @r3pli,
This error comes from the (old) version of the dbt-mysql adapter our normalization project uses. As I mentioned in this issue, upgrading the dbt-mysql version in our normalization should fix the problem. Feel free to subscribe to the issue to receive updates from our team and know when this is fixed.

I opened a PR to upgrade the dbt-mysql adapter to the latest version: Normalization: Upgrade MySQL to dbt 1.0.0 by alafanechere · Pull Request #11470 · airbytehq/airbyte · GitHub

Hello @alafanechere thanks for clarification. Can you give me a rough estimate when the related PR will be merged and released so I can test it?

I’d like to merge it by the end of the week.

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Hi @alafanechere I’ve followed the linked github PR over time and would like to ask if you can estimate when this fix will be merged and be available for us to try? Apart of this I would like to ask if we can support or assist in fixing this issue anyhow?

Hey @alafanechere, we would really love to contribute if there is any way for us to do so. Unfortunately, this bug keeps us from using airbyte at all. Presently, we’re right at the forefront to start using airbyte with our first client in the B2B Area so that we can learn and contribute even more in the near future.

If you have anything for us where we can help. Please reach out to us.

Thanks and best, Yves