Destination Bigquery: Field _airbyte_emitted_at has changed type from TIMESTAMP to STRING

Is this your first time deploying Airbyte : Yes
OS Version / Instance : Debian GNU/Linux 10, GCP, n1-standard-2
Memory / Disk : 7.5Gb / 100Gb SSD
Deployment : Docker / GCP
Airbyte Version : 0.29.15-alpha
Source name/version : Postgresql 0.3.11
Destination name/version : Bigquery 0.4.0
Step : Sync
Description :
Seeing this error happening during sync this morning:

Field _airbyte_emitted_at has changed type from TIMESTAMP to STRING

Could be related to Bigquery destination updated to v0.4.0?Causing sync failure and retries (edited)

If you鈥檙e facing this you need to rollback the BigQuery destination version to 0.3.9.
This was a backward compatibility introduced in 馃帀 Destination Bigquery: added gcs upload option by etsybaev 路 Pull Request #5614 路 airbytehq/airbyte 路 GitHub.
There is a Github issue dealing with this problem: Mysterious switch of data type for <_airbyte_emitted_at> field crashes incremental jobs 路 Issue #5959 路 airbytehq/airbyte 路 GitHub.
After solving this probably you鈥檒l be able to upgrade to 0.4.1.