- Is this your first time deploying Airbyte?: Yes
- OS Version / Instance: Amazon Linux 2
- Memory / Disk: 16Gb
- Deployment: Kubernetes (EKS)
- Airbyte Version: 0.40.2
- Source name/version: Postgres 1.0.4
- Destination name/version: Snowflake 0.4.34
- Step: The issue is happening during sync
- Description:
We’re deployed on t4g arm64 instances in EKS and trying to sync data from postgres to snowflake. However, the normalize step seems to be stuck. After looking at the pods in k8s, I can see an error on the main container for our pod normalization-snowflake-normalize-72-0-dsyle
and logs stating standard_init_linux.go:228: exec user process caused: exec format error
which makes me think it’s a processor architecture issue, but the airbyte/normalization-snowflake:0.2.18
image hosted on dockerhub seems to be tagged for both amd64 and arm64.
normalization-snowflake-normalize-72-0-dsyle 3/4 Error 0 74m
However, on my M1 mac I can run docker run -it --platform=linux/arm64 --entrypoint sh airbyte/normalization-snowflake:0.2.18
and navigate the image and attempt to run the entrypoint script without seeing the exec format error.
Additionally, we have check and write pods for snowflake that completed without issue:
destination-snowflake-check-72-0-dkxwu 0/4 Completed 0 79m
destination-snowflake-write-72-0-cxghx 0/5 Completed 0 79m
Image info from the pod:
image: airbyte/normalization-snowflake:0.2.18
imageID: docker-pullable://airbyte/normalization-snowflake@sha256:d6d5ddbeb457a90d16a204e6baf73798bbd4be605d3c9ffa3e1537aa9aab2527
Let me know if I can provide any additional information, any advice is greatly appreciated.