When running Terraform Apply to create connections using the Terraform Provider, an error with status code 504 Gateway Time-out is encountered, resulting in a failure to invoke the API.
Using the Terraform Provider to create connections, and I keep getting when I run a Terraform Apply
│ <html>
│ <head><title>504 Gateway Time-out</title></head>
│ <body>
│ <center><h1>504 Gateway Time-out</h1></center>
│ </body>
│ </html>
│ Error: failure to invoke API```
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["terraform-provider", "create-connections", "error-504", "gateway-time-out", "api"]
From time to time I have similar issue with UI and only on Chrome; annoying, but minor thing
Configuration looks fine, you don’t have any load balancer in front of ingress?
yes - I just updated the idle_timeout parameter, and it seems to be working now :keanu-thanks:
Still seeing the issue even though I’ve added this to the values.yaml
and to <|>
I also see it when just trying to create workspaces
your airbyte terraform provider is configured like this?
server_url = "<https://your-airbyte-server/api/public/v1>"
} ```
what do you get for `kubectl describe ingress ingress-abctl -n airbyte-abctl`?
Labels: <none>
Namespace: airbyte-abctl
Address: <http://10.BB.BB.BB|10.BB.BB.BB>
Ingress Class: nginx
Default backend: <default>
Host Path Backends
---- ---- --------
/ airbyte-abctl-airbyte-webapp-svc:http (<http://10.BB.BB.BB:8080|10.BB.BB.BB:8080>)
Annotations: <|>: 300
<|>: 1800
<|>: 1800
Events: <none>```
Also, getting this from the UI after a while
Refreshing removes it and goes back to login screen