Error setting up MySQL source in Airbyte running on Kubernetes


The user is facing a 504 error when setting up a MySQL source in Airbyte running on Kubernetes. The error message indicates an issue with instantiating the SourceApi bean. The user has confirmed correct network connectivity between the Kubernetes cluster and the VM where MySQL is running.


Hello ,
I have airbyte running in kubernates(aks
I want to set up mysql source, I have vnet peering between kubernates cluster and a VM where mysql container is running
I am getting 504 error when I setup source

Here is logs of source-mysql-check pod which is created when I press set up source

Message: For input string: "//airbyte-airbyte-server-svc"
Path Taken: new ConnectorWatcher(Path outputPath,String configDir,int fileTimeoutMinutes,ConnectorMessageProcessor connectorMessageProcessor,AirbyteMessageSerDeProvider serDeProvider,AirbyteProtocolVersionedMigratorFactory airbyteProtocolVersionedMigratorFactory,GsonPksExtractor gsonPksExtractor,WorkloadApiClient workloadApiClient,JobOutputDocStore jobOutputDocStore) --> new ConnectorWatcher(Path outputPath,String configDir,int fileTimeoutMinutes,[ConnectorMessageProcessor connectorMessageProcessor],AirbyteMessageSerDeProvider serDeProvider,AirbyteProtocolVersionedMigratorFactory airbyteProtocolVersionedMigratorFactory,GsonPksExtractor gsonPksExtractor,WorkloadApiClient workloadApiClient,JobOutputDocStore jobOutputDocStore) --> new ConnectorMessageProcessor([ConnectorConfigUpdater connectorConfigUpdater],SourceApi sourceApi) --> new ConnectorConfigUpdater([SourceApi sourceApi],DestinationApi destinationApi) --> ApiClientBeanFactory.sourceApi([ApiClient apiClient])```
I have checked network connectivity between k8 cluster and VM it is correct.
could anyone help me with this?
Thank you in advance



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["airbyte", "mysql-source", "kubernetes", "504-error", "network-connectivity", "sourceapi"]

we are getting same error even while connecting from airbyte-on-k8s to mongo on an external VM… in both cases, connector-sidecar container is throwing error while connecting to “//airbyte-airbyte-server-svc” … Why is it not correctly connecting to “http://airbyte-airbyte-server-svc:8001” even though i can see the INTERNAL_API_HOST env variable is correctly configured with that url… Appreciate tips to solve this problem !!

I was able to fix it
The issue was releated to my configuration of airbyte with k8 cluster
I was using a different version
It is working in 0.64.7 version