Helm deployment issue with dedicated Postgres backend


The user is facing issues while deploying Airbyte 1.1 using Helm with a dedicated Postgres backend. Setting postgresql.enabled: false causes Helm parser crashes due to nil values in the deployment chart. Skipping that part leads to deployment failures with airbyte-bootloader issues and authentication problems. The user has confirmed network connectivity is not the problem.


Hello everyone! I’m trying to do a fresh deployment of 1.1 using Helm. Specifying a dedicated Postgres backend <External Database | Airbyte Documentation to the documentation> fails in the most peculiar ways.

If I set postgresql.enabled: false as suggested, the Helm parser crashes due to nil values in the deployment chart:
Error: UPGRADE FAILED: pre-upgrade hooks failed: unable to build kubernetes object for pre-upgrade hook airbyte/templates/secret.yaml: error validating "": error validating data: [unknown object type "nil" in Secret.stringData.DATABASE_PASSWORD, unknown object type "nil" in Secret.stringData.DATABASE_USER]
If I skip that part the parsing works but the deployment fails because the airbyte-bootloader fails. The stack trace from the pod is full of:

Caused by: java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: HikariPool-2 - Connection is not available, request timed out after 30004ms
Caused by: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: FATAL: password authentication failed for user "airbyte"```
Additionally, the Loggers$Slf4jLogger is full of:
I have confirmed with both nc and telnet from pods in the same cluster that there is nothing wrong with the network connectivity. Is there another, undocumented way to perform this magic spell?



This topic has been created from a Slack thread to give it more visibility.
It will be on Read-Only mode here. [Click here](https://airbytehq.slack.com/archives/C021JANJ6TY/p1729512684329049) if you want 
to access the original thread.

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["helm-deployment", "dedicated-postgres-backend", "postgresql-enabled", "airbyte-bootloader", "authentication", "network-connectivity"]