- Is this your first time deploying Airbyte?: No
- OS Version / Instance: Ubuntu (Google VM)
- Memory / Disk: 8GB / 40GB
- Deployment: Docker
- Airbyte Version: 0.39.35
- Source name/version: Hubspot
- Destination name/version: BigQuery 1.1.11
- Step:
- Description: I recently noticed that when used Incremental modes in the BigQuery connector i do not get any information regarding associations. I.e. My deals table has no records on companies, contacts or line_items. While if I use Full Overwrite mode I can get the associated companies and contacts (while still no Line Items) correctly. I wonder if this behaviour is expected due to the limitations of the Hubspot API or if this is an actual issue.
Even if there were a pure associations columns with the untreated JSON it would be better, since associations are a vital part of data analysis in Hubspot.
Hello @gguerra, could you please provide any logs you might be getting so I can see if there are error messages there? Thank you!
I’d like to report the same behavior. HS → Postgres and I’m doing incremental. Following columns come up empty:
- Deals (table) → contacts, companies, dealstage, line_item (I don’t have data for this, but I assume it is a similar case).
- Contacts (table) → companies.
I have not tried full overwrite yet (which is suppose to work as the OP stated).
Hello, @skulltima
I found this issue on GitHub: HubSpot deals stream does not sync associations when sync mode is Incremental + Dedupe · Issue #14390 · airbytehq/airbyte · GitHub that provides the answer to this problem.
Whereas this is not actually a solution, at least it provides an understanding of the current situation and possible workarrounds.
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awesome. thanks for the reply. i will comment and vote to that issue as well. hopefully it will get resolved soon!
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Any updates on this one? There seem to be 2 issues here as @gguerra points out:
- That all associations don’t get synced when in Incremental/Dedupe mode; and
- That the line_items in deals don’t get synced in Full/Overwrite mode.
I’m actually blocked by #2 (I’m happy to do Full updates for now). I was going to file a separate issue for this but wanted to check here first…