User encounters a 500 Internal Server Error when trying to list enterprise source stubs after deploying Airbyte with GKE and GCS. The issue seems related to a misconfigured GCS secret, despite following documentation and a conversation regarding the correct secret name.
Hi, I have deployed Airbyte with GKE + GCS, my GCS secret points to airbyte-abctl-gcs-log-creds (according to a previous convo and following the docs:, while I do open the webpage successfully, I receive the following error:
// HttpError
"i18nKey": "errors.http.internalServerError",
"i18nParams": {
"status": 500
"name": "HttpError",
"requestId": "9sDiZiLGawx778TiFvSwZ",
"request": {
"url": "/api/v1/source_definitions/list_enterprise_source_stubs",
"method": "post"
"status": 500,
"response": {
"message": "Internal Server Error: HTTP error fetching enterprise sources",
"exceptionClassName": "java.lang.RuntimeException",
"exceptionStack": [
"java.lang.RuntimeException: HTTP error fetching enterprise sources",
"\tat io.airbyte.server.apis.ApiHelper.execute(ApiHelper.kt:41)",
"\tat io.airbyte.server.apis.SourceDefinitionApiController.listEnterpriseSourceStubs(",
"\tat io.airbyte.server.apis.$SourceDefinitionApiController$Definition$Exec.dispatch(Unknown Source)",
"\tat io.micronaut.context.AbstractExecutableMethodsDefinition$DispatchedExecutableMethod.invokeUnsafe(",
Any ideas? I usually deployed with helm and used the GCS secret as “airbyte-config-secrets”, but I saw a conversation here, that the secret name is wrong, so I changed it and redeployed my helm, but I still get the same error.
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