Linkedin Connector Markeding Developer Platform permission

Hi everyone, I want to use Linkedin Ads source connector and I am following the connector docs to get started. in the Authentication part, I select the Marketing Developer Platform and it requires me to fill in a form and there is a review process. My problem is I cannot get approval for MDP access because of the use case I am specifying. I basically want to extract the Linkedin data and load it into a data warehouse and they are saying this is not a supported use case. So I wonder, is anybody able to even use this connector? If yes, what did you specify as use case so they approved your permission request for MDP? Thanks for any help!

  • Is this your first time deploying Airbyte?: No
  • OS Version / Instance: MacOS
  • Memory / Disk: 1 Tb
  • Deployment: Docker
  • Airbyte Version: latest
  • Source name/version: Linkedin Ads
  • Destination name/version: Postgres
  • Step: Authentication
  • Description: I am having trouble setting up Authentication part like in the connector docs.

Hi @mert,
I would suggest you reach Linkedin Ads support to understand a bit more about the reason behind the rejection of your App creation.

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