Pipedrive normalization custom fields don’t show on entities

Pipedrive connector veraion 0.1.12
Bigquery destination version 1.1.14
Basic normalization active

Currently the connector does bring custom fields in raw but don’t normalize them to the entity table.

Example there’s no way of getting customs fields of a specific person , deal or organization.

We can only see the existence and options of this fields but no relation to the main entities.

I have already refreshed the schema in the connection.

Is there anything need to do that I’m missing to be able to relate an entity to its custom fields?

Hey if you meant more fields in schema then yeah we don’t get have them in normalisation as schema is the source.

Then you can use the API https://airbyte-public-api-docs.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/rapidoc-api-docs.html#post-/v1/connections/update to update the schema and then you should see them in normalisation

The fields are already available on the raw extract so the fields are already there.

I think the connector by default should bring a way of relating custom fields to it’s main entity.

Example : persons table related to person fields table.

Currently, these 2 normalized tables exist but there’s no way of making a relation.

Another option will be to add all custom fields as columns on the person table. This is how it normally works on stitch, rudderstak, and other ETL.

The important part of all is that it should be the connector job by default to map these fields on persons, deals, and organizations.

I think the connector by default should bring a way of relating custom fields to it’s main entity.

Example : persons table related to person fields table.

Currently, these 2 normalized tables exist but there’s no way of making a relation.

Another option will be to add all custom fields as columns on the person table. This is how it normally works on stitch, rudderstak, and other ETL.

The important part of all is that it should be the connector job by default to map these fields on persons, deals, and organizations.

I think the connector by default should bring a way of relating custom fields to it’s main entity.

Example : persons table related to person fields table.

Currently, these 2 normalized tables exist but there’s no way of making a relation.

Another option will be to add all custom fields as columns on the person table. This is how it normally works on stitch, rudderstak, and other ETL.

The important part of all is that it should be the connector job by default to map these fields on persons, deals, and organizations.

Got it. Would suggest you to create a github issue so that team can look into it.