BambooHR Custom Fields Not Pulling

Is this your first time deploying Airbyte: No
OS Version / Instance: EC2 t2.large
Memory / Disk: 16Gb
Deployment: Docker
Airbyte Version: 39.16-alpha
Source name/version: 0.2.0
Destination name/version: Snowflake 0.4.24
Step: n/a
Trying to figure out how to use the BambooHR custom reports stream. I have a custom field in BambooHR called Squad, which I have access to via my API key. I’m able to see this field on the front end. However when I input this field as squad into the Airbyte Web UI. I’ve tried every iteration of squad (see image below)

Unfortuantely the data still comes up as all NULL

However, on the front end almost all users have the Squad field filled in

Hi @kyle-cheung,
Could you please share your sync logs and a sample of the JSON stored in your _airbyte_data columns for this stream?
I guess the screenshot you shared is from a final normalized table in snowflake and I’m wondering if the problem comes from the normalization or the connector itself.

Hi @alafanechere ,

Here’s the sync logs
logs-10162.txt (35.4 KB)

here’s a sample of the JSON stored in the _airbyte_data column for this stream, looks like the Squad field is not even being picked up

  "acaStatus": "",
  "acaStatusCategory": null,
  "bestEmail": "",
  "city": "Montreal",
  "country": "Canada",
  "createdByUserId": "2485",
  "department": "Engineering",
  "displayName": "",
  "division": "",
  "employeeNumber": "106",
  "employmentHistoryStatus": "Full-Time",
  "ethnicity": null,
  "firstName": "",
  "flsaCode": "1",
  "fullName1": "",
  "fullName2": "",
  "fullName3": "",
  "fullName4": "",
  "fullName5": "",
  "hireDate": "2020-05-25",
  "homeEmail": "",
  "homePhone": "",
  "id": "122",
  "jobTitle": "",
  "lastChanged": "2022-06-16T13:53:47+00:00",
  "lastName": "",
  "location": "",
  "middleName": "",
  "mobilePhone": "",
  "originalHireDate": "0000-00-00",
  "preferredName": "",
  "stateCode": "",
  "status": "Active",
  "supervisor": "",
  "supervisorEId": "",
  "supervisorEmail": "",
  "supervisorId": "",
  "terminationDate": "0000-00-00",
  "workEmail": "",
  "workPhone": "",
  "workPhoneExtension": "",
  "workPhonePlusExtension": "",
  "zipcode": ""

Hi @kyle-cheung,
Thanks for the details, I think the error is on the Bamboo HR connector side.
It would help to troubleshoot (and eventually open a Github issue) if you could share your catalog.json file. You’ll find instructions on how to get this file here.

Hi @alafanechere , sorry for the late response. I was out a few weeks. Here’s the catalog.json file, also I think the instructions need to be updated because now the files look to be split into source_catalog.json and destionation_catalog.json.

I’ve saved the file as .txt since discourse does not let me upload a .json file
catalog.txt (18.3 KB)

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