Troubleshooting Airbyte DB Pod Connectivity Issue in EKS Cluster


The Airbyte DB pod in the EKS cluster is failing to come up due to a connectivity issue with the bootloader pod. The logs indicate a connection refusal error to the database service. Additionally, a warning about a context deadline exceeded is observed on the EKS console. Further investigation is needed to resolve the DB pod startup issue.


my helm install command fails my pod status is as below

pod/airbyte-1709673016-airbyte-bootloader   0/1     Error     0          7m13s
pod/airbyte-db-0                            0/1     Pending   0          7m15s
pod/airbyte-minio-0                         0/1     Pending   0          7m14s```
seeing the logs for the bootloader reveals there is a connectivity issue to the Db which seems obvious as the airbyte-db-0 pod has not come up
```Caused by: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: Connection to airbyte-db-svc:5432 refused. Check that the hostname and port are correct and that the postmaster is accepting TCP/IP connections.
	at org.postgresql.core.v3.ConnectionFactoryImpl.openConnectionImpl( ~[postgresql-42.5.4.jar:42.5.4]
	at org.postgresql.core.ConnectionFactory.openConnection( ~[postgresql-42.5.4.jar:42.5.4]
	at org.postgresql.jdbc.PgConnection.<init>( ~[postgresql-42.5.4.jar:42.5.4]
	at org.postgresql.Driver.makeConnection( ~[postgresql-42.5.4.jar:42.5.4]
	at org.postgresql.Driver.connect( ~[postgresql-42.5.4.jar:42.5.4]
	at com.zaxxer.hikari.util.DriverDataSource.getConnection( ~[HikariCP-5.0.1.jar:?]
	at com.zaxxer.hikari.pool.PoolBase.newConnection( ~[HikariCP-5.0.1.jar:?]
	at com.zaxxer.hikari.pool.PoolBase.newPoolEntry( ~[HikariCP-5.0.1.jar:?]
	at com.zaxxer.hikari.pool.HikariPool.createPoolEntry( ~[HikariCP-5.0.1.jar:?]
	at com.zaxxer.hikari.pool.HikariPool$ ~[HikariCP-5.0.1.jar:?]
	at com.zaxxer.hikari.pool.HikariPool$ ~[HikariCP-5.0.1.jar:?]
	at java.base/ ~[?:?]
	at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker( ~[?:?]
	at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ ~[?:?]
	at java.base/ ~[?:?]
Caused by: Connection refused
	at java.base/ Method) ~[?:?]
	at java.base/ ~[?:?]
	at java.base/ ~[?:?]
	at java.base/ ~[?:?]
	at java.base/ ~[?:?]
	at java.base/ ~[?:?]
	at org.postgresql.core.PGStream.createSocket( ~[postgresql-42.5.4.jar:42.5.4]
	at org.postgresql.core.PGStream.<init>( ~[postgresql-42.5.4.jar:42.5.4]
	at org.postgresql.core.v3.ConnectionFactoryImpl.tryConnect( ~[postgresql-42.5.4.jar:42.5.4]
	at org.postgresql.core.v3.ConnectionFactoryImpl.openConnectionImpl( ~[postgresql-42.5.4.jar:42.5.4]
	at org.postgresql.core.ConnectionFactory.openConnection( ~[postgresql-42.5.4.jar:42.5.4]
	at org.postgresql.jdbc.PgConnection.<init>( ~[postgresql-42.5.4.jar:42.5.4]
	at org.postgresql.Driver.makeConnection( ~[postgresql-42.5.4.jar:42.5.4]
	at org.postgresql.Driver.connect( ~[postgresql-42.5.4.jar:42.5.4]
	at com.zaxxer.hikari.util.DriverDataSource.getConnection( ~[HikariCP-5.0.1.jar:?]
	at com.zaxxer.hikari.pool.PoolBase.newConnection( ~[HikariCP-5.0.1.jar:?]
	at com.zaxxer.hikari.pool.PoolBase.newPoolEntry( ~[HikariCP-5.0.1.jar:?]
	at com.zaxxer.hikari.pool.HikariPool.createPoolEntry( ~[HikariCP-5.0.1.jar:?]
	at com.zaxxer.hikari.pool.HikariPool$ ~[HikariCP-5.0.1.jar:?]
	at com.zaxxer.hikari.pool.HikariPool$ ~[HikariCP-5.0.1.jar:?]
	at java.base/ ~[?:?]
	at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker( ~[?:?]
	at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ ~[?:?]
	at java.base/ ~[?:?]
2024-03-05 21:16:38 INFO i.a.d.c.DatabaseAvailabilityCheck(check):49 - Database is not ready yet. Please wait a moment, it might still be initializing...
2024-03-05 21:16:44 WARN i.a.d.c.DatabaseAvailabilityCheck(check):38 - Waiting for database to become available...
2024-03-05 21:16:44 ERROR i.a.b.Application(main):25 - Unable to bootstrap Airbyte environment.
io.airbyte.db.init.DatabaseInitializationException: Database availability check failed.
	at io.airbyte.db.init.DatabaseInitializer.initialize( ~[io.airbyte.airbyte-db-db-lib-0.50.56.jar:?]
	at io.airbyte.bootloader.Bootloader.initializeDatabases( ~[io.airbyte-airbyte-bootloader-0.50.56.jar:?]
	at io.airbyte.bootloader.Bootloader.load( ~[io.airbyte-airbyte-bootloader-0.50.56.jar:?]
	at io.airbyte.bootloader.Application.main( [io.airbyte-airbyte-bootloader-0.50.56.jar:?]
Caused by: io.airbyte.db.check.DatabaseCheckException: Unable to connect to the database.
	at io.airbyte.db.check.DatabaseAvailabilityCheck.check( ~[io.airbyte.airbyte-db-db-lib-0.50.56.jar:?]
	at io.airbyte.db.init.DatabaseInitializer.initialize( ~[io.airbyte.airbyte-db-db-lib-0.50.56.jar:?]```
What could be causing my DB pods to not come up? I am using the most basic of setups, spun up an EKS cluster as mentioned in the document using ekctl etc.
I also see a warning on EKS console for the airbyte-db-0 pod
```running PreBind plugin "VolumeBinding": binding volumes: context deadline exceeded```



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["airbyte-db-pod", "eks-cluster", "connectivity-issue", "context-deadline-exceeded"]

Could you solve it?

I was not able to solve unfortunately… :disappointed: .

Check this:
Anyway, I could resolve the problem using this thread (it written for mongo but also worked for airbyte):

Hi Tal… thank you… I was able to get over the problem… I am not sure what the issue was though…

<@U06N2H5UD8B> Have you followed the Stack Overflow link I sent you or handled it other way?

i handled it another way… i initially used eksctl to spin up my eks cluster. I am not sure of the defaults with eksctl, I did not pursue the issue too much as i pivoted to using an EC2 instance instead. couple of days ago, i tried again, this time with terraform and a slightly different configuration and everything worked.