Worker Not Getting Started

  • Is this your first time deploying Airbyte?: No
  • OS Version / Instance: Amazon Linux
  • Memory / Disk: 4Gb
  • Deployment: K8
  • Airbyte Version: 0.40.11
  • Source name/version: All
  • Destination name/version: Redshift with S3 Staging
  • Step: Worker Start up
  • Description:
    This is the main message we have at the top of each sync log:
    message=‘io.temporal.serviceclient.CheckedExceptionWrapper: java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.lang.RuntimeException: io.airbyte.workers.exception.WorkerException: Running the launcher replication-orchestrator failed’, type=‘java.lang.RuntimeException’, nonRetryable=false

The error above comes regardless of connector. Here’s a few cherry picked errors from the attached log as well

  • errors: $.access_key_id: object found, string expected, $.secret_access_key: object found, string expected
  • The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your key and signing method. (Service: S3, Status Code: 403, Request ID: 17233C9B8CA0B1E7)

We are using the same S3 creds within the k8 deployment as we are within the connector. The credentials DO have blanket access to the bucket. We are able to generate objects in target bucket, and we do see all the logs getting generated into that bucket. Both source and destinations pass checks.

Airbyte Logs.txt (104.6 KB)

Hello there! You are receiving this message because none of your fellow community members has stepped in to respond to your topic post. (If you are a community member and you are reading this response, feel free to jump in if you have the answer!) As a result, the Community Assistance Team has been made aware of this topic and will be investigating and responding as quickly as possible.
Some important considerations that will help your to get your issue solved faster:

  • It is best to use our topic creation template; if you haven’t yet, we recommend posting a followup with the requested information. With that information the team will be able to more quickly search for similar issues with connectors and the platform and troubleshoot more quickly your specific question or problem.
  • Make sure to upload the complete log file; a common investigation roadblock is that sometimes the error for the issue happens well before the problem is surfaced to the user, and so having the tail of the log is less useful than having the whole log to scan through.
  • Be as descriptive and specific as possible; when investigating it is extremely valuable to know what steps were taken to encounter the issue, what version of connector / platform / Java / Python / docker / k8s was used, etc. The more context supplied, the quicker the investigation can start on your topic and the faster we can drive towards an answer.
  • We in the Community Assistance Team are glad you’ve made yourself part of our community, and we’ll do our best to answer your questions and resolve the problems as quickly as possible. Expect to hear from a specific team member as soon as possible.

Thank you for your time and attention.
The Community Assistance Team

Thanks @Dan_Siegel, for the post and welcome to the community.

Just as a first attempt at solving your issue, can you try upgrading your airbyte version to the latest? I’m guessing since this is affecting every connector, it’s an issue that we’ve either fixed since 0.40.11 or it’s an issue with deployment.

Let me know if it works.

No I bumped to .18. The worker is now unable to start. I am getting

2022-11-03 20:25:26 ERROR i.m.r.Micronaut(handleStartupException):338 - Error starting Micronaut server: Error instantiating bean of type [io.airbyte.workers.temporal.sync.ReplicationActivityImpl]

Path Taken: new ApplicationInitializer() → ApplicationInitializer.syncActivities → List.syncActivities([ReplicationActivity replicationActivity],NormalizationActivity normalizationActivity,DbtTransformationActivity dbtTransformationActivity,PersistStateActivity persistStateActivity,NormalizationSummaryCheckActivity normalizationSummaryCheckActivity,WebhookOperationActivity webhookOperationActivity) → new ReplicationActivityImpl([Optional containerOrchestratorConfig],ProcessFactory processFactory,SecretsHydrator secretsHydrator,Path workspaceRoot,WorkerEnvironment workerEnvironment,LogConfigs logConfigs,String airbyteVersion,FeatureFlags featureFlags,Integer serverPort,AirbyteConfigValidator airbyteConfigValidator,TemporalUtils temporalUtils,AirbyteApiClient airbyteApiClient,AirbyteMessageSerDeProvider serDeProvider,AirbyteMessageVersionedMigratorFactory migratorFactory)
io.micronaut.context.exceptions.BeanInstantiationException: Error instantiating bean of type [io.airbyte.workers.temporal.sync.ReplicationActivityImpl]

@sajarin I’m still getting json config errors. Any idea where this is coming from?
2022-11-14 12:55:46 INFO i.a.v.j.JsonSchemaValidator(test):71 - JSON schema validation failed.

errors: $.method: must be a constant value Standard

2022-11-14 12:56:01 ERROR i.a.c.ContainerOrchestratorApp(main):204 - Orchestrator failed…

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: null

20220311182050_airbyte-worker-7c95999d7f-dggvh_d96a4b609ee94066b717d93013a624a7.txt (20.7 KB)

Are you still having issues here Dan?

I was unable to solve the issue. It has something to do with using S3 instead of Minio for storage state. I moved off S3 storage state logging, and I was able to get the workers to start. I found several instances in the code where the wrong/multiple variable names were used for the S3 storage state, and it did get me a bit further setting both those

I was unable to solve the issue. It has something to do with using S3 instead of Minio for storage state. I moved off S3 storage state logging, and I was able to get the workers to start. I found several instances in the code where the wrong/multiple variable names were used for the S3 storage state, and it did get me a bit further setting both those

[Discourse post]


I also encountered the same problem, is there any way to solve or avoid it?

I solved it by using the minio setup instead of the s3. I listed out a few variables that are inconsistent and it’s probably due to not having both set, and some other things.