Export configuration not working for 0.39.32-alpha

Is this your first time deploying Airbyte: No
OS Version / Instance: Debian 10 (buster) on AWS EC2, 8 cores, 16GB RAM
Deployment: Docker
Airbyte Version: 0.39.32-alpha

Since upgrading Airbyte to version, 0.39.32-alpha, I can not export my configurations anymore. I would get these logs from the airbyte-server :

        "java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: malformed JsonSchema array type, must have items field in {\"type\":\"array\"}",
        "\tat io.airbyte.server.ConfigDumpExporter.dump(ConfigDumpExporter.java:81)",
        "\tat io.airbyte.server.handlers.ArchiveHandler.exportData(ArchiveHandler.java:76)",
        "\tat io.airbyte.server.apis.ConfigurationApi.execute(ConfigurationApi.java:866)",
        "\tat io.airbyte.server.apis.ConfigurationApi.exportArchive(ConfigurationApi.java:837)",

Here are the full logs :
airbyte_export_config_logs.txt (15.0 KB)

Hey @NahidOulmi would it be possible to post the full logs? I’ll ask the team about this.

Edit: Also what source and destination are you using with Airbyte?

Hi @sajarin,

here are the logs :

airbyte_export_config_logs.txt (15.0 KB)

Also updated my original post with the logs.

I am using MongoDB, MySQL, Facebook Marketing, Postgres as sources and Cloud Storage & BigQuery as destinations.

Hey @NahidOulmi, thanks for being patient. I’d like to go over a few more troubleshooting steps just to make sure we cross everything that’s a trivial fix off the table.

  1. You mentioned that you recently upgraded the Airbyte version, what version of AIrbyte did you upgrade from?
  2. What version are you on for all of the sources and destinations you’re using? Try upgrading them to the latest versions if the connectors are older versions. We’ve had a user report this working for a different connector: https://discuss.airbyte.io/t/upgrade-issue-illegalargumentexception-malformed-jsonschema-object-type/1576

Let me know If these steps don’t work, I’ll try to reproduce the issue on my local instance so I can investigate further.