Helm Chart Migration Issue with GCS Bucket Configuration


User is encountering an InvalidSpecError while migrating to the latest Helm chart for Airbyte, specifically related to GCS bucket configuration. The error indicates a nil pointer evaluation in the deployment template, suggesting a potential misconfiguration in the values.yaml file.


Hello im trying to migrate to the latest helm chart but facing issue while configuring GCS bucket im getting below error

Unable to create application: application spec for airbyte is invalid: InvalidSpecError: Unable to generate manifests in airbyte: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = helm template . --name-template airbyte --namespace airbyte --kube-version 1.28 --values &lt;path to cached source&gt;/airbyte/values.yaml &lt;api versions removed&gt; --include-crds failed exit status 1: Error: template: airbyte/charts/worker/templates/deployment.yaml:74:44: executing “airbyte/charts/worker/templates/deployment.yaml” at <.Values.global.storage.type>: nil pointer evaluating interface {}.type Use --debug flag to render out invalid YAML


# – Service Account name override
serviceAccountName: &service-account-name “airbyte-admin”
# – Deployment mode, whether or not render the default env vars and volumes in deployment spec
deploymentMode: “oss”
# – Edition; “community” or “pro”
edition: “community”

airbyteYml: “http://airbyte.test.com|airbyte.test.com

# – Secret name where an Airbyte license key is stored
secretName: “airbyte-config-secrets”
# – The key within licenseKeySecretName where the Airbyte license key is stored
licenseKeySecretKey: “license-key”

# – The URL where Airbyte will be reached; This should match your Ingress host
airbyteUrl: “”

# – Auth configuration
# – Admin user configuration
# – Secret name where the instanceAdmin configuration is stored
secretName: “airbyte-config-secrets”
# – The first name of the initial user
firstName: “”
# – The last name of the initial user
lastName: “”
# – The key within emailSecretName where the initial user’s email is stored
emailSecretKey: “instance-admin-email”
# – The key within passwordSecretName where the initial user’s password is stored
passwordSecretKey: “instance-admin-password”

_# -- SSO Identify Provider configuration; (requires Enterprise)_
_#  # -- Secret name where the OIDC configuration is stored_
_#  secretName: "airbyte-config-secrets"_
_#  # -- The identity provider type (e.g. oidc)_
_#  type: ""_
_#  # -- OIDC configuration (required if `auth.identityProvider.type` is "oidc")_
_#  oidc:_
_#    # -- OIDC application domain_
_#    domain: ""_
_#    # -- OIDC application name_
_#    appName: ""_
_#    # -- The key within `clientIdSecretName` where the OIDC client id is stored_
_#    clientIdSecretKey: "client-id"_
_#    # -- The key within `clientSecretSecretName` where the OIDC client secret is stored_
_#    clientSecretSecretKey: "client-secret"_

# – Environment variables
env_vars: {}

# – Database configuration
type: “external” # “external”

_# -- Secret name where database credentials are stored_
secretName: "my-dbsecret" _# e.g. "airbyte-config-secrets"_

_# -- The database host_
host: ""

_# -- The database port_
port: "5432"

_# -- The database name_
database: "airbyte-db"

_# -- The database user_
user: "airbyte"
_# -- The key within `secretName` where the user is stored_
_#userSecretKey: "" # e.g. "database-user"_

_# -- The database password_
_#password: ""_
_# -- The key within `secretName` where the password is stored_
passwordSecretKey: "password" _# e.g."database-password"_

type: GCS # default storage used
# TODO: Add full configuration here

type: “GCS”
bucket: “gcs-airbyte”
credentials: “/secrets/gcs-log-creds/gcp.json”
credentialsJson: “”

can someone please help me here ?

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['helm-chart', 'gcs-bucket', 'invalid-spec-error', 'deployment-template', 'values.yaml']