The error message indicates an Internal Server Error related to a null value in a column ‘default_version_id’ of the ‘actor’ relation, violating a not-null constraint. This occurred after upgrading Airbyte from version 0.50.7 to 0.50.33 and testing connectors.
"event": "response content is:
b'{\"message\":\"Internal Server Error: SQL [insert into \\\\\"public\\\\\".\\\\\"actor\\\\\"
(\\\\\"id\\\\\", \\\\\"workspace_id\\\\\", \\\\\"actor_definition_id\\\\\",
\\\\\"name\\\\\", \\\\\"configuration\\\\\", \\\\\"actor_type\\\\\", \\\\\"tombstone\\\\\", \\\\\"created_at\\\\\", \\\\\"updated_at\\\\\") values
(cast(? as uuid), cast(? as uuid), cast(? as uuid), ?, cast(? as jsonb), cast(?
as \\\\\"public\\\\\".\\\\\"actor_type\\\\\"),
?, cast(? as timestamp(6) with time zone), cast(? as timestamp(6) with time
zone))]; ERROR: null value in column \\\\\"default_version_id\\\\\"
of relation \\\\\"actor\\\\\" violates
not-null constraint\\\\n Detail: Failing row contain
Above errors are showing when we upgraded Airbyte from 0.50.7 to 0.50.33 and testing connectors
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