Dear all. This is my first message so I hope I’m posting at the right place.
At my company, we use AWS RDS with MySQL 5.7 for our transactional data. Our warehouse is Big Query.
We have a production MySQL instance as well as a replica. I want to ingest our database data (CDC) into Big Query using the airbyte cloud service (we already bought credits). Following the article here I asked our technical team to
- enable binary logging in our replica, and
- create an airbyte user with access to the replica, and permissions including RELOAD, REPLICATION SLAVE, and REPLICATION CLIENT
My technical team challenged me about this, asking:
- What do these privilleges exactly do and why they are needed in my case
- Will it affect anything on the production database (such as performance, or anything else for that matter)
- Some kind of guarantee that it is safe to use a 3d party service, such as airbyte, with our private data (we are also based in EU, and want to comply with GDPR).
Now, forgive my lack of knowledge, my background on databases is fairly basic. I understand that REPLICATION SLAVE/CLIENT are used to access the binary logs. I’m trying to understand what RELOAD does, but I’m not 100% sure. I see some mention of accessing the master database for the logs, so I’m a bit worried. In any case, I don’t feel confident enough to answer the 2nd question specifically, i.e. whether this will affect our production database somehow. Could somebody please explain to me if this is the case? And any other comments about those questions, are more than welcome.
Thank you very much in advance.