Question about spec, discover and declare schema

Hi, I currently develop a custom tool for Google Admobs, and I’m a bit confusing about schema part.
There a quite long list questions but hope someone can help me out!

1. Question 1:
When declare schema of each stream. Does it need to be exactly the API reponse.
For example:

Here is Google Admobs API Response

  "header": {
    "dateRange": {
      "startDate": {"year": 2018, "month": 9, "day": 1},
      "endDate": {"year": 2018, "month": 9, "day": 1}
    "localizationSettings": {
      "currencyCode": "USD",
      "languageCode": "en-US"
  "row": {
    "dimensionValues": {
      "DATE": {"value": "20180918"},
      "APP": {
        "value": "ca-app-pub-8123415297019784~1001342552",
         displayLabel: "My app name!"
    "metricValues": {
      "ESTIMATED_EARNINGS": {"microsValue": 6500000}
  "footer": {"matchingRowCount": 1}

Does my schema need to be like

 networkschema =  {
  "$schema": "",
  "type": "object",
  "required": [],
  "properties": {
    "header": {
      "type": "object",
        "dateRange": {
          "type": "object",
              "type": "object",
                "year": {"type": ["null", "number"]},
                "month": {"type": ["null", "number"]},
                "day": {"type": ["null", "number"]}
(and so on)

Or it just needs to be the output of fields in the format that I want?

"properties": {
    "DATE": {"type": ["null", "string"]},
    "APP": {"type": ["null", "string"]},
    "APP_NAME":{"type": ["null", "string"]},
    "ESTIMATED_EARNINGS":{"type": ["null", "number"]}

2. Question 2
If the stream’s schema, which is the result of get_json_schema fuction, is different from source in term of number of fields, can airbyte still discover the stream
Because currently airbyte seems not to detect my stream, I will explain in question 3.

3. Question 3
I try to develop a custom report, in which users can input their wanted dimensions and metrics.
But airbyte cannot detect the stream of those custom report.

Therefore, I wonder:

  • If users don’t input anything in custom report dimension and metrics, do the config get like this
  "client_id": "abc",
  "refresh_token": "abc",
  "start_date": "2022-10-25",
  "custom_report_dimensions": [],
  "custom_report_metrics": []

or like this

  "client_id": "abc",
  "refresh_token": "abc",
  "start_date": "2022-10-25"

This question is for the code that I’m aiming

if "custom_report_metrics" in config:
            custom_streams = self.generate_custom_streams(authenticator=auth, config=config)


if config.get("custom_report_metrics"):
            custom_streams = self.generate_custom_streams(authenticator=auth, config=config)

and finally, I choose those custom report dimensions and metrics is array type with enum.

          title: Custom Reports Metrics
          description: Pick iteams in list
          type: array
          order: 2
          minItems: 0
          uniqueItems: true
            type: string
              - AD_REQUESTS
              - MATCHED_REQUESTS
              - SHOW_RATE
              - MATCH_RATE
              - CLICKS
              - ESTIMATED_EARNINGS
              - IMPRESSIONS
              - IMPRESSION_CTR
              - IMPRESSION_RPM

With this spec config, do they return a list like

  "custom_report_dimensions": ["DATE"],
  "custom_report_metrics": ["CLICKS"]

or different format?

4. Question 4
What is the purpose of Advanced_auth or authSpecification?.
They help us to verify the format of authentication input by users?

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