Source Hubspot Failed to fetch Campaigns Stream with OAuth Content Scope Authentication

Hi Can someone please help me with fetching Campaigns Schema from Hubspot
My OAuth Token has access to the content scope.
using this scope I can see a stream of companies ,subscription changes etc and all of which belong to this scope but not Campaigns . There are no logs on Airbyte Worker Pod

  • Is this your first time deploying Airbyte?: Yes
  • Deployment: Are you using Docker or Kubernetes deployment? Yes Kubernetes via helm chart version 0.3.5
  • Airbyte Version:0.39.23-alpha
  • Source name/version: HubSpot/
  • Destination name/version: Redshift
  • Step: The issue is happening during fetching stream from Source Hubspot

Hey could try hitting Hubspot API with your token and see if you are able to fetch campaigns?

Hi, Yes I am able to fetch Campaign data via direct HubSpot API using my OAuth Credentials.

Can you please help in this topic.

Many Thanks

Could you share the logs for the sync by choosing only campaigns in the streams

Hi Harish,
Thank you so much for your message. I don’t know how but it is starts magically appearing in Airbyte Streams. Might be it was some API token related issue