Struggling to create Google Ads Oauth Source using Airbyte tokens


Unable to create a Google Ads Oauth Source in Airbyte using tokens, encountering errors with Terraform and API calls due to missing credentials like client_id, client_secret, developer_token, and refresh_token.


I am using Airbyte Cloud.I am struggling to create a Google Ads Oauth Source using Airbyte tokens.
I was able to implement the Oauth flow, and get back the secretID.

(I was able to create a Google Analytcis Data API Source, that do not require the authentication tokens.
But I wasn´t able to create a Google Ads Source using the API or Terraform.)

When I try to create the source using Terraform, I got an error.
If I use:

resource "airbyte_source_google_ads" "airbyte_gads_source" {
workspace_id = "xxxx"
name = "Airbyte - test Google ADs"
secret_id = "[The secretId returned in Airbyte Oauth authorization flow]"
configuration = {
customer_id = "xxx"

I got the message:
│ Inappropriate value for attribute "configuration": attribute "credentials" is required.

But if I put the “Configuration”, Terraform provider demands information that I don´t have (because I am using Airbyte credentials)

Inappropriate value for attribute "configuration": attribute "credentials": attributes "client_id", "client_secret", "developer_token",│ and "refresh_token" are required.

Same thing occurs using the Airbyte API

import requests
url = "<>"

payload = {
"configuration": {
"sourceType": "google-ads",
"customer_id": "1857619296"
"name": "test",
"workspaceId": "xxx",
"secretId": "xxx"
headers = {
"accept": "application/json",
"content-type": "application/json",
"authorization": "xxx"

response = <|>(url, json=payload, headers=headers)

How should I do it?

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["google-ads", "oauth-source", "airbyte-tokens", "terraform", "api", "credentials"]