Unable to Creating the Source for building a custom connector using Python CDK

Hi, I try to build a custom connector using Python CDK
However, I’m stuck at the very first step at running generate.sh file.
The error is:

Use ‘docker scan’ to run Snyk tests against images to find vulnerabilities and learn how to fix them
Running generator…
the input device is not a TTY. If you are using mintty, try prefixing the command with ‘winpty’
While trying to generate a connector, an error occurred on line 38 of generate.sh and the process aborted early. This is probably a bug.

I did try to add the winpty in the code of generate.sh file, but the error still occurs:

Use ‘docker scan’ to run Snyk tests against images to find vulnerabilities and learn how to fix them
Running generator…
While trying to generate a connector, an error occurred on line 38 of generate.sh and the process aborted early. This is probably a bug.

I’m using:

  • Win 10
  • Airbyte open source version: 0.40.7
  • Docker version: v4.12.0

I did try restart dockers, windowns, etc…
Hope someone can help!!!

Hello there! You are receiving this message because none of your fellow community members has stepped in to respond to your topic post. (If you are a community member and you are reading this response, feel free to jump in if you have the answer!) As a result, the Community Assistance Team has been made aware of this topic and will be investigating and responding as quickly as possible.
Some important considerations that will help your to get your issue solved faster:

  • It is best to use our topic creation template; if you haven’t yet, we recommend posting a followup with the requested information. With that information the team will be able to more quickly search for similar issues with connectors and the platform and troubleshoot more quickly your specific question or problem.
  • Make sure to upload the complete log file; a common investigation roadblock is that sometimes the error for the issue happens well before the problem is surfaced to the user, and so having the tail of the log is less useful than having the whole log to scan through.
  • Be as descriptive and specific as possible; when investigating it is extremely valuable to know what steps were taken to encounter the issue, what version of connector / platform / Java / Python / docker / k8s was used, etc. The more context supplied, the quicker the investigation can start on your topic and the faster we can drive towards an answer.
  • We in the Community Assistance Team are glad you’ve made yourself part of our community, and we’ll do our best to answer your questions and resolve the problems as quickly as possible. Expect to hear from a specific team member as soon as possible.

Thank you for your time and attention.
The Community Assistance Team

+1 having the same issue… still working through it but cannot figure out what is going wrong with the generator

Ubuntu 22
Docker 20.10.16
Airbyte 0.40.09

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Lol. The solution was to run with privelages, so Sudo generate.sh worked fine


I tried run with privilege (run as administrator), but still face this problem. :frowning:
I use git bash to run code because when I run with power-shell, it opens up visual studio code for editing the code base…
I install all requirements following this doc:

  • Docker
  • Python
  • Nodejs (and all nodejs’s dependencies)

Don’t know how to solve the problem…
But thanks for your reply @jeremydiba

Hi, I found solution by asking one friend.
Hope if someone encounter smt like this, will find my solution helpful.
Because the docker running on Windows, so maybe there is an actual bug occurred.
So, we need to use NPM instead.

  • First download Java

  • Then download Nodejs

  • Run Git Bash with privilege (run as administrator)

  • Cd to the folder contains generate.sh (connector-templates by default)

  • Install NPM by entering in Git Bash: npm install – this will create a node_modules folder

  • Running generate.sh file by entering in Git Bash: npm run generate

It will work!

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Hello, thanks so much for posting your solution! I’ll see what we can do about adding it to our docs.