Zendesk Chat and Zendesk Support freezes after some hours

Had the exactly same problem with our Zendesk Support connector, stuck at 103.000 records (36mb) in every sync if we use the BigQuery destionation.

With Bigquery Denorm destionation we always get this error instead:

errors: $.credential: is not defined in the schema and the schema does not allow additional properties, $.part_size_mb: is not defined in the schema and the schema does not allow additional properties, $.gcs_bucket_name: is not defined in the schema and the schema does not allow additional properties, $.gcs_bucket_path: is not defined in the schema and the schema does not allow additional properties, $.keep_files_in_gcs-bucket: is not defined in the schema and the schema does not allow additional properties, $.method: must be a constant value Standard

Eduardo those errors are related with the configuration (more a warning though than an error). Is it possible to share the complete log to investigate it?

I opened the issue to connector team investigate further: https://github.com/airbytehq/airbyte/issues/12591

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So I have the impression that the sync for ticket_metrics works on Redshift 0.3.33 (very slowly but it at least ends) though the full load fetches ~ 100K rows, while it completely freezes with 0.3.34 - I was running it for more than 18 hrs without a success - still running so no log yet.

There is an ongoing PR trying to solve the problem here: https://github.com/airbytehq/airbyte/pull/12883 you can try to edit the connector and test the code change with dev version

thanks @marcosmarxm. I can see the PR is about Zendesk Chat though - will Zendesk Support, especially ticket_metrics be included as well?

Yes, after merging and validating for Zendesk Chat I’ll send the PR for Support.

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hey @marcosmarxm. I see that the PRs are closed/merged. I ran the sync and encountered a problem with Response Code: 429, Response Text: Number of allowed API requests per minute exceeded. Full log attached.
logs-534.txt (33.7 KB)

Hi @jablonskijakub this problem looks like Zendesk part, they usually request you to upgrade your business plan.
This merged PR was from my team member roberto about the freeze problem on Zendesk Chat
[Source Zendesk Chat: passing timeout in request to prevent a stuck connection by RobertoBonnet · Pull Request #12883 · airbytehq/airbyte · GitHub]

This is a new one making the connector to publish the data from time to time.
[Source Zendesk Chat: Process large amount of data in batches for incremental by RobertoBonnet · Pull Request #13387 · airbytehq/airbyte · GitHub]

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Thanks for all help Bruno! Hope to get this merge soon

hi @bruno-nirello, thanks for your tip. Probably you are right. It’s interesting though because I had no problem to fetch other streams and never hit the limit, it happened only with ticket_metrics.
Also setting start_date to yesterday did not help and still it tried to sync > 80K rows and I’m not sure I have this amount of data for one day for this particular stream.

I’ve found these similar issues I guess. they are closed now but mention my problem.

I just ran the other streams and was bumping to the same error, nevertheless it finished in the 3rd attempt
Response Text: Number of allowed API requests per minute exceeded

hey. is there a chance that someone could have a look into this request? I’m not sure why it does not work even to integrate one day, still throwing an error.

I increased a limit of the API calls per limit but tbh I cannot have it for a longer time as the price they asked for is really high just for increasing the API calls limit.

Also, it did not really solve the problem since now I’m getting another error Response Text: Pagination limit reached for offset mod and Rate limited by Zendesk edge protection - the latter one I also got before.

The picture below shows the API activity for my account

Do you have an idea how to tackle it? Thanks
logs-730-2.txt (25.7 KB)
logs-730.txt (25.4 KB)

This problem is fixed in Zendesk Chart version +0.1.8 and Zendesk Support +0.2.12

@jablonskijakub if you still face issues after the versions described here please open an Issue in Github