Spec caching issue

I’m creating a new connector and having what appear to be caching issues of my spec.json when I run the python source_acceptance_test suite. It seems like maybe docker is caching my spec and not updating it when I change it? Does anyone know how to force docker to not do any caching when I build my connector?

I noticed this from test_core which appears to suggest spec is being cached:


def actual_connector_spec_fixture(request: BaseTest, docker_runner):
    if not request.instance.spec_cache:
        output = docker_runner.call_spec()
        spec_messages = filter_output(output, Type.SPEC)
        assert len(spec_messages) == 1, "Spec message should be emitted exactly once"
        spec = spec_messages[0].spec
        request.spec_cache = spec
    return request.spec_cache

Here are the errors I’m getting:

self = <source_acceptance_test.tests.test_core.TestSpec object at 0x4008847490>
actual_connector_spec = ConnectorSpecification(documentationUrl=AnyUrl('https://docs.faros.ai', scheme='https', host='docs.faros.ai', tld='ai'...malization=False, supportsDBT=False, supported_destination_sync_modes=None, authSpecification=None, advanced_auth=None)
connector_config = SecretDict(******)

    def test_config_match_spec(self, actual_connector_spec: ConnectorSpecification, connector_config: SecretDict):
        """Check that config matches the actual schema from the spec call"""
        # Getting rid of technical variables that start with an underscore
        config = {key: value for key, value in connector_config.data.items() if not key.startswith("_")}
            jsonschema.validate(instance=config, schema=actual_connector_spec.connectionSpecification)
        except jsonschema.exceptions.ValidationError as err:
>           pytest.fail(f"Config invalid: {err}")
E           Failed: Config invalid: 'test_url' is a required property
E           Failed validating 'required' in schema:
E               {'$schema': 'http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#',
E                'additionalProperties': False,
E                'properties': {'test_url': {'examples': ['https://my-jenkins-server.example.com'],
E                                            'title': 'Jenkins Server URL Test',
E                                            'type': 'string'},
E                               'token': {'airbyte_secret': True,
E                                         'title': 'Jenkins Token',
E                                         'type': 'string'},
E                               'user': {'title': 'Jenkins User', 'type': 'string'}},
E                'required': ['test_url', 'user', 'token'],
E                'title': 'Jenkins Spec',
E                'type': 'object'}
E           On instance:
E               {'server_url': 'https://eth-rinkeby.alchemyapi.io/v2/',
E                'token': '',
E                'user': 'chris'}

source_acceptance_test/tests/test_core.py:55: Failed

 test_core.py β¨―                                                    5% β–Œ         

―――――――――――――――――――― TestSpec.test_match_expected[inputs0] ―――――――――――――――――――――

self = <source_acceptance_test.tests.test_core.TestSpec object at 0x400a2dedc0>
connector_spec = ConnectorSpecification(documentationUrl=AnyUrl('https://docs.faros.ai', scheme='https', host='docs.faros.ai', tld='ai'...malization=False, supportsDBT=False, supported_destination_sync_modes=None, authSpecification=None, advanced_auth=None)
actual_connector_spec = ConnectorSpecification(documentationUrl=AnyUrl('https://docs.faros.ai', scheme='https', host='docs.faros.ai', tld='ai'...malization=False, supportsDBT=False, supported_destination_sync_modes=None, authSpecification=None, advanced_auth=None)

    def test_match_expected(self, connector_spec: ConnectorSpecification, actual_connector_spec: ConnectorSpecification):
        """Check that spec call returns a spec equals to expected one"""
        if connector_spec:
>           assert actual_connector_spec == connector_spec, "Spec should be equal to the one in spec.yaml or spec.json file"
E           AssertionError: Spec should be equal to the one in spec.yaml or spec.json file
E           assert equals failed
E             ConnectorSpecification(doc  ConnectorSpecification(doc 
E             umentationUrl=AnyUrl('http  umentationUrl=AnyUrl('http 
E             s://docs.faros.ai', scheme  s://docs.faros.ai', scheme 
E             ='https', host='docs.faros  ='https', host='docs.faros 
E             .ai', tld='ai', host_type=  .ai', tld='ai', host_type= 
E             'domain'), changelogUrl=No  'domain'), changelogUrl=No 
E             ne, connectionSpecificatio  ne, connectionSpecificatio ...
E             ...Full output truncated (27 lines hidden), use '-vv' to show

source_acceptance_test/tests/test_core.py:62: AssertionError

In the example above, my actual spec.json uses the key β€œserver_url” and not β€œtest_url”. β€œtest_url” was something I had tried previously, but now appears cached and re-building my connector does not update it.

If anyone else has this problem, the solution is to clean the docker build cache:

docker builder prune --all


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Thanks Andy! Are you using the Faros.ai CDK?

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